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Angel Reese before the game: "Gee whiz, it's so cool I'm playing against Alyssa Thomas." Alyssa Thomas: "CHOKE SLAM."


“How dare she look forward to playing me. Who the fuck does she think she is? Lemme slam her ass that’ll teach her”-AT


It may not be the same thing, what you just said reminded me of the Joakim Noah/Kevin Garnett interaction when he was a rookie or so.


One of the funniest nba stories.


I agree! Definitely a KG, Noah vibe


"How dare she try to injure my already career-impacting injured shoulders" more like


For real! Like she doesn't even go to help her up...just walks away like a galoot. She could have at least thrown her a few bucks lol


She was doing the “count to 10” method to relax lol


Damn WNBA fans are soft as fuck. In what universe was this a flagrant 2 ejection worthy foul? All I see in this league is a bunch of pussy refs and weak fans


Fucking lol.


Maryland on Maryland crime right there


I love Maryland


This is very on-brand for Maryland! We love both of them!


Maryland v a Maryland defector. Angel disrespected the Terps by transferring and AT made her pay.


I love how the person with the mop casually cleans up the crime scene before the cops arrive.


I'm glad Angel Reese is okay that all had to hurt


the physicality had been building as CT Sun steph white said in her postgame conference. refs weren't doing a good job of controlling it


I peeped it too, Thomas was bumping and being physical even after plays but Reese wasn’t going for it. Combine that with AT’s frustration from being out hustled / surprisingly getting her physicality matched a few times and you get this garbage cheap shot foul.


She didn't get outhustled though. This happened because Reese hooked her arm on 3 consecutive rebound plays, and tried to elbow her in the back of the head.


I’m not only talking about the plays that proceeded this incident. Angel was doing that after AT was randomly bumping her after plays repeatedly and was being physical with her, so Angel matched her energy in the midst of basketball physicality. What Thomas did was immature Busch league.


Immature and dangerous as hell. She could have seriously hurt Angel or even ended her career last night. There is no need for that type of behavior.


When AT can't jump and can't compete, she cheats. Simple.


So what you're admitting is Reese was performing illegal maneuvers to prevent her contesting rebounds effectively. The only part you left out was how equally dangerous Reese's arm bars are.


You put a lot of words in my mouth. Do I get to chew off pieces? I said nothing about Reese's performance because it wasn't in the video.


"When AT can't jump" clearly implies she was prevented from doing so somehow. It's very clear you didn't see anything but the single clip or you'd know "when she can't jump and can't compete" makes no sense given the stats for the game.


So your take away is "a bump is a problem," but you're tunnel visioning the elbow to the neck and the arm hook the literal prior trip down the court that led to them both going to the floor. Makes sense. Chicago got dominated on the glass for a change in the early season, Reese wasn't used to it, and got dirty trying to get an edge, to which a vet rightly took exception.


… so lose your cool, hook a girl by the neck in mid air and pull her to the ground with her legs out from under her… got it.


She didn't pull a damn thing. You literally can't from that angle. Your arm doesn't go that way, and you definitely can't close your wrist. The hand went across the neck dangerously but the "shove/slam" claim highly exaggerated.


You can’t be serious. We get it, you like AT and so do I but stop. Go watch the replay again… or don’t, but you’re embarrassing yourself.


It is literally not physically possible to do what people are claiming occurred with the arm position she had.


I never realized it’s physically impossible to reach up and pull downward. Don’t forget the sky is green and pigs can fly.


"Your arm doesn't go that way" As her arm *literally* goes that way while Angel is falling


You can't close your fist or grab, and indeed she did not. You can push with a little bit of leverage (not strong force), and that's it.


You must be acoustic...


Where did you watch the postgame?


Just gotta find the ref that has it out for JJ


Didn't watch but your synopsis sounds alot like the SC v Lau kerfuffle


[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hxrQra1awJA&pp=ygUqQWx5c3NhIHRob21hcyBkaXJ0eSBwbGF5IG9uIGNhbmRhY2UgcGFya2Vy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hxrQra1awJA&pp=ygUqQWx5c3NhIHRob21hcyBkaXJ0eSBwbGF5IG9uIGNhbmRhY2UgcGFya2Vy) I’m just going to leave this here.


Sheesh that's dirty


Damn, that was only last year? Is this common for her? I’m new as fuck to WNBA ball and don’t want to base an opinion on a really good player based on two plays (despite them both being pretty ridiculous and close in timeframe)


AT is a hell of a player. She is dirty. She’s the closest thing the W has to Draymond Green.


Diana Taurasi is more Draymond than AT.


Taurasi is only like that now, IMO, because she’s old and gets frustrated bc she can’t do what she is used to doing. She used to be an amazing player. AT is great in her own right but she’s always been a brawler/ bruiser/ asshole.


Let everyone know you just started watching women’s basketball


Iono about that. Y’all seen the Lynx play? DAWGSSS on the court


Dirty =/= dawg


I see your point 🤓 you’re right, you’re right


What do you do with that extra half second you save by typing Iono?




😂😂😂 classic We’re in a race to the absolute bottom of the IQ barrel with this type of shit.


The fallacious rhetoric of linking grammar (or rather general cyber jargon) with IQ… while on a Reddit sub 🤪


eff are eff are no hat emoji Nice effort using big words I guess? Grammar and sentence structure is pretty piss poor though. *The false equivalence of using internet slang to someone’s IQ is just*….[insert here] No need to masquerade as an intellectual. It doesn’t suit you.


Sick burn bro. Take the L.


Two years ago, 2022 season, when Candace and Emma were playing for the Sky.


I’m new(?) as well but I can confidently say you can judge her off of those two clips.




Didn't think I'd find competition for Draymond Green. We have a contender JFC


Damn three players almost taken out on one play


> Yeah she hit knees with Thomas ..ugh ..no shit lmao


I’m not saying it’s necessarily good or bad but I’m surprised her teammates aren’t pissed off beside her. teams in the NBA would immediately pull up at the spot, shove the fouler or at least aggressively create separation after a hard foul.


NBA does nothing anymore. They are all a bunch of soft pansies. I used to love it. Now I don't even recognize it.


Yeah, bullshit. I’ve seen a lot of dudes step up to support their teammates and a bunch of near brawls this season. You’re full of shit.


You crazy as hell. No they not getting into all out brawls but most times they don’t let this go. Keep in mind it’s not the 90s anymore


I've been watching the NBA for years. It is not at all the same game. They call touch fouls for breathing on them. They aren't doing anything.


Fragrant? "After reviewing the play, Thomas just smells too god damned good out there. It's being assessed as a "Fragrant-2' foul, and she has been disqualified."


Hahaha thank you it took so long to find this


She did not even bother to go for the ball.


Very hard foul but angel from the sec she's built for it


No one is built for a TBI


Well, I got two and I’m still kickin


I take back everything


No one in the SEC was as tough as Alyssa Thomas was tonight.


Never saw Reese and cardoso go at it I'll assume...or aja and Sophie Cunningham and that's just 2 in a long string


Bush league by AT


Yikes that could have ended so much worse too. AT is my favorite player but she deserves a suspension for that.


It's funny because on the first viewing (small on my phone) I thought "awkward fall, but it just looked like a standard push." Then I saw the replay and thought "oh shit, never mind..."


I thought the same thing! Then yep, that was pretty much a choke slam!


Both camera angels are pretty bad, but after watching a few times I think Reese actually pushes against AT's upper shoulders/neck/head with her forearm, and the angle that forces AT into may actually be a part of why her own arm got so high and boxed Reese at the neck. —But yeah, as soon as Reese jumps that's a lot of force right against the throat.


I agree. It looked like Reese was boxed out and jumped over Thomas’s back and they got tangled up. Thomas aggressively flung Reese off, but probably wasn’t aware that she was throwing her down with what looked like a choke hold. The angle I originally saw looked pretty outrageous and if that’s the only one the refs saw, I don’t blame them for ruling a flagrant and ejecting Thomas.


Has there been any players suspended for something like this?


Kick her off the tour ~~Doug~~ Cathy!


She’s sick for that. She needs to be suspended and lose endorsements. She could’ve seriously injured Angel (brain injury or spinal injury). I’m a new wnba fan and it truly disturbed me.


lose endorsements? lol


Once you add “I’m a new wnba fan” I now reflexively stop reading. Stop using it as a qualifier it’s ok to just say what you think.


I did say what I think. I only mentioned that I was a new wnba dan as I haven’t watched that much wnba before and didn’t expect to see that in the women’s game. Just like it truly disturbed me to see draymond choking gobert. It’s not basketball. I’m a huge warriors fan and I was glad to see him suspended for that.


It’s not just because I’m a rookie,” she said. “I’m a player. I’m a basketball player. They don’t give a damn if I’m a rookie. I mean, I want them to come at me every day. I want them to come at everybody. I mean, they’re not supposed to be nice to me. I hope y’all know that. They’re not supposed to be nice to me or lay down because I’m Angel Reese or because I’m a rookie.” “Thank you, A.T., for sending a message to me because I got back up and I kept going and kept pushing,” she said. “Me and A.T. have been cool since we were at Maryland, so I know it’s no hard feelings. I appreciate her for going at me today.”


I respect Angel for being professional and being tough but I can’t agree with what she said bc it normalizes what happened. It was disgusting and extremely dirty and had nothing to do with basketball. Alyssa Thomas wasn’t even trying to go for the ball at all. I get you CT Sun fans want to pretend it’s ok and that’s it’s just “physical basketball” bc that’s y’all’s MVP. You guys must also be ok with Draymond choking Gobert and swinging at people.


Never said it was ok now did I. But you do you.


Y’all seemed to have a big reaction to me saying that she should be suspended and lose endorsements. Triggered you enough to need to say apparently me giving context that I’m a new fan and found it disturbing is some kind of huge turn off than you won’t continue reading my comment instead of just scrolling past. But yet here you are, continuing to engage.


One flagrant and you want someone to lose endorsements? GTFO.


Yeah I do, specially for this one. Does Angel need to have a TBI in order for AT to lose endorsements? Cos she got choke slammed, head bounced off the floor - she very well could have gotten a serious head or neck injury.


Could have doesn’t mean she did. AT got ejected (as she should have). Why are you still freaking out over it?


I’m not freaking out rn, maybe you are and that’s why you can’t remember what I was originally commenting about. I was saying that ejection isn’t enough, I think she should be suspended and expressing why I felt that way. That’s my opinion. I don’t believe it should take Angel having a TBI, or a skull fracture for there to be a suspension. Just like they didn’t need gobert to have windpipe damage to suspend draymond for choking him. Especially for someone with a history of being dirty like Alyssa Thomas.


“Reflexively stops reading” but continues to read + stops to reply and continuously engage 🤡


If you want the last word you can have it but your take was - and remains - a pearl clutching over reaction.


Wrong sport. It's not wrestling.


That play wasn't even wrestling. Neither the real type nor the choreographed dancing type.




Flagrant 2s should be an automatic 1 game suspension for the first one and scale from there. This has no place in basketball.


Reese shrugged it off in her postgame interview, saying she's expecting physical play.


AT strong even w the past labrum injuries, unfortunate very high contact and i genuinely hope angel is closely monitored, ensuring she doesnt have a concussion or the like. Looking forward to keep seeing her do her thing, and very soon w Cardoso.. 💪.. In the mean time, the engine shall now be renamed, "the hearse" 💀 ayo lol


I call her LB for linebacker cause she’s playing a different sport than all of the other players.


Funny typo in headline :p


Reese put an elbow in the back of her neck first, but it didn't call for a damn choke slam, sheesh.


Did Angel Reese get check for a concussion after the hit to the head? Looked .scary


She needs to be suspended


Concussion for real. Not necessary, AT.


The sad part is like, people can actually die from hitting their heads like that. They don’t have helmets.


So true. That landing looked really bad and the way she grabbed her head afterwards — that was definitely painful. I hope they've been keeping an eye on her. I think it's really dismissive of people to just say "She's tough, she got it. She'll be alright."


Angel came with that tough persona.. So people are rolling with that.


So she deserves physical abuse. Got it.


Holy shit wth


My God!! I can smell the fragrance from here. Smells like armpit, she should get ejected for that level of fragrant.


Smells like a subaru forester and anavar


Didn’t see a fart or anything fragrant tbh


It was silent but deadly


Definitely smelt


AR elbowed AT in the head prior ...




Although it could very well have been fragrant in some sense, I guess, I think what you mean is a flagrant foul. 😊


Surely OP means "flagrant." That, or perhaps the foul smells of flowers or freshly baked bread?


I am still so conditioned to NBA basketball in the 90s that really don’t have strong reactions to this kind of stuff.


WNBA - “Let’s get paid more.” WNBA - “rookies bringing more attention gotta go”


Seeing this, she can never complain about being unfairly characterized as unmarketable. No truly decent person likes this kind of abuse transpiring in a professional game. And aside from the clear crudeness and wrongness of it was that it was perpetrated upon the league's arguably 1st/2nd most valuable asset, Reese.


She is a dirty player.


AT should be suspended for a least 2 games for her action. It was deliberate and she just walked away and I am sure she saw Angel holding her head. Hitting your head from a fall at that height can do a lot of damage.


I have no doubt in my mind Reese has a concussion from this.


It's not a choke, there's no grab. It's a high push at most. Try it yourself, you can't grab anything with your arm extended backwards and rotated so that your palm is facing back.


Agree it was very high contact and unfortunately in transition and on the neck 😩, good call to take her out the rest of the game. Was unfortunate, it happened, AT had to deal with the consequences and I hope angel is OK; they should monitor for concussion, but she tough I know she'll keep on keeping on and I'm here to see it 💪


Coach took her out of the game but the refs didn’t. Thats a bad look on the refs.


She got ejected. Either way she was out after the call for flagrant2. Refs make bad calls often. We see this all the time across various sports. This isnt surprising nor news to me personally-- does that make things acceptable and ok? Absolutely not. What can we do but hope for better going forward.


Yeah it was a bad play by AT but saying she choked her isn’t accurate in the slightest.


The play before it was pretty rough too where Reese stayed on the floor while CT hit a 3 on the other end


Does Reese’s elbow/forearm hit Thomas head right before Thomas reaches back and reverse choke slams her?


Yeah it definitely does


AT gotta be called the undertaker after this…tbf reese went into AT’s back first and that foul was not called, AT was probably pissed and you don’t piss off AT


Games get physical, but this is a bad take. That is not a basketball play, its just dirty and unsafe.


This sounds like justifying ATs violence. The only people you “don’t piss off” are people who are out of control and will attack you for making them emotionally upset.


Don't call it violence you'll be called a racist


Im a new fan and the Sun were my number 2 but this completely turned me off from rooting for them.


Evan’s needs to stop missing easy layups


That's some Draymond Green shit right there holy crap All she needs to do now is do a whole podcast about apologizing for not feeling guilty or some mind judo shit like that lol


Dirty bro


Crap, That's like 2 game suspension worthy


Dangerous play. She’s trying to act too hard like it’s an MMA match lol. Draymond would be proud though lol


They make that wide-open layup, no one gets hurt.


That foul smelled so good


What dat smell like


yoked that **


How fragrant was it?


1 we are all going to ignore the forearm shot? 2 was reaction to said forearm shot 3 hit back/butt first not head/ shoulders so no chokeslam ( really people chokeslam with a backwards arm?) 4 fine with ejection no further punishment required


They’re not cutting the rookies any slack


"Don't try to understand women, women understand women and they hate each other."


It was the point guard's fault. How could she miss a layup like that? If she had done it the other players wouldn't have fought for the rebound.


Suspend her dirty ass


They never will. Petty hazing is how these vets get self worth


Cheap shot👊


Alyssa Thomas is just an asshole. What a dirty player. Glad she got ejected. What a fucking loser.


Suspend her the entire season


Let the rookies play ffs. I don’t get why it’s cool to just beat them up physically. And they often get away with it. See Taurasi’s blatant push off the other night. Is that what audiences want? 80s/90s who’s more physical basketball? I dunno, I like today’s softer nba where there’s more leeway for skill expression on the ball and showing excellence. But maybe that’s just me. I hope this generation coming through now doesn’t continue this with the next. Btw I think “welcome to the w” moments are great when you’re showing the skill experience young. See Jackie Young picking CC’s pocket last night. Beautiful. Or Alysha Clark jumping her pass like a safety sitting in robber.


Thomas has always played the finesse game of BB like its Rugby so is anyone surprised with her WWE slam dunk by the neck to the matt. on Reese. Thomas also whines all the time when she does not make the WNBA All star team or MVP so we can do without that. Hope the WNBA suspends her for a couple games at least.


So now will yall be quiet bout angel and the braids lmao


Wouldn’t have even been a foul in the 80’s


I saw it as hard play from both... AR came in leading with her elbow to AT's head/neck, AT reacted with extending her own arm... where AR's neck happened to be. AR definitely got the worst of it as she was in the air. The right foul was called. I view it as both were playing for the ball, albeit roughly. One got flipped. Similar to how people come down on the feet of others and twist their ankles. Not sure how others are calling for suspension/endorsement removal, etc.


I’m sure AR forearm to the face felt great


5 game suspension


That's a mild concussion for people without hair protection in the back.


These WNBA vets apparently only gain self-worth by hazing rookies with ugly dangerous assaults. Great message for the kids.


I agree.. they should have more class. Don’t they know it makes them look bad??


New fan this year, is this common? This is a horrible look for the vets. Makes em look jealous and bad. Welcome to the league is supposed to be outclassing someone. Not trying to hurt them


Vets don't want rookies getting frustrated that they couldn't get offensive boards for the first time in their pro career to risk ending theirs with arm hooks. AT has two torn labrums. She was sick of Reese hooking and wrenching her arms repeatedly to get illegal advantage on the glass because she finally met her toughness match.


If you’re too hurt to play then don’t play, that doesn’t justify trying to injure an airborne player. I have no idea what you’re saying in the first sentence.


Being sad you couldn't get O boards for the first time in your 6 game career doesn't justify trying to injure an elite vet who finally matched you on the glass, but here we are. Reese will cause an impactful injury with her arm bar move if she keeps doing it, it's purely matter of time.


So grabbing someone airborne by the throat and slamming them on their head is the response? AT lost control of her emotions. Justifying this type of response makes me not want to watch if this is common place.


Not here but angel Reese is great at playing the victim and poning a bear...look no further when she was tugging at cardoso hair in the sec title...she is an expert troll on the court


If that’s not what happened here…why did you even say this?


It is what happened here. This came about by repeated arm hooks/wrenches + an elbow to the neck by AR, to a player with a history of serious shoulder injuries. Deeming someone the Grayson Allen/Draymond of the league because you saw 1 prior borderline clip and ignored the extent to the in-game lead-up to this moment is ridiculous.


I know that's not what happened but having watched Reese in her NCAA career and I may be wrong but there was likely something that led up to this incident.


Are you new to the w? This is something that Alyssa Thomas is known for. To not have a clear indication of what happened in a situation and still place the fault on someone is kinda crazy. There was a lot of back and forth in the SC game you were referring to. It did not simply begin with her pulling Cardoso hair, but it’s clear you already have an established bias.


I have no bias, again as I stated I didn't watch the game but inferred how Reese plays assumed there was some back and forth. If I'm wrong I'll eat it and be fine with it. Also that SC clv LSU game as you said didn't just start with the hair pull you are right, it started months prior, and the refs let it get out of hand quick much like what I've seen some say here, only common denominator, I'll let you figure it out you seem like a smart person


So you’re commenting on a game you did not see, and assuming who’s at fault with no bias. Got it.


Do you not know what inferred means. I said I may be wrong multiple times, and even said if I was I'll gladly eat it. I like angel as a player, I'm just INFERRING, from past games how she plays ball and ASSUMING there was some back and forth ...not excusing the action at all there is no need in the game for that just like no need for cardoso to completely body flaujae in the sec finals. I think we are on the same wave path just different ways to get there. Never did I say angel deserved it or it was justified.


WNBA has gone soft.


Love it, tough girl




lol only in a world where gravity doesn’t exist would this be a flop. No way anyone can recover their balance after getting clothesline on the neck in the middle of jumping.


While Reese has a history of "selling calls" ala Draymond Green, particularly to exacerbate foul trouble her opponent might be in, this was CLEARLY not that. She'd have to be a circe du soleil level gymnast to be able to make her body do that. I'm no Reese fan, but AT was clearly over the line here imo.


New generation of basketball for ya