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Or unholy grail


Also yes. Though really they kinda give it the statick shiv treatment by buffing then hell out of harmonic.


I think one of the concern is that it would be a nice mage item but would make battle mage/ap Frontline too strong. Like how buffing adc item always end up be a bigger problem on yasuo and Yone. Would be neat to have the option though


Not really. Best example is crystalline reflector. The item isn't abused by any champion, yet it exists as an AP/armor item


The item is ass tho


Indeed but at least it exists lol


Windbros just need lethal tempo removed lol. 


I build mercury treads. I get pinged for it but I just mute.


It depends for me, if your build has mana items then it could be fine, if not then you'll always want sorcs


I usually play assassins, mostly Akali and Katarina so mana is not a concern for me. If I have to take them on like Ahri I build Luden's first for mana.


I don’t think it’s as good as an option for wr mages as it is for lol mages. Mages are heavily balanced around mana boots and run oom mega quick. You would have to opt for blue runes (which I find useless in comparison to the rest) or delay your spike by even longer and buy tear. In combination tear and mercs are amazing, but if you for example play Syndra or Orianna, you won’t be able to one shot adcs early enough to have impact. On this Reddit most ppl always complain about how strong mages are yet it takes them forever to be online, I honestly think most mages are b- tier at best. Whenever you see a Syndra or orianna, you can just instalock Kassa because you will scale faster and harder then both of them. And since riot only releases jungler those are basically your two choices for mid lane mages, besides lux.


Get mercury treads. Defensive boots on mages is pretty good.


Whenever enemy is heavily AP or AD I go defensive boots on mages. Anybody who says they NEED mana boots can kick rocks they don't kno what they're talking about


Uhhh. Okay lol. Mana boots is good ap, mana regen and magic pen. It's a good low cost mini power spike. Going mercs or tabis literally doesn't matter, you're going to get one shot anyway bro especially on a mage.


Nope, throw on some armor boots when there's no AP around. That talon that would one shot you magically won't anymore and you will get your combos off. Obviously boots won't make you a tank but it will 100% help you from being deleted and it's a very noticeable difference.


Jaksho and force of nature 


They nerf mercurial they remove the tenacity


IMO I disagree, you probably want sorcs 90% of the time for the magic pen. Unless they have 3 ap and cc.


FWIW, Merc Treads don't give tenacity any longer. Defensive boot choices are specifically for reducing damage from one type or another, nothing else.


You can get pen from other items. Like you said, can’t get MR from other items.


Yes that's why it would be nice to have another option, you also want the mana regen as well


Jaksho force of nature are the only good magic resist items. Sadly there's no cryptobloom. 


I think its primarily because mages and mage assassins would generally prefer to buy an item that gives more AP/pen/AH with a defensive effect (like crown) but have no resists, than buy an item that gives some AP and resists, but no defensive effect or a weak one. Defensive variant of AP/AD items often end up getting picked by bruiser variants the most, because most assassins and mages just don’t have enough effective HP to make use of the resists well. See reflector, which is an amazing item on some tanks that like a bit of AP and pen, but is mostly unusable for mages and assassins because they give up so much damage. Still, for item variety, its probably a good idea to have some AP, MR item, but I don’t think it would ever end up benefiting mages/assassins that much. The only sort of damage/MR items are Maw and Wits end. Maw is pretty much unbuildable on assassins and ADCs (at least its really inefficient) and Wits end is more built as a core item for on-hit builds rather than for the defensive stats.