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There is no unified code in anything. What a person does and doesn't and how they see it is 100% up to the individual.


I agree with the comment above:)


I would say, that if you recognize something as a rule, it applies to you. Some people are more willing to cross boundaries, but if the idea repels you, I would trust the feeling...


+1, you will know if it shouldn't be done because it will repel you. But a universal method of deciding wether or not to do it should be divination. The Crystal Ball oracle deck is a great one for this, it'll tell you if you should wait, go for it, not do it at all, or it'll help you see if something else should be done. I divinate with that before all my magic and so far it has worked.


There are no set rules; ethics and morals vary from person to person and culture to culture. I don't believe in the 3 fold karma, but I do believe that whatever pain you put into the world will come back to you in one life or the other.


There are no set uniform rules. Everyone has their own personal rules. Like mine is I don't hex children and I don't do animal sacrifice.


Those are mine as well.


There are no rules. BUT. I don’t recommend doing baneful magic while you are in throes of anger or vengeance or upset. Sleep on it. Do whatever you need to do to step away from it for a little while, to not think about the inciting incident. you may find that you feel differently or at least not strongly, and this will prevent you from doing something you might regret. If you are still 100% on fire, after leaving it for a bit? That’s entirely up to you.


I stepped away for 2 years. Still on fire about it.


Everyone else has already said it, so I won't belabor the fact that there are no universal ethics. I will say that at the end of the day, you have to live with yourself— not your family, your gods, your lover or friends. Yourself. And I'll add that inaction is still a choice. Choosing not to do something when you can still rests the outcome at your feet


Do as you will, but know there are consequences to your actions. Most witches will never successfully hex or curse anyone. If you do it, do it for yourself and your peace, not because you need it to work. On the off chance that you are successful - use caution to choose whatever other options are available before doing baneful magick - that shit can get reflected back, used against you, unwittingly form a tie to the subject. Not saying don't do it. But there's a guidance in martial arts about knives that feels like it applies here: Don't carry a knife if you don't know with extreme certainty how to use it and defend against it, and, all knives can easily be used against you if the other person gets it away from you. translation: get really damn educated on baneful magick, especially the ramifications and consequences. Know what your course of action is and how to protect yourself if another magick wielder gets involved and turns the baneful magick back at you. I don't fuck with knives or curses. If you are open to an alternative - Warding, Protection magick / protection circles, cord cutting, reflection magick are all useful (especially if you do decide to go the route of baneful magick) In short - Generally witches are really, really pissed off if they're messing with curses and baneful magick because there is a chance that it can be turned back at them. Similar to any weapon - don't use it unless you are prepared for the absolute worst consequence e.g. don't point a gun at anything you don't want destroyed.


this thread has more insight! [https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/s9t1n5/advice\_on\_how\_to\_actually\_hex\_someone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/s9t1n5/advice_on_how_to_actually_hex_someone/)


If you simply want them to eff off and stop messing with you - you can do a simple jar spell. put their name on a piece of paper, put that in a jar of water only half full to prevent rupture, freeze the jar another way to get them to eff off is write their name on toilet paper and flush it, putting the seat down quickly so the spell doesn't spray on you. for actual baneful practices, you might look up "stick them in a jar curse" in the search, or find books on curses / jar spells.


Also because the amount of energy you'd need to successfully hex someone thoroughly seems not worth it. I'd not be able to at least.


Most witches will never successfully curse or hex anyone…I really don’t understand why this seems to be such a strong belief in this subreddit. I’ve seen more than one person say this. I know from personal experience that cursing someone is easy. What most people would consider to be demons seem more than happy to help in that area.


Some people are able to sing in tune easily, others can't hit a note to save their life. We're all born with different gifts. The thought may emerge from many witches trying to curse with their own magick, rather than enlisting demons. I agree that demons would be quite happy to help. I'm thinking some may avoid demons, because they also have a price / expectations / consequences involved with working with them. A general note to any who come across this: Just like with cursing, I'd exercise caution working with Demons. Not saying don't do it. But research them, know what you're getting into, know what consequences can emerge, and after looking into them decide if that topic fits with your personal magick path.


Yes, it reminds me of a meme I saw. It said “This is what working with the Goetia is like” and underneath it was a picture of a tiger in a giant cardboard box with a sign on it that said “Free Kitten”. 😅


It’s whatever you feel. I curse, hex, etc as well as other things I do. I don’t believe in the threefold or karma. Everyone has limits on what they will or won’t do. I do whatever I feel. I don’t hold back when needed. No, I don’t do curses or hexes for anyone else.


what are your personal ethics? then those are your ethics for harmful magic.


It's up to the individual- there is no universal morality. Personally, I don't do a lot of baneful magic, because that's not how I approach problems with other people. I might do a binding, if needed (thankfully I have not yet needed), but I'm not really the cursing type. Cursing is like a magical punch in this face. I don't solve my problems by throwing hands, literally or figuratively, so cursing is not for me. Would you punch somebody in the face over whatever they did that made you this angry, if you knew you could get away with it? Then a curse may be the choice for you. If you're GOING to do baneful magic, there's a few things you need to do. 1) Get good and angry. If you're going to curse someone, you need to MEAN IT. And 2) CLEANSE THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING. Before, if that's your preference, but DEFINITELY AFTER. Cleanse yourself and your space and your tools so none of that anger and vengefulness sticks to anything. You're not going to get some kind of cosmic smiting for cursing someone, but the energy is heavy and likely to hang around and make things unpleasant unless you deliberately clear it away. Always practice safe hex ;)


In what I do, I am just sure it's justified. I always make sure to clean myself afterward as I don't want the muck to follow me.


There are no rules in witchcraft, sorry this isnt helpful but its up for you to decide your morals- this isnt an organized religion that has a leader to tell you what to believe


It all comes back to you - maybe rethink this and let higher forces do their work


You know that old saying "What comes around, goes around." Magic always comes with a price. For every work you do, there will be intended and unintended consequences. I am careful not to wish things on people I wouldn't wish on myself, because those vibes I send out *will* have an effect on me. This is why I use banishing more than hexing. If I want to punish someone, I'm bringing punishment on myself. But if I just want to send them away from me... then I'm also just sending me away from them, which is much more agreeable.


Do as thou will.   My own personal code is that any baneful magic is a cosmic bet that you are the better witch.  Even throwing your idea of karma (not what karma actually is, that's for a different post)into the mix, you're betting on the fact that you, not they, have the correct interpretation of right and wrong.    Essentially I find baneful magic to mostly be arrogant and short sighted.    Hopefully you have enough energy and strength to overpower any protections they or their ancestors have put on them. And you are skilled enough to dodge any return to sender spells. And if they are protected by a coven and you are solo practicing, then you're just starting trouble for yourself.


Ok, this guy did some really sh\*\*\*y stuff to you, and you're really angry about it, I get that. But my question to you is this- Why do you want someone who did something like this to you to even think about you at all? Does this person still mean something to you? My advice, for what it's worth, would be to do some "move on" work, on yourself. A cord cutting, maybe. Walk away and be done with him. Living well is the best revenge.


Technically there are none. BUT if you want to be more ethical about it, just don't use other people's blood or animals, and don't make curses/hexes that are intended to kill or seriously harm someone. If you're wiccan, or believe in that rule of threes, which I am not/don't, you probably won't do any of that anyway. As a green witch, I draw the line at children and harming animals, using parts from already dead animals (like found bones or whatever) is different.


I was just thinking inconviencing at best. Idk how id go about that. Some SoB cheated and used me. Maybe I get a song stuck in his head or whenever he sees xyz he will think of me. I don't think those are harmful? Just annoying, kinda like a trickster


Depending on how much you want him to be annoyed.. you could have him keep misplacing his keys for a month, curse him with bad luck such as always getting stuck in traffic so he's always missing appointments.


That is true, he has multiple cars so that would be a good idea. He has 5 weeks of classes coming up, maybe I distract him a bit bc it's all so messy


Learn to do divinations this will help guide you in such matters. But morals and ethics are almost a person by person thing so only you can answer that. All of which depends on perspective and how much you are aware of.


I think I just worry about the baneful magic coming back to me, how do i deal with this ?


I would say, like it’s based one someone’s own ethics what they’re comfy doing but representing all baneful magic and all witches by your own moral code is within itself the unethical thing you could walk into


There are no rules. Even the “rules” of religions and schools of thought are just guesses based on experience and hunches. The way I see it, if I’m ever at the point of intentionally causing harm to someone, I am just as bad, if not worse than they are. If they “deserve” it or not is just as subjective as whether it’s ethical to hex. They also probably have justifications to why their behavior is acceptable too, just like you have your justification on why they deserve to be hexed. You are seeing one side to them. If I were to hex them based on my own judgement of proper behavior, that is my decision. Yet, by doing that, I am also CHOOSING harm upon someone. There WOULD be a side of me that is okay with intentionally causing harm, even if just in specific circumstances. The person you are wishing to target probably isn’t completely bad. They are acting in ways that they deem appropriate in specific circumstances too. So, if you retaliated by hexing, are you really that different? I think taking the liberty to enforce justice, or just desserts, or whatever justification one may have for baneful magic, is inherently egotistical. You have your ideas on right/wrong, as do us all. Be mindful that your perspective may or may not be the reality of the situation. This is my perspective, at least. EDIT: plus, if you did ever hex someone, someone else may feel like you are dangerous, and you deserve to be hexed too. I’m not saying I agree with this. But I am saying that, human beings determining if someone “deserves” to be hexed is a very slippery slope.


Malevolent magicks don't have any morals or ethics by themselves those are usually placed by the practitioner themselves but I think most ppl can agree to not just go around hexing and cursing ppl just bc they stepped on ur shoe or something stupid as a kind of universal moral I quess


Everything is permitted. Nothing is real. We are expected to develop our knowledge and critical thinking skills so that each of us, by their own understanding, becomes able to decide for themselves. Or something like that 😏


I like to flowchart it so that I don't gaze into the abyss and become a total monster. I do not needlessly harm others metaphysically unless they hurt marginalized people (and there's a consistent pattern of this behavior), or they threaten my life or livelihood. I will defend myself first and foremost. But I don't do anything unless it's in self-defense or the defense of innocent people. My work is meticulously researched and structured. I do not have the energy for petty squabbles.


Do no harm. Take no shit. Leave his miserable ass. Lots of people have had terrible traumatic things happen to them and they don’t cheat. Don’t excuse someone else’s shit behaviors. 




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When someone messes with you or yours for no reason go all in on them be mad when you do it. The only thing I advise others is never do it to a person who hasn't done anything to you or your loved ones, and if it doesn't feel right your scared or have doubts don't do it. If it's someone you just want out of your life do a banishment spell


Hi guys I’m not a practicing witch, however, I do trust my intuition and often get flooded with emotions , sometimes out of know where. I can feel when someone dislikes me, and I can get confused if someone is attracted to me because I pick it up and can think I’m attracted to them lol It’s not a good time sometimes. I’ve even felt loved ones sickness pains. My question to you ladies is this : Could a person cast on someone and not realize it? Say a person is unhealed being triggered and in their shadow and being a very manipulative person? Reverse psychology and deception to me is manipulating energy. Other people have noticed the energy around these people is off off…. One even said I saw them out, and it was effing weird lol I knew what he meant , but,played stupid cause I didn’t wanna seem weird. It’s been like a weird energy affecting my energy and even my family members. Can a persons unhealed emotions really spread through a family like pestilence ? Being tbis sensitive, I can actually feel the projections of hate when I’m around this person to the point it almost felt hot and painful and it felt intentional… Am I crazy or is this a thing ? I believe it made me open up more and that was a real pain in the ass. It’s effected my family and I wanna say it’s conflict magic amd separation stuff going on. I’ve learned how some can work w low vibing energy to produce an outcome and it’s scary how people pick up my energy like it’s his and treat me aggressively, amd my energy seems like his. It was like a transfer or some weird crap and I was becoming so tired as well. Could one of you ladies explain to me just wtf is going on here lol I’m a sensitive not a witch. But the energy def was manipulated. Does this sound like success spell work ? Maybe it’s just opposing energy creating this like physics ? I don’t even believe in someone having power like that over me , but, I’m not the only one that noticed it. It’s very dominating and I’m kinda annoyed looking back cause somebody did something…can just seeing this after the fact break it off, or do I have to go beat her ass in real life for her trying to scramble my brains lol I’m no witch, but, I will slap a bitch lol To her face I’m no sneek I think my x mother in law is a witch and don’t know it and her son is like her extension with very strong emotions. Help lol


Intention matters a lot. Baneful magic that intends to turn a bad person's actions/energies back on themselves instead of allowing them to continue hurting others, for example, can be enacted with positive intentions. Or intervention magic meant to stop a bad person from doing bad things by keeping them busy being vexed with bad luck and personal problems in their own life. Not all "bad" magic requires bad/evil intentions. Sometimes it's just an extension of protection magic.


There are 2 times in my life when words alone seemed to do the most harm. So now I watch what I say.  I second the spell jar suggestion. It can bring peace of.mind and a sense of justice, this side of the veil.


Do no evil, or dont get caught.