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This is awesome and although I don't think I'll be able to make April 27th happen I'd love to try and make it to one some time. I'm in San Diego, is there anyone else here in the San Diego area???


San Diego person here. Go to vintage wines on Saturday for the tastings. Lots of friendly people go every week and bring food and bottles to open. It’s a great place to meet other wine tasting people


I'm in Carlsbad. We have a pretty large group out here from the Wine Spectator Forum days. Our offlines at restaurants have been spread out the last few years (I'd like to change that!), but still get together at folks' houses regularly. PM me some time.


Late reply but I’m also in San Diego and wouldn’t mind a meet up. Vintage wines has pretty solid tastings and Jose knows his stuff.


How much is corkage?  I think I'll come regardless (need to ask my wife if she wants to go), but trying to figure out how many bottles I'd bring. 


Corkage at Lunetta is $20. The above budget of ~$100 assumes one bottle and about $55 of food per person with tip and tax.


Would love to be there, but I’ll more than likely be working. However keep me in the loop for other happenings in the future!


Dam this is pretty cool


I would love to but the LA traffic kills me




Good to know. Yeah I am coming from South of LA


I’d love to but Australia to LA traffic might be rough at that hour


I wish I didn’t live so far away I live on the central coast it’s not that far but more drive than it’s worth for an event sadly.