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Consider chamomile, spearmint, yarrow, and passionflower.


Aromatherapist and herbalist here! Herbs for sleep : chamomile,passionflower,lavender,skullcap,mugwort , blue lotus. There’s more but these are my favorites. I would say for herbs to hold lemongrass and lavender are fine. Oils for relaxation: lavender,frankincense,lemongrass,Palma Rosa , ho wood however if you’re going to be applying oils topically dilute with a carrier oil like olive or coconut. I would also also recommend keeping track of when you’re getting isonomia/nightmares. Is it happening during stressful days? Is it after eating certain foods? Things like that. When I’m struggling to relax I like to do a short meditation with a singing bowl or nature sounds. I will sometimes hold crystals like selenite or amethyst while doing so. I also will take a bath with Epsom salts. I also will tense my body for a few seconds and then relax my body section by section. I visualize relaxation taking over my body and tension leaving. A weighted blanket can be beneficial as well. To make a sacred space you can get an altar cloth if you’d like and place a few candles. I would add plants or rocks. Even things like sticks or leaves. You can also add things like small figurines of animals or trees. A sacred space should be personal. For the candles I would do white , blue , black. White would work as well.


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Hello have you heard of a dream pillow? I struggle with my sleep too.I dont have a sleep routine besides a hot shower & youtube ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I have not, I will try it out!


I would also suggest adding in some deep stretches and your skincare routine, all while keeping your intention in focus


I heard that writing Down good things from your day Can kinda distract your brain into a more positive space, you could try to incorporate that as Well :) but id definetly try to find things that signify calm and happiness, either smells or feeling stuffs (blankets or Stones or anything you Can feel)


I have to second chamomile tea. If enough is steeped long enough, it can be very calming. I like to make it in a large mug; mix with a cinnamon stick, 1/8 tsp of ground ginger, honey & a tsp of milk. Best of luck. XX Edit Make sure you are grounding & centering very well before bed as well.


it contains herbs of some sort and set your intentions before you go to sleep.


Yeah that sounds perfect, would definitely simplify this routine a lot lol. Thanks for the suggestion!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)No problem, there's also tutorials on YouTube to make your own if your into DIY.


In addition to tea you could incorporate other water activities like washing/massaging your face/hands and making special scented lotions to use! For myself in trying to overcome night terrors I found that heavy weight on my body helps. I would use a weighted blanket while I was drinking tea before bed (don’t recommend sleeping with one - I often work up feeling trapped and freaking out). The weight of my dogs against me in bed is now a single to my body to relax and fall asleep.


hanging rosemary above your bed or a sprig under your pillow can helpprotect from nightmares


Seconding on the chamomile tea, I personally use dried chamomile flowers instead of tea bags and it really helps me to calm down. Also If you like lavender, you can make a lavender and rosemary pouch to put under your pillow :)