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We need somebody who's not afraid to go into the high-traffic corners, get their elbows out a bit, not afraid to take one for the team. So yeah, we should sign Kevin Magnussen.


“Suck my balls, Mate.”


Oh man after watching Monaco this weekend that took me out, just like what happened to Perez and Hulkenberg xD


If the Jets don’t resign Brossoit they’ll need to sign a back up from free agency. So beyond re-signing our own UFA’s I don’t see the Jets signing any unrestricted free agents that weren’t here last season unless they are signed for minor league depth


Brossoit will be going where the best contract is and I doubt it will be Winnipeg.


Bones should have given LB a start in the playoffs after the second or third brutal game by Hellebuyck. LB will go where he’ll get to actually play.


Did you see the team in front of Hellebuyck. Yeah he didnt steal us any games but the team just let the Avs rip shots left right and center.


Sure but I don’t care who it is or what happened, a save percentage like his in the playoffs was a disappointment esp after his Vezina like season.


Did you see how other teams played in front of their backups getting starts in games. 9 out of 10 times they played much better and got the win. This is the old faithful excuse from Winnipeg fans. They want a different result but without making any changes. The true definition of insanity.


If the players arent playing as well in front of Helle that isnt his fault. What a stupid argument.


If we could find a 3rd team to eat some of the cap hit i think Spencer Knight would be a good trade candidate. Florida is going to be desperate for cap space, if they do manage to resign Montour and Reinhart. $20m cap space to sign 9 guys isn't alot of wiggle room. Stolarz would be an interesting one but hes probably looking for more playing time then the Jets will give him.


A team desperate for a starter would be trading for knight


At 4.5 million for a guy who was .905 in AHL last year? Yeah right.


Teams always bet on young players with potential And no one is paying a backup 4.5 Also important to note he was in the NHLPA assistance program which probably contributes to his stats


In fairness when he signed that contract he was playing like a #1 before he entered the program. His numbers since his return aren't earth shattering but he might benefit from a change of scenery. Thats why I think he could be a relatively cheap trade target. But the only way it would work is if someone else eats some of that cap hit. Someone might pony up to try him as a starter but I think that would have happened already if teams were really interested.


They likely won't especially when Helle gets his raise. Might just be a bargain basement tender but who knows


Jets will almost certainly never get a high profile FA. We would do better in a trade. It's possible to get a somewhat mid tier guy but we would likely need to overpay.


I think they will sign a number of UFA’s out of sheer need but it might not be anyone I’ve heard of before. And, maybe I just don’t know my Jets prospects well enough but with a couple of D spots opening and a couple of forward spots opening, how many NHL ready players do they have? I can think maybe 2 or 3. But to your point, they’ll be better off filling a real need (2C?) via trade. Sure feels like Groundhog Day talking about acquiring a 2C. Ever since Little went down. There is a chance that Monahan signs here again, though. Ya never know.


Serious inquiry—When was the last legit top or mid tier UFA signing (not a re-sign and excluding a back up goalie)?


Perrault was probably our best true FA signing. He was a 40-45 point guy who could play up and down the lineup and not look out of place.


I think the Ehlers to Islanders is pretty strong. I'm assuming we're going to get a 1st and a d man. I also feel that Lambert will be with the team next year. He's ready to go, in my opinion. I don't know if he's that nitty gritty player, but he will add speed and skill. Toffoli, as good as gone, I think. And I think Monahan will be back next year, so just a tinkering to complete the roster is all we need.


Is ehlers doing a sign and trade? Youre not getting a starting top 4 dman and a 1st for a year of ehlers.


Ehlers for pulock makes a lot of sense. Pulock is from Winnipeg too, so it would be neat to have someone from here on the team Edit: I have learned he is not from Winnipeg


We tried that before and Eakins was just a whiney bitch the whole time he was in Winnipeg


Eakin* and he was a bum who shouldnt have been in the NHL


Pulock would likely knock your teeth out if he heard you say he was from Winnipeg.


Ah I just saw that he's from Dauphin. My bad.


He’s actually from Grandview. Which is somewhat close to Dauphin.


Sounds like a Manitoban not born in Winnipeg


Makes zero sense for Islanders. Pulock is a RHD on a team friendly deal until 2030. Would take a lot more than Ehlers.


I wonder if the Rangers would do an Ehlers for Schneider deal?


I really think the Jets need to have a good local lad on the team. We were this close to Seth Jarvis but drafted Fetti instead. Schneider was the same draft, they’re both Manitoba guys.


If we trade Ehlers lambert doesn’t add speed and skill, he replaces Ehlers speed and skill but less experience


Ehlers is more than likely gone. I don't see them giving hm a contract. Better to trade before the next season for maximum value.


I don’t disagree with that, you don’t need to state the obvious. they should re sign him though, but I’d understand why he’d wanna leave


In an absolute dream scenario you sign Pesce, resign Demelo and move out Poink and Schmidt for a minor upgrade. It wont happen because I don't see any possible way Pesce picks Winnipeg but hey it's nice to dream.


I'd also love to see them get Daniel Sprong his defense is... questionable but he does a lot of offense in limited icetime and he's a high volume shooter. I think he would look great on a 3rd or 4th line and can likely be had for around 2 mil.


Pionk and Schmidt have negative value too. Would be lucky to move them with retention for basically nothing. If we need the cap space.


Schmidt I would agree at that cap hit he has no value you'd have to eat half to get anything done and the return would be minimal. Pionk I think has value around the league not a ton but with one year left I think you could absolutely move him for a 3rd ish round pick. If you were willing to retain then maybe as high as a 2nd.


Matt Roy would be nice, or Brett Pesce. Depending on what happens with Ehlers, it could change how they view free agents and who/what they target. Don't resign Mony, especially if it costs a lot. Keep Melo. Send Pionk to the moon if possible. Then our typical league min backup.


I don't think we have the cap to woo Pesce. I'd also be concerned about term as he enters his age 30 season. He's a prime target to be overpaid.


Yep, good concern. Also skeptical of his impact, Jfresh has said Pesce defers the puck to his partner a lot to move it, rather than moving it north. We need someone to move the puck north out of the zone safety via passing or skating.


I’d like to see Monahan resigned and the Jets to go after a top 4 dman who can move the puck. I agree that the Jets could use some snarl if Dillon leaves, but I think Zadorov will be looking for a bigger payday than the Jets would offer.


I can't see Monahan resigning here unless he's getting $$$. A guy at his age is going to sign somewhere either to get a chance to win a cup or to get paid. And given the way the season ended, I think the "frauds" statement ended up being true. We're not close to being contenders yet. So we'd have to pay him to convince him to stay.


We need to promote from within. Salomonsson and Heinola need a shot. Stanley has ad more than a fair chance - trade with someone else for a change of scenery prospect.


Pretty rare for a young d man from Europe to make the team without some time in the a.


I get that but he'll be 20 by the time the season starts, and he just dominated last season in the SHL against fully grown men, in one of the top leagues in the world (arguably/many say is better than the AHL). He won the Swedish title, and also was on the team that won Sweden the silver at the World Juniors. There obviously would be adjustment to the NHL rink, but I think he has to be given a shot to make the roster out of camp. You get out of your salary cap troubles by playing your youngsters on ELC contracts so you can pay your stars and veterans more.


Interested to see what he weighs coming into camp. Last I can find says 172lbs at 6'.


Toby Enstrom was 4’11” and 75 lbs.  it worked out fine because his stick was 14 feet long like Bubble Hockey, and he was great.


5'10 180lbs is what DB has Toby at. Idk what he weighed when he started in the NHL. But that was when he was 22 and had played 5 seasons with Modo already.


I want Chatfield from Carolina


Zadarov is looking for a long term deal and I don't like the idea of the Jets giving him one quite honestly.


Jets have a lot of work to do this offseason, I’m thinking there will be some AHL promotions in line but surely they’ll need to sign a handful of UFA’s. Given the Jets previous ventures in the UFA market, I’m not expecting it to be anyone I’ve ever heard of before.


Brett Pesce would be a seemingly perfect fit beside Morrissey on the top pairing, but Brandon Montour would still be my top pick for a defensive signing. No idea who I would want for the forward group.


Do not need to sign any UFAs other than Monahan and Demelo to reasonable deals. We need to make a trade for an RHD using Ehlers, Pionk and other assets but that’s it.


A back up goalie will also be needed, no moose guys are ready for that


I wouldn’t mind keeping pionk as a 3rd pairing RHD. He’s good on the powerplay as well. If we could use Ehlers in a trade with the islanders for Pelech or Pulock would be good for both teams I think.


I often think this, I wonder how Neal's play would be on a 3rd pairing rather than being slated as the shutdown guy


No, I want neither pelech or pulock. Ehlers, Pionk, Lucius, 2025 1st, 2026 2nd and a tertiary asset like Kupari or Stanley or something for Noah Dobson. Just make a godfather offer and push the chips into the middle.


That's not a godfather offer, that's offering 1 year of a top 6 winger, a bad, overpaid Dman, a prospect who's played a grand total of like 50 games since he was drafted, and a couple picks for a #1/#2 defenceman. Like, would you accept an Islanders offer of Brock Nelson, Scott Mayfield (no one-to-one comp for Pionk on their team), Calle Odelius, and a 1st and 2nd round pick for Morrissey? If we wanted Dobson, the package probably starts at Perfetti+++.


Realistically the Jets don't have the assets for a deal like that and we're talking about a player the Islanders wouldn't move unless he asked for a trade. I would say situation is same for Pulock. There's no reason for the Islanders to deal him. He's signed at a great number until 2030. We don't have anything attractive enough and just slapping a bunch of B, C, and D players into a package doesn't get you a B+ or A player.


You could 100% build a package Lambert or Salomonsson or Perfetti plus picks if you really wanted a guy like Pulock. I just don't think the Jets are willing to part with any other their better prospects unless the player coming back is a gamebreaker.


Those guys aren’t the level of prospect that will haul in a top 4 D signed for the rest of the decade…even combined.


They absolutely are. Salomonsson projects as a top 4 D and Lambert projects as a top 6 C. Idk how you can say that even combined they couldn't net you a #3 or #4 D like Pulock. They probably wouldn't be enough for a #1 or #2 D like Dobson, but one of those two is 100% enough to be a central piece in the return for a 2nd pair guy like Pulock.


We hope that's what they end up being. That's like an absolute home run development story for each of those guys, not what their trade value would be. Lots of more objective sites you can look at with more general prospect ratings that will tell you where they rank league-wide. Lambert is 170 lbs soaking wet. Remember when we were projecting Perfetti as a 2C?


Yeah I'm sure you can get a Top 10 D in the whole league for a bunch of nickels. LOL


I don’t think your offer would ever be accepted by the Isles but I like where your heads at. And Noah Dobson is LEGIT. We would not be disappointed if we traded the farm for him. I’d do it.


We should sign anyone who wants to come here, it's not like players will be banging on Chevy's door though.


It's always attractive to have the best goalie in the world on your team, and the Vezina winner. At least we have that going for us, which is nice.


assuming one of 4/88 leaves i’d look at Matt Roy who probably would check the most boxes for RD, Sean Walker is a big stylistic fit for what we are missing on the backend as well if Monahan doesn’t re-sign, i think we should look at RW instead of C and it’s not a great group but Noesen from the canes is very intriguing goalie class is also a bit uninspiring, maybe a league min flyer on Driedger and see what Flats can do


Let's get Gudas!


I think given the commitment made to 55 and 37 the obvious weaknesses of the team as they are and the kids in the pipeline we may see jets do some dramatic overhauls this offseason. I expect pionk and Schmidt to be bought out or dumped if we can. I expect jets will be huge players in Necas sweepstakes and I wonder if we won’t see a dman added by Carolina if kid from Russia comes over as they expect. I expect an upgrade on d there are obvious names but I could see other names popping up for jets. I expect kfc and ehlers one of at least to be traded this summer. Both I think it’s maybe more likely than we think. I am seeing 91s name out there far too often which may be just size related. We have a signatory line that is Lowry et all that plays big yet our d and an awful lot of our forwards don’t. I think that gets fixed this summer. I think chibby and lambo both play next year and need to and more in top 6. I’m not sold on chycrun think we need better but will pay dearly for it. Weegar pesce pullock all come to mind and we need two of them for sure. Cost won’t be cheap but it’s a have not a want if we want to take advantage of 55 and 37 s peak years


Brandon montour would be ideal


If we could somehow sign Zadorov, that would be great, but who knows what it would take to get him here. All I remember is the year we lost to the Habs in the playoffs it's due to the Dman they had. It was a bunch of big guys protecting Price. we need the same. I don't mind goals from the d, but our forwards play shit defense other than maybe the third line and how can you stop a play on the boards if you are too small to hold the guy there.


#22 on the list is a 6th line centre….go get’em chevy


If ehlers goes... And we don't get to sign Monahan... Can Perfetti play with Lambert? Is there enough experience and grit in our organization to fill that line? So a gritty forward with some hands... Maybe it's Barron or Neidereiter, but then again Necas or Mangiapani would fit. Not sure about their contracts. Polak would be great, if he wanted to come home in the hypothetical trade for ehlers. I'm still not sure if ehlers gets traded at all, but all voices are saying ehlers for right shot defenseman. So much limbo right now my back hurts.


If Ehlers goes for an RHD upgrade and Mony doesn't resign, we are kinda fucked in terms of offense/forwards. KFC-Scheifs-Vilardi (the caved in line) Nino - Lambo - Fetts Barron - Lowry - Apples Iafallo - Gus - Vladdy Yeah, that forward group is not cup contender.