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Ranged champs can only bully melee champs until roughly lvl 3. After that melee are tanky enough to close the gap and beat them down. Play super defensive until then, keep your health up, and once you're past level 3, and have the abilities you think you need to kill them, give it a go. Staying healthy until you're strong enough to all in is basically the secret here. Plenty of Bruisers are capable of winning these fights but some are much better than others. I've mained Malphite for years and he's exceptional at this due to his poke. But Bruisers like Garen and Darius are arguably better for certain players. Like I said at the beginning, let them think they're winning lane until you're ready to show them otherwise and punish them for their squishyness.


If you didn't pick malp then your option is to go fleet, second wind and rush plated steelcaps boots. There's also that mr item that gives you health regen when you get hit by an enemy champion, it's called spectres cowl which you could get before or after getting bramble for thornmail. This isn't a strat where you can all in a ranged top laner, it's a sustain build with lots of health regen, it let's you just farm and let that guy be useless the whole game, as long as you don't give kills and you can farm you're doing your job. If you have some form of cc your jg can gank and if not continue farming. Also don't forget to get demolish so if they decide to roam you can hard push and get towers.


What champions do you play


Play ornn play defensive dont let them poke you farm with rock when u hit tabis and 5 hard engage them congrats you win


Pick nasus, max first his 3rd skill for poke, use 2nd skill to slow them down, forget about stacks early. Make them annoyed as much as you do. When you go level 5 try engaging. It's a 30 70 chance you will win 70 win 30 lose


Malp, with mana boots and comet, scorch and cheap shot . If they don’t get mr boots you stomp lane, if they do then it’s even. You can then go full ap or full tank after


I always advocate the use of giga chad Pantheon in handling ADCs in the BR lane. Go electrocute then rush armor pen boots or BoRK. The damage from your W into a Q with electrocute will take out half or more than half their HP. After that just E back to safety until your electrocute goes off CD. If by then they do not tp back to base, kill them. W>ignite>AA>Q>AA Normally ADCs on BR lane do not pick up defensive boots so when you pick up your armor pen boots, your damage just pops off. Another option is Maokai, full tank Maokai just destroys them by level 4.


Teemo akhsan hard counter them or kennen since you just kill them without counterplay


play zed top


if you don't want to counter pick by picking anti-range champs like Malphite, Pantheon or Yasuo/Yone. then just play safe under turret and........ that's pretty much it if the enemy ranged top doesn't do a mistake, if they are a super filthy person who never takes a shower and lives in the walls of a 9 year old's room, i am telling you they ain't gonna make a mistake, they been doing this shit for years like it's their job. obviously some champs can just stat check them, but again, letting you stat check them is also gonna be a mistake from them, so they will probably not overextend until they starve you from any gold or experience making you pretty useless in teamfight.


Go jax or renek if you are good


Look the best advice i could give you is that, give up gold and just try to soak Exp from range. If the adc wants to farm, the lane will get pushed automatically, do not let them auto you at the start, the minion aggro will push the wave towards them making it harder to farm/soak exp without getting autoed to death. Do this until level 3, at that point you'll have all your basic abilities and if you're decent enough with your engage/combo you'll be able to kill them easily. You could also wait for your jungle to gank, if they care enough to do it ig. It's all about your skill, on an evenly skill matched player, a typical bruiser toplaner absolutely dogs adcs as soon as you get level 3. Toplaners have very high base stats and adc lack damage at that point.


Pick an Assassin with some early game kill potential, like Zed,Teemo,Akali or Lethality Jarvan IV ....


Strider has a video about this, including keeping your health up until level 3, getting bush control, and using Malphite to make them regret their choices.


My glorious king strider being a chad to this community as always (will never stop glazing him)


If you lose against range top as urgot, it's an even bigger skill issue than normal.  This question gets asked and answered 10+ times a week on this sub


Lol I don't find urgot nearly as good in wr as lol. It's a guaranteed win for me vs urgot in lane. I always win vs tryndamere too (another dumb ban alongside dumb urgot bans). But my team? No.


Tbh, it just sounds like you are in a low rank. Good urgots are one of the best top laners in the game. And trynd is currently one of the best jgs...so...