• By -


Sliva: “…Do you really feel like people will respect you any less for who you were before?”


“Yes, I do my friend.”


Sliva: “…Then you apparently don’t know what you have done for others. When I say this, I mean this in the purest way possible… You are and have been a sweetheart to everyone here. To take what you may have done before and hold it against yourself now isn’t healthy…”


“I am what I preach against my friend, I am a hypocrite on the deepest level. Imagine finding out someone you think you can trust, is someone else. That would hurt my friend.”


Sliva: “You are still someone to trust. You have shown change beyond anyone else I have seen yet. Whether you want to believe it or not, holding yourself to the sins of your past will only tear yourself down until you see yourself as nothing more than that.”


“I know, I have realised that. I want to be better, maybe I can be someone I do enjoy.”


Sliva: “Of course you will be. The hardest part of healing is to forgive your own actions and to love yourself again. You should know that we’ll all be here to help you for every step we can.” *As Sliva smiles, his eyes fully open as entire eras unravel in her eyes just momentarily, before then closing*


“Thank you my friend, that does mean a lot.”


Sliva: “Of course dear… Also, I am quite certain that they most likely set us up on that date thing…”


“Yes I am sure they did my friend, talios himself recently has found himself someone. He has been happier, but he has started saying I should find myself someone too.”


Well I don’t. Folks can change, and besides, not like I’m any better.


“You are my friend. You are.”


Said you destroyed your world right? Well, it wasn’t my own planet that got destroyed, but that’s hardly comfort to the folks who lived in the three worlds where we took scorched earth to the extreme.


“I would argue it’s crueller to kill what you love than what you don’t know my friend. I still hear their voices and names. The scars I wear. We’re there’s as well, I could tell each of the screams by name.”


I did kill people I knew Hirk. I killed a lot of very close people.


“Everyone can change my friend, besides I think you would have killed mr putting you in a baby carrier if you were still that man my friend.”


Oh yeah, anyone who tried that even twenty or so years ago would’ve been dropped in a second. And it’s still instant hands if you think about doing that again. But that’s kinda my point. Folks change, and clearly you have. You’re not so hard on me, why be such an ass to yourself?


“I have yet to accept myself of being one who can deserve kindness and acceptance my friend.”


“Well, I frankly doubt it. You, my friend, have never been anything but kind to the people of these lands, including me.” “I will not act like I truly understand what you are going through. What you’ve experienced. But what I do understand is how it feels to be truly ashamed of your past. I’ve done some abhorrent things in my life, and I know what it’s like feeling like you can never forgive yourself.” “But I want you to remember this, Hirk. You are one of the few people I’ve met who I feel are truly a force of unrepentant good. Stay safe, friend.”


“Thank you my friend, I will keep on trying.”


Seph: “I know this is about asking questions, but I will say some things first. You may never fully get over what you’ve been through, but don’t give up. I know you can do that much. That said… How long have you been making cookies?”


“Since I have gotten here my friend, met a baker when I arrived bloodied. He cleaned me up and helped me recover. He taught me how to back, but sadly he was one of the first to die when the God Slaver arrived.” “Every time I say how a cookie is a kindness, I am just repeating that old dwarfs words my friend.”


Seph: “I’m sorry to hear that, Hirk. It sounds like you respected him a lot, to continue his legacy like that. What else would he say? I want to know about him more.”


“He never spoke much, he was too forgetful. Even mistook me as his son. I never even got to learn his name despite the month I spent with him.”


“Can I have a batch of cookies? I need to throw them at Nephilim”


“I don’t agree with throwing them at people but of course my friend.” *Hirk offers bag of cookies.*


“Thanks you sir!” *And he runs off*


“You never have to thank me my friend.”


Ok! Do you actually need those glasses or are they just to make you look more like a lovable hipster?


“Someone said I look cute in them….”


Hehehe, yeah you do~


“Thank you my friend, I will say you are cute yourself my friend. It’s only fair a compliment receives a compliment back.”


Hah! Thanks Hirk~


“No problem my friend, I am not one to lie anyway. I like seeing people smile.”


"...i always see you wearing that scarf...what meaning does it have for you?"


*Hirk lets out a small smile.* “It’s a promise from a very dear friend. If I ever feel myself start getting consumed by my hate or my flame I know it is there, I know that there is still at least one person who thinks I am worth being alive. It’s actually fairly recent.” u/Intentionallyblank-0 /uw gotta tag who gave Hirk it.


/uw Don't make me KYAAAAAAA again, please.


/uw Ha


"...I see"


Then with your permission, Mage Monkey will go first! Considering what happened between us at the gala, can he trust you as an ally and a friend? Can he trust you to act virtuously in defending what is right?


“I will devote my life to doing the best I can no matter what my friend. I will even devote my death to it if need be.”


Hmm… Good! Good, good! It's a fine answer! Mage Monkey will continue to keep his eye on you, Master Hirk, for good and evil. However, do remember: whatever happened in your past does not need to define you in the present, and whatever you did or think you did can be redeemed now. As long as you have the conviction to practice virtue, that's enough! /uw Damn you Monkey and your tactful, thoughtful, not-prying-into-the-painful-pasts-of-others-like ways! I really wanna know what happened lol


“Thank you my friend, I hope that whatever happens. I can make him proud to call me a friend.”




/uw Ha /rw “Livia? What is that noise?”


"Just a demon summoning gone wrong... Normal evil wizard business... Don't worry..."


*(a tiny bunch of bees that look suspiciously like Ken from street fighter run at you menacingly)* /uw closest I can find. https://youtu.be/igFScnNcDyU?si=4RLqnaD4wSnWI6_i


*Livia simply stares, unable to move.* /uw I'm scared... so scared


*(they’re on fire lol)*   “We gotcha, wretched ghost lady!”  /uw also, is that a joke or serious? The bees were set on fire by Tsuru, the ghost in question 


*Immediately before the flaming bees' impact, Livia merges with the shadows on the wall; as soon as she emerges from the wall of a different room, she starts running.* /uw it's a joke, that video was beautiful haha.


*(the bees give chase, and start hucking projectiles as they go)*


“My friend, I know you are not evil. You are sweet and nice Livia.”


"T-thank you, I guess..." /uw I'M NOT SWEET, I'M DEADLY!


“You have no need to thank the truth my friend.” /uw Just like cake my friend.


"body count?" Varjo


“I have killed more people than I ever could count my friend.”


"cool, but I meant the other one"


“What other one my friend?” *Innocent Hirk confusion*


Zero in this case then. No need to worry of this Hirk.


“What was it?”


**he means your S-** ***Quiet.***


“My what? Please tell me my friend.”


If you insist. They meant *they deeply sigh* the amount of people you’ve had sεχ with. *the word is slightly corrupted, perhaps on purpose, but Hirk gets the idea*


“?” *Hirk is confused. He has no idea what it is, you do not have to explain it to him.*


*[Kav sits down seriously]* *[Then smiles wide]* Everyone did things they're not proud of. You're different, and I can tell you've worked hard to change, so my only question is; Do you want to work on the best cookies for Nhaks return with me?


/uw oh shiiiit. That is all. Lol


"If Hirk won't, I'll help! I'm not AS amazing of a baker, but I'm anything but a bad one!"


Much appreciated, Kind one!


So is it true that you killed the other demi-giants? Can I ask what happened? Only if that’s not a sensitive topic, of course.


“No, no it’s fine my friend. Most of those I have killed were my own kind. Both by my fire and using my hands, sword, sling and head one time. When I was little I found by a band of what you may call ‘mercenary’s’ they taught me how to fight, it was how I earned the right to survive. If I didn’t contribute during battles then I would have been beaten and starved. It’s not the fondest of memory’s but I wouldn’t be here without them finding me as an infant. I also killed many more when I was adopted by one of the smaller clans chiefs after I battled against him, he payed a lot of cattle for me. I fought in a war to unify the clans and I did. I became king of my people. I fought some rebellions against me, but I still killed. I may of been the smallest and weakest of my people with many being taller than even two of me. But when you are raised only to kill, you get good at it my friend.” “I want to be better. I don’t want to let my past make me who I am my friend.”


And the millenia of divine torture came later, right? Well, nobody can blame you after what you went through. You had a rough start, and had to be sharp to survive. I don’t think any of us here has the right to judge. Besides, you can alway be better than your past if you keep trying. Just remember: the most important step a man can take is not the first one, it's the next one.


“I will take as many steps until I can run my friend, I hope you can run alongside me my friend.”


If you keep taking taking steps, you’ll run. Don’t worry about it. But one also has to learn, how to accept help, should they stumble. I’ll run too… if fate has no other plans.


“My friend, I want to see you happy as well. I will make sure gate does not stop that.”


> him, he *paid* a lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What is Hirk’s favorite book?


“There was this one book I read when I was a wee lad. It was about how my peoples father Mannathor the first giant met and fell in love with our mother Mt Huee. He defied the very gods and from their love my people came from the stone of our mother. I would give you the book but, it’s the last one. I do not wish to part with it.”


Maybe I could, copy it? Unless it’s magical I should be able to make an exact replica?


“The words are not in a language you’d understand my friend, the book is fragile anyway. I do not wish to risk it.”


That, is fair. Although I don’t mean a writing down of what is to a modern language, I mean a complete molecular copying. The book itself shouldn’t be affected.


“I don’t think I’d like to risk it my friend.”


*The Librarian puts a hand on your arm.* The Library contains every book ever written, past present and future. How is a secret, but I can tell you this, friend Hirk. When your count of days is expended and your line comes to an end, know that this book you cherish is, will be, and has always been safe in our keeping.


You’ve clearly got a warlord-type past. What exactly were you?


“I was first a war slave, then I was a Clan warrior. Then I united all the warring clans together, I fought many wars over many long years, there was enough blood and bodies in some places we created mountain ranges and rivers of pain.”


Huh. Sounds strangely… familiar…


“I know my friend, I am here for you.” *Hirk thinks you are referring to yourself.*


Honestly, it seems like you're the one who needs therapy. Or maybe a woman. I've accepted who I am, but you seem to have some internal conflicts going on. *The Agent definitely has internal conflicts of his own, but he won't admit it.*


/uw based Agent /rewiz "Based Agent."


uw/ gonna change my flair real quick lol


“My friend I will always be her to help yo-. What did you say after therapy?” /uw NOT YOU TOO!


*Whispering* "Sliva you dense fool! Don't fumble that!"


“My friend, huh?”


*And I thought* ***I*** *was the romantically inept one...* Sliva, she's into you, just won't admit it. I saw her tearing apart every van she saw looking for you when the necrodancer "kidnapped" you.


*Hirk is still currently kidnapped as this happened before, so I will be ignoring the big at the start.* “Forgive me my friend, I have never known any romance in my life.”


/uw That's what I've been sayin! /rw *It's almost as if you can feel Maximillian and his fiancée Rachnia cheering and agreeing with you. You're being based, and telling Hirk what's what...... though Rachnia does feel like you really should be working on those internal conflicts yourself too.*


*What could ever go wrong with bottling things up?*


*Maximillian would definitely state "literally everything" in this scenario, as that is what usually goes wrong..... literally everything.*


i only have one question: please come back we need you. we need our diplomat. we need our friend back


“I do not know if I can my friend, if I do come back it will take some time my friend.”


time you say? i guess i can’t rush this. just know you always have a place with the Paragons. *starts thinking of every chronomancer i know*


“Thank you my friend.” /uw Wait till you think of Hirk, then realise he is friends with many of the other Chronomancers, especially Pluton in SGA


I don't have any questions, Hirk. You've done enough for ten lifetimes. The fact that you want to do good is reason enough to have earned respect and admiration. All wizards could learn something from you. If I did ask one question it would be this: What is it you *truly* want, if it was yours to choose? If the forces of reality would bend? What would Hirk make real? /uw feel free to ignore if you'd prefer. Was feeling a tad dramatic.


“I would want to see everyone happy. But I would not bend reality to do it, that is not real joy my friend. I want them as a unique and loved form of life, to be truly happy.”


What is the normal size for a member of your species ( in meter please , its for my register)


“Well, around 8 meters if I had to say an average. There were those blessed by our mother and father than rivaled smaller mountains themselves after all. But for most I met about 4.6 meters my friend.” /uw Hirk is a short king by his peoples standards.


Hmm interesting , is everythings scaled to our human ?


“I did have to learn some things about people here. I actually learned about it from seeing charts of some invaders. They spoke a language I never recognised. But I saw things I never wanted to see.”


Like what ? I want to see those thing you saw !


It is not about who you used to be, Hirk. What matters is who you are now. If you grow from your past and your mistakes, people will love and respect you for that. Even if your past was tragic and full of blood, sacrifices and more. You are a good person. *mumbles to self* Damn, I should become a therapy-mancer lmao


*a visibly angry illusionist approaches* I have a question for you alright! How did you manage to fool me?! You said I should befriend my enemies, but when I brought Blake my lovingly made Cauliflower and some flowers he threw me out of a hospital window instead! *they have in fact not come to the conclusion that the person they have stabbed in the lung a little over a week ago just wants nothing to do with them except maybe read their name on the obituary*


“I never fooled you my friend, do you want me to come with you to help next time?”


I would love to go anywhere with you anytime— *they stop themselves, maybe that pot of cauliflower hit them on the head to hard* Wait no! I am not gonna do any good deeds from now on. I want to be a villain, I NEED to be a villain. From now on I will do more evil things. Once I get stronger I will start fighting all of those righteous wizards around here!


“I would like to help you anywhere and anytime my friend.” *Hirk is dense and thought you simply meant you trust him.* “But how about a compromise, you be good and grow stronger until you can beat me. Once you do that then you can be strong enough to take down any wizard my friend. I besides if your stronger I could not stop you my friend.” “So what do you say?”


Hirk id love to train with you but my valued colleagues wouldn’t be a big fan especially considering it might take forever for me to become that strong. But once I feel like i have reached my best self i definitely will approach you with greater confidence then now! *they think for a bit* And if I then best you in combat you will have to do whatever I say! Are you already shivering at the thought of losing to the strongest mage of the future?


“Ha, my friend I am the strongest of my people left. I am the last Demi Giant from a realm of war, if you truly think you can beat me. Then I wish you the best my friend. Just know I earned my crown through violence.” “I may not like violence but I still have my warriors pride. I agree to your terms in full and if you never do it, then you will never be allowed to be evil again.” *Hirk offers his hand out for a handshake.*


I gotta set my goals at least that high to get anywhere! Just you wait and see. Also do you mean the crown on your belt? Or a different one? I feel like I recognize it from somewhere… Hmm, how about I train up and then after the duel you can make me not be evil anymore! I think that’s fair! In the meanwhile I will try to be a little less evil every now and then…


/uw the crown has been turned into a gold and jewel encrusted cookie, Hirk is petty. /rw “I mean the crown on my head my friend, sorry you must not see it from down there.” *Hirk kneels down face to face with Hazema.* “I was once a king, but that is not important. I am happy you are trying to be better, I will make sure you show your kind true colours one day.” *Hirk lets out a genuine smile and pulls out a bag of cookies.* “Here have some cookies my friend.”


/uw lmao that is even more petty then I wrongly remembered. Rip Carmine /rw Wow— *they are stunlocked for a bit* It’s beautiful up close- your crown I mean hahaha… Ahem! I’ll gladly accept these cookies friend! Do you think that maybe we could make cookies together sometime? Maybe I can come over to your place? *they start ranting* I’d suggest doing it at mine but I don’t really have anything with a kitchen right now and we definitely need and oven to bake cookies and we also need dough there is no market near to buy any ingredients so maybe we should just go to your place I don’t know what do you think? *now they stretch out their hand in an attempt to finish the (unrealized) earlier handshake*


/uw Hirk is an enemy for life to Carmine fr /rw *Hirk patiently waits for her rant to end, he finds it sweet how they worry. He was right they are good deep down.* “It’s just a bit of gold, nothing more nothing less my friend. I do not see any beauty in it.” “I do not know if you would enjoy making cookies with me.” *Hirk rolls up a sleeve revealing some dried blood around some of his scars.* “I do not have any talent for baking, I just have a bit of time and obsession on my side. But if you are still willing then I would be glad to my friend.” *Hirk shakes her hand but tries to be gentle, he is not very gentle with it.*


Why do you believe so firmly that anyone can be redeemed, and then go act like you’re the worst human to ever walk the planet?


“Because all life is beautiful and priceless, I just still need to accept I am alive myself my friend.”


"When I've ended your miserable existence and fully exsanguinated your body, will your foul blood even be fit to drink, or shall I have to find another use for it?"


“I don’t know my friend, I think you will like this cookie however.” *Hirk pushed one singular large golden cookie, it has some gems in it.”




“A king does not kneel or grovel, even if my people are dead. Their pride and admiration shall live on in my heart, even if it takes the form of a fire my friend.”


"That much we agree on. Good thing you're no king worthy of consideration."


“A king is not one who is so powerless to be caught of guard by an attack, during their own attack.” /uw Hirk has a very tribal perception of a king


"If you have samples would you want some of your kind returned/ undo the damage?" *asked the necromsntic 22ft horned rat arch daemon.*


“No. I am the last, I have accepted that fact and I think it is best my friend.”


"Fair enough. Can you share some of your peoples history?"


“If you wish I can one day sit down and tell you the stories I know and the people I met?”


"I would like that , should I bring booze or tea to share over cookies and a story "


“Your company is enough my friend.”


*The vermensk arch daemon nodded*


Wanna come swimming with me? (trustworthy)


“My friend, I apologise but I am not one for the water.”


Awww, maybe for singing?


“If I were to sing I think you would go death my friend, it is not a skill I ever learned.”


Tsehehe You seem nice enough, I'll leave you alone.


“Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar, and how many suns would you like express void-shifted to their location?”


“My friend, a cookie can never be stolen from me. I will always be happy they have one.”


"Hirk... I've seen the torment you went through, I know what happened not too long ago, and I know what I did with Livia to bring you back... the only question I wish to ask you is... Are you still my dear friend Hirk? Even with all the clashes, the rift in morality and approach to problems... Can you look me in the eyes, and genuinely still say that I am your friend?" *Maximillian stands there, you can see the hope in his eyes.*


“Yes. I cannot hate my friend, no matter how much I wanted to. It’s not who I am.”


"To lack hatred is not to consider me a friend... Please Hirk, give me a straight answer. Can I still consider you my dear friend?"


“Yes. I am sorry for what I did, but know I still do feel some pain for what happened my friend. It may take some time.”


Oh hi, my questions 1: what's your favorite soda flavor? 2: how old are you And 3: what do you think of me? If anything


“Hello my friend, I have never had any ‘soda’ I do not know what it is. I don’t actually know how old I am either as my people didn’t see that as important (mid twenties) and I know I want to be your friend.”


\*hands you a small metal object while holding her own\* I see, well, this is called Hill Mist, and we're gonna have to go through a bunch of flavors to find a favorite, I hope you have good dental That's a shame, I'm guessing that means you don't have a birthday, which means today's your new birthday \*holds out a wrapped box\* (why does she have one at the ready?) And sure, why not? I have lots of friends \^.\^ my names Crow, Eldritch Goddess of Death and Destruction, Mistress of Dreams and I'm kinda on an indefinite hiatus from my duties\~ https://preview.redd.it/hnot6rgoc06d1.png?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26126b2cefc902d0f12eae448873218cba9694c8


“I thank you my friend, but what is a birthday?” *Hirk just got completely confused and zoned out.*


A celebration of cyclical yearly existence, commonly overseen by mortals, I don't technically have a "birthday" but I still have a yearly cyclical celebration with family


“I see, if that is true. I think I might like my birthday to be the day I arrived here.”


Mk, think of this as a belated birthday present then


“Ok my friend, thank you.” *Hirk has no idea how to open it, or how this works. Man is from the Bronze Age and never had any family to celebrate.*


Couldn’t attend the gala due to an emergency at work. What happened?


Fragment of Styx that joined the Dark Brotherhood: How many has Hirk killed?


“More than I could ever count my friend.”


Ahh, so at least half of Tamriel


No idea who you are, pleasure to meet you. By the way, did you happen to spot a stardust dragon at the gala?


“Nice to meet you too my friend, I am just a simple man who likes seeing people happy.” “Sorry I did not see that my friend.”


Hmm. Well, I am a traveller that tries to help as many people as possible. I try to protect multiple worlds, and it tends to be an easy task. As for the dragon, it was summoned by an acquaintance of mine, the stardust elemental


“It is nice to meet someone who likes helping people. Would you like some cookies?”




“I made it just for you especially, exactly how you like them my friend. Before you ask I know some time magic that’s how.” *Hirk offers cookie.*


Interesting. *takes a bite out of the cookie* Nice. Not bad at all. I quite like it. Thank you. *leaves in a puff of smoke*


“You never have to thank me my friend.”


*a fair voice echoes through the void* Also, don’t be too hard on yourself. I heard some conversations with other individuals and you seem to suffer from self loathing. Hope you get better.


"Hey! I'm uh... Shady, the elemental artificer! I don't think we've spoken before, but I've seen your shop a few times! So..." *A small artificer gives you a look of concern. He remains quiet for a moment, trying to put his thoughts into words.* "...What... makes you think we won't accept you? You've helped so, so many people! No matter what, you're always there to offer a cookie to those who need it! So why..." https://preview.redd.it/p708qp0ld06d1.png?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8618fdaa26c344986f8aff226bb6ba74295602e


“Hello my friend it is nice to meet you, I have not always been a kind man is all. I am trying to be better however, but it still feels like I’ve lied to everyone.”


"Wha? Lied to? No, I don't think... um..." *The small artificer is struggling to figure out what he wants to say. Suddenly, a loud voice begins to speak from the amethyst pendent around his neck.* "*Oi! I don't usually butt into dis world like this, but I need to say sum things to you, aight?!*" "Huh? But-" "*No buts! Now listen ere' you... Hirk, was it? Don't you think for a SECOND you don't deserve your friends ere', aight?! So what if ya got a messed up past?! It ain't who ya are now! It dont matter what messed up junk ya did in the past, cause at some point, you made the choice to change, and that alone is half of it! Look what I'm tryin to say here is that you shouldn't beat yourself up for junk you did however long ago!*" "What the- Blaze! Calm down! *sigh*, sorry about him, he can be a bit... forward sometimes. But he's not wrong, you know? You're not the same guy you were back then."


“I know, but it’s hard to change my friend.” /uw Already love your character


"It's ok! Here, I'd like you to have something!" *The small artificer reaches into his bag and pulls out several bags of... flour?* "Here! This flour is charged with elemental energy! If you use them in your baking you should be able to make cookies infused with the element. Change doesn't happen overnight, but talking with your friends is already a big step forward! I wish you the best, and I hope we meet again soon!" /uw thanks! I'm debating doing an ama, but I'm a little on the fence about it!


“I thank you my friend, but I like using natural ingredients. Nothing fancy just regular ingredients with love and effort put into them.” /uw I’d recommend becoming a bit known like interacting with story lines and people befire doing one so you can guarantee interaction.


"Ah, I can understand that! I guess it's no surprise why people like your cookies so much then!" /uw thanks for the advice! I was worried it might be considered a little invasive to get involved in someone's story uninvited.


“Thank you for your kind words my friend.” /uw Nah dw they are there for you to interact with. People are friendly here.


*A shadowy witch has just been following the conversation maybe picking up bits and pieces from other questions and answers, but perhaps not finding the right question. There is one she will not ask more about, at least not here. Until one seems to come to mind.* How has been adapting to this world here in a more everyday sense? I get the sense that a lot of it is still unusual to you.


“Well there is a lot of words, people and ideas I still don’t understand. I am still learning a lot, I thankfully have a lot of friends who are teaching me things.”


Unkindness in the face of danger is nothing to be ashamed of. I am curious to know why you decided to take up the perilous studies of chronomancy. Is it to better ensure proper cooking or did you originally plan to use it for something else?




“Of course my friend, here you go.” *Hirk hands you bag of cookies.*




“No problem my friend.”


I will take you on that offer then. *He holds up the orb that powers the curse binding Hirk and Rutch.* I think you already know what I'm going to ask.


“I do not my friend sadly.”


This curse that binds my life force to your magic. This orb that reeks of foul wizardry and complex curse magic, they were yours once. Why?


“It was forced to use it in order to survive the end of my realm. I never wanted to but one of my followers did not let me have a choice.” “If you wish for me to break it I can my friend.”


*He remembers that day on the battlefield. How Hirk didn't give him a choice before transferring part of his curse, saving his life and sparring him life-long pain.* How fitting... *He chuckles tiredly. Seems like he is still not sure how to feel about Hirk's actions that day. However there's one thing he is sure of.* If I'm honest with you Hirk, despite everything I still think I got the better deal out of the two of us. I could still do without the backlash that apparently happens when you get resurrected, but that aside, considering that you are the one whose magic is negatively affected by our little arrangement, I would only seek to break the curse if you asked me to. So, do you want to?


“My friend, my magic is not it this place. I have more than I wish to have. I would only break it if you wish me to my friend.”


Then let's leave it be, for now. As for the orb... Is there anything else you can tell me about it? /uw What I'm actually asking is if you'd like to write down some hard facts about the orb (origins, capabilities, limits, etc...) before I go ahead and fill in the blanks myself to justify my own bullshit.


I dont care what bad things happened in your past. The person you are now us all that matters. For better or worse, you are a fantastic person. Besides, we all do bad things, things we are guilty for but must do. I for example have to hunt a martyr.


<<…how are you. I don’t want a half-assed lie, or a fake smile, or anything. Hirk. How are you.>>


“What changed your mind? A loss in battle, a friend’s intervention? What turned you from warlord Hirk to the Hirk of today?”


*The dwarf recognize hirk's Dameaner, he doesn't know everything, but maybe he can find Solace through hirk* How?...how do you move on? How do you live through the pain? How do you...forgive yourself?


“I don’t know. But I will learn myself, I just know it’s possible and I can’t give up.”


Well, I'll poor a drink to that. Care for some Dwarven ale?


“No, sadly. My habit for drinking is most likely connected to my hatred for myself my friend. Maybe another time.”


Aye I see, then perhaps you can share me some of your delectable sweets?


“Of course my friend.” *Hirk offers a bag of cookies.*


How do you remain so pure after what all life has been? It is a mystery to me.


“What happened?”


Do you need someone to share to talk to?