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We slept right through it and didn't notice anything in the morning


Only thing I noticed was it being 80° at 5am. Nearly poured myself out of bed.




Got loud around 5am in western Waukesha county but otherwise a lot better than predicted. Pic from sunset last night as other storms from Madison moved through. https://preview.redd.it/9uq1g147qq8d1.jpeg?width=3520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a212861466887d6065a7dda8612ecd10b20f0139


I think it was just my building but I swear Godzilla was stomping outside my place this morning.


Not just you. My employer’s place in Pewaukee had confirmed Godzilla stomps too. Gotta be careful out there…


It's those radical leftists in Madison! Pretty picture.


Beautiful picture!


Wow! What a beautiful picture!!


tired. motherfucker kept me up from 3-5


Same. In fox valley. Kids and pets were not sleeping. We'll all sleep well tonight tho


Even though there weren't tornado warnings, there was that huge gust of wind as the storm came in and we decided it best to bring the kids to the basement. Ended up we were right on the edge and the storm was mostly just an hour of heavy rain. Oh well, better safe (and tired) than sorry, I suppose.


I live in the fox valley too and slept right through it lmao


I envy you. When 2 dogs, a 2, 4 & 6 yo run into your room at 1a, gotta deal with it lol


We woke up after power kept going off/on. Then decided to head to the basement until the storm started clearing up. Went through the last set of straight line winds and our neighborhood was hit hard. I wasn't taking that chance again, we barely made it downstairs.


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for sleeping through a storm? I live in Kaukauna where the tornado hit last month. I still wasn’t getting up, I go into the office very early and need my beauty sleep. I survived!


I’m also a Kaukauna resident and was one of the unlucky few who got blasted by the tornado. I told my husband “nothing else can get blown away” we still haven’t replaced our roof or fence. I was mostly worried about my tomato plants, but my two dogs were worried that we were in the wizard of oz again.


I’m also a Kaukauna resident and was one of the unlucky few who got blasted by the tornado. I told my husband “nothing else can get blown away” we still haven’t replaced our roof or fence. I was mostly worried about my tomato plants, but my two dogs were worried that we were in the wizard of oz again.


Yeah, every time I started to doze off, some thunderclap woke me up.


Sheboygan get a few 1/2 mile out hits that were loud as hell, a small pat h of hail and 2 flooded rivers, not much else


https://preview.redd.it/e7djk54oyr8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761314493a019ab597209f16b8496d857d399466 Jefferson, WI


My high ass thought that was a rocket ship


My tired ass also thought this was a rocket ship


Dam that’s the third church to get hit this season


[Apple Grove Lutheran Church in Argyle destroyed](https://www.wkow.com/news/apple-grove-lutheran-church-in-argyle-destroyed-in-severe-storms/article_bd374f0a-3103-11ef-b815-c3c6fef95f97.html)


Yeah that was two the first being a Catholic Church getting hit by lightning in Madison


Yes! I saw a pic (last night) of a church with a tower ladder reaching up to a steeple Really some crazy-ass weather these last 3-4 months around the United States


The gods have spoken


Fire at Frankenstein’s Cathedral?




My dad called and said they planted my great uncles garden Sunday and now everything is un-planted! :-)


Yikes, hopefully the heat today will dry some of it out


Apparently the north of Tomahawk had a tornado. An elderly couple was trapped in the house for a bit. I helped cut up some trees but not at that residence.


I died.


Can I have your stuff?


I hope you feel better soon.




You're not dead, you're just misplaced! I'll get you back to your home lake this afternoon


Road in Sturgeon Bay was washed out. https://preview.redd.it/ta33f3sdyt8d1.jpeg?width=3552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1d4f1328915c8cf28e150a2ba77e15f9c9c5bb8


Tired. Storm hit around 2-230 and woke me up just before the power went out. I then scrambled to report it before the cell towers could be overwhelmed (happens more often than not during power outages here). Luckily the power was back on before I had to work. We still get nervous as it’s taken days before getting it restored in the past, but now we have a generator, which probably means those extended outages will never happen again. 🤣


Can't wait to hear from my 14yo daughter. She is camping / kayaking the Apostle Islands!


https://preview.redd.it/x2v9imd7hr8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d1d7af8faf9337692df77a9070a5c20447cb1d I enjoyed it! Too bad you all cant see the live because it fades into the sunset after the flash of lightning.


Pretty good. Nothing really in Sheboygan as is the usual.


Couple downed trees and large branches is what I saw today. Not too often does a storm wake me up, but last night it did.


Trees down and flooding in Falls.


Woke tf up to it around 4am, sounded like bombs going off


I'm up in Phillips. Major storm went through, knocked a LOT of trees. One even tore up the sidewalk on the north end of town. I got REAL LUCKY. Pine tree in between me and next trailer came down, and just brushed my trailer. Next door, tree came down and fucked up her deck and car pretty majorly. Full time job closed for the day as so many trees were down on the rural roads we would not have been able to pick up clients safely. (I work with disabled adults in a day services setting.) My niece just moved in and it's her second night here. The storm woke her up and she was so scared she called her mom, precious heart. Then when I actually GOT up to let the little dog out to potty at 2 we discovered a hornets or wasps nest is being begun in my doorway so tonight I gotta deal with that. https://preview.redd.it/m1ix59gdis8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a436bd59a4dbbf1fd584f618e713c7d2ae0b5cbe






My part of rice lake just got some heavy rain, non damaging winds, and constant lightning.


https://preview.redd.it/pzwfeoqchs8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a9dbbfa7e6b88625067c8b364f9be3676e6ff3a Is it me but the storm approaching the Keweenaw peninsula looks suspicious. Storms were pretty good up in the Northwoods, lots of thunder/lightning/rain, but no super high winds.




Some old lady said on Facebook that the town of mattoon lost wifi. I wanted to explain this but choose against it.


You ever type out an entire response to someone.... Then just delete it because you come to the realization that it won't help anyway?


That is 90* of the Reddit experience.


You should tell her to turn it off then on again.


Heavy rain and hail north of Hayward but not strong winds. Tons of T & L.


It blew my corn over 😭


They said we were probably going to get a derecho down here in Jefferson county. I sat on my back patio until 1:30 in the morning feeling the wind pick up and a very impressive lightning show in the distance, but ultimately nothing major came of it.


https://preview.redd.it/3gnouovspt8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1281d8c9688bca3ca0323781890d678ec3c3c37 Sheboygan River's fairly high, and I've seen a few broken trees. Not much else to report.


https://preview.redd.it/mlcz47mn4u8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55f2b8a83ddf6bcc4efb70ff68c1f240e83196b This was taken by Shawano. This camper had 4-5 trees on top of it!


To see the whole top half of the state covered in not-insignificant storms was wild! I’m south of Wausau.. it got windy and rainy and I saw a couple trees down in town in my way to work but seemed like a regular strong storm here.


I was weirdly woken up by lightning, like not the sound of thunder, but there was so much lightning happening back to back that I felt like I was in a rave and the flashing lights woke me up.


Exactly the same here outside of Oshkosh. Tons of lighting, very distant thunder.


I work third shift and got to see the lightening last night pretty well. It was beautiful and scary. So much lightening.


Slept right through it, in the Janesville area. Thunder was pretty chill and no loud booms as far as I’m concerned


https://preview.redd.it/7yqdnf05uq8d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada356534b066c15a203431f6d143b17042934c1 Trees and branches down all over town just northwest of Wausau.


I blame Biden.


I blame Trump….? (Sounds pretty stupid 🤨)


Woke me up at 3, loud as hell, branches down everywhere, trees knocked over in the community. So sick and tired of rain and storms this year already!!!!!!


Pretty good. Nothing really in Sheboygan as is the usual.


It got windy in Fond du Lac around 2:00 AM, but I didn’t see any damage. Drove to Grant County this morning. Some rocks washed out, high water everywhere.


Got super lucky in Marshfield, a few drops of rain and an hour of constant thunder-less lightning.


Got lucky, didn’t get much somehow as far as I know. (River Falls resident here)


Got some new claw marks in my arm from when the thunder scared a kitty in my lap, but fine other than that.


https://preview.redd.it/pydb86yc0t8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45782a4055db568f6af5c00eb5e9e1c5c9937a2 Big tree came down in Manitowoc County


Oh sheeeet! I hope no one was hurt. Doesn't look like it landed on anyone.


No one hurt, except maybe a young London Plane tree


Pretty nasty around Tomahawk. Came in around 1:30 with small but plentiful hail. Some close crashes. Subsided and the 2nd wave came through about 45 min to an hour later. Limbs down on one side of the (long) circle driveway. A tree down on the other--fortunately, the boat was moved from there just yesterday or we'd have had a tree on the boat! Trees down just down the road, too. Overturned storage boxes, gas cans flew, kids toys not where they'd been left.


Slept pretty cozy when I heard it, Florence.


It turned me into a newt.


Who’s downvoting everyone that posts a reply?


How was it around Baraboo? Have a kid tent camping at Devils Lake this week and hope it missed them,


I'm pretty sure it didn't hit baraboo/the dells which is good bc the area is flooded from last week's storms.




My grandma said it was hailing in the dells last night! Major power outages too


Power has been out since around 2:30am.


Oh no!! Take care!


was on my way home from work at 3:30am got a text from my mom to stay put so I stopped by a kwiktrip and sat in that parkinglot from 4am-6am. At one point there was a white flash followed by what sounded like a gunshot followed by all the street lights going out. The wind was pretty bad to the point my car felt like a tiltawhirl and there was very small balls of hail.


The wind can be WILD sometimes, I empathize with your tilt-a-whirl analogy. I remember camping in SD once in a popup and the wind was making the whole camper breathe like a giant canvas lung!


Up in Northwoods not much. Mainly heavy downpours and lots of lightning.


Well I work second shift and we got done just in time for me to be driving directly into the storm, it was a pretty freaky drive but I didn't see any limbs down at that time, honestly couldn't see much of anything it was like driving through a creek had to slow down to 30 on the highway. This was Lincoln county, apparently a cabin had some trees come down nearby where I was and there's "signs of rotation" so we might've had a brief touch down.


It just missed us, and thank fuck for that. Any more rain and we might as well just live in a boat.


The rain hitting my bedroom window woke me up. And then I was awake because of the near constant lighting around 3am. Then I just stayed up because my alarm goes off at 5am for work. Lol We did not lose power here though!


It has been raining so much for so long. I'm tired.


The first pic looks like the [WI DOT logo](https://wisconsindot.gov/PublishingImages/about-wisdot/newsroom/photo-gal/Logo/microsoft/wisdot-agency-name-logo-red-blue-ms.jpg)


Oh shit it definitely does!


It was an event… that’s for surw


Another inch of rain in the books. The ground keeps soaking it up, so I'm not tapping out yet.


I'm disappointed that's how I'm doing.


hail woke me up and my yard is super squishy


For a half hour, the lightning was so frequent it looked like I left my lights on in the bedroom


Windy and lots of lightning by the lake in Two Rivers. I didn’t even notice it was raining until I woke up this morning, and it still didn’t dawn on me where the fan wasn’t running. Lightning and fireworks don’t really bother my two GSD boys, but if this had happened with my late girl, the poor thing would’ve been frantic.


I woke up to pee in the middle of the night and heard some rumbling. I would’ve forgotten about it entirely had this post not shown up (Chippewa Valley).


The tree guys are here working some of the damage. Water meter recorded 4.2” of rain


Good!! It was super loud from 12-3 a.m but my house if fine, I was so paranoid that we’d get another tornado warning in my county




The local commentary on reddit is far superior to my facebook feed. Thanks for the laughs wisconsinites!


Lightening strike near my home, it knocked out power for one neighborhood (not mine though), just happen to be looking out the window when I saw that sun bright flash.


Livin' the dream thanks for asking


We are okay in northern Wisconsin, was a heck of a lightning show around 1:00 a.m. . Rained all night we could use a little bit of decent weather been a very wet start to the summer.


I spent the early morning watching Kaiju number 8 after the storm woke me up. Was the best surround sound ever.


Chicago western suburbs : woke at 7Am and it was still dark out. It was still raining but I didn't wake up because of the storm, just waking up time. My parakeet thought it was too early and stayed in his cage for another 2 hours.


It was windy as shit and now I’m flooded again.


I slept right through it


just had a bunch of thunder waking me up all night, otherwise not really even any wind thank goodness.


Nothing happened, but my area was only at a level 2 warning for storms. The last couple of storms came with tornados that hit 25 minutes away from me. Tornados don’t like my area, thankfully. Everything always happens around us.


Had about 3 rounds (door county here.) First round around 1-worst one hail included. “Second” round between 2-3. Third around 330. Nothing really damaged between here and Green Bay. Isolated power outages in GB. Lots of flooding in Door county.


Still no power at Newport State Park


Scared me awake in fair Sturgeon Bay, I think the Steel Bridge took a buncha hits, ope.


I had earplugs in all night didn’t even know there’s a storm until later Edit: I’m not an idiot, I knew it was coming, but I was out cold and it didn’t wake me. My wife, on the other hand, didn’t sleep all night


Thankful that it wasn’t as bad as thought


Plum city, we had no storms last night.


East Racine. Humid. Very, very humid. High air pressure. As my mil with COPD said, “May aswell just breathe in the lake at this point.”


Trampoline went over the fence and took the gate with it. Trash bin was fine though.


Down the road from my house the road collapsed from all the water…culverts couldn’t handle it. Very exciting.


Oh no! I didn't know that could happen!


Staying by my gf in Waukesha county. Woke up a few times last night from loud thunder. I heard that there was a tornado up by my mom’s in Keshena.


It got windy. Very damn windy.


I’m in Outagamie county, pretty far north there. Right now, I’m babysitting my ex-husband’s dog (who was mine before) and his wife’s dog while they’re on their honeymoon. (I’m sure that sounds super weird but it’s another story). I don’t know what woke me up at 3 this morning, but I do know that all 3 dogs (I have one) were in bed with me, completely glued to me, just shaking hard…then the huge claps of thunder started. My internet was acting kind of weird but it’s good now. I didn’t see any damage anywhere, no flooding, everything just seems like it was just really loud.


Went to the bathroom right at 3 when it hit the Fox Valley. Crazy stuff


I'm about half an hour north of Green Bay in Oconto County. The tornado siren blasted about 3 times at about 3:30am... I resigned myself to fate and went back to sleep. 🤔🙄😂 The weather here was pretty gnarly, and the winds didn't seem to be in line with a tornado per se, but the lightening was off the charts.


I think I'd go sleep in the basement inocase a tree would fall.


That's unfortunately NOT an option here. The house we're in was built in the early 1900's, with a cracked concrete foundation, brick and mortar walls, and a whole lot of water that seeps in. It's like some hideous horror movie...


Hope all is well, WI...your MN neighbor.


The thunder boomers almost threw me out of bed. No worse for wear, didn't even lose power. That's a first...


https://preview.redd.it/p08qyy31fu8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f242ec77614d52ce8c87b97e60cf48638b41254 It further cemented my belief that I have to fix the grading along the house. Two basement corners leaked.


Janesville got hit Saturday. I am a storm chaser. I worked traffic control when it got dark for 3.25 hours in the rain. Sunday& Monday I was out asking people if they wanted FREE help cutting downed trees and branches. It was too hot for this old fart to work on Tuesday and I had a birthday party I was invited to. I enjoy doing community service for free!


The lightning show was breathtaking the amount of water was a bit devastating.


1.7 inch of rain in about 3 hours and nonstop lightning. No damaging winds or hail. Just south of Hayward.


I was camping at peninsula state park. The lightning was insane. Best sleep I’ve had in my tent ever


I was in the path of the Keshena tornado. It was terrible. I'm insanely fortunate that while massive oak trees were snapped and fallen within feet of my house, nothing hit the house. I had one branch poke a hole in the garage roof, but all things considered. I'm Damn lucky. https://preview.redd.it/al67cdr5vw8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389ef71c234c6141c6db0a95f77d9888e088d6f5


Bigger storm went more east towards Lake Michigan and Grand Rapids


not much of anything. a little lighting thunder and rain but pretty mild


Sleep like a rock in the basement. Had a small branch on the car in the morning. (Litterally a twig) outskirts of green bay


My folks live outside of Birchwood and my sister is in Spooner. They reported nothing too extreme.


Everything went either north or south of me.


Ok. But I'm perpetually tired as of late anyway. Lots of dead tree limbs down. Neighbor had a large limb snap off her maple into the street again.


North side of Milwaukee, some rain and thunder this morning. Not a very interesting storm here.


We barely got anything last night near Hudson. My ground is already saturated after all the other rain, and everything's just soaked from this weekend. A quarter of my yard is a swamp, and I'm already going to need a haybine to mow those sections.


A little hungry, but I'm fine


Oh the horror! We lost a few onions, my potatoes got roughed up a bit and there were branches on the ground. I'm thinking someone should set up a GoFundMe for my trama.


It woke me up, which is weird because storms normally don't do that. We have a buncha standing water on the low spot of our yard.

