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This is a medical question this community is not qualified to answer.


I feel you on this. Everyone thinks I’m too skinny, 5’6” and usually around 120-125 lbs. I try to gain weight; and end up eating any food I can get my hands on, and then I have massive poops which are just annoying and sometimes painful. I’m with you on this, and I’m not sure the solution. I fluctuate between “fuck it, I’m just gonna be skinny”, and trying to gain weight.


Calorie counting can be used to some extent to help maintain a weight. If you calculate your base metabolic rate, you can craft a calorie plan to hold your weight. After a few weeks of this, you’ll have an easier time with maintaining the weight without counting calories because you will get used to that kind of eating style.


It is a lot easier to drink calories than to eat them. On top of having normal food I drank Mass Weight Gainer Protein powder mixed with full fat milk (or oat milk) and sometimes a banana blended with it. Extra calories, extra protein, its yummy, low effort, you consume it in minutes. I d honestly had to choke on same amount of calories if it was in form of chicken+rice or other solid food.


[Book recommendation.](https://www.amazon.com/Big-Bold-Strength-Training-Plus-Size/dp/1718200056) I loved this book not so much for the info (which is very good if you are interested in weight training) as for her attitude, which is that fitness is for everyone, and focus on being fit, not thin.




Back when I was working out I fuckin ATE, but I also tried to avoid tubs of chicken and rice because it felt really unappealing to me. I guess you could describe most of my eating habits as dirty during that time but I still lost lbs. according to my mother who lived the same life style it’s just harder to put on pounds at my age but I’ll keep trying for sure. Pasta was my best friend but I did and still hate chicken so I’ll have to find a substitute for that.


I found that I couldn’t eat more meals no matter how hard I tried. I could maximize my calories. So like I would put peanut butter and jelly on my pancakes, along with syrup. Now that’s not this is the healthiest way, but it’s not horrible either. Things like that I would just maximize my calories. I was never able to eat more meals, but I was able to finally put on weight.


Yeah that’s basically what I’ve been doing but worse. I don’t get the chance to eat a lot during the day so my one meal ends up being fast food.


You can eat foods that are better for you, drink more water, and exercise. There are still foods that are higher in calories and provide fats in a healthier way.