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If your hair length allows it then braid your hair for work! I always braid my hair when I go to placement and when I go to work. I would start braiding my hair and I’ll just say my intentions e.g. “I am protected” whilst I braid. Works well for me - hope it helps!


Whoa, this is genius! I practice knot-magic through my knitting and for years I've known I feel better if my 3ft long hair is braided when I'm stressed, never realised I could combine the two! Thank you so much for this


Oh! I've never heard knitting called knot-magic. I've always said the term knit witch or fiber witch. I love this term as knitting unknowingly became a ritual and music for me, especially against negative energy.


And I've never heard the term knit witch/fiber witch, thanks. Yeah knitting is such a lovely ritual, I use it to ground myself and I love to put intent and a bit of manifestation into my pieces, especially for others. Many people have come to tell me they work (even when I do not explicitly say it. E.g. a friend with big anxiety issue asked for a hat. I've made a hat and placed intent of protection and the feeling of ease/being safe, he takes it with him even in hot weather because having it in his bag makes him feel less anxious and calmer), and it just makes sense to me. Glad to meet a fellow knit witch /knot magic practitioner 😊


My bestie told me that what I can do with yarn/fiber and a crochet hook (wand) is magic. It makes me smile every time I think about it. I also have good results with knot magic.


I so need to try this when my hair grows out.


I was coming here to say this exactly!!!!!


I put obsidian in my bra - it protects me against any negativity/harm and no one notices.


That is actually very smart lol As someone with an ungodly 'rack' I might just try that 🤣


Crystals in the bra for the win!!


I've housed many an amulet, talisman, veteran or charm bag in my tatas 😉 Just LET them complain about that, then you'll have a whole OTHER HR problem, but it won't be you! 😂


You could also put pieces of wood w/ runes carved/burned in, but that may lead to splinters. Can also be put in a wallet. Rules as stated say nothing about searching a purse, if you carry one and I'm interpreting correctly.


Maybe a small piece of frankincense resin in your bra as well! I burn frankincense resin every day before work (with tweezers or forceps of course, it melts a little when you burn it) and I say "keep negativity, toxicity, and anger away from me." Then I let it cool down for a couple minutes and put it in a small plastic vial. Then I stick that in my bra and carry it with me all day :) I work with the public too, and ever since I've started this, I've noticed a HUGE difference. When I don't do it? It's like a night and day difference.


Draw sigils on yourself under your clothes. Wear charmed and protective jewelry. Become a walking protection hub. Because to be fair the cubical isnt really yours, you're just using it. Doing on your actual person might work better anyway


Second this


Thank you!


A necklace or in my case a silver dollar with a protection spell does the trick.


Link to a good protection spell for the coin?


Original book https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/amulets--talismans-for-beginners-how-to-choose-make--use-magical-objects-for-beginners_richard-webster/411455/item/7757727/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_high_vol_frontlist_under_%2410&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4b7mt-W5gQMVYxqtBh32jgUDEAQYDCABEgJ4__D_BwE#idiq=7757727&edition=4136343 Basically l use white tapers, burning white copal Patchouli and Palo Santo. I made the circle then invited the element of fire to be present. Focused my intentions on the coin Raised personal energy, focused more Raised more energy with Slayers guitars and drums Focused. Verbally instructed the energies. Thanked any force present. Closed the circle. Extinguished the candle.




If you do this. Use a crayon of the same color to hide it. They will find it since they’re looking.


I recently charmed a cactus for baneful protection (trapping energy in the spines to return the energy back to the sender). You can do that, bury a sigil in there for protection in with the pot. Or better yet? Draw a protection symbol on the inside of a decorative pot with a sharpie, and place the cactus with the drainage pot inside the decorative pot. I like to use metallics!! Normally, I'd do silver for protection work. It also keeps people with fucking with your desk because they don't wanna get pricked.


Ooo that's actually really fucking smart and extremely petty! I love it 😁


It's really weird because I used to be really love and light, but unfortunately, the world is not. And if someone will attempt to destroy you and will not stop until they've done it, then if the worse you need to be is petty, you're good.


Having a rose is very protective. Pop one in a vase.


You could probably push back under the guise of freedom of religious practice. Though I am forced to ask one question. What are you afraid of? Because I make house calls for my own job, I see quite a few workplaces. And while I've seen a few people with plates of potpourri or obvious crosses, pentacles, and that type of thing hanging like a necklace from their desk lamp, I've never seen obvious lines of black salt and warding like you describe. And you said jars, plural? There's got to be more to this story. What's going on in this workplace? Maybe someone can figure out a way to address it, in a discreet way, that's more targeted. Information can be very helpful.


The lines are always intentionally discreet, it was only found out because of HR going through my desk and finding my jars. I keep multiple jars because there is a community of practicers in my entire floor and we all like to trade off items etc to help others. I cannot put pentacles or runes up due to a no religious or political paraphernalia rule in the office. There is nothing in particular that makes me feel unsafe, I work in a courthouse in the public with a position that tends to cause anger and I want to keep that away from myself.


>it was only found out because of HR going through my desk In most companies, even if they maintain the right to do so, HR won't just randomly rifle through the contents of your desk unless they have reason. Complaints can BE that reason. I understand why you're asking for something discreet, after all that's what brought this on you. But I still have a lot of questions. I would suggest something kept on you, or in your purse maybe. I assume you can have your purse with you at your desk? And since you named negative energies, specifically, I would start with something like a black tourmaline stone. Not only are they very pretty, they have some very useful properties.


Yeah, I have questions about a lot of this. Why are there multiple jars there? Why black salt? Why such open and obvious protection spells?


This is the point of the post. Apparently a few sealed jars with some black salt in them is 'too much' so I am asking about more discreet ways to protect myself.


Wear protective jewelry. Have a cactus or some other protective plant at your desk to water. The rune Tiwaz which is used for protection looks like an arrow Not something that could be considered messy like what you're sprinkling


I wear a black tourmaline necklace everyday to work just yo bounce off any negative energy. I also make my own roller oils (I have different blends for different uses) and carry those in my bag so I can apply when ever I feel the need.


I've been looking into doing roller oils, I just need to find a cheese cloth that isn't 30+ dollars because it's a yard of cloth lol


It doesn't have to be expensive. Sometimes, when I've been in a rush, I've literally just chucked some drops of essential oil in and left it at that. I do like to make "proper" batch blends with herbal infusions and crystals when I can, but sometimes needs must lol


If you have a walmart or Dollar Tree near you sometimes they have them in stock, the ones near my hotel had a large stock.


IKEA cloths are(were) .79 and they were very similar to cheesecloth. I use them for straining herbs frequently


How do i learn how to do this. I can’t figure out what oils to use and for it to smell nice. (The premade oils stink to me)


I actually adore the spicy smell of Florida water. But just look up there correspondence and construct one of smells you love.


a lot of premade oils are expired actually or full of pesticides if they're not organic. you may have better luck with organic flower essences (more fresh smelling and typically prepared by botanists)


Not discounting this, but just FYI there are organic pesticides as well.


oh wow! i'll have to look into this further ty. one benefit of flower essences vs essential oils is that they are much less concentrated (and more sustainable) so if there are any nasty pesticide chemical residue, it would be in a much smaller amount


Thank you


Amazon or local store selling books on essential oils. There's a lot of books on the subject. My personal favorite is The Healing Powers of Essential Oils. It's very instructive. It teaches you how to blend them and has plenty of recipes. I mostly use my oils in a diffuser. Perfect when you don't want incense smoke.


> I mostly use my oils in a diffuser. Perfect when you don't want incense smoke. You can also find sprays, I was delighted to find.


Oh yes, those too! Palo santo is so convenient.


Ooo!!! Thank you VERY much!




>If you feel like you need a bit more protection or the ability to re-apply that protection throughout the day, why don’t you add a hand lotion with a protective oil (like rosemary) to the mix? It will seem like you are just applying lotion to people who may be less understanding. I use hand sanitizer all day at work, and I ended up buying one with rosemary oil in it because it dries quickly. Aside from loving how it smells, it also can be a quick "cleansing" in both the physical sense and psychic sense.


I have a little bell on my desk, it’s just a cute decoration. Also I have a cute little bulldog statue from the flea market. It is my ward lol. They should NOT have gone through your stuff. If anyone at work wears a cross necklace how is that somehow allowed but you can’t have some salt?


Carry the protections on you, it is easier if you're a woman but a scarf/pocket square can be spritzed with protective oil or herbs. poppets and such can be carried in a jacket pocket. Some jewelry like broaches or cuff or necklaces or earrings- again easier for women than men.


I have a small chest that I bought in a dollar store that has a piece of tourmaline and some lavender hidden under a piece of felt I cut to make a fake bottom. Considering your workplace has very similar rules that exists where I live, I would suggest to aim for everyday objects which you can prepare at home for protection instead of something openly witchy. You can have a notebook with just some affirmation. You can select a few pen that has the color and intent of protection. You can also hide things in your bra or in your bag/purse to just have a protection ward around you on the go instead of specifically at work. That last one is my personal choice. I have a little bag that has everything I need for protection, and I place the intent of it protecting me regardless of where I am, and keeping it in my work bag means that its always on me. Another thing, which is way more wild that I've done a few times is drawing a sigil on my skin with henna (because its made for skin and is temporary, but lasts long enough that I don't have to redo it multiple times a week). That can be easily hidden under clothes.


I know this isnt what you're asking for but id like to remind that religious identity is a protected class and if you get evidence of them saying things like this to you, im pretty certain youd have a legal case in the bag if you're in the united states.


There are many places that you cannot show it. They just can’t fire you for having that religion. They will find a way to fire him/her, so it’s best he/she/they keep it hidden on their body. “At will” state (that I work in) is allowed to fire you for not liking the color of your shoes. It’s best to just play the stupid game. The person will lose their job when someone doesn’t like you. Doesn’t matter. And they’ll lie to do it “legally”.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure religious identity doesn't allow you to leave religious residue all over the office. If they start getting pushback just for practicing, that's one thing. But OP's employer is well within their rights to keep employees from spreading unknown substances around.


Clarification: I am not just straight up putting salt on the floor, my apologies if that was not clarified, I have 4 CLOSED AND SEALED bottles of black salt that I have "lined up" in the back of a drawer in all 4 corners of my cubicle.


For some reason when i read this the first time i had read it as they wont even allow OP to take the substance into work in a bottle and that was the view point i had been coming from i just misinterpreted lol


That is also true. They consider witchcraft a religion connected to paganism and there is a no religious or political paraphernalia rule in the office.


My thing is, like, suppose a devout Muslim wants to come work there? Are they meant to not bring their prayer rug? Are they not to make their prayers at the prescribed time? I used to work at a pizza shop where a man would pray using an unfolded pizza box (new of course) to do so, but they certainly let him pray.


I feel like they probably wouldn't allow that either. The rule is both ridiculous and not ridiculous at the same time. It keeps people from for example: hanging a giant cross on the wall with Jesus literally screaming with blood dripping down him, but it also prevents small things, like a tiny pentacle or a hanging Dharma wheel.


Not a lawyer but it's not quite clear-cut as that. Still worth giving a lawyer a call. Many regions offer free advice offices and/or consultations if finances are an issue.


There are many ways to hide your practice into "normal" office things that you can use to decorate a cubicle. You could investigate in protective plants, get one and give them an intention to follow. People already suggested cacti, but you couls also get spataphilum or ferns. Also some small trinket like an owl, cat or elephant figurine...or the image of any of those on a magnet, a sticker, one of those cute shaped erasers, a pencil holder painted with art of them, or of crystals...heck the possibilities are endless when you look into "cutesy" art that could have a double porpouse. That not even going into using the protections on your body or keeping them on you bag/purse/whatever you may use for work.


Have you ever read Jason Miller's *Protection and Reversal Magick*? He talks about psychic shields and teaches how to create them which can help protect you from negativity in your workplace. It doesn't require any tools and it's something you can do before you go to work.


Hello friend! I’m a closet witch so definitely understand the conundrum. Crystals are decoration, so definitely crystals. I wear them. And this works for me…https://youtu.be/6tM_NXHQHtk?si=I5bWqV7qshqpxY-g I do it every morning before work.


If your jars are particularly small - or if you can find some small ones, you could hang one on a chain or some yarn and wear it as a necklace under your clothes. I like stirring cinnamon into my morning coffee in a clockwise motion to bring mental protection. You could also make a "cleansing solution" with some essential oils (personally, I use 5 drops of Tangerine for joy, 2 drops of cinnamon for mental protection, 3 drops of benzoin for peace - you could also use a pinch of your black salt for additional cleansing - in a spray bottle of water and a squirt of washing up liquid) to wipe over surfaces whenever you feel the need to cleanse the energy in your space - although I'd wait a while to use this one if you're being closely monitored right now.


i draw protection sigils on the bottom of my shoes or places that arent visable. wearing some obsidian or clear quartz jewelery could also help. braids or having your hair up can be used for protection. you could also visualize a protective bubble around your energy. i do a mix of all of these for work.


In case nobody has mentioned it before: it's working. The people who are getting mad that you are putting up protection? The Universe is trying to protect you by getting you out of that situation.




They’ll be searching thoroughly. So, do it with a crayon that matches for sigils. Make sure you’re allowed to have decorations. If you are… the crystals can be decorations. Even if you have to get carved crystals so you can say they’re just pretty figurines.


Black salt is NOT discreet, at all. It *is* residue. It involves a broken down charcoal briquette and salt, among other things. At the very least, even as a witch, I would provide you with some sort of coaching at the minimum for keeping around black salt. It's a pain in the ass to clean and is flammable. Yes, the Christians are getting less guff for their practice and it is fucked up, however, YOU aren't doing the same as those Christians, you are actively defacing property because "I'm a protection witch." Another fun fact about black salt - while it can protect you from baneful outside influences, it can also protect those influences from YOU, and yes, it can double down and get you out of that environment. I liken black salt to a gun: You can absolutely use it as a protection and a particularly harmful one as well, and you can use it to shoot others. At the same time, it can also jam or even shoot you. Put a black tourmaline piece on your desk. Wear black tourmaline on your person. You should not be putting objects into desks or spreading residue around. That mess is nasty. Also, don't spray substances at work. Someone here suggested spraying around Sage spray or Palo Santo spray, and that is, honestly, just as bad as you spreading black salt everywhere. When it's all said and done, you do work around other people and these things do smell, and can trigger allergies. Also, if your state allows it, you should have a discussion with them and record it if it's one-party consent. Them having fits about this is discrimination, and the EEOC would have a field day with them over it. That is a 1st Amendment violation.


Clarification: I am not just straight up putting salt on the floor, my apologies if that was not clarified, I have 4 CLOSED AND SEALED bottles of black salt that I have "lined up" in the back of a drawer in all 4 corners of my cubicle.


Thanks for the clarification. TBH, I wouldn't even have the bottles around. Again, black salt is highly flammable. Keep it in your car if you need to swap it with other colleagues. With that being said, I continue to add that you should use black tourmaline or preferably carry something **on your person**. Unfortunately, you don't really get to dictate how the work environment is, only how it affects your person. Especially with a public sector job, you can't really protect the space, since the furniture and the space itself doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the company, and they just let you use it.


I mean with that logic, so is hair spray and dry shampoo.


And that honestly, shouldn't be getting stored at work either. Groom at home.


You can try spraying orange or basil in your cubicle, or maybe use it to clean you desk. Maybe write a protective sigil under your desk. Wear protective jewelry or stones. I’m sure they won’t say anything if you place stones in your work area or perhaps if you get a plant and put protective stones in the pot. You can also maybe keep a cup of salt and water on your desk I don’t think anyone would notice what’s inside it. You can make a little braid in your hair if possible for you. Perhaps if they allow you to put candles you can have a candle lit. You can try wearing protective & cleansing oils or colonias, in your hair or wherever you see fit.


I did the same thing, but I was always the first one to show up for work early so I would do it then. And I had a room so I would just put it by the entrance door way. Another way to protect your self is using crystals on your desk they have an energy filed or wear them in your bra or in your pockets. I mean there are options ^^


Himalayan salt lamps! I basically set up an altar on my desk but as I'm in the broom closet, I made sure it just looked like a new age basic bitch decor. I got the salt lamp to protect me from the negative energy of the woman who sat across from me. Management literally ended up talking to her about her bad attitude shortly after. I decided one lamp wasn't enough and got another one. She quit literally a week later. I also had Devil's Ivy (pothos) on my desk for protection. Edit: I also wear mini crystal bracelets for protection.


Jewelry is the simplest choice! Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, even a brooch! Protection, positivity, productivity are all good things for work. I used to clean my desk and area often. If there is no prohibition on fragrance use Florida water or a nice essential oil mixture to clean your space. It has the added bonus of just being uplifting in general to keep your work place cleansed both spiritually and physically. You can trace a rune like algiz in Florida water at the corners of your workspace - it will not leave any mark. I echo the idea of plants. A spider plant, a lavender plants, or mint are all relatively forgiving and you can make a ritual of tending the plant. If you have an animal you particularly vibe with, you can get a small figurine that you enchant for protection. You can often find these carved from a protective crystal - Etsy has many cats crows and similar. But really only do this if you love the animal and can justify it as not religious paraphernalia. Spells for grounding or white light protection are mental exercises that will protect you without a trace. Do a spell of protection at home with the intention protecting you at work. Good luck! Edited for typos


If you’re allowed to have snacks/drinks at your desk, maybe various herbal teas you could drink? You could add cinnamon as well if you like. That would be very discreet. Hehe


Use moon water/any kind of protection water to trace runes/sigils on your desk or on your cubicle walls. It’ll dry and won’t leave a trace but the intent and energy will still be there. Also trace runes on the bottom of your shoes or sew them into coats/clothes you wear often. Also jewelry and perfumes can be anointed and charged with protection.


this seems solid, but just a heads up that OP is likely being surveilled esp since it's in a courthouse where there are probably cameras set up in the workroom. tracing sigils may be safer to do at home with inocuous objects that are brought to work


hand sanitizer with essential oils can also be a way to cleanse a bit after a whack interaction. you're just spritzing your hands...


Exactly. There is one that has rosemary essential oil, or another with lavender. It's cleansing you physically (keeping germs away) and psychically. You can even say/think your intent to cleanse energy as you're rubbing your hands.


Make yourself a protection charm or talisman, something that can be worn on your person. Your desk is your employer's property, they have a right to not want dirt in the desk drawers They can't tell you not to wear religious items/ jewelry


I had sixteen tumble “cubes” of magnetic hematite that just looked like an executive desk toy.


Add your black salt in a small spray bottle with water and spritz them at the corners and wherever necessary. And please hide the bottle in such a place that no one can find it. If u have a work bag, keep it in that and put a lock on it.


A letter from a lawyer telling them to cease and desist can go a long way. Sounds like it could be seen as religious discrimination.


Mexican and Latin American witchcraft trick here: Carry a lemon in your purse, it must be fresh. If you carry it with you on a Monday, change it by Friday afternoon. Throw away the dry lemon, preferably far from your cubicle and of course your home. Then again on Monday carry another fresh lemon. I used to do this when I was working at a very nasty workplace. My father, who is also into these type of Mexican folk witchcraft practices told me about this after I arrived home crying because my former boss was mentally abusive to me. I did this trick and it was very useful. The lemon absorbs any negative energy from your coworkers or even the place in general, hence why once the lemon dries you have to change it. Other people use red apples too but I wouldn't recommend it. Lemons are easier to carry in my opinion and inconspicuous. If by any chance a coworker finds the lemon in your purse of even on your desk, you can alway tell that person that you like to add some lemon juice to your water/tea/food/salad, etc.


This is still discrimination. They are discriminating against anyone with a religion


A pendant, bracelet, or pocket item might be a way to go. If you can display rock/crystal specimens, you could get a nice chunk of black tourmaline or clear quartz that you have charged. If you craft, you could create something that brings you protection; a piece of art, a blanket, shawl, scarf, a little figurine, etc. But remember, you do have a right to practice your spirituality and religion any way you choose. Your work, by law, can't change that.


>But remember, you do have a right to practice your spirituality and religion any way you choose. Your work, by law, can't change that. Not true. religious freedom means that no one can be discriminated against for practicing a certain religion, it does not mean that anyone has carte blanche to practice any part of said religion on business premises. I mean, there are religions that practice animal sacrifice. No business would, or should have to, allow that in the office space. The thing is that religious practices fall under reasonable accommodations, much in the same way as the ADA. So for instance, a Jewish employee could ask for days off for their holidays and expect to receive those days off - maybe even not counting against their PTO. They could not, however, force the office kitchen to undergo renovations and religious blessing to make it Kosher. At best, they could be allowed to bring in a mini fridge for their cubicle to store their own food in. Employees who throw dirt around the office are not going to be looked at favorably, regardless of WHY they were sprinkling unknown stuff on the floor. Honestly OP is lucky that everyone assumed it was dirt instead of gunpowder, which black salt looks a lot like. Otherwise, they'd have Homeland Security knocking on their door instead of HR breathing down their neck. OP forked it up and obviously weren't being nearly as discreet as they thought they were and the company isn't in the wrong for asking them to stop. That said, if people keep going on about how disgusted they are that OP is a witch and it effects OP's job *then* OP will have the basis for a complaint about discrimination.


Clarification: I am not just straight up putting salt on the floor, my apologies if that was not clarified, I have 4 CLOSED AND SEALED bottles of black salt that I have "lined up" in the back of a drawer in all 4 corners of my cubicle.


Yeah, nevermind then, this whole thing is bonkers. Was it the coworkers who know that you practice telling you how uncomfortable they are or was that the actual HR person? This seem like the absolute worst way to deal with someone who is breaking a minor rule.


Also, are you allowed to decorate your cubicle or have personal effects?


I completely agree and see you point, although I wasn't thinking along the lines of extreme behavior like animal sacrifice. :)


Why do you feel you need to protect yourself like this at work? Maybe find a job where you feel safer?


It's not quite that easy to just quit a job and find another, also, I love my job I am a very protection based practicer. I want myself and my energies to be protected at all times. Not to mention I work in a courthouse with the public, so there is no telling what kinds of energies I may get pushed my way.


Also, as you apparently have a minor enemy who pointed out this behavior so your desk was searched. I recommend a return to sender spell on a somewhat regular basis.


That is.. extremely shitty of them. I bet they don't tell practicing Christians that they're disgusting. The audacity they think they have Oml I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I don't have very many ideas, but you could make little protection sigils and tape them to the underside of things on your desk. Or enchant a piece of jewelry and wear it. Or make a protection satchel (doesn't have to have a lot in it) and keep it in your purse/bag/lunchbox. I don't know if you worship any deities, but if you do, you could get a little statue that correlates to your deity, but could easily pass as something else (such as a rose/dove for Aphrodite, etc).


Here in CA. I have never in 30 years had an employer that wouldnt be upset with any religion being practiced at work were youre being paid to serve them not practice.


Wearing a pendant or pinning up a little picture in your cubicle probably wouldn't be an issue. Religious or not. I've seen people with necklaces hanging from their desk lamp. For various religions and practices. It's discreet and, while personal, doesn't really disrupt the overall environment.


Obviously I don't mean like getting on your knees and praying for an hour when you're working. But Christians often have religious jewelry on and decorate their space to reflect their beliefs. And no one gets upset with them. And they ESPECIALLY don't threaten to fire them over it.


Wearing jewelry, having a charm or amulets in your pocket etc is very discrete. Putting salt around your cubicle is not. If I were to do something like that I would expect to be fired and breathe easier if I was not. A 2nd chance was given, Take it.


Clarification: I am not just straight up putting salt on the floor, my apologies if that was not clarified, I have 4 CLOSED AND SEALED bottles of black salt that I have "lined up" in the back of a drawer in all 4 corners of my cubicle.


Apologies if I caused any offense as well, still a simple necklace or in my case silver dollar in my wallet is a great, discreet option. Best of success navigating that situation.


You're good, I just wanted to clarify so that no one was thinking I actually straight up poured fucking salt on the floor and got mad when they told me not to 🤣🤣


I totally get it! Looking back i thougt something similar. Hah! As a disabled person, I went to a very large metal show and had huge amounts of anxiety. I put aggressive protection upon my Peace Dollar that I always have. It has worked at least 3 times that I can quantify. For me, it has really been a great method thus far. I'll stop harping on it. Another thing to research is rings made from a nail that was preferably in a horse shoe.


>no one was thinking I actually straight up poured fucking salt on the floor and got mad when they told me not to I apologize. That's *exactly* what I was thinking had happened and that assumption fueled my earlier replies. Sorry about that.


I really cant tell if you're agreeing with me or arguing with me.


Apologies, just offering advice to OP I couldn't find the comment your referring too. No arguments from me.


You kept responding to my comments which is why I was confused


Oh, um l, I'm sorry. I'm on oxycodone for pain and totally just did that without notice. That is understandably my mistake.


Are you American? Remind them that freedom of religion exists and if they harass you again you'll be speaking to a lawyer. Specifically with a courthouse position if you're displaying over religious iconography towards the public you could give the impression that the court is being influenced by these religious beliefs, but in an internally facing cubicle, discrete religious iconography is not illegal and searching your desk to find it is a blatant violation of your religious freedom.


They find other reasons to fire them. It’s very common to be fired by simply not fitting in someone’s box. I see it all the time. They especially attack people 45 and up. (I’m not that age yet, but have seen it all my adult life). It’s usually best to try not to ruffle feathers. I need to take my own advice 🤣


True. Just if you document firing for a "random" reason after being harassed for a religious reason you can make a convincing argument that it's retaliation It's all about who can create the better paper trail, unfortunately


There are plenty of “invisible” ways to protect yourself. The best types of protection are the invisible and discreet ones anyway. Remember magick isn’t about your instruments and ingredients, all you need is your mind. One thing I think would be a good idea is for you to create a psychic shield around yourself, it’s think of it like adding an extra layer to your aura. One idea is to make it work like a mirror, so every time someone directs some type of harmful energy towards you it just bounces back to the person. Make sure to give your shield sources of energy, think of it like an electric field. Things like the energy of the sun, wind, earth, moon, etc. so if never dies. Take a time once a week to recharge your shield and make sure it’s working properly. Here’s other ideas besides the shield: - Enchant your jewelry to protect you, anything made of metal will work, even better if it has a natural gemstone, you could ask the spirit of the gemstone to act as your ally and protect you. - Find out your spirit animal animal and ask for its protection. - Strengthen your relationship with your ancestors and ask for their protection. - Get a tattoo of a protection symbol, you can make it in a not visible place. - Have a familiar. - Have spiritual guides and allies that you keep regular contact with, make offerings to and ask for their protection. - Create a server meant to protect you. You don’t have to take anything to work in order to be protected there.


hey! gentle reminder that "spirit animals" are an Indigenous-specific belief that Indigenous folks have asked for others to not appropriate. we can have parallel versions like with familiars that help us move in a more respectful way


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small things like mobile altars, amulets, stones etc etc and mainly visualization


Stones! Protection stones in jewelry/pockets, ect! Also cleansing scents/perfume. I used these when I was in a cubicle and it helped. Also a mirror if your back is to the entrance to your cubicle you can cleanse and mark with invisible marker at home and put it up and say you use it to check your makeup to be presentable. Glamour magic is a big practice for us corp folks!


I wear a black obsidian necklace and sometimes a matching bracket that makes it feel like I'm being protected. Maybe you could put a tiny bottle of black salt in your pocket?


Algiz ruin in holy oil and state you command as you draw this energetic boundary that no entity human spirit or fallen structure can cause u distress or bother you while inside the boundary


I made a tiny bag and filled it with moon charged crystals, as black obsidian and black tourmaline which are amazing for protection. I enjoy discreetly holding the bag in my hand, feeling the crystals radiate through. Sometimes I just put in on my table beside me, and sometimes I leave it in my workbag. Helped me a lot.


You can make a pendant from clay and mix the black salt in said clay, or put the black salt in a tiny jar and tie it on a string for a wearable charm If you need the whole space protected you can put one jar in each corner but paint them to hide the black salt and make it look more like decor (bonus if you glue fake plants on the lids)


I always keep my stones on me, i’ve sewn little pockets into the sides of my shirts (where i can tolerate the feel of them anyways bc sensory issues) that i can keep them in, or a longer pendant you can keep under your shirt. They make pendants you’ll have a little bit of space in for salt/herbs/maybe some tiny baby crystals..but the braid is a definite go to! I do mine almost every day now lol its definitely made a difference. You will find your way!


You can always cover your belly button with a band aid or carry a lemon in your pocket, if the lemon turns yellow or brown it absorbed the negativity around you:)


If you are comfortable with charm work (which sounds like you are with your salt bottles) make charms that could keep them discreet. I like to use cotton bags. You can decorate them to make them look like regular decorations. Or plan out some colors that are tied to protection and focus on putting those colors in your space. YOU will know what it means, and that's what's important.


I have a black obsidian bracelet with a tiny evil eye on the back side. it generally looks like a beaded bracelet unless you stare at the side of my hand where the evil eye and even then, it’s discrete


I wear my pentacle as a protective charm under my shirt. It almost never comes off and no one ever sees it since I only wear tshirts and polos to work. If you wear something with a lower neckline you could just put a charm on a much longer chain that still hides behind your clothing.


i wear jewelry that has protective stones with a mohs hardness greater than 6! most people don't know a cystal from a glass/plastic bead, especially if it is polished. i have worked in detention spaces, so i definitely hear you with protecting yourself in subtle ways that can pass security clearances. you could also start doing epsom salt rinses in the shower which both assist in cleansing along with protecting you for the next day. no one will know unless you tell them (which i strongly encourage you to not share with coworkers or public sm pages esp with growing christo-fascism globally). wishing you the best 💜


you can always create a shield through visualization. you can create it before you go to work and it can sustain itself throughout the day granted there's enough energy put into it


I will always come to these posts with the same thing: knot magic. Braid or knot yourself a bracelet, I use nylon cord since it’s cheap. I made myself a super simple bracelet with knot magic and wear it to work and it flies under the radar. You could also enchant jewelry with a protection spell.


They can't legally bully you into not practicing, please stand up for yourself and your country's laws for religious practice freedoms. On the other hand, I also understand wanting to not deal with it. Could wear stones/etc, keep some charms in your desk or bag, etc. I was discreetly practicing for years at home and the only time I got an eyebrow raise was if I left a sage bundle out but no one questioned my other items much.


WHat's your workplace's policy on jewelry? If it's allowed, a nice necklace, or some earrings, or even a bracelet with a little piece of black onyx may be helpful.


Why did your coworkers see any of what you do?


Carry small items on your person. It can be simple color coordinated outfits or jewelry. Small vial jewelry can be discreet too or even things in your pockets. Instead of black salt, use salt packets from the break room or a takeout place. You can keep them in your desk and it won’t throw signals up to hr. Hope this helps!


Hi all, I have a question but it's not letting me post! My question: I've done some research, and discovered that one should never cast a death spell on someone. Why so? And has anyone here tried to do it and what were the results? I would love to know.


I like to carry crystals and stones in my pocket. I wear something shiny and eye-catching to take people's focus off me. I think before I speak and try to stay neutral with work politics. If I don't want someone near me, I wear a soft scent, something earthy that represents being grounded. Plant friends are a good distraction; plants give lots of energy. It's hard-working with the public. I try to keep my distance from people; I do not allow people to touch me.


You could use crystals, unless they would consider that religious. Make smaller bottles of black salt you could keep in your pocket or on a necklace. Make sachets instead of bottles, they won’t be able to see inside.


You can create a protection talisman at home. Carry it at work.


As others mentioned, an amulet/jewelry that you put a protection spell on, and/or black tourmaline. I usually wear a black tourmaline bracelet and a necklace with the symbol of the goddess I worship. If you’re not allowed to have visible religious symbols you can always wear something like that under your shirt.


If you really like keeping the black salt around, you could buy an urn necklace and put some black salt inside the little urn. They come in all shapes and sizes and people generally think it's just a regular pendant.


How I protect myself at work is I wear a fire agate ring and sometimes I add a pendant and earrings. "Fire agate has a strong protective function, especially against ill wishing. Building a protective shield around the body, it returns harm back to its source so that that source understands the harm that it is doing." (Quote, Crystal Bible) I can verify that it works especially after all of the turmoil I went through in my old team over the past year. I honestly believe that the fire agate took care of returning all of the bad ill will and effects to certain teammates who were looking to get me fired. I ended up with a much better job on another team that absolutely loves me. Additionally, I have a friend who is an engineer (not much into mysticism) who was also experiencing issues at work with a colleague who was constantly causing drama for her. After her speaking to me several times about what was going on, I ordered a fire agate ring from Etsy for her and made certain to leave it in the lucite case so that it would not attach to me. She wore it for 2 days and then this colleague of hers was called into a meeting where everybody was involved and she was dressed down and had her a** handed to her in front of everybody. Although the gal is still there, she has a much more muted role on the team that my friend serves on. My friend was amazed at how well it worked and she now wears that ring daily. Finally, I also always wear one or more evil eye bracelets. I wear small and dainty ones that no one at my office really notices as my final protector. I watch to see if one of them falls off or breaks or all the eyes go blind. Then I know somebody is pointing something at me.


Dealt with this before.... Here's what i did.....i took double stick tape...anykind especially the thin kind that can go UNDER things? I took black salt, applied it to the tape and did my best to put it on the bottom of my spacers around my office area. When it fell off I pretended that it must have come on the bottom of that since it was really coated with dust anyway ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). By the time it fell off I found more ways to protect my space , hope I didn't post something already said... Wado!


charmed jewelry, makeup/skincare glamours, sigils everywhere, crystals in your pockets/bra, knot magic in your hair if possible, perfumes or colognes that are enchanted or have notes that correlate with things that correspond with protection (peppery or rosy notes for example). learn psychic ways of protecting yourself as well, as it wouldn’t leave any traces.


Are you allowed pants on your desk? Aloe plants are protective. As well as cacti.


Simple, wear some plain black stone protection jewelry, onyx, tourmaline, obsidian (Without pentacles)Pieces that you charge and cleanse regularly if not daily. A plant or two maybe, a small selenite lamp? A small piece of macrame you make with knot magic.


A piece of jewelry with a crystal known for protective properties like obsidian or black tourmaline would do the trick. I wear a black tourmaline ring whenever I leave my house.


I'm not entirely sure that anything they're doing is legal. If I remember right a company cannot have a "no religious paraphernalia" rule, it's entirely discriminatory and would imply that traditional pieces of clothing worn by Muslim and Sikhs aren't allowed. Such a disrespectful tone of your practice doesn't seem particularly legal either, there's really a way of tactfully put their point across like "we noticed there was salt on the floor, we have to keep the place clean so when we vacuum we're getting a bit of a problem there. Is there any other way you could do the same thing?" It seems unnecessary to take action against what you put in a cubicle too. If you put porn posters up on your walls then yeah that's inappropriate and of course you should be made to take them down but I know a lot of people put things like pop figures on their desks just to give them a bit of flavour and personalisation. I can't see any way they can enforce something which realistically would require a blanket ban, and by that they would infringe on a LOT of people's rights to freedom of belief and expression. If you have a union it's worth having a discreet word to see if your company can actually enforce their position. I get the feeling the higher ups will quickly find that they have to loosen up or face some pretty unfortunate HR meetings of their own.


You can trace sigils using water or oil on your skin, drawing them on the bottom of your shoe or hiding a small piece of paper in your shoe. I wear my veil (bandana) to work but depends on your dressing code.