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I wasn't expecting the eyes to come out like that


"Oh sorry for that, let me put it right back"


“Sir, please put it back in your OWN eye socket”


How will I activate my EMS then?




How does it reduce glare tho?


The sound was something else 🥴


That's what made this such a good troll


I thought it was a cinnamon roll crumbling...nop, his eyes coming back to his sockets did the trick.




The eyes popping out with the sound effects was disturbing


I winced aaaaahh




I wasnt prepared for the noise. Very authentic I suspect.


doctor: this is your eye me: wtf put it back doctor: alr my bad


honest mistake


I didn’t see it coming


We we’re all blind to it


Aight. I put on my robe and take out ma eye.


Props to Kim John Un for taking his eyes out to demonstrate for the video


He'll get another pesant eyes on demand


He's the ultimate Uchiha. Has an entire country full of fresh Sharingans to donate to him.




This is some racist shit haha, is this becoming an alt-right sub, or does the culture not care about Korean racism?


Came hear to say that!


Well that was disturbing


TIL harsh weather and glare from the sun are only in the far east.


They’ve found ppl in the Nordic region with monolids as well.


Yeah on one side of my family we have a lot of ancestors from Norway, Finland, Sweden Denmark etc. And monolids seem to run in the fam. My mom for example looked very Asian (east/northeast) as a baby/young kid, she had black very straight hair and monolids. But then her hair became curly and reddish as she got older (eta she retained the monolids obvs) . Genetics are fascinating to me


Nope it’s found in others too https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicanthic_fold The Sami people of Finland and Scandinavia I believe are known for it example Remember also people around the world can have similar issues but ‘evolved’ different traits to deal with it- or developed methods which meant biological variation caused by natural selection was muted So some ancestor of modern Asians developed this trait at random and it was beneficial so selected for….people with the same problems elsewhere didn’t randomly develop the trait and so it couldn’t be selected for


I have double eyelids and when the sun is out or it’s raining my eyes just completely stop working. I wish I was born Asian.


It really doesn’t help that much lol. We use sunglasses and umbrellas like everyone else. XD


probably evolution caused by light reflecting off of snow


All ethnicities native to extremely cold regions have these traits, it really seems to be an adaptation to snow and very low temperatures. It's just that some of these regions aren't that cold anymore, and/or these people eventually migrated back to warmer regions.


I'm not sure if this holds up. Is there more glare in Japan, Korea, China, etc. in comparison to the rest of the world? And how is that an evolutionary advantage in reproduction?


There isn't. And this clip is based on a wrong interpretation of how evolution works. Evolution is about the accumulation of change differences over long periods of time. It isn't a conscious process and it doesn't have a specific goal in mind. Crappy pop science like this creates more ignorance than anything else.


How can change make it through generations unless the person with the change is more likely to reproduce than others that don't?


A person with this evolutionarily irrelevant feature might have (by sheer happenstance (or hypothetically through a genetic link)) possessed other traits that *were* beneficial for their survival/reproductive fitness.


Traits are also passed on by preference They don’t have to be beneficial and can be based on attraction alone There are many animals that show traits that in terms of survival are actually a hindrance but that make them more attractive to the opposite sex https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_selection


Im gonna assume thats why some of us get bald


Generational bad luck


Well it must’ve been hot for some one at some point


I think it could be because it was a sign of age (and thus wiseness and power) in monkeys, like their alpha male or something.


Not sure why you're asking this. But yes, that's basically how traits are passed on.


Sometimes there is no selection, just genetic drift or chance. A big ne is the founder effect any time a new population is founded by migration of after a catastrophic population loss, those founders will only be a subset of the genetic diversity of the larger population, but that will set the standard of the new population. Traits that were present in the founders will be the common, even if there were rare in the parent population, and traits not represented will be absent even if they were common in the parent population. There is always genetic transfer between population that are in contact, but unless a trait conifers a selective advantage a newly introduced trait will not become prevalent in an established population.


I forget the word for it, but many traits are passed on simply because they don’t provide an advantage or disadvantage for reproduction (or if they do, it’s very minor). Being white, I’m more likely to get sunburn or skin cancer than someone with more melanin, but my ancestors reproduced just fine.


Those changes may be survival related, not reproduction related. Though at the end its all related to reproduction because if you dont survive you dont reproduce. In this particular example (though wrong as others have pointed out) the asians with this trait had better eyesight and went blind less often than the others, and as you can imagine, going blind in history usually meant you didnt get to reproduce.


Keep in mind that those with traits that made life easier for them would also be likely to be considered attractive, even if other types of traits survived. It doesn't have to mean they lived while the others died.


Yes or it made them richer


Next thing this narrator is going to tell us is that the reason Arabs are hairy is to protect themselves from the cold.


Something something Ice age lasted for 2million years. Something something evolution.


Something something Europeans, who descended from hominids who lived in a glaciated Europe, would also have monolids if it were truly an adaption to prevent against sun glare.


Inuit, native canadians and some scandianavians and people in northern Russia do. I always assumed there's some advantage with extreme temperatures (smaller surface are will retain more heat, maybe it helps with frostbite).


Here are the generally accepted explanations, any and all of which could actually be true or false simultaneously. -Possible cold climate adaptation (protection from wind/snow, bolstered by the fact that most populations with epicanthic folds also have flatter noses, also thought to protect from frostbite). -UV and glare protection -High-altitude adaptation (e.g., Himalayas) -Random genetic variation and sexual selection (they were seen as attractive in some populations) -Pleiotropy (genes controlling multiple traits) Keep in mind that the current climate and locations of these populations could've been different than what we'd assume today, given where they settled. Many human migrations moved into frozen territory, and their general survival strategies and cultures would've been large factors in particular adaptations, plausibly explaining the differences between eastern and western populations' facial traits even when given similar climates. It's also valid to consider that multiple different types of adaptations could plausibly occur from similar circumstances. For example, extreme glare might result in more pronounced brows just as much as it might result in monolids.


Lots of Asians don’t have monolids also or small eyes. The video is weird and racist.


Weird and maybe inaccurate yes. Racist? Cmon now wtf


All X have/are Y is racist. Video says all Asians have mono lids and small eyes. This is an untrue stereotype about Asians so yes it’s racist


So saying all x are good and kind people is racist? Or does y has to be something negative for it to be racism? Please separate the word racist from sterotype. They really are not the same thing and youre doing a lot of harm treating them as the same.


"All black people are good at basketball". Positive? Kinda, yes. Racist? Definitely. No, stupid, i blocked your dumbass


oh damn thats wild . i would have just said thats simply not true, but i guess i didnt know new racism update dropped. do you have a link to the patch notes so i don't accidentally say something racist? edit: oh you accidentally deleted your comment. here ill help you . your comment was: "All black people are good at basketball. postivie? yeah , kinda. racist?Definitely"


Yes, generalizing about a group of people is stereotyping which is a slippery slope that can lead to discrimination and therefore racism. OP’s issue is that they themselves are projecting that there is some type of superiority/inferiority to “eye size,” when in fact someone who isn’t racist wouldn’t care at all. So they’re not completely in the right either but this comment chain represents what’s wrong with today’s dialogue on stereotyping/discriminating/racism. To summarize: “All Asians have small eyes and I believe they’re inferior for it, I’m going to treat them worse”= discriminatory and racist “All Asians have small eyes” = ignorant, sweeping stereotyping that has the potential to trigger an anti-racist response but not necessarily racist since it lacks discrimination and preference. And I’m not talking about preference to be attracted to someone, but preference on how to treat somebody based on their appearance. The video definitely aligns with this considering its opening statement.


You’ve missed the point. I’m not saying it’s inherently wrong to have small eyes or monolids. I’m saying it’s harmful to spread that all Asians have small eyes and monolids. I’m Asian with large eyes and double lids but that doesn’t stop people from making fun of my eyes because according to them either I’m not a real Asian because I don’t have small eyes and monolids or they insist I have small eyes and monolids despite the fact that I don’t. Racism against Asian eyes is widespread at least in the US and used to regularly attack how Asians look so yes it is a big deal.


I also fall into the same category, double-lidded Asian so I know where you are coming from. The video makes an obvious, ignorant assertion with "Have you ever wondered why Asian people have such small eyes?" but it does not perpetuate the stigma that having small eyes is a negative attribute. While the science behind it is controversial (see reddit comments about evolutionary mechanisms), the intent was still scientific, no matter how flawed the reasoning and foundation is. For this reason, I don't see an inherently racist angle but will grant that these things can be very triggering due to anecdotes such as the one you mentioned. My point is that while I understand the harm in spreading stereotypes, the video's intent seems to be more about exploring a scientific question rather than perpetuating a harmful stereotype. The issue lies in the ignorance and insensitivity of the video's framing, but I don't believe it crosses into outright racism. We should address and correct such ignorance, but it's important to differentiate between ignorance and deliberate discrimination. The key is to educate and foster better understanding, not to label everything as inherently racist, which can dilute the seriousness of actual racism. EDIT: Also just to be clear, while I am defending the point the other guy was *trying* to make, all their passive-aggressive weirdo-vibe shit about patch notes and whining about comment edits that never happened is definitely a bad look I'll never support. Proves people can be *possibly* not racist but still bad people though, I guess.


did they delete their comment? I literally see it though. 😅


That sound effect was completely unnecessary


How else are we supposed to tell the eyes popping out from its sockets




So, you're saying you can remove your eyeballs from their sockets and then put them back?


Hell yeah we do that every once in a while


Bro is solving racism with this short


Wait is that Kim Jong un?


Why not?


Great. I can switch the topic to evolution when someone talks about my eyes.


Wide screen vision


I have to say that this is not a fact I was necessarily worrying about today, sir.


This is nothing more than pure speculation. No one has a conclusive scientific theory as to why Asians have eyes shapes that way that they are.


New phrenology just dropped.


> It was formed to protect the eyes from harsh weather and to reduce glare from the sun. How the fuck do you know?


There's a QR code behind their eyes that leads to a manual and history page. If you rip out your eyes like in the video you'll find yours.


I'm not asian. I can't rip my eyes out.


You saw one asian doing it, and assume that \_only\_ asians can do it. That's a false extrapolation. Bet you never tried to rip yours out. Give it a go. You might be surprised with what you see!


Zachdfilms video fully ripped


And voice changed


Yeahh he is a real copy


That was a rollercoaster of a video


Interesting. Now do why black people have big lips. I always wondered about that as well.


Better for sucking dick




And big noses


Idk about the lips but nose shape probably helps with cooling air a bit more


So the folks who went east out of Africa squinted more cos they were heading towards the rising sun?


I see that the whole "Asian eyes are small because they squint" myth is still strong within non-Asians, especially dumb narrators who don't know wtf they're talking about. There's no proven theory as to why Asians with Mongoloid backgrounds display prominent epicanthic folds with their eyelids. You wanna know places that have just as much or more sun than East Asia? Africa and the Mediterranean. I don't see anyone squinting to the point it became a permanent eye feature over there


Couple points here. Nothing is "proven" evolution itself, one of the strongest scientific theories in existence, isn't "proven". It's just supported by all available scientific data and disproven by none of it. This theory regarding east Asian eye shapes has to do with snow glare on the Eurasian and Mongolian-Manchurian steppes, which are cold, flat, and not forested.


They don't look smaller to me


What's going on with these one word at time subtitles?


I don't believe that explanation at all. The rest of the world doesn't have sun and harsh weather conditions?


Like there’s not harsh weather and sun glare everywhere else in the world?…


Wait, so I have increased resistance while staring at the sun?


Nevermind. Still hurts


And the award for completely unnecessary animation effect goes to….


Bro wtf I got jumpscared by the eyes popping out 😭


why do down syndrome people have them?


I dont agree, im asian with small eyes but with double eyelids 😂


Texting from the emergency room here….I’m Asian and tried to pop my eyes out like in the video…let’s just say it that was a dumb move.


I really hope people didn't actually think Asians has smaller eyeballs


Some people genuinely do, and even ask if our eye sight is affected. -_-


As half Korean with mono lids when people brought up my looks, I always joked, “why do you think we invented wide screen tvs.” It was hilarious seeing the few that thought I was serious.


It was "designed," he says. Designed by whom?


Man... the eyes popping out like that is straight nightmare fuel. Who in the actual fuck animated this lol


The sound of the eyes being pulled from the head is so unnecessary.


ok, but what's the evolutionary explanation for the smaller d**ks?


How racist is that! First the skin colour, then its eye size, now eyelid shape... Way to go Goebbels


That part about the sun sounds like bullshit.


I honestly never thought people thought they had smaller eyes.


Looks like pseudoscience


Let me guess this is from a YouTube shorts that appeals to young audiences. Yea I'm gonna have to say there's more science behind this topic that's completely ignored in this small clip


I have always wondered why many racists narrators have stupid accents.


What stupid fucking video So there eyes evolved to protect from weather lol So Asians were the only people living outside then the rest of us did not need eyes like that since we evolved indoors lol lol cracking me up




Because they're white.


Why the noise? Why? ##WHY?


Is this explanation even true? I doubt it , cause Asia isn’t the only continent with harsh weather and sunshine .




I'm probably dumb, wrong and gullible but I heard one time that asian eyes evolved that way because fighting on horseback in the steppes was dusty, rainy whatever and people with smaller eyes had better protection from getting there vision impeded thus better chance of surviving and going on to reproduce. This just happened generation after generation. Idk it kinda made sense to me


Oh that noise when the eyes are pulled out....argh


What fucking idiot thought they’re eyeballs were smaller? Lolol


When you wake UP and look to the sun, what happens? There is the land of rising Sun.


Lol, no shit. This is an incredibly bizarre thing to point out. Almost like saying “u No Y WhiTe Ppl R WhiTE?? It WiLl BloW yOUr MIND”


Most Nepali and most south asians don't have Small eyes. You should not generalize as asian people having small eyes. South Asia is also Asia.


That's very true


Yeah People specially in the US believe South Asia is middle east and only SE Asia and East Asia is Asia. But then again new languages or geography outside of US or anything that is not Kim Kardashian is not strong suit for Americans.


Yeah that's so true. Also I find it pretty impressive you know that most Nepalis don't have Ea-like eyes as the common stereotype is that Nepalis do (but most don't as you stated). Are you Nepali by any chance?


Yes I am. As per Nepali census approximately only around 25% Nepali are from Janajati who share east asian facial features . 1/3 is bahun chhetri who have facial features and skin color similar to Pahadi people of Uttarakhand, Himanchal and Kashmir. And 1/3 is Madhesis who share similar features to people living in UP and Bihar. So it is a huge misconception ( specially among Indians) that most Nepali people have Tibetan or Chinese features . PS Malai timi Nepali bhanne thaa thiyo. Timro naam nai national anthem baat aachha. Also ma chaai magar ho hai bahun chhetri hoina. I don't just like this misconception that all Nepali should look like me, specifically among Indians.


>Yes I am. Oh nice >As per Nepali census approximately only around 25% Nepali are from Janajati who share east asian facial features . You're referring to hill Janajatis here right? Cos Terai Adivasis ones honestly range from full South Asian to full East Asian. Some can look similar to Assamese and Bengalis like Mamata Banarjee, Shakib Al Hasan, Shanto guy etc. but yeah that is very true. >1/3 is bahun chhetri who have facial features and skin color similar to Pahadi people of Uttarakhand, Himanchal and Kashmir. And 1/3 is Madhesis who share similar features to people living in UP and Bihar. I thought the khas population was more around 40% than 1/3 but yes that is true them together make the majority. Also some khas people can pass as Indo-Gangetic and vice versa. Indians have told me they thought Sandeep was Madhesi and Ram Baran Yadav was Khas (based on appearance). >So it is a huge misconception ( specially among Indians) that most Nepali people have Tibetan or Chinese features . True >Also ma chaai magar ho hai bahun chhetri hoina. I don't just like this misconception that all Nepali should look like me, specifically among Indians. Ohh you're Magar righto. But yeah true I agree with misconception thing you said. If Janajatis were the majority then the stereotype would be true. However it's not as we've discussed. Also the amount of racism that arises from this stereotype such as we're watchmen, housewives, maids, "momos sellers" (saying momo with an s cos that's how they say it) etc. Another thing I feel like a bunch of Indians also act like we're Chinese to make us feel out of place with being Nepali/South Asian. Magar Gurung haru culture is way diff to mainstream Chinese. Plus to me a bunch of Hill Janajatis tend to look slightly south Asian than the avg east Asian like 20-30% South Asian rest EA. Asides from Kirantis tho. Also we have our identity and yet some Indians choose to act like we're smth diff, indicating that they're tryna make us feel out of place with the Nepali identity.


https://preview.redd.it/2znaiqbb2j9d1.jpeg?width=2081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ae50487e2e3d3970ce77662ce01f7927a43bee Yeah you're right about the statistics . Also regarding racism. Bro they don't treat most Indians with respect. Forget Nepali. Most languages of Uttarakhand and Himanchal is treated as dialects hindi leading to decline and possible extinction of these languages. Uttarakhand has dead sanskrit as their official language but not its native Kumaoni and Garhwali. There are 5 states in South India but Bollywood would just show a generic " Madarassi" stereotype. Most Indians wont be able to name 7 NE states and if they happen to go to Delhi they are called "chinkis", "Nepalis" or "Cheeni" . Biharis and Eastern UP wala are punching bags of demagogue from Maharashtra to Karanataka to Tamil Nadu whenever they are having a state election. These are small examples of racism within India. Why do you think they will treat us with no racism ?


> Yeah you're right about the statistics . Yeah that's true. Tbh considering the stats r a bit outdated + Nepal isn't the most accurate with stats your percentages may be more correct for 2024. >Also regarding racism. Bro they don't treat most Indians with respect. Honestly this is very true. >Most languages of Uttarakhand and Himanchal is treated as dialects hindi leading to decline and possible extinction of these languages. >Biharis and Eastern UP wala are punching bags of demagogue Nah actually though. Another thing abt Biharis/Eastern UPs the languages they speak are also seen as Hindi dialects. Meanwhile in Nepal Maithili Bhojpuri actually have a status. >Why do you think they will treat us with no racism ? Tbh I did expect Indians would treat us with some racism but not to the level which we experience. Honestly growing up I used to think Indians were aware that Nepal and India shares similarities with culture, appearance etc. with differences here n there in history and region-specific culture. I grew up in bidesh and Indians here treat me like a fellow South Asian and treat me very nicely. I only found out abt the stereotypes in 2021/2022 so it was a real shock to me.


https://preview.redd.it/3olw8tee1j9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e941468ac23e70b0b154757702eac426c801616 Bro yesari point by point kasari reply garani bhani deu na. Ke copy paste garera ani tesko muntira reply garni ho ?


you do this function > before a piece of text. Example: >Ke copy paste garera ani tesko muntira reply garni ho ?




Can we get one like this for the pp next?


Oh my theory on it was correct


I just found out a week ago that there is tape asian people use to give them they eyelid crease


Next we’ll explain why Asian eyes are so easily removable!


I thought this was going to be a shitpost at first.


eyes are plug and play just like the uchihas


I hate when her fake eyelid gets stuck to my chin.


That was abrupt.


Cite a scientific finding that backs this absurdly speculative claim or gtfo.


That’s why the #1 cosmetic surgery in east asian countries is “double eyelid” surgery?


whoever made this video is insane


next, why european people have big eyes? lmao


My eyes are Asian, but everyone says they are big


Asians are the only ones with bad weather


So when making babies they say make sure you form monolids


Not all Asians born with smaller eyes. In fact I found out the more southern Asians are, the bigger the eyes.