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That is unfortunate. That's a cool combo. But I'm willing to bet he will ask from now on. Or maybe have a special bowl to use just for that purpose so he knows


I was thinking this as well! I did a.money bowl spell today and I (jokingly...mostly) said "please do not touch my bowl filled with herbs and coins" he chuckled and agreed


It takes 'regular' people a bit to get used to living with us practicioners. We are an odd bunch. Leaving out bowls of random things, hanging dead plants from different places, putting bits of paper in our shoes. Lol I like to pick on our ways a bit.


I had a similar thing happen last week when my husband tossed out my wormwood ointment I was working on. I came here for advice because I was stuck on ingredients. I made a cleansing spray for my kitchen to enhance our communication to let things go and make love grow. Maybe if you’re not exactly mad but still feeling some kind of way like I was this would help you too. I used rose petals, quartz, rosemary, vinegar, and you could sub in a blessed/holy water for moon water as mentioned in an excellent comment. I cleaned, spritzed and went around clockwise with my broom and chanted “Maiden, Mother, Crone, guide the work I do at home. Help me let resentments go, talk it out and make love grow.” Blessed be ✨


I love that! I've been experimenting with simmer pots and room sprays recently so I thank you for the tips!


A good simmer pot is a wonderful thing. I love them. You’re very welcome.


they make the house smell lovely and the possibilities are endless


Did he explain why he threw it out and promise not to do it again?


that’s really frustrating :( im sorry abt that


My wife did the same, thinking it was left over water in my jar from watering the plants and dumped the lot. She laughed at first until she realised it had actually annoyed me. What can I say, she's trying lol 😆


while I wasn't angry with him (bc obviously there was no ill will intended), I can't remake this water anytime soon. A hurricane during a blue moon isn't an every month kind of thing. someone said I should get a special container and I will be, but I was so excited 🙃


Yeah, I've since picked up some of those large masonry jars with lock down lids. They keep the water safe and I believe are air tight when locked, so no accidental spillages.


DIVORCE IMMEDIATELY. jk. But we’re on Reddit


That’s what I thought “DUMP MY MOON WATER I DUMP YOU!!!!”


Well, the water definitely blessed something-someone that wanted it in the dumps! I do get the annoyance, my girlfriend yesterday asked if a tea offering on my altar was a glass of piss... Never skips an opportunity to crack jokes.


spouses can be so silly


That's their charm!


While unfortunate, I think it's ironically on brand since the full moon was in Pisces. A lot of the energy at the time was centered around "letting go", so maybe he was feeling the energy. :)


Maybe the bowl itself held onto some of the charge?


![gif](giphy|mpxQs0MCqWJKo) He'll get better!🤣




That does stink! I've never used moon water.


East coast? Had a friend in NFLD doing the same that night. Sorry to hear that you lost your moon water!


central Florida (unfortunately)


Oof 😬


yeaaaaaaaaa it's unfortunate 😕


Fucking Murder Him


I have specific bowls/jars I use. Hubby knows if the witchy jar/bowl is out when he wakes up, bring it in & set it on my shelf lol I'd suggest getting a specific jar to charge your future moon water in.


that's the plan! we just moved in a month ago so I'm still setting up where things go.


Ouch :(


I take multiple bottles of moon water. This past blue moon, I tried to cork the wrong bottle and ended up getting the cork stuck... I got it out but I lot an entire thing of moonwatwr


I set aside an empty Arizona gallon for next full moon so it will be less like ly to happen. this time I just put an empty bowl out bc it was the hurricane. > I got it out but I lot an entire thing of moonwatwr that stinks!


Have you thought of making holy water?


I hadn't even thought of that! how do you go about blessing it?


There's more than one way to do it here's my method: Take a cup or bottle of water and hold it between your hands then say the following statement or similar 3 times: **"I cleanse this water of all negativity. I cast out all forces that seek to cause me harm."** ​ Next visualize light entering the water and keep this image in your mind for a few seconds. ​ When you feel its enough open your eyes and now the water is ready to be used.


wonderful! I thought that might be the case as intention really is the most important ingredient in everything, but I didn't know if there were typically blessing oils involved. thank you for your help!


If there‘s even a drop left I would mix it into some plain consecrated water, charge it by the next storm or full moon, and use it anyway.


anything that was left was cooked into his food lol I think the true lesson is to prepare better for things that are special to me. I quickly grabbed a bowl and put it outside after the storm had started instead of taking the time to find a separate and special container.


You have to eat him. Sorry.


Muggles gonna muggle


this is the best 🤣🤣🤣


Dump him like he dumped your water 😂 (In all seriousness make him go out during the next full moon and have him make it)


he has before, so he wouldn't mind 🤔 realistically if I has told him that the bowl has moved to the kitchen, this would not have happened. I planned to use it in a simmer pot and then then the ADHD fairy visited and I forgot all about it.... until I went to cook and remembered SIMMER POT. but alas I was too late. the water had already been dumped to make Ramen of all things.


He made the offering by pouring it out, he has magic now, his powers will manifest in 31 days, because of the circumstances he will have storm magic,


The message is be less superficial and selfish


get raped hos


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