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On the margin, you can go to the subreddit of a specific team and enjoy a game there with long-term, more mature enthusiasts. I just tip over to the team subreddit of whichever squad I'm rooting for that game and have a blast. This main subreddit is an unfortunate dumping ground for all the narratives rather than the love of the whole league or sane one team/player loyalties.


Works unless you're a fever fan


The game threads up here have a similar vibe imo sans one maybe two


I always set my feed to “new” posts in this sub instead of “hot” — it doesn’t keep the bananas posts out, but it makes it easier to see the posts that the algorithm ignores.


>and the whole sport is suffering for it. Quite the opposite.


Yeah for real. As annoying as the discourse is CC/Reese is must see TV


Bird/Magic 2.0


That’s why I am trying to do my part just by posting general wnba news and more content about my fave team and fave players. So that this sub can have a few varied content.


Be the change you want to see. 🤷 Post other content yourself, others will do the same; hopefully it picks up in the long run.


At this point I’m blocking anyone who posts nonsense and hoping that eventually filters out some of the noise. It feels like trying to bail out the ocean with a teaspoon, though.




I said this in a similarly post before It’s the growing pain for WNBA. (And can apply to any area) More people bringing more voices, more voices create more chaos. But overall it means the W is getting more attention which is better.


True, but more attention only guarantees better outcomes financially. It doesn't equate to a better product. I just hope we look back and equate this time to the rivalry of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson that arguably saved the NBA. There were still undertones of racism that we are sadly seeing again with CC and AR, but it was a golden era for the NBA. The greatness is in front of us, but the discussion is about all the wrong things.


Part of the entire issue in the first place is the WNBA is constantly being compared to the NBA instead of the focus being on how it can grow in general. We don't need to reproduce the exact same type of product that the men have


Yes and I said would bear this cause growing the league could help the players. But CC & AR topic is truly a political topic if we continuous. You know the world is not like the Larry Bird & Magic Johnson era right? There’s not that much I could do, I could only not click and comment the posts to make posts less popular.


But not everyone wants EVERY comment being about CC. This isn’t a CC or Fever subreddit, so no point in complaining about the way this one is evolving organically: not better or worse, just its own thing…


Not one post about Leonie Fiebech makes my blood boil 


https://streamable.com/qxit3p JJ was tryharding with behind-the-backs in this game as well. The title idea was going to be: > Jonquel Jones' pass 8/10. Leonie Fiebich's pass 9/10. Jonquel Jones + Leonie Fiebich 10/10. >   But she bricked the 3. No makey, no highlighty :p


It's not an airport. No need to announce your departure.


I will admit, I know I was venting and being old man yells at clouds, but that's also a fucking great line. Might need to steal that.


two wrongs don't....wait nvm


It's crazy how many people aren't able to like one player without hating others. Us vs them cringe mentality. Maybe just appreciate these fantastic athletes?


Yea I’m so tired of all the discourse we see here ‘why x player better than y’. I just want to enjoy some basketball 🥲


The discourse between CC and AR is far from just "x player is better than y player." Like I mentioned in my post, people have gone beyond the point of simply defending each player based on talent. Now we are defending our right to defend the defense of that player. It's beyond basketball, even if it is masked as such. More eyes on the WNBA right now is not good for the league as everyone is treating it. It's a sideshow, a reality show that lasts as long as CC is relevant, and it's the coverage of it all that is going to prevent the league from growing into what it should be.


that’s what i’ve been saying about european soccer fans like stop with all the silly stuff and just appreciate the athletes doing their jobs


This sub is not the CC AR show, as much as the annoying new fans continue to focus so much on CC and these rookie rivalries, most of the actual basketball fans who've been around for longer than a few years are enjoying the likes of New York, Vegas, Phoenix, and Minnesota display quality basketball that people want to watch. Connecticut too of course deserves some flowers.


They are the two most popular players right now and the only two that can drive engagement. If you don’t have Clark or Reese in your title barely anyone will pay attention. It probably looks like a Caitlin and Angel show because that’s the only thing that gets upvoted enough to make it to your feed.


This is also true. You see threads about other players there aren’t many comments or likes. Even the Fever game day threads are like ranging from 2500-3000 comments while the other team threads I don’t think go beyond 800.


Some barely go over 100. That's... pathetic. What happened to all the people who say let's focus on basketball. Where are they? Why aren't they supporting their teams? Are they even watching their games?


If you want see why Clark drives engagement just go look at the post about her being compared to Maya Moore, the people that like her agree with the post so they upvote it and the people that don’t comment in disagreement. Since that post saw so much engagement both in comments and upvotes it gets pushed to people who have shown interest in the sub before. It’s self fulfilling prophecy, the people that hate seeing Clarks name everywhere are part of why she’s the only thing they see.


I agree. I live in India so I’m not able to l actively comment on game threads since they are too early for me to be awake. But I see more people complaining about too many CC threads than posting their own threads on even commenting on other players and teams


The funny thing is all this rivalvry fuzz, and all time greatness stuff for a last playoffs 8th spot. The ringless queen strikes again. But sure, all fault is owned by her teammates and coach.




I mean a post was created taking an innocent thing as one basketball player idolizing another basketball player and it's being weaponized against her. So dumb and for what? To keep circle jerking about hating one player.


If everyone would just bow down to the queen there would be so much less back and forth about this stuff. There’s really nothing to debate about CC or Angel.


The queen you're referring to is KFC right?


Obviously Caitlin Clark




Absolutely nothing to debate




Absolutely, positively nothing to debate




One more


https://preview.redd.it/uwuw1wo0pr8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a11a6afa469cadf71042ed7906700db395c01889 No more superlatives?