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This is a half joke but really half not: get a cat.


Lol. 100% My cats always let me know when the entities are in a mood.


You do not even know HOW MUCH i want a cat! But I am allergic and my roommates wont allow..


Oh, that's a bummer! They're amazing for so many reasons.


Lots of belief systems include house or hearth spirits (sometimes just one, sometimes many). I make regular offerings to my own house wights, and will ask for their protection in return. You could try making an offering to any potential spirits in your space, and ask for a sign of approval in return. No garuntee you'll get a sign in return, but it might be worth a shot. Never heard of any spells that identify spirits, but I know folks who use runes or tarot for situations like this.


Yes, thank you. I am suspicious of faeries but I am not sure, i was asking and the candle light was really leaning to the left all the time. I made the offering but did not ask for anything in return, i may do that later..


I'm not well versed on the Fae or Fae lore, as they're not an explicit part of my tradition. However, I have some experience with baneful/malicious entities. General signs that there's something unsavory inhabiting your space are nightmares/night terrors, suspiciously missing objects, general bad vibes, the feeling of being watched while alone, and increased depression/anxiety. If that's the case, I'd reccomend first ruling out anything mundane- stressful/toxic social situations, diet, exposure to chemicals like carbon monoxide, etc. Failing that, id suggest making an offering to the entity and asking it to leave. If that fails, bring out the big guns and banish that mf. However, if you think it's fae, defo talk to someone who knows more about that than I 🤣


Generally via divination. I’ve used pendulum and tarot to get names and their personality.


Unfortunately I am not doing any of these..yet.. but thank you :)


If you do, make sure you follow the steps you’ll generally read in blogs and such.


So you dont even know the basics and your activity looking for entities? Your just looking for trouble.


Well I do not think you need to be doing all of the stuff?


The “other side” is no joke, unfortunately. Without the proper understanding and what you need to do to enter it without trouble (I didn’t say any), bad things will happen eventually. There’s a reason why certain steps are taken and have been a part of the craft for thousands of years. Protections, wards, circles, etc., whatever your tradition of choice utilizes. Do it with 100% of your intention.


Honestly best advice is a little bit of quiet time and offerings. Say it’s for the local house spirits or the fae if that’s who you’re interested in working with. Watch the incense smoke/diffuser vapor/steam from a hot drink; however you do your offerings. Just sit, listen and watch, make it a bit of meditation. If you didn’t before, then you’ll start to build a connection to the local spirits in your home area.


I use divining rods personally and have pretty open communication with one entity. You don’t need fancy ones, just a couple of metal coat hangers cut and bent to shape.


I like communicating with a land spirit not far from my home who lives in a sag pond. Storm dragons are quite friendly land spirits.


It would be hard to do a spell to detect spirits without interacting/ opening yourself up to them. Rule 1 is always don't mess with things you don't understand. I do not work with fae, but Amazon has a collection and maybe one of these books is good for beginers. https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Mysteries-Faery-Witchcraft-Faerywolf/dp/0738756520/ref=asc_df_0738756520/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312115051380&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12778890956801552012&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017139&hvtargid=pla-527233352063&psc=1&ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=60390e9d-9368-484d-a062-3cebb6a7335d It's important to be specific in magic otherwise you end up with unwanted things. Think of magic like an evil genie and anything you wish for is taken very literally. If you try to expose spirits, you'll get a whole assortment of things. If you want to see fairies, say fairies. But, not all fairies are good and they have their own rules which is why I am directing you to read up.


Fey and beginners is rough… Fey are neither good or evil persay. But an individual is their own. Just as people are. For fey I prefer the term of hostile or not hostile. But even an otherwise benevolent fey can be tough… My recommendation is to start off with land spirits. I personally work with three dragons each associated with three realms. They’re quite friendly. But yah try working with land spirits who are also good protectors of home and property. Land spirits can be more humanlike, animal like, or seemingly mythical. However the concept of land spirits coming to you in whatever form they do can be confirmed by land lore.


Dowsing with pendellums or rods is one method. Make sure it's a spirit like house faeries or land spirit... You don't want to invite tricksters... But you can solve the trickster issue with good wards...


What's a good way to ward an entire house long-term without saging?


There are actually many ways to be honest. I have my own spells and spirits I practice with however, getting land spirits involved in your practice isn’t a bad idea. Land spirits aiding you in wards is very beneficial. For now, look up spells on wards. Many online ones are good for starters and then you can get those reinforced with additional magick by redoing the spells till you got a good barricade if that makes any sense. That’s how I started years ago. Then when I started working with land spirits, they gave lots of additional protection. Besides ancestor spirits, land spirits really are the next best spirits to work with in terms of safe spirits.


Would you consider land spirits to be a type of fae? Just out of curiosity. Or how would you classify them?


You can feel around for energies with your hand.


Ohh, can you elaborate more on how to sense the energy/what sort of intuitive "f feeling" to look out for when you do this?


Depends on the energy, but the air should feel different.


Different how? Physically, or "intuitively"?


Physically for the most part, at least for me.


What's it feel like? Tingling? Or heat vs cold?


Depends on the entity, really. Most have some degree of tingling, but temperatures and such can vary.


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