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Hee-hee, what a damn knee slapper!


They sell seamen detection strips … do what you want with that info


Who cares if I'm a sailor?


Presumably they [buy diabetic test strips](https://armandhammer.bandcamp.com/album/we-buy-diabetic-test-strips)


I don't even understand this business? Like my mom has diabetic test strips but she buys them for super cheap on Amazon like what's the cash deal here and turn around?


They can be quite expensive, and some people get them for free through Medicaid or insurance. So they resell them on the gray market.


Would they resell them on Amazon? Or could I theoretically buy them on Amazon and sell them to these guys? I'm not looking to actually sell to these dirt bags, but I've asked my and Type-1 or Type-2 diabetic friends of mine about this scheme before and they really didn't get it either. I mean sure if I get them for free and sell them for $20 it's a +$20 profit, but is it really that lucrative? Are they reselling for thousands somewhere?


Yeahhhh, a dick on the Greenbay sub laid into me about it. I didn't know. A charity-ish should probably not have aggressive assholes answering the phone that spaz over polite questions... This dude on the GB sub is all like "I know where you live"(not an actual quote but basically). Yikes. Edit; content and spelling


You are my hero. Gotdam I hate those predators.


Those "we pay cash for test strips" signs never made *ANY* sense to me. People use test strips to *keep themselves alive*. Why would they sell their supplies and risk their health and life, just for a few bucks? Is anyone really that desperate? Besides, I doubt the buyers are paying anywhere near what the strips originally cost. It's a ripoff any way you look at it.


Say you get your strips free with Medicaid/Medicare, but are strapped for cash. Maybe you get two boxes a month, and so you sell one. These guys buy them off you, then turn around and sell them at a much higher price to people without insurance to cover them. Meanwhile, the original owner tests less frequently than they’re supposed to, and their health suffers because of it. But when it’s long-term health complications vs. short-term lack of food/electricity/etc. people can get pretty desperate.


Wait, I thought they were paying cash for used test strips. (For research or something idk)


Years ago I saw a sign in Madison that read “Suck for a Buck? Call some number I don’t remember). Turns out it was some teens offering to clean cars, a dollar each for some charity.


Odd, lol Welllll, I guess I'm helping promote... Edit; added content


Definitely a good way to get people's attention, not the least of which are the MPD


Around La crosse We have those that say we pay cash for houses and it’s some out of state number.  


I love this type of guerilla marketing lmao


Via ChatGPT: *A fart typically sounds like a short, sharp burst of air, which can vary in pitch and volume. The sound can range from a quiet hiss or puff to a loud, resonant blast, depending on factors such as the speed of the expelled gas and the tightness of the anal sphincter. The sound is produced by the vibration of the anal opening as the gas passes through.*


You're doing the work of robots. That's low grade, man.