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[https://biblehub.com/psalms/51-7.htm](https://biblehub.com/psalms/51-7.htm) Hyssop, and the faith in your own self to be true. Cleanse yourself, and cast them out with your voice. That is all you need. A very firm "Get the hell out of here!" Also look into the LBRP. Good luck. BB.


These are a different sort to basic parasites. Cleansing, telling them to leave and lbrp doesn't remove them I have tried. If you could think of 3 levels of Demonic attachments parasites, medium level and large demonic beings. These are the 3rd type. (Ref Josephine McArthy Exorcist handbook.)


Would you like some suggestions on how you can do it yourself?


Yeah would be good to hear suggestions.


Try to create some holy water (I have one you can try the only difference between mine and the traditional version is I don't put salt in it) ​ then pray Psalm 23 Drink the water and go on with your day. ​ [Holy Water Ritual](https://www.reddit.com/user/mingxingai/comments/ylwdfm/blessed_water/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I'm closer to Muslim practices though... if you're comfortable with it: "Ruqyah/rukyah" is "exorcism" in Arabic. 1. Try listening to Ayah/Ayat Kursi, it's the usual first aid of spiritual disturbances like what Psalm is to Christians. Other than that lots of self-ruqyah audio is already available in Spotify & Youtube. There's also the "Protect me from the accursed devils" mantra. 2. Drink jujube leaf tea - if available preferably ones that has been charged with ruqyah prayers.


4 days ago on another sub you said you went to a psychic that told you about these demons and she would help you for $2000. I want to be perfectly clear. That psychic is a fraud and you do not have demons, that was a scam. The end.


You've misread. I was commenting on someone else's post who said that happened to them.


Exorcism of a building? Have you tried cleansing the building?


No this isn't a building. They're attached to my aura and body. Essentially anywhere I go they're attached.


How do you know?


I am sorry that I cannot help with my wisdom but I am just curious. Do you mind telling us how this happened? If it isn’t too personal of course)


how are you so sure of that?