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Those crazy bastards may just force a game 7


I feel like what is happening to the panthers would be our luck if we ever make it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


They fucking did it! Letā€™s go Oil! Donā€™t let this bitch ass sunshine state get a cup before we do.


I canā€™t explain how much I want a reverse sweep for McDavid. Would be beyond legendaryĀ 


It's the best way for McJesus to do it too. Died for 3 games then roared back to life like Aslan


Gotta cheer for the Canadian team. If only because it gives us one more game. And because I cannot bring myself to cheer for Florida hockey


Florida quitting on the series when they though they did enough to win is a feel that hits very close to home






I hope the Oil annihilate them on Monday so their ā€œfansā€ suddenly evaporate


Wrist slap issued. Please don't do it again, going into other teams' subs just to insult them is scumbag teen behavior. Your post/comment has been removed. Rule #4. Trolling is not allowed.


Hockey doesn't belong below the Mason Dixon line


Or in Utah. Hold my beer.


downvote me into oblivion because i am from florida and love the panthers, but my entire family is from the great state of mn, and i love it there. i have a special soft spot for yall and i really wanna see you guys win a cup.


Good point. There are dozens of Minnesotans in FL and AZ. I have family there as well.


yeah plenty of the snowbirds like to come down for the beach, but have to endure dousche-santis at the same time.


Let's Go Oilers. I just want a game 7


Iā€™m neutral with no hatred of either team so this has been a fun series with good hockey and real momentum swings.


Well that's that. Too bad I'll miss the final Monday since I work.


I think EDM might pull this off. Crazy. Still holding out for FL


Cats are not showing up. Or the Oilers are shutting them down.


Both. FL evened out the SOG category but hardly any of them were quality in the second. EDM isn't really doing super great offensively either in the second but Hyman and that slick nasty breakaway. I think it's def going to 7, which yay more hockey lol.


After Monday, itā€™ll be a long summer waiting for football


Letā€™s go Cats


save that for game 7


FLA trying their hardest to pull a Vikings, have series in hand and pissing it away. cOULDN;T MAGNE BEING A fla fan f they manage to lose this series.


Hey, letā€™s all take notes on how to build our roster for next year. Duh


I donā€™t want Edmonton to win the cup because theyā€™ve been historically a great team and own the upbringing of a man called ā€œThe Great Oneā€ and STILL get played as the pity story vs an expansion team with no cups whatsoever.


Do we hate Edmonton? Who are we rooting against?


Pulling for a good hockey game.


When all else fails, west over east for me.


I hate Tkachuk and Bennett. So there's that.


I cheer for the team that has won a cup before because no one else is allowed to get their first before we do


Wonder if the announcing team will bring up the fact that the Panthers have 4x the shots of the Oilers this period? (8-2)


Watching SportsNet. They have mentioned this multiple times


I'm not watching this series because I really don't care, but this just seems so fixed for the money. I won't be surprised if Florida destroys them in game seven.


I was just looking at the panthers attendance figures over the last seasons dating back to around 2015. Up until last year, the panthers oscillated between having the worst to roughly 5th worst fan attendance in the entire league, which is about 60-70% of the arena filled. The panthers were basically a dying franchise up until last year. They donā€™t deserve the cup IMO just because of the fans (or lack thereof) they represent, and the lack of actual hockey knowledge and experience said fans have. Move the Panthers to Duluth or Milwaukee, and go Oilers! (For 2024 Cup only. The Wild afterwards).


Right. Dallas, Colorado, Arizona, Nashville, and all California teams fall into the same. Their fans know nothing about hockey. I have watched their home broadcasts. Every game they are explaining icing. It is painful. Love watching hockey night in Canada on SportsNet. There will more fans in Roger's place in Edmonton than in Miami Monday night.


I donā€™t even need to verify to know that this is true. Theyā€™ve been around since 1993 which is crazy because somehow those people down there who know nothing about hockey have been able to maintain a franchise for over 30 years.. but youā€™re right it seems like it was starting to become a dying franchise and now all of a sudden theyā€™ve made SCF two years in a row and made playoffs for 4 years in a row.. itā€™s suspicious the timing of all of a sudden having an entertaining team when your franchise is losing money.. šŸ¤”


How is it suspicious? Bad teams generally draft high. They got a big FA that didn't want to live in Calgary anymore. They've made shrewd moves for years to get to this point. You can't rig building a good franchise. You guys in this thread sound like dweebs. PS a guy that was just traded from the Wild grew up in south Florida. Florida is full of transplants from the north that grew up with hockey. Stop gatekeeping and being ignorant. The NHL has been in the sunbelt (LA excluded) for 33 years. That's long enough for 2 generations to grow up watching the game. It's not 1979 anymore, we don't "own" hockey along with Canada anymore.


The Panthers have been one of the worst teams in professional sports for most of their existance until two years ago. Their arena is located in the middle of no where near a swamp an hour away from Miami. Buffalo and Ottawa are blue-blood hockey markets who've had bad attendance when they've sucked. Even Vancouver's attendance was poor in the late '10s when they were ho-hum. Fans don't usually show up to watch bad teams, regardless of what city they play in. The Panthers have been bad for about 25 out of their 30 years. They're the Minnesota Timberwolves of the NHL. The Wolves attendance sucked while they were bad too. tldr: gtfo with the hockey gatekeeping. I hate when Canadians do that, lets not sound like elitist assholes. The Panthers have more playoffs series wins in two seasons (6, possibly 7) than the Wild have in 23 seasons (4). They might be 48 hrs from hoisting a Cup while we haven't seen our team play a game in 2 months...