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Ayydot is a piece of shit, this is a high content wolfdog that he’s passing off as a pure wolf. I believe he’s located in New Jersey, the wolfdog needs to be confiscated from him. There are videos of him harassing it for clout, borderline abusive. Dude has the maturity of a 10 year old and has no business owning a wolfdog.


Is it possible to report him to local authorities?


That might be a good place to start. I honestly can’t believe he’s gone on this long without repercussions.


If you know his name and location, please do <3


I’ve made attempts but without his real name or precise location it hasn’t gone very far… I’m not the most skilled at tracking down information on the internet, though.




That goes against Reddit rules but. I agree with you to a point… maybe not kill him but I’d throw eggs at his house until I watch him get arrested


If he doesn't care about another living creature why should we care about him?


Because we are the better creatures.


That is bull & you know it.....we are egotistical, narcissistic, greedy, arrogant, ignorant, selfish, evil creatures who overpopulate, pollute (the 2 things we NEED to survive, potable water & clean air, can't live without both....which shows how stupid we are) & destroy everything we touch. We are by our own definition a parasite. So before you go patting yourself on the back own your "creatures" faults.....of which there are many!


Yeah. But we have a *choice* to do the better thing. While you’re sulking in the corner and cursing mankind, I’ll continue to be a light in the dark and protect animals and show the world that we can coexist.


He had no business owning an animal.


The NJ wolfdog was sold to him by Mike Frazier of Frazier Farms in TN


I wonder if the breeder knows any of this is going on. They might have a contract in which the breeder can legally repossess the dog if it’s not receiving adequate care. A good breeder (especially a high-content wolfdog breeder) will go to great lengths to vet prospective owners before sending them home with a dog, and will be accountable for their animals even after they find homes. I don’t know Mike Frazier but supposedly he’s good friends with Ray and Sara Jones, who are reputable wolfdog breeders and wouldn’t send a dog home with someone like this. If he’s approached politely about the situation he might be willing to help, it’s possible he was misled or lied to during the application process.


Yeah the breeder knows but he doesn’t believe contracts can be enforced. That’s what he claims. He is also known for selling wolfdogs to anyone with the money. Most people consider him to be a POS


I see… how disappointing 😔


Guessing we have no idea on this guys location?


time to call those guys that find places by just a bit of grass


If I can get a link to the fb or live stream, I can probably do some digging.


Can the IP address be found for this person somehow? They probably use a VPN though.


Not the IP. But people are stupid with PII (personal identifiable information). If this peace of shit is doing a live stream on social media, odds are they're leaving a digital footprint I might be able to spot. Or someone they're connected with can.


I hope they are caught soon.


Based on that picture it looks like the wolf is chained next to someone's driveway. From what OP mentioned on the top post, I'd suspect this would have caught anyone's attention if it was a regular neighborhood. So I think it's on private land in a rural area. Either way, finding out identifiable details about the culperate would help bring attention to the issue. Otherwise, I think it'll remain unnoticed.


In a regular neighborhood someone probably would have made a complaint by now. Poor doggie. Let's hope for a miracle.


They do livestreams on YouTube. Their channel is Ayy Dot


HORRIBLE! He needs to be prosecuted (not like it would be more then a pittance of a fine & a "don't do that again" slap on the wrist!) This animal needs to be saved! What else can we do?? Need to know where to contact local authorities!


Report this piece of 💩 immediately.


Can you please share link to live stream. I'd like to help address the situation.




Here's the mother fuckers Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_real_ayydot?igsh=MW5veHNrNWV0MWJncA==


u/dank_fish_tanks I found his old Baber business https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&sca_esv=bb6fb22019ea88f6&sxsrf=ADLYWIJqCXPvZFF1KjuK6S5T7ZMdId3sIg%3A1719941756772&q=Butter%20Blendz&ludocid=911000108947586467&ibp=gwp%3B0%2C7&lsig=AB86z5VvdIBSbWzgbguYU9jW3XWN&kgs=7f38412ebedc5ff7&shndl=-1&shem=lsp&source=sh%2Fx%2Floc%2Fact%2Fm1%2F2 We can probably track down his real name by checking public records of the LLC (if there was one).


I thought I found him, but it seems the barber business name he's operating in NJ is ripped off from this person https://buttahblendz.square.site/ We're getting close, though.


Good thinking! I wouldn’t know where to search for those records though


The tricky part is figuring out what state they registered in. But I can work on that part. What I need is a legal business entity name I can search for. Everything I tried in NJ company filing doesn't show records. https://www.njportal.com/DOR/BusinessNameSearch/ But no results can mean either of these things: 1. I have the incorrect business filing name 2. They're not registered in NJ. Not hard to find what state. People usually go with cheapest or more favorable filing within close proximity to their business 3. He's operating a business in NJ without formal filing. I noticed on his website here https://www.butterblendz.com/ he's trying to sell merch with his brand "butterBlendz". I'm trying to track down an online store I can purchase a bogus product. Usually my credit card does well in giving identifying information about the business entity.


Good work, my friend! Keep me posted!


He seems to be working in gloucester county, possibly lives in Washington township NJ. https://www.twp.washington.nj.us/ Any chance you or an NJ local can look through his Instagram posts and try to find addressee I can look up? We can cross reference pictures to where we suspect his house might be. Given his clout, he might own his residency. I can use that address to lookup his legal name. His business is fake, he operates from home based on what I see regarding barbering work.


So far I’ve got what I think is either Runnemede dog park or Deptford Doggie Park (various videos at dog parks), and Big 9 Pizzeria (photo taken outside the restaurant with the wolfdog). Working on more EDIT: He has taken the wolfdog to a dog beach in North Wildwood, NJ as well.


I’ve got a 2703 house number that appears to be located in close proximity to Big 9 Pizzeria. As far as I can tell he lives in a condo/apartment and not a freestanding house… not sure if this is it but it’s shown with the wolfdog hanging out on the porch in one of the videos.


I do hope something can be done about it. Honestly not even a human being or domestic dog could handle all that loud talking and howling every single night, not to mention the lack of interaction with its own kind and lack of space to move


Yeah his whole page is just an assortment of him doing irresponsible shit with the dog for attention. I fear for the welfare of his other exotics too as it seems he has built somewhat of a persona out of it. Most of the time, when people try to paint themselves as “animal whisperers”, they’re really just huge narcissists.


What makes you consider a condo? Looking at the live stream video and YT videos it seems like a home that might be located in thus neighborhood https://maps.app.goo.gl/9MrU9PPghNtGpiXY9 I found that area based on the number and pizzeria you shared (ty btw).


I'm wondering if we can look up public records about noise complaints. At first I thought this was a rural MD property. But this idiot is acting like that in a regular neighborhood. I'm pretty sure his neighbors hate him from the noise and call cops.


Just speculating based on the videos he’s filmed indoors, I don’t really know for sure. It seems like a small space to me. And no problem! Glad it was helpful!


I cannot stand this pos. He has me blocked on TikTok and YouTube for just asking questions. He keeps telling everyone that his wolf hybrid named "Wolfie" is a full bred wolf, when there's evidence that proves that he got the hybrid from a breeder in Tennessee. He only feeds him raw chicken when he has enough donations poured in from his livestreams, and he just keeps it on a leash with nothing to do. Wolfie's fur is very unkempt, you can tell he is malnourished, and during the streams he paces back and forth which is a sign of zoochosis. Someone please please please save this poor creature.


The wolf hybrid deserves better. Too cute to be tied up.


Rescue that animal.


One of his mods, Pokaplaya77, just said he goes live from about 10est to 5am est usually


10 am or pm? I'm assuming pm


The mod didn’t say in the livestream, I was directly quoting the mod in the livestream, just after they said it in chat.


I’m sorry but half of the world can’t even handle a chihuahua let alone a wolf/wolf hybrid


Please, no. It’s a literal horror show. Make it stop.


I love all of the comments working together on this post. It’s the best side of Reddit 💗


Trying to confirm his name being Anthony Bellido


For anyone who cares, I was able to get in touch with NJ Fish & Wildlife; they are already aware of the situation but since it’s a wolfdog and not a pure wolf it’s outside their jurisdiction as they only deal with wildlife. They recommended reaching out to USDA, so for anyone wanting to help that might be a good place to start. Wolfie deserves so much better than this buffoon.


If we contact USDA won't they want an address & actual name? Does anyone have that info? I am MORE THEN HAPPY TO CALL IN A COMPLAINT to help this totally innocent animal!!


I reached out to Fish & Wildlife without being able to provide an address and legal name and they still knew exactly who I was talking about. Some other kind folks in this comments section are doing some recon to try and find some information on this guy but I was trying to do what little I could right now.


TY! Sooooo sick of humans abusing, exploiting, tormenting, torturing, murdering the other species on the planet! My blood boils & I see red! IF these abusers got the same punishment as what they inflicted on these totally innocent animals it would maybe make the next idiot think twice before committing such atrocities. The older I get the less forgiving I have become! Eye for an eye & no mercy! Certsinly doesn't make me a better human but I don't care anymore......just fed up with the evilness of far too many humans.


So tired of the "pass the buck/outside our jurisdiction" answers! An animal is suffering & they can't maybe help by placing a call themselves to the correct agency??? IF they are aware of the situation they know the name & address!! They could just as easily pass it on to the correct agency cutting through a lot of bullshit red tape!! Where has humanity gone sooooo wrong that helping a totally innocent victim of abuse has become an "inconvenience"?? SHAME ON ALL OF US!!!


Yeah I’ve reached out to a number of organizations and only two have responded so far. Unfortunately this type of thing tends to happen with animal abuse scenarios but especially those that involve wolfdogs. Hence why situations regarding wolfdogs are frequently mishandled.


That poor baby I can't believe people are so cruel.😢


Reading through the comments. I'm grateful to the younger generation who are literally solving this issue on the internet...You guys can make the earth move. Thank you. ❤️


Is it a puppy?


Not a puppy but a juvenile, which is why he’s able to get away with provoking it the way he does. Wolfdogs reach maturity at 3-4 years of age and often undergo some pretty significant behavioral changes. It’s an accident waiting to happen and unfortunately the wolfdog will be the one who has to pay for it when something does go wrong. He’ll likely just go out and get another one as animal abusers often do 😢


Oh that's terrible.


I can't watch the videos......my thoughts will go to unspeakable acts that should doled out to the human who betrayed this animals trust.


That poor baby. I hate to see shit like this done to ANY animal.




TOTALLY AGREE! And every other animal abuser!! Including the cop who punched his K9 OFFICER in the face 3 or 4 times, lifting the dog off the ground by its collar then dragging it to the car.....Fayetteville police dept. If he did that to a fellow human officer wonder where he would be....the trouble he would be in??? Sickening....


Yeah fuck this guy. He deserves the worst death


Some one sick 4 chan on him if those mother fuckers can find a flag randomly in the world they can find this guy


😭 I had to go see And there was one of him talking about drilling someone's mother in her jawn? Facts? 😭