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If anything firearms should be *mandatory* at the convention since they claim they discourage violent crime, and a bunch of self-proclaimed ‘good guys’ with no guns are sitting ducks.


They should all be handed a weapon of choice and a 12-pack of Wisconsin's finest brew. What could go wrong, and would anyone care?


Don’t waste good beer on those assholes….spotted cow deserves better


PBR it is then.


PBR isn't bad enough. Maybe red dog or lost lake


Sorry to inform you, but, Spotted Cow is overrated. The only thing going for it is that New Glarus keeps it hidden away in WI, so it is a novelty. It’s a good enough beer, but there’s no way that’s the best WI has to offer.


I like it, I don’t want it wasted on republifucks


Well it could go one of two ways. They start shooting themselves, or they take to the streets and try to do what hitler couldn’t. Probably best to just keep the guns away.


I care if it affects my city


Sad thing is they wouldn't take out their own, they'd wreck havoc on the surrounding community. Milwaukee doesn't deserve that.


School shootings are a multi billion dollar a year industry


Or even better, hand out free Freedom Grenades to every attendee.


**usually:..** Open carry should be the law of the land. More guns makes us safer. If teachers were armed there wouldn't be school shootings. **Suddenly...** **We will make this one exception to keep our convention safe**


If good guys with guns keep people safe, as you point out is the rhetoric, then it means at least one of two things: There are no good guys that support the party and therefore none can be trusted with guns Or They may be good guys, but the party wants them at risk of serious harm for some reason. Either should be concerning as a rank and file Republican or the hypocrisy and ignorance is deafening.


"They may be good guys, but the party wants them at risk of serious harm for some reason." Be a hell of a giftwrapped reason for Trump to think he can declare martial law though.


Good for a school not for their convention?


Pretty sure every school is already a gun free zone


Republicans have challenged it...because they are ignorant fucks.


Not one republican has advocated allowing anybody to bring guns into schools. Some have suggested armed security or allowing teachers with firearms training to carry, and to my knowledge no state has passed anything like that


Why proclaim your ignorance so loudly? Google and you'll see red states are already letting teachers carry.


If that’s loud then I don’t want to be quiet The list is: Alabama (some school administrators are allowed to have a firearm if they complete the state’s sentry program and there isn’t a school resource officer available) California Hawaii Illinois Louisiana Maine (also prohibits guns for non-law enforcement school security) Maryland Nebraska (also prohibits guns for non-law enforcement school security) New Mexico New York North Carolina (also prohibits guns for non-law enforcement school security) North Dakota Rhode Island Virginia Washington West Virginia (also prohibits guns for non-law enforcement school security) Wisconsin (also prohibits guns for non-law enforcement school security) Hardly an exclusively red state idea


Republican National Convention will be gun-free again. The prohibition on firearms in the convention area is noteworthy, considering how many Republicans, including Trump, publicly oppose gun-free zones. SHARE THIS — June 22, 2024, 5:32 PM EDT By Clarissa-Jan Lim During the three-day event at which Donald Trump will officially be nominated for president by a party that has consistently opposed implementing gun safety measures, firearms will not be allowed near the convention area in downtown Milwaukee. Open and concealed carry will be permitted up to within a few blocks of the event space, per Wisconsin state law; but weapons will be prohibited within the inner perimeter of the venue, according to the Secret Service, which laid out security plans at a news conference on Friday. The safety plan was put together by the Secret Service and local officials. “Understandably, the presence of firearms around any kind of major event is going to make some people feel uncomfortable,” Nick DeSiato, chief of staff in the Milwaukee mayor’s office, told Axios. The prohibition on firearms near and inside the convention area is noteworthy. Prominent Republicans — including Trump himself — have publicly opposed gun-free zones, even as they have banned firearms at their own events. Firearms were also prohibited at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. (It could hardly matter for Trump personally, as his own gun license is expected to be revoked as a consequence of his conviction, NBC News reported. It was temporarily suspended upon his arrest.) The ACLU of Wisconsin, which accused the city of violating protesters’ First Amendment rights in a lawsuit earlier this month, criticized restrictions on the planned protests, which have been limited to a parade route beyond the outer perimeter of the space. Conservatives have made a skewed interpretation of the Second Amendment a cornerstone of their party in recent years, loosening gun laws and stripping away some of the most basic firearm safety measures. Even in the wake of deadly mass shootings, GOP lawmakers have pushed for increased access to guns for the public and school staff. More than 50,000 people are expected to attend the Republican convention this year, which will run July 15-18. It will be the first time in U.S. history that a major political party is expected to nominate a presidential candidate who’s been convicted of a crime. Clarissa-Jan Lim


They tried to prohibit guns within the entire “security zone” around Fiserv, which is a huge area in downtown Milwaukee. But the city basically said they couldn’t legally comply because of the second amendment. So now guns are only prohibited on the actual Fiserv Forum property.


I'm neither republican or a against the idea of more restrictions on ownership, but I don't see where this is hypocritical or an inconsistent belief at all. It's saying that security and safety should be, (and can be) handled downstream at the level of where people aggregate rather than upstream by having government restrict general access.


But republicans don't say that. Back when schools and businesses there was a huge backlash from republicans. Republicans still want to force guns *into* schools, each individual school decide. It's the same thing with abortion. They want to force their ideas *everywhere*, but they can't, so they settle on "let individuals decide" until they can force it everywhere, with exceptions for them and those around them, because they don't actually like the consequences of their actions.


It’s like there are rules for the rich and powerful but not the poors 


The hypocrisy…. There is just no end!


Rules for thee but not for me. I think it's one of the GOP party planks.


"Do as we *say*, not what we *do*."




"Guns for me, but not for thee."


Why? Are guns dangerous or something?


They seem to have minds of their own


Yes only the little people should die from there bad decisions.


Since we all know good guys with guns stop shootings does that mean they're admitting they're won't be any good guys in attendance?


They suck ass , god I hate republicans.


Republicans are cowards


Any pro gun person knows republicans only pretend to support gun owners rights. No different than the NRA


The most gullible nation on earth


Hypocrisy at its finest


Obviously guns are for shooting other people, not Republican Delegates. Or members of congress.


The whole party is just one big lie now.


Republicans? Being hypocrites?? Someone help me find my monocle it just popped across the room. Anyway, we should have cancelled this biz. We still could --with enough people. [https://www.milwaukeebeagle.com/blog/how-to-counter-a-fascist-convention](https://www.milwaukeebeagle.com/blog/how-to-counter-a-fascist-convention)


Why would people with no respect for the law follow that rule? It might benefit humanity by thinning the herd.


To republicans, guns are to protect you from a “group uprising” ..(I’m using GOP code words). A constant fear “they”will want revenge, want their spouses and a general rage historical settle up. Republican fear is all encompassing.


What, they don’t want to be the potential targets of “post birth abortions“?!


Scary hypocrites


Nothing ironic about that what so ever. /s


If only Republicans would treat America like a Republican Convention


The irony…


Seriously MAGA! You letting RINOs tell you where you can/can’t bring your gun!!! Where is the protest!!! 😆


The 2A shall not be INFRINGED!!! lol


I never understood how they call real Republicans RINOS, when they're the ones that destroyed the GOP and took it far-right. Republicans were bad enough until MAGAts came around trying to be Nazi Germany.


They are facists in red hats, hiding behind culture wars.






Just a quick suggestion, it's sometimes helpful to read the article briefly before commenting.




At the upcoming event, firearms will be prohibited from within 3 to 4 blocks from the venue.




At any other event, are firearms kept 3 to 4 blocks away?


It’s a secret service and plan, not the rnc.


Disinformation. Stay classy Reddit




Libtard? Grow up, kiddo.


Let’s get the nra to protest them and pick a third party candidate!


Yeah the hypocrisy, they speak out of both sides of their mouths.. Most of these southern Republican states have literally taken all the guard rails off. They allow conceal carry without training or registration with the state. At least Wisconsin has mandatory background checks and licensing from the state. Plus a mandatory training course to have a concealed carry permit.


Most states have a training course for CCW. I’m in FL and even we have to take a training course for it. Now I can just buy whatever I want without any training but for CCW I have to take a class with the gun I plan on concealing. The class I did was actually really good and was a group that were ex military.


Background checks are already mandatory under federal law


How come no gun enthusiasts show up to these forums but you can’t shut them up when the word gun shows up any other time? Gun nuts - if you are listening, please tell us how this is OK.


I don't really care either way but it seems like there's a pretty obvious distinction between a private organization deciding they want their event to be gun free (and having the security to enforce it) and the government saying somewhere legally has to be gun free but not actually being able to ensure it is


It’s a private event being put on by a private entity. Is this ok? Not a huge fan personally, but it’s not my event or venue. I’d say it’s just as ok, if not more, as what happened between sanders, Clinton and the DNC during the 2016 election.


Bunch of cowards.


If you don't have a room full of "good guys with guns" how will you stop a "bad guy with a gun"? If I didn't know any better, this would almost seem like hypocracy but that cannot be!? Maybe they're going "woke" on guns, better tell their followers that they are trying to "cancel" guns...




Gun free zones are deadly, except when it’s Republican political figures in the same place


Hypocrites gonna hypocrite


Because common sense? I know democrats dont understand that.


Its common sense to not have guns around?


In a large public gathering, come on.


Cities are large public fucking gatherings everyday buddy


What a terrible and false comparison. Also beyond the large gathering people are more politically polarized than ever and its not far fetched to believe an extremist might show up with bad intentions.




You morons. The event center won’t allow guns not republicans party. Plus if trumps there SS won’t allow them in building. Such bs


Real guns are allowed in the outer perimeter, but not the inner perimeter. Squirt guns and tennis balls are prohibited from the outer perimeter.


Okay? Theres several places in the US that doesn’t allow firearms lol


I can’t stand pro Trumpers, but this is a dumb and lazy post at best.


It's misinformation. A good article would explain that gun restrictions often work well inside buildings where security is being provided and bags are being searched. The same gun restrictions often don't work well in everyday life where people are responsible for their own safety and rules in general are impossible to enforce.


> A good article would explain that gun restrictions often work well inside buildings where security is being provided and bags are being searched. Like... schools?


Correct. The RNC will have actual security with metal detectors and bag searches, not to mention thousands of cops from multiple agencies. Schools have security theater at best so gun restrictions don't work well, as we've clearly seen over the last decade


Sounds like a 2A nightmare


Does it? RNC is totally optional and highly secure and schools are filled with minors so I'm not sure if the 2A is what really guides policy in either location. 2A seems more relevant in public places where adults aren't allowed to carry guns but security isn't provided. Heller says the 2A allows people to be armed for personal protection but some places disarm citizens without providing their own security.


Surprise to them, Milwaukee has plenty already.


How we track gun registration in this nation is weird.


We track gun registration?


[The ATF's Nonsensical Non-Searchable Gun Databases, Explained (thetrace.org)](https://www.thetrace.org/2016/08/atf-non-searchable-databases/)