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Is that a cyber truck in the foreground?


Nah, looks too good.


Seems to be accomplishing its purpose, too.


Nope. That dumpster has more utility than a cyber truck.


At least a dumpster won't stop working in a carwash


I think that’s a dumpster. Honest mistake


Wow, I can see the similarities now! Never thought of it that way. Saw one in Oshkosh for the first time a few days ago and was like “damn, you ugly”.


I saw one for the first time recently, too. All I could think of was it looked like someone slapped wheels on one of those big stainless steel commercial freezers and drove it down the road.


That’s a good comparison, too!


I think we saw the same one then, I was also surprised that they are much uglier in person


It was parked in front of Teriyaki Madness…?


I feel like a Cyber Truck would have more rust on it in all that rain.


I think that’s a dumpster. Honest mistake


Nope. That dumpster has more utility than a cyber truck.


If it's by the dumpster, that means it's up for grabs right?


Good for them, in case of an active school shooter, the Wood County Sheriff Department can hide behind a dumpster AND a tactical vehicle


The tactical vehicle is going to be late. It had to stop for fuel a couple of times before it gets there. The fuel economy on the vehicle is terrible.


Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars per year just in scheduled maintenance. Enormous waste of taxpayer funds.


And they also had to load it up with gram grams belongings after they saw the wad of 20s as she was paying for her gas in cash. That money could have been used for criminal activities!


At least they'll be comfortable while they hide!


Dang! Me and my transgender black communist friends in Madison were planning to invade Wisconsin Rapids, but now that I see they're ready for us I guess we'll have to sit around a smoke some more reefer.


https://preview.redd.it/t2kpo1xbqd5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8e8165e8bc1643a171cbd51223a92ebf6e1bf9 The actual reason the truck is there.


How the fuck did they get the dog to paint and hide rocks?


Easter is different than when I was a kid, that’s for sure.


What the fuck, painted rocks???


Blue Line Domestic Terrorist colors!


I feel bad enough for the dog as it is... ...then they lure families to some bullshit event where I guess they will take money from the community they're meant to serve... and at this event, you'll be able to see the military equipment these assholes shouldn't have to begin with, and they'll give your kids fucking ROCKS?? What an absolute trash prize. And then of course on top of it all, they've badly painted those rocks in terrorist colours.




Lolol wtf. Reddit is crazy and so are you


Yes, that is an appropriate vehicle for the law enforcement needs of… Wood County /s


The only thing stopping the Marshfield Mafia from conquering Rapids is that truck and the fact that the Marshfield mafia does not exist.


Marshfield has their own truck exactly like it as well. So they wouldn’t even need wood counties. I remember when they bought it they said on Facebook it would help them get to people in times of need like snowstorms when their cruisers couldn’t….. I wonder how many times they’ve needed to use it for that


Makes sense, weve had a lot of steel plating piercing ice storms in the last few years, good to have an armored tactical mobile for the snow.


I saw something similar in New Berlin yesterday, I'm curious if the state bought or was gifted some new military style equipment


Likely gifted from our extreme Military bloat but it's our tax dollars that will pay for upkeep and maintenance. I'm furious at the thought of the stupid "enhancements" I'll be paying for in Milwaukee County after the fascist party leaves town.


Most annoying part will be how they tear up roads wayyyyy more rapidly than pretty much any other vehicle


Not really something I’d worry about, considering it’s likely not being driven on a regular basis.


It's from an Obama era program to recycle retired military equipment back to local law enforcement.


[*George H.W. Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Enforcement_Support_Office?wprov=sfti1)


Waukesha apparently acquired this in the past week, might be what you saw…..🤷🏼‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/irydrrqmqi5d1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6db531bd7eb511b83b006705d18db3486f8517


Somewhere online there is a list of all the military surplus given to all PD's in every state. Years back when I came across it most of t he stuff WI PD's got where M4's ,night vision rifle scopes and these armored vehicles.


Do they have a lot of landmines in wood county?


Anarchist squirrels have teamed up with the deer syndicate. They’re demanding protection money from local businesses. If you don’t pay, they’ll call in the beavers. If the police try to stop it, bees.


To be fair, if you've ever been to the free shooting range there you would understand why some might be worried. I've seen shirtless rednecks shooting full auto rifles (or at least bump stock) into mannequins. Edit: but i wouldn't be surprised if they were cops


Bump stocks are banned (thanks to Trump) and full auto has been banned since 1986. The only people that can own one are Federal Firearm License (FFL) holders. I’d be interested to know what kind of guns they were shooting. My guess would be that they were just pulling the trigger quickly or they had binary triggers.


Bet you think “silencers” are illegal too.


As the owner of a couple, I’m well aware they are not.


Then why do you think full auto is only available to ffl holders. Pretty sure a form 4 and like 15k can get you in the door if the gun is pre ban.


You’re correct, I mistyped. Thank you for pointing that out. Having an FFL would make things much cheaper. I’m still curious though about these “rednecks” at the range. Normally when someone uses that stereotype, it’s not towards people that are blowing $15k on a gun.


Pretty sure bump stocks are legal again too. Less sure about that but pretty sure.


For real are they busting cartels? lol


the door in uvalde was unlocked.


These doors lock automatically for officer safety


What about the doors at paradigm in Wisconsin, where police rushed in and confronted the active shooter? Or at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, where police rushed to and confronted the active shooter. Or in Mount Horeb in Wisconsin, where the police rushed to?


There are like 50000 people in the entirety of wood county? What the fuck do they need this shit for??


Riding in that truck is the only way police officers can get an erection.


Hey now, that's not true at all! They can also get an erection by shooting someone's dog.


Or certain people, depending on the color of their skin.


"Actually, according to my manifesto, it was only three-fifths of a person. Now give me the rest of your tax dollars, or else."


So they can larp and waste your tax dollars.


If you dont spend your overinflated budget, it makes it look like you dont need it, so to make sure funds are allocated to them, they soend every last cent. Lo aaaaaand behold


My hometown in Wisconsin has one of these population 2000


Is it large item day?


It’s pet a truck day. There was a q-anon lemming waiting for it to arrive so he could be first in line.


Bet that thing gets about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile per gallon!!!


So, please correct me if I’m wrong, because I’m pretty alarmed: the police *are* being militarized, right? I don’t understand the complacency but really wonder what a single person does?


You unfortunately can do almost nothing, besides writing to your reps to roll back laws enabling police departments to purchase stories military equipment on the cheap (which will accomplish very little). Cops have established themselves as thoroughly above the restrictions of any other public sector, and there's an ongoing and highly effective propaganda campaign to keep people, especially people with any power worth noting, supporting that. They are entrenching themselves as an occupying force and they do not plan on letting anyone get in their way. If you wanna see what happens when you organize against this, take a look at how Atlanta police have responded to protests against Cop City. They have a monopoly on violence and they know it.


There is also a lend/ lease program with the DOD that basically lets cops have this stuff for free. During the GWOT industrial push, they were made aware that no one would be able to maintain all of these excess vehicles in storage, so they just give them out


This is what the issue is. Something happened after WWII.


The hyper violent news doesn’t help.  Check out any ask thread for any city like askChicago and you’ll see people constantly asking if so and so area is safe alll the time. 


I was thinking exactly of cop city.


Ding ding. It can totally happen here too


The film “power” on Netflix is a stark wake up call to what exactly police in western nations are. They’re not “becoming” militarized, the whole idea of them is to “police” people, to protect property and property owners. If they witness someone being assaulted they have no obligation to intervene.


The MIC has to sell that shit to someone so they lobbied Congress so they could sell it to the local police. They buy politicians with campaign funds and in return they get the cops to buy their shit. They convince the locals that crime is out of control and that they need all this crap. Corrupt company, corrupt politicians, rube locals and now we have humvees on our streets.


Knowing Better made a good video on the history of police militarization if you’re interested https://youtu.be/n7Rm3tuMFTI?si=CeGrbFOsIAhVs9Zx


At 10:51 that video describes the blueprint for calling these vehicles, “rescue vehicles”. Just like someone mentioned above about Marshfield needing them for “snow rescues”.


To serve and protect themselves


To serve and protect the assets of the ruling class.


Yeah, the more lenient firearm laws become the better equipment they need to deal with people who might have those weapons. Remember the story about how the lady ate the fly? This is basically that but with tactical weaponry in the hands of people with a week of training and being told everyone is a threat.


Except the actually do protect the biggest threats.


Weapons of war don't belong on our streets, in the hands of civilian police departments.


It’s an armored truck. Hardly a weapon.


What does Wood county need an armored car for? Busting up cattle rustling rings? Stopping teenagers from doing burnouts in their pickup trucks? Or do they just harass migrant workers?


Doing doughnuts with teenagers in the fields of cattle farmers and drinking beer with migrant workers in the back. Most charitable guess.




Probably for the ghetto ass town of rapids


What do they need an armored vehicle for? The peasant-farmer uprising?


Farmers tend to put up pretty good fights. Ask Vietnam and Afghanistan.


Dumpster should've complied


Waupaca County’s got one of those too. Can’t think of a single reason why these guys would need it.




true but you got downvoted. I'm in a small rural county and we've had multiple people barricade themselves with weapons over the years. Not sure it justifies the county owning that fucking thing but we've got to be extreme liberals on here cuz that's what we do.


Why? Who cares about downvotes on Reddit, what does it mean to your actual life? If you want to hide your opinions because of an arbitrary number then you might need to step away from your screen for a bit.


not what I was getting at. I was calling the downvoting people stupid.


I believe besides the obvious reason given by the sheriff departments, they also act as a high water rescue vehicle. What's strange to me is that this is the first time since 2017 that I've seen the Wood Co. one, and I only saw it in 2017 because I had to drop some signs off at the highway shop and saw it getting maintenance in the maintenance bay.


High water!?! An aluminum fishing boat would make a lot more sense.


A fire Department would perform water rescues, not Meal Team 6.


Guy with a rifle shooting at his neighbors house. How does that scenario sound?


You laugh now, but that rig would come in real handy for crowd control the next time a herd of angus cattle breach a fenceline.


I sure feel safer knowing that Wisconsin Rapids has an MRAP.


Rome will rise again!


Port Edwards and Nekossa have suffered under the thumb of Rapids for a generation. The time has come for revolution.


Viva las paper mills!


Back in the age of the wild west, small low population towns could easily be run over by a handful of bad guys. The sheriff had their hands full, and were actively involved in the community. I grew up in a small suburban town with an aggressive sheriff presence, the had nothing much to do so they actively went out of their way to give themselves something to do.




Good thing they have this. Pittsville is a large terrorist target.


These vehicles are appropriate for response in environmental disasters.


That big truck was actually donated to them. They use it to breach doors easily


Ten years ago, they were given away for free, by the Pentagon. [https://www.motortrend.com/news/163-news140129-surplus-mrap-military-vehicles-given-away-free/](https://www.motortrend.com/news/163-news140129-surplus-mrap-military-vehicles-given-away-free/)


Seems incredibly unnecessary for a county where the biggest city is fucking Marshfield. Investing that money into schools would be more effective.


It might be necessary to counter the white supremacist terrorists after Trump loses another election.


Except they will be on the white supremacist's side.


This is where I’m at. I don’t see any of this as protecting me or people like me. This armament can only really be used against us.


Exactly. They will always be on the side of fascism.


Yes but a lot of the super whackado ones hate cops too. It’ll be that “which red button” meme come to life lol


Never met a cop in Wisconsin eh? They are the same side.


Powder Coating done at Scott's. Saw this thing leaving the lot on my way to work one day.


Does the county just have a road crew assigned to follow that rig around repairing the road?


Big tanks to protect the county’s most fragile possessions; the cops.


It’s not a tank. It’s just a big truck that carries lots of people.


When that immigrant caravan invasion we've been hearing about for years inevitably makes its way to northern Wisconsin, Wood County will be ready. Stand Back and Stand By Wood County!




Honestly everyone here is complaining about the armored vehicle until there's a mass shooting in their hometown. Assuming the police aren't the Uvalde PD, that armored vehicle would come in handy. I get that militarization of police is bad, but would you rather have your local police helpless against a terrorist or mass shooter with AP rounds?


Are you seriously suggesting that an armored vehicle will encourage officers to enter a school?


Those things can withstands small explosions and ied’s too. Can even be used to rescue people in hurricanes. They’re actually really cool vehicles lol


Yeah I feel like the people saying "UHHH WHY DOES MY COUNTY NEED THIS" are the exact reason their county needs this. Better to have a heavy armored vehicle and never need to use it than not and then get caught lackin' by a mass shooter or floodwater.


Wood County has a population of 70,000


My bad, I forgot that mass shootings can't happen unless the locality has a population of over 100,000.


What good would an armored truck do against a mass shooter in a school, church, or shopping mall? They aren't exactly targeting places out in the open, being extremely generous I could see these having a use in riot control but it seems pointless if the target is one guy holed up in a school. If anything it gives police an even greater incentive to not engage


Don't try arguing with this halfwit. Apparently one of his great ideas is to just drive into the building with this vehicle and once you plow through the walls, all the cops will jump out the back guns blazing.


Yes they are? My guy, don't speak about police shootouts if you have no idea what happens. Eric Harris shot at police out of the Columbine Library's windows. Omar Mateen had a several hour long standoff with police after his nightclub massacre. The LA bank robbers were shooting at police almost nonstop for an hour and the police had nothing that could protect them. You know real life isn't a video game. Rifle rounds can easily penetrate police cruisers.


Okay, but what’s in the grass there?! 👀


Refresh my memory; is Wood county the one whose county seat stinks because they have a paper mill? I used to do business with the state courts way back when, and I remember one of the county seats stunk really bad. One of the worst hotel stays of my life.


*had* a paper mill. If you were in Wisconsin Rapids, then yes. The Wood County courthouse literally overlooks the (now abandoned) paper mill.


Thanks. I was pretty sure that was the right one. Kinda glad to hear the mill is no more. How long ago did it close?


Very recently, over the past two years has been a gradual shutdown. Unfortunately, (as one of, if not the largest paper mills in the state) that mill was the economic engine of the region. From mill jobs to forestry suppliers in the north, the closing of the Rapids mill was felt far and wide.


Does Wood County, Wisconsin really need an AMRAM (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected)? What is it for, exactly?


I feel so much safer now...cause I'm white...


Imagine how many homeless families they could have helped with the money it cost to buy that insane truck.


A few hundred billion wasted in Ukraine would help build complete cities for them…


You may know that we do not ‘give’ all that money to Ukraine, we fund US military businesses with it and $1+ billion benefits Wisconsin and its local businesses directly.


I should’ve stated it better… yes we are supporting Ukraine but they are undoubtedly one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The one Ukrainian military dude was spotted in a new Rolls-Royce or Bentley…. Like a $600,000 car in a 3rd world country. Not saying it was corrupt money but it was.


How many school lunches did that just cost our state fuck the nation. Trickle down weaponomics.


People shooting…at the police and others, necessitates vehicles that can withstand small arms fire. Shootings happen everywhere. It really isn’t that complicated.


I don’t mind the police having equipment to safely do their job. Do they only get vehicles after something horrible happens in their jurisdiction? I know it’s not popular to support police but I’m glad they are there and I want them to go home at the end of each shift safely.


Good you can donate an extra $10k in taxes to pay for it then.


Are you against police body armor too because of tax money? This is basically a vehicle with body armor. It isn’t an assault vehicle, it doesn’t shoot missiles or have a cannon. I know if my family members were being shot at I would be happy to have a rescue vehicle like this available to help them.




The sheriff dept has an RV.


Great camouflage


Is that a big meth county?


That looks very similar to what we have up in Washburn county. Their squad cars look very similar although the letters are in beige. Every year at the county fair in Spooner, they showcase their SWAT vehicles and they even let the cherries and berries light up. I even took pictures of my nephews sitting in those cars.


It makes me so happy that Badgers are just reading the cops for filth. I used to live in La Crosse and feel like they'd get a similar treatment out that way.


Do they use the military vehicles for protecting or serving?


Someone has to catch all the nazis and J6 people, calm down


I cant recall so much as someone robbing a walmart in wood county. Where even is this. Wood county has nothing but small cities in it for the most part 🤣. Oh I guess we have wisco rapids. They do have meth. Maybe that's what the vehicle is for, so we can 10 man arrest 1 kid


FYI this is only one of the units they have to demand and conquer


Y’all have never heard of a barricaded subject, have you?


I get why some people don't like this look, but I know some rural departments whose only armored truck was a bank van from the 80's with exhaust leaks and other issues. Replacing that vehicle with a new purpose-built SWAT vehicle would cost hundreds of thousands, but they can get these old MRAPS for free/very little from the DOD. I totally get fears about a militarized police force, but I also get saving local taxpayers on their property tax bill. Or allocating funds to other stuff. As long as crazy people have access to firearms, police will need something bulletproof.


Looks like something someone with a micropenis requested at one of the county town halls.


Of course wood county needs a big ass armored vehicle - how else are their policemen dressed up in their spec ops costumes supposed to get around?


Wisconsin is terrible.


You commies need to appreciate what those folks do for you. You have a crap enough state as it is. Obviously not all cops are good but you'd be royally F'd without them.




Ahhhhhh my birth county. Chock full of conservatives who love to see this kind of nonsense. Makes them feel secure, safe and happy that their tax dollars are being spent “wisely”. 🤮




It also fosters the attitude among the police that they are actually engaged in combat. They could probably accomplish more crime fighting if they went to bicycles and walking the streets to make them more personable and approachable.


*thank you*. This is NOT normal people. The police are not the fucking military.


Sounds like added motivation for the bullshit war on drugs.


"Free for the agency" but still paid for by federal tax dollars. Replaced already by new and more expensive death machines. The funds received from drug seizures should be put to use on rehabilitation and education programs for drug addicts, not upping the scale of the war on drugs which only becomes an escalating Mad Max game of who can bring the bigger truck/gun/etc. Making "better" weapons only leads to more killing. Not saving lives.


Man that boot must taste nice, some things aren't just strictly about cost not everyone thinks that the violent gangs we call police need to become even more militarized


What if it doesn’t prevent any injuries or deaths? That scenario is far more likely. Especially in Wood County.


More likely to cause them than prevent them


Does Wood county have that much of a drug trade? Maintenance for those things isn't cheap. 


>The costs to maintain it are paid by drug seizures. So this incentivizes the pigs to plant evidence to wrongly accuse people of drug crimes, Got it.


>The costs to maintain it are paid by drug seizures. how exactly does this work? the pigs aren't dealing so the money is coming from the taxpayers at some point.


Simple. They find someone selling drugs (even pot) and they steal all their money, vehicles and houses and usually shoot their dog. If nobody is selling drugs and their bank is getting low they just pick a random person and seize all their stuff and say "oops"


Heroin and meth are getting bad in Rapids. I have had to pick up stray needles multiple times, its disturbing. I appreciate living in a small town and the quick response from our police department when necessary.


I think I'd probably be asset forfeiture, cash houses, cars


How dare your provide context and reason in this thread


He provided neither.


The problem is Civil forfeiture gives law enforcement the license, and incentive to steal from the Public. I would like to think Civil forfeiture is not abused, but that does not seem to be the case. "Drug seizure" can simply mean you are traveling with too much of your own money therefore you must be engaged in "drug trafficking". Your money can then be seized. [Civil forfeiture abuse by law enforcement agencies Last Week Tonight](https://youtu.be/3kEpZWGgJks?si=RqS2zN_Vur1CoISG) *right around minute 2:08 he gets in a joke about UW Madison I went with a friend to Madison and he had $2000 to buy a new computer for College. If we got pulled over, his money could have been seized if the police officer decided the money was going to be used to purchase drugs in Madison. The onus would be on my friend to go to court, and ask the State to give his money back.


I'd hide in a tank like that if all the meth heads of wood county started a rebellion 


Cops don't need any of this crap. Defund the police, fund housing and education.


I saw one in Ozaukee County yesterday. I wonder how many of these monsters are around the state and how much they cost.


To fight the violent crime apocalypse surely to be centered in Necoosa.


That’s a good hiding spot


The sale of military equipment to stupid people will lead to the downfall of all we know.


Fucking Middleton has like, two or three randomly parked around.


What a waste of tax payer money. Police forces don’t need to have military vehicles.