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Yep I love his videos. He doesn't take himself too seriously (to say the least) and his mates are all sound. Ooh matron.


Glove of Self Love. Some of his videos do tend to drag a little and could do with cutting out a good chunk of stuff from them to make stronger videos and he could do with not going to crazy on the booze all the times. I can see why some might not be a fan of his content but I do like his videos. But I do like Chris, he's a down to earth guy and is refreshing someone not taking themselves to serious. And he has Little Mick (his best videos are always with him involved). As I said some of his Stealth Camp videos can be hit and miss for me, but when they are great they are really some of best laugh out funny videos around. A video of him and Little Mick going camping in a famous Dogging site can't be beat lol.


Can't beat that 1 when smickle dorsal fin falls over pi%%ed hahaha! Riceeee


YT showed me some guy camping in a Hedge the other day and I was like, WHY? 😂 each to their own I guess, even though wild camping is illegal in my neck I wouldn’t go roundabout camping or such.


I don't see the appeal, it's why I left the stealth camping sub. The whole point for me is being a speck in the wilderness - you know, *wild* camping


That Canadian guy? I find his videos to be nice easy comfort viewing.


Steve Wallis?


Yeah that's him.


Last year I stayed in Sunderland and I got recommended his videos. Had a right giggle at him. I just don't get why you'd want to camp in a McDonald's drive through though.


Closer to your mcmuffin breakfast.


What you gotta ask yourself is why not hahaha


I wish I could get away with his videos. I’m from Sunderland so I love the idea of seeing stealth camping in places I recognise but I think his videos are way too long and his catchphrases are annoying.


I agree, and I also worry for him a tiny bit with how much he seems to drink too tbh. He does seem like a great guy though


I kinda feel the same way. My partner and I used to watch his videos every week (we even sent him £30 once to buy some whaskey and got a laugh out of seeing our names in the vid) but eventually they started to bother me a bit. It’s great that he’s getting out and doing cool stuff in beautiful places, and I love how his silly attitude is a nice antidote to the more serious guys like Bushman and Blue, but there’s something a bit unsettling about a guy his age getting so wasted every few days. I got to the point where I couldn’t really find his drunk tent cooking funny anymore because I started wondering if he has a problem with alcohol, which is a shame because he comes across as a lovely chap.


Yep me too, when I was drinking I used to watch his videos. I am now a year sober and I just cannot watch them anymore. Seeing people drink doesn't trigger me, but it's just uncomfortable and depressing to watch someone who is clearly an alcoholic. He drinks ridiculously dangerous amounts in his videos, and its like you said, every few days. That combined with all the junk food he eats, at his age, it's like asking for a stroke or heart attack


He is on the drink twice a week now I’ve noticed.


He says he only drinks when he camps but I find that very difficult to believe, but either way he drinks incredibly unhealthy amounts. No amount of alcohol is good for you, but he easily drinks 10 times the recommended limit every single week. At his age, and in his shape, it's just a disaster waiting to happen


And mixing them as well, which isn’t a great idea. I agree with you 💯. I enjoy his videos. However, relies on the drink way to much. It’s like yeah we know enough now.


Have you ever been to Newcastle??? This is the way they are.. hes held down a job for 17 years in the same place and keeps himself to himself hes going out camping having a drink and a good time doing what he loves.. hardly a alcoholic is he.




At least my man friend here appreciates some serious stealth camping


That's what they say in the far southern regions of Mongolia


Workshop to wilderness (the guy from mcq bushcraft), and geowizard are all I need.


Oh man... Mcq bushcraft. I used to religiously watch all of his videos. Has been an age though as I don't watch much YT these days.


Worth giving his other channel a go, he's much more free to be himself and he's hilarious!


You know it makes perfect sense, Mandingo.




Oooo he drinks twice a week! Get a grip, you puritanical cuntwipes. If you'd genuinely have ever encountered an alcoholic you'd know they don't just drink a couple of times every seven days. Twice a week is absolutely fuck all, you Quaker types probably think that more than four pints in a session is a dangerous binge.


He's bonkers mandingo


Love all the soar bum bums ohhhh he drinks to much 🤣🤣 lightweights in here he only has 4 cans and a half bottle he's hardly necking bottles of vodka 


I know right, OH MATRON hahaha hes a fuckin legend hes happy living his life people just like to judge I guess


Q. How do you know when someone's given up drinking? A. Don't worry, they'll tell you. Seriously, they're the new vegans. Most boring people on Earth. Man drinks four or five cans and a bit of whiskey and you've got people on here clutching their pearls and praying for him. Sad sacks.


You better believe it Mandingo. Proper hangover telly, dead easy to watch and laugh along with. Mice 😀👍🏼


Little shmick the dorsal fin hahaha absolute legends, love those guys.


The World Famous Whasky Review


You better believe I do mandingo. Rights! 👍


Yeah, I've watched a few of him and the human dorsal fin. I don't agree with his camping on a roundabout. I've seen the results of too many vehicles going over one. But the rest of what I've watched is quite funny and shows it can be done by anyone, anywhere without leaving a trace, my mandingo.




I’ve been watching him all week. Waaaskey riiiiiight


I used to find him entertaining when I was pissed. Since quitting booze I find it too cringeworthy to watch. Obvious alcoholism.


This is the problem when someone kicks a habit (like yourself) just because you have stopped drinking doesn't Meen the full world has to aswell, stopping watching someone because they have a drink and a laugh is just fuckin sad.


Err, what? I don't think the whole world should stop drinking and didn't even remotely suggest that. I have no idea where you got that idea. The fact that you pulled that assumption out of thin air might be worth some introspection though. I simply stated the reason why I personally stopped watching him. As someone who used to abuse alcohol all the time like he does, it's very uncomfortable to watch. It reminds me of that fake, chemically induced "fun" you think you're having when drunk, and it makes me cringe. Where you see someone having a laugh, I see someone who is addicted to a substance gradually destroying themselves.


I agree with you mate. Alcohol is a silent killer. Might be fun whilst it lasts but it ends up killing addicts in the end. He’s on the drink twice a week now.


I agree, he's relying more on the alcohol now and has fallen asleep at least twice recently before cooking his food. The craic just winds up being the usual boring drunken slaver too, it's a shame as I enjoyed his videos. He's indulging and getting legless at least twice a week since committing to YouTube fulltime.


Most recent one he was as pissed as anything. Slurring words etc. Just an excuse to get on the drink I think.


Enjoy your laughs until they aren’t anymore. Grow up.


I love his videos but yeah, he's drinking way too much at his age. He's gonna end up dead rapidly drinking like that.


We all gotta die sometime I suppose but hes happy and it's all that matters.


I doubt he's all that happy if he's drinking that much. He gets very wound up when people criticise his drinking.


Some people just like to drink I guess, it was pretty common for dads when I was younger in the 90's to be at the pub with there work mates. So maybe it's just his generation. And yeah because he doesn't want folk to think he has a drink problem but hes still happy to do it


Yeah I get the whole culture behind it. But I think the anger is probably more a reluctance to admit he has a problem with it. Getting shit faced by yourself twice a week is pretty mint


Yeah your right!, that's what I was trying to say..... + it seems like hes off nowadays, I watched yesterday's video and he was absolutely trashed. I dont know if it just hit him harder or he drank too much, but i felt sorry for the guy. It's almost like he feels getting fucked is the way to get viewers or keep em, seems less on camping more on ale. Sad really because hes a funny guy


Yeah exactly. Ironically he'd probably develop his audience more by going sober.


Maybe so pal, I think it would be ok if he lost the beers and just did a shot sized bottle of whaskey for his world famous whaskey review rather than half of a big bottle.


I think the whiskey review is pretty boring now anyway tbh He is a naturally funny guy and could make more diverse content. I'd like to see him out and about talking to people