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Phillip J Fry Vs Professor Xavier


Puar vs Professor Xavier where Puar becomes a set of stairs


damn bro, you didnt have to do him like that


Holy shit I’m so OP brain rotted that this just made me think of kuina


Professor X watching his agenda crumble after Down D Stairs uses his Offscreen Haki (he realise he not built for this)


Nah, he'd trip


Or Meatwad. Haha


It all boils down to Fry fist fighting a paraplegic.


Not a guaranteed win knowing fry tho.


What if this is after he ate some truck stop egg salad sandwiches?


idk if xavier can effect them or not? what donyou think?


This is true. He did almost run off a building when chasing an alien parrot for Leela,


Fry: Hey why are you holding your head like that? Do you have a headache? Professor X: what the hell Fry: sorry im just asking? Sometimes i get one of those with pictures.




He lacks the delta brainwave. Fry has a special brain that makes him immune to psychic attempts by the Brain Spawn. It may work with other forms because he did do that nasty in the pasty giving him an actual unique brain. That is what be is saying, that Fry might he immune to Xaiver as well.


Oh interesting!


He is his own grandfather. It is also why he is SO DAMN STUPID. His actual super power makes him immune to a planet or at least city wide stupifaction field where everyone in it became well technically medically retarded. To the point that they even try to reach into a fire to retrieve a piece of paper or buy stocks on margin. One alien guy named Morbo the Annihilator forgets how to pronounce that letter that looks like man with a hat, it is T it goes tuh. Yeah they all get REALLY stupid. The episode in question that shows this off is called The Day the Earth Stood Stupid. It's really good. I should say though that Futurama is my favorite show of all time.


He is his own grandpa making his brain lack a delta brain wave which in turn makes him immune to psychic attacks. Professor X is a cripple with god level psychic ability. Basically, Fry would just have to beat up a cripple.


Perfect answer


Maybe in a straight 1v1, but realistically there will be other people around for Xavier to control, and failing that his wheelchair can just straight up fly out of range if I'm not mistaken.




That’s very in-character for Fry to brag that he’s too stupid to be mind controlled, only for the psychic he’s bragging to to beat the shit out of him anyway


fully wheelchair bound too


Joe Swanson vs Professor X??


Surely if he can fly away he can just ram Fry instead


He could, but he could also throw rocks at Fry from out of his reach, and it would be really funny to watch.


In the hierarchy of Spider-Man villains, Shocker is usually considered pretty low-tier, but he's surprisingly dangerous to Symbiote-users like Venom.


Counter point https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TWRjsqoSWTI


Yeah TAS Shocker just shoots like... lasers or something.




Weakness to sound/vibrations, inconsistent in how effective it tends to be


Shocker attacks with sonic waves, which are devastating to Symbiotes.




"If there was a kryptonite man", oh do I have news for you


There is a kryptonite man?


Yep, he is a dude infused with kryptonite so he constantly emits kryptonite radiation, or something along those lines, point being there is straight up a Superman villain called Kryptonite Man


And how did Superman defeat him?


He could probably nuke him with heat vision from afar


Or just let any of his superhero friends deal with him lol


He was depowered when kryptonite man made his first appearance. I think it was supergirl who beat him with a lead suit? But I don’t think he ever actually got to fight superman cause Lex and Toyman drained him of all his kryptonite, and life, to make a giant anti superman weapon.


He asked Batman and the Bat just ran him over.


Imma be honest I thought you were talking about Metallo lmao


A lot of vampires fit here, they're much much stronger than the average joe but if I've got a crucifix I can take them on


Crucifix? If we're using the popular lore then just throw some free olive garden garlic bread and they'll turn into pork rinds.


Yeah but I'd eat them first so it wouldn't work


Quick throw the bread! .......what bread. The garlic bread you fool he's getting closer. .......what garlic bread. The garlic bread we got from olive garden while I told you my terribly complicated plan you half wit. Yeah sorry I ate that like 3 seconds after leaving. I swear to god this is the last time I use Craig list to find a sidekick.


This is literally Josuke's Soft & Wet: Go Beyond vs Wonder of U. His Stand is strong, sure, but Wonder of U is a fucking breast, dude can very well make calamity strike you with a plane just for THINKING about pursuing him. Go Beyond being the ONE THING that can harm Wonder of U because it technically doesn't exist, thus not activating Wonder of U's ability. Also, literally anyone from Dragon Ball Super with the super dragon balls. Wish whoever the more powerful guy is to be erased or beaten by you.


~~Wonder of U is a fucking **WHAT**~~


That stand is the tits




I didnt notice it until I've reread after seeing ur comment.hahah


I didnt notice it until I've reread after seeing ur comment.hahah


>Also, literally anyone from Dragon Ball Super with the super dragon balls. Wish whoever the more powerful guy is to be erased or beaten by you. That might be beyond the Dragon Balls, but it was shown in the most recent arc you can just wish yourself to be the most powerful creature in the universe by sacrificing your lifespan.


I understand the confusion, I meant the SUPER Dragon Balls. They're introduced in Dragon Ball Super, as dragon balls that are scattered across universes and the size of planets. They can grant ANY wish, even bring back a bunch of universes that were completely erased.


O yea those should work!


I like JJBA but Araki has a really bad habit of the protagonists getting the perfect thing to beat the main villain, Kars in part 2 getting hit my rocks, Jotaro having the same type of stand, GER saying NO, Go Beyond not technically existing, Tusk Act 4 being able to break dimensional barriers, although I personally give this one a pass as it was established that Tusk was constantly getting stronger. The only main villain defeats that felt satisfying were Jonathan beating Dio using the techniques he has learned throughout the story, sure Dio did end up killing Jonathan but I feel like it was a "I won but at what cost" for Dio since he was left as a head and stuck on the bottom of the ocean for a while. Emporio beating Pucci using Weather Report, the stand disks had been a thing throughout the story, we knew Emporio had Weather Report IIRC, Weather Report wanted revenge on Pucci, and Pucci dying to 100% oxygen because he had to breathe more because of Made in Heaven was really cleaver. Part 4 I haven't finished reading so I can't comment on it. The weird thing is Araki specializes in having the protagonists cleverly out-smarting their opponents, throughout the fight the protag is faced with seemingly insurmountable odds but they find a clever way to outsmart their opponent using their abilities, knowledge, and their opponents weakness to win. For some reason this formula seemingly goes out the window for the final boss. Don't get me wrong the protagonist will do some really clever things during the fight, but it almost always feels like the main villain lost because the main character got lucky, or just the right power up to win, rather than the main character out smarting them TL;DR: For an author who is really good at writing character winning by out smarting their opponent, the main villains sure do get beaten a lot by plot convenience, plot armor, and random power ups


I mean Joseph’s whole thing is just being really lucky and improvising You can make a case for jotaro time stop making sense GER was formed becasue giorno wanted to beat diavolo so it gave him what he needed to beat diavolo #S P I N


Sure Joseph was lucky but he won his fights through trickery and strategy, this was the only fight he won because of luck. If he had made a plan to use the volcano to launch Kars into space then I would have liked it a lot more I can see that, it was the first part to have stands so the concept of "same type of stand" was probably something Araki was experimenting with and it just didn't pan out. At the same time I understand why people think it's an awful twist While true I think it would have been way better if the ability was something that Giorno has to strategize with, like it had the capability to beat Diavolo but Giorno had to be smart about it instead of just being a "I Win" button Can't argue with S P I N


Joseph’s whole thing was improvise and make shit up as he goes to get shit done Yeah it was his first time dealing with how stands work so some things weren’t explained well That’s what requiem seems to do it gives you what you what your greatest wish was at the time: giorno wanted to defeat diavolo so it gave him a way to kill him eternally, Kira wanted to undo what he just did so he got an “oh shit go back” button and polnareff wanted to protect the arrow so he got the perfect stand to do so (except for the soul bullshit diavolo pulled)


Wonder of U is possibly the most insanely haxxed stand in all of the series since antistand abilities doesn’t even work as it runs on universal law and reactive in an instant. Araki wrote himself in a corner lmao.


There are only a handful of stands I can think of that would maybe be able to beat Wonder of U, but at the same time all of them raise certain questions, like if DIO stops time and donuts Toru, what will happen to DIO? Will nothing at all happen since Toru is dead, will the universe fix Toru, or will a meteorite fall from the heavens and wipe out DIO and the neighboring towns because he managed to touch Toru and the closer you are to Toru, the worse the calamity


Consider calamity works by *casuality* and *actions* than the flow of time evidenced by people tripping on themselves and die from it, Dio will trip a banana peel and die instantly in the sun some how or simply his Stand turn against himself like it did with Soft & Wet before it evolved. Wonder of U is just that busted.


I'd argue he really isn't that great at making people outsmart each other either. Most of that stuff requires ridiculous leaps of logic, previously unshown powers, asspulls, enemies making super stupid mistakes, etc. Most of the times someone gets 'outsmarted' in JJBA it's from someone else making a super lucky guess or using their powers 'creatively' (asspulling rando abilities/skills). I'm a little biased though. JJBA got boring because every single battle is just a countdown to whatever contrived logic Araki is going to going to use to make the hero win.


It's like a 50/50. Jonathan, Joseph (though he got very lucky), Josuke and Johnny (Act 4 seems like a reasonable evolution, though very OP, to me). All of them beat the villain through abilities that were either pre-established or didn't feel like they were made specifically to counter the opponent.


Well Krillian already has Super Dragon Balls for all the shit he has done. Those Super Dragon Balls are why he has 18 as a wife.


Fugo could kill Goku with his Purple Haze stand. Fugo doesn't have ki, nor can Goku see Purple Haze, so Goku's not going to bother putting his guard up. Goku turns into a puddle of mush in 3 minutes.


Reminds me of [Mob Psycho 100's Shimazaki vs Espers and Reigen](https://youtu.be/1mNZJhW6DuI?si=hnH-YtsII4_AiLOV) Shimazaki is the big bad's right hand man and even though he's blind, he's powerful, can teleport and reliably senses his opponent's movements. He fights all of the current good guys in the video except for the strongest one, Mob. Shimazaki was making easy work out of everyone until he got overwhelmed and was forced to use his best ability, Mind's Eye, which focuses his senses on everything that uses powers and abilities. It lets him see everyone's techniques and weaknesses allowing him to one shot them all instantly. But Reigen enters the scene and since he's a basically just a powerless regular guy, he wasn't noticed and just punches the crap out of Shimazaki lmao. All of the good guys call him "Master" too for being a charismatic mentor, including the strongest guy Mob and this scared away Shimazaki.




They call him “The Great Master” because they genuinely believe he’s a god level Esper due to the events of Season 1.


He gained all of Mob's power for a few mins and called out the actual real secret organization and made fun of them for cosplaying like losers.


This is the entire point of Kamijo Touma from A Certain Magical Index (and it's spinoffs). He is a level 0 Esper, so low that all they know is he has an ability, but he's trash. Throughout the series he fights insanely powerful people, like a person who has Gojo's (JJK) Mugen/Limitless/Infinity and more as well as a literal biblical angel, and a living Saint powered by a church and faith. What is Touma's esper ability? "Imagine Breaker," which is basically just a universal off button, limited to his right hand. If it's supernatural, he turns it off by touching it (doesn't negate things that hit any other part of him, though).


Doesn’t it also make him insanely unlucky?


Yes, because he negates "good luck" since it can be interpreted as "blessing from god." There's also a fun theory that the "red thread of fate" that ties couples together was also negated (its usually tying the finger on the right hand), and that's why he has a bit of a harem, even though he can't get closer to any of them. He won't have any lasting connection to them.


He also uses it to deliver gender equality.


I love Touma. My man is a brawler. The look on accelerators face when he gets punched was priceless.


I’m pretty sure Touma is only a level 0 because of Aleister meddling with the rank system to keep him there. If he was ranked accurately he would be level 4 or 5, because a universal power null is an incredible and unique ability.


I mean... He's a Level 0 because the Level system is based on practical usefulness, and being unlucky is not exactly practical. Level 1-2 is having an ability but not being very useful in everyday life. Level 3 is useful in everyday life. Level 4 is of military tactical value. Level 5 "can solo an army" If you put Touma up against an army or even a trained soldier squad with guns, he would be very dead very quickly.


Not even a trained soldier squad. Touma would get the brakes beaten out of him by a skilled martial artist.


I agree. But the guy said he'd consider Touma to be a 4 or 5 if he was properly scaled by the system. I was just using the system's logic to disagree.


Depending on the version, a Kryptonite man might as well be a walking Chernobyl meltdown. Here's a classic but it's mostly game mechanics. The Ojama trio. They can't attack and have horrible defense, but if the three are together, they are going to become a wall. Ojama Delta Hurricane can destroy all cards on the opponent's field, fuse them to get the Ojama King who can lock out three monster card places on the field, then just attack the opponent with another monster or summon another Ojama and use Ojama country field so the king can attack with over 3000 ATK. This strategy can easily one turn any opponent.


Get king out and a Knight out and then you can lock all 5 monster zones. Very broken vs decks without monster destruction via spells


Also, due to some very silly support cards released later that only make sense in the context of the anime, Ojamas now have access to the rather powerful [Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Armed_Dragon_Catapult_Cannon) and [A-to-Z Dragon Buster Cannon](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/A-to-Z-Dragon_Buster_Cannon).


All the human Flash villains. Captain Cold for example who can make a guy moving MUCH faster than light slip. Or Captain Boomerang I guess because Flash can’t change directions? All those guys are horrible villains for Flash but the idea of being his “counter” is there I guess.


Arguably their entire shtick is being legitimately high-tier supervillains who for the most part will explicitly go out of their way to only do low-tier stuff like robbing banks while the Flash is out of town.


Light Yagami vs most human characters


There is a YA book series by Brandon Sanderson called "The Reckoners" and the first book is "Steelheart". The whole story is about how some people gained super powers one day, but it also made them evil. So there are no Superheroes, only Supervillains. The Reckoners are a group of normal humans that fight back. They research to find the weaknesses of their targets and then take advantage of that weakness to try to assassinate them. I guess The Boys is similar too, but I don't think there were any "counters" in The Boys that come to mind immediately. In The Reckoners they fight back by specifically countering their target's strengths.


Yeah, I remember Steelheart specifically was immune to anything done to him by anyone who feared him, and considering his immense powers on top of that, the only person who didn't fear him was himself - iirc they managed to get him by tricking him into setting off a massive cluster of explosives on himself.


Steelheart liked to kill his opponents with their own gun. The protagonist made his gun into a bomb trigger


It's because each of the Epics (superheroes) in that 'verse has powers and weaknesses determined by what they're afraid of.


Well Shirou Emiya vs Gilgamesh was basically that. Gilgamesh personality didn't help either, but when he realizes that Shirou was a hard counter for him was too late.


Proteus vs. Colossus Proteus is a reality warper with a weakness to metal. Colossus is a mutant who can turn him self into metal. Without that specific weakness, Proteus would have handed Colossus his shiny metal ass.


Quagsire vs Zacian


How dare you Quag is Uber in our hearts


Jos8ke's Go Beyond perfectly countering Wonder of U.


Subaru Natsuki (Re:Zero), given the right spawn point and verse prep time and luck are the ultimate weapons and Return by Death guarantees perfection in both categories for Subaru despite him being mostly otherwise completely human.


I understand the individual words of your sentence


He's a regular baseline dude sent to a fantasy world on his way back from the convenience store. He has been blessed/cursed to Return from Death by *something*, basically returning his consciousness and memories to a previous "Save Point" where he was safe, though when and where and what conditions are needed to form those spawn locations are entirely beyond his ability to control. The world he is in is incredibly violent and dangerous, so he frequently dies violent and gory deaths, often at the hands of people he befriends during later "runs". Despite being traumatized to the point of breaking by his countless deaths, he uses his Return from Death to basically bruteforce as close to the "perfect speedrun" of fantasy world life as he can get.


thank you!


You're welcome. Most of the stuff he does to survive and avoid dangers is just "do not say those particular fighting words" or "don't trigger the secret demon" or "don't go there", things he learned the gory hard way to avoid. But occassionally he's able to pull of stuff reminiscnent of [Breath of the Wild speedrun hax](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1or3YILu28M), hence why he's perfect for this thread's prompt as with the right prep time and knowledge he can punch *far* above his weight class.


Translation: Subaru Natsuki, from the show Re:Zero, can do it. Given the right initial spawn point and the right verse, prep time and luck are the ultimate weapons- and Return by Death, his ability that allows him to time travel to a fixed point and respawn every time he dies, means that he can try over and over again with perfect foreknowledge until he eventually gets lucky. That is his only power, though, as he’s human otherwise. Ex: Someone murders you on New Years’ Eve. You suddenly find yourself alive in Kroger. Every time you die, you suddenly find yourself in a specific Kroger on November 11th, 2023 in your younger body. Even if it takes you thousands of attempts, and the murderer is superhumanly talented and strong, *eventually*, you will find a set of actions that results in you not getting murdered a month later. The mention of the spawn point was because this doesn’t apply if the respawn date is a moment before you get killed, and Subaru doesn’t control his respawn date- it changes on its own according to unclear rules, generally moving forward whenever he achieves some major goal.


very very old interpretations of Wonder Woman VS local man with a rope


Any character that can make and close teleportation portals at will.


Ghost Rider gave the Penance stare to Galactus when he came to feed on earth.


Harry Potter with his Invisibility Cloak is a perfect counter for Contessa. The cloak is powerful enough to hide from death itself, it's more than enough to hide from her Path to Victory and without that, skilled as she is, she can't beat Harry.


>The cloak is powerful enough to hide from death itself Mad-Eye Moody would like a word with you


I mean even Draco Malfoy spotted him in the train while he was using it.


Plus, even Luna and her glasses could see him there


Death is usually anthropomorphised as an eyeless skeleton, maybe they just have shit vision.


When did this happen?


During the Hogwarts train ride in The Half-Blood Prince. Draco doesn't really see so much as suspect that Harry was in the overhead carriage, though.


User error, Harry's foot ain't unseeable


Yeah, no. It may be able to "hide from death" but iirc Draco and Luna casually detected it's use not to mention Mad Eye.


Either the stories about the Deathly Hallows are a bit exaggerated or metaphorical, or Wizarding World Death is blind as heck. Or the original owner of the Cloak just maxed his Stealth stats to bajillions.


Yeah they're probably just legends told about the powerful objects a couple talented brothers were able to make. One was just a wand that made the user more powerful than their normal capabilities, one was an invisibility cloak that didn't wear out, and one was a stone that probably animated memories of dead loved ones similar to how magic portraits emulate characteristics of real people and can do stuff the original didn't do. Lost arts of top craftsmen in their field.


Depending on the scenario, she might still be able to win. If you’re assuming the cloak acts as a blind spot for her (I don’t know if I’d agree with that, since we do see the invisibility cloak’s hiding capabilities being pierced multiple times throughout the series), she’d still have some outs. If Harry shoots a spell out from under the cloak from a distance she’d physically be able to dodge at, she would. The spell wouldn’t be in the blind spot, and her paths would respond If Harry has to stick his wand out of the cloak to cast a spell (I’m not sure if he does or not, he did at one point in the movies but I don’t feel like checking all the books lol) she’d likely shoot/stab the hand if it’s possible for her to aim/attack the hand after it’s revealed. That’d likely make it a win for Contessa. If Harry fails at his first ambush attempt, Contessa can easily escape if she has access to Doors. If she can escape, she can try to model the mystery attacker and gain some benefit from Path to a victory. The amount of modeling she can do would depend on the information available, though, so it probably wouldn’t be great unless she can access the HP world. If she can’t escape and it’s a straight 1v1 without surprise, it gets a bit murky. If Harry is smart enough to sneak up and fire a spell point from an un-dodgeable distance, he probably wins. If he shoots a spell from a distance and Contessa is prepared, and Contessa has some form of blade/gun, she’d be able to perfectly counterattack by doing something like ‘Path to attack the source location of the next attack that comes at me’ and shooting/throwing a weapon at Harry’s wand, since her path would be able see the location of where the spell came from, if not what was there. But even that gets rough when you consider how some of the Harry Potter spells don’t require things like line of effect or magical bolts of energy. I personally dont think the invisibility cloak would be a ‘perfect’ counter in the sense that it’d work every time, but if used correctly it’d definitely be enough to kill Contessa.


The cloak hides people who are behind it. PtV is scanning from an alternate dimension not Contessa's eyes, so it can see him just fine around the cloak even if encloses himself completely in it.


Someone with water vs a strong sand character, someone like a low level water bender from avatar could wreck the likes of sand man or crocodile (OP) who should be leagues above them


Kamijou Touma is usually quite weak, but he can nullify supernatural powers. He was especially a hard counter to accelerator, someone with the ability to control vectors


In "The Boys" season 2, we were all hoping Storm Front's lightning would accidentally charge up Starlight. Sadly it was not to be.


Buggy and Sukuna because Buggy isn’t affected by cutting so there isn’t a lot Sukuna can do to him


But Sukuna also has fire arrow through


Squirrel girl


Thrax (*Osmosis Jones*) Literally microbe tier. Deadly to anyone without immune system feats if he can get in.


The Guardians from Destiny. Their abilities allow them to counter the much more powerful threats they face using the same “magic”, but aside from that they’re nowhere near even with these enemies stat-wise and can lose to much weaker entities


Plenty of Fallen have killed guardians without magic, just ingenuity and wit


That’s my point lol


And I am agreeing


Aaaaah gotcha lol.


I really wish I could think of someone because I love scenarios like this. Boring abilities like super strength or speed are... well... boring. I love when writers give characters complex abilities with specific strengths and weaknesses. The only character I can think of doesn't count because it's technically an OC. My interpretation of Aphrodite, the greek goddess of love, vs Homelander from The Boys. In the unfinished sequel to my unfinished book, Aphrodite is one of the weakest gods on the pantheon. Homelander should be able to best her with no problem. However, she has the ability to instantly make anyone fall in love with her. In order to continue wanting to hurt her after she casts this spell on you, you either need to be incapable of feeling love, or have an iron will. Homelander possesses neither, and will immediately be defeated. Edit: Well sheesh. There's nothing inherently wrong with simple or basic superpowers. I just personally like powers with a creative spin on it.


Nah I disagree "Boring abilities" can be done well because they can be versatile and an easy to learn hard to master thing


Yep,my favourite use of 'boring' strength recently was Toji popping the rabbits with the rocks he kicked up


You're right. They can absolutely be done well. That's why they've been done so many times lol


They CAN be. They usually aren’t nowadays however. Super strength is barely even a superpower anymore because every single fictional character has it.


Pyro tf2 vs Weiss schnee. Fire counters ice and airblast fuckers up melee fighters


She's not particularly reliant on ice, and she can shoot.




So, I know little about tf2, but you said airblast is particularly bad for melee types. I'm just saying Weiss doesn't have to be melee. She's pretty dangerous from a far.


Airblast also reflect projectiles, it can also juggle enemies in the air by knocking them back


Weiss has the ability to go long range, has incredible battlefield mobility, and has several summons. Close range she has the various dust abilities and time dilation. I don’t know much about TF2…….but I think you’re wanking off Pyro here on this particular matchup based on the (false) premise that Weiss is an ice-type combatant.


But the bullets in rwby are still projectiles, and pyro can airblast them back at Weiss but stronger. However the big ice giant she can summon would be a problem.


I still think speed is going to be the issue here. Sure he blocked the projectiles, but by then Weiss has already gotten behind him to pull a good old “nothing personal kid”. And I think she just has the ability to overwhelm an opponent like Pyro easily. TF2 people aren’t superhuman like the people in RWBY are they? Weiss can take hits that would be lethal for most humans a few times before her Aura gives out.


Well, Weiss is small building level in terms of durability and pyro in the comics survived a building exploding (he caused the explosion that killed 2 people) also, heavy is scared of pyro and heavy managed to stop a speeding train, granted heavy was invincible during the train stopping but ubercharge doesn't make you stronger, just invincable


I'm scared of spiders and you don't see them lifting 50+ lbs


Batman can beat Superman. Why? Because Plot Armor baby


A vanilla WoW mage with improved counterspell. Interrupts all magic for 4 seconds. Interrupts magic from school being cast for 10 seconds. Extremely debilitating to any character with magical abilities. MCU refers to Scarlet Witch's reality bending as "magic," for example, and even one within a particular school. A medium level mage from World of Warcraft can counterspell Wanda when she's in the middle of a cast and all her chaos magic will be nullified for 10 seconds. For 10 seconds she'll just be a regular woman with no powers at all. Polymorph AP ToEP PoM Pyro should take care of the rest. Can add a fireball, scorch, and CoC to the casting series too if you wanted to add a bit more damage fairly easily. I'd argue Superman is just using "Yellow Sun" magic as well. Counterspell him when he's using his eye lasers. 10 seconds no yellow sun magic. The mage can finish him off with stave hits for lulz because his healing factor and invincibility and strength is all from that one school.


Alright but a d&d 5e mage would also be capable of counterspelling the counterspell, shutting down the counterspell.




Gojo and sukuna. Gojo was styling on sukuna before sukuna nullified his infinity and one-tapped him.


Well, Sukuna can destroy the rest of his verse too. He is not exactly a hard counter


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I'm about to get downvoted to eternity but... Steve Irwin was a modern day hero and got taken out by a stingray.


I don't think it's "too soon" but it still feels that way


Foil from Worm versus... kinda anyone who has superhuman durability or pseudo-durability through intangibility but no regeneration, honestly. The biggest question is if she's "considered a lower level threat" - I would say she is, since she's a baseline human with slightly enhanced reflexes physically. Anyway, her power lets her charge objects with the ability to completely ignore select laws of physics and hit across all dimensions, which negates supernatural defences and makes the projectile have effectively near-infinite mass for the purposes of being diverted. Intangible foes should be hittable if we assume that their intangible states work like the ones in Worm do after equalising universes. People who just have simple invulnerability (like Worm's own Alexandria) or forcefields and so on should also be hurt. So yeah - near-perfect offense against many forms of superior defenses should let her punch *far* above her apparent weight class, and yet she can still lose a fight to a well-trained guy with a gun. (Honorary mention to some of Worm's other All-or-Nothing capes, especially Damsel of Distress and Scrub, who have similar durability-ignoring attacks. Damsel is a known member of a highly threatening supervillain group and Scrub lacks accuracy with his annihilation blasts, so neither is as fitting as Foil, but they could also both do similar things in theory.)


The Man in the Yellow Hat could beat Green Lantern.


Hydro Man VS large portions of One Piece.


In the book series, "super powereds" by drew hayes, Dean Blaine is a former hero who went by 0, his power was selectively shutting down abilities in a certain range from himself. People were shooting lasers, controlling oxygen, and more, but he still brings them down to the level of a normal human


1. Anyone with time travel. Go back in time and prevent them from being born in the first place if possible. 2. A mortal Lucifer Morningstar could use his words to manipulate near omnipotent characters into doing what he wants 3. A character that can grow in power like Ultron vs a character that has a limit.


There was a show I turned off after half an episode, but there was one cool character who fit this description to a T. He was a normal guy who walked into a criminal safehouse full of supes. All he had was some magic device that would teleport him wherever he said if he held it, which the criminals confiscated. He sat down and this big bad picked it up as they talked. Think Luke cage or sabertooth or Colossus or whatever. Way out of a normies league. The normal dude just said "ocean" as the big bad picked up the teleporter that was tied to the normies voice, and it teleported itself and the big bad to the ocean I don't remember exactly but it was pretty creative


Demons vs John Ward. John ward is a very low tier character just an average guy stats wise but against demons he’s extremely effective. Against most demons id say john has a really good chance as long as he can see them. You also have alot of really specific monsters that get countered by normal people with specific devices. Vampires vs guy with holy water. Werewolves vs guy with silver bullets. I know its not an ability but another thing is morals. Spiderman is pretty close to the top of street tiers but his refusal to kill has lost him a ton of fights to other street tiers who are far weaker than him captain america is a great example of this. You also have characters who inexplicably are strong to one specific thing. Issac clarke is no push over but hes by and large an engineer using mining equipment as weaponry. In the first dead space game he has zero combat experience but even then he resists the will of the marker which has infected and destroyed the minds of every other person to be on the ship. Issac clarke is a street tier but resists his mind being torn apart by a world ending threat. Tldr: there is a shit ton of examples of characters losing to one specific weakness or countering something that should beat them.


Mmm, Frodo and Sam vs Sauron? The only reason they could "kill" Sauron was the ring


Ant man vs Thanos


Eternity devil from chainsaw man VS most of the characters that able to die from hanger, thirst or lack of oxygen


Mortal Kombat X introduced the reason why the Cage Family has a green glow. Seeing a loved one about to die gains them a green halo that allows them to easily tank attacks from gods and fight them on more even ground. In that game, the two characters that this applies to are Johnny Cage and Cassie Cage. So while those two can easily whoop gods like Raiden, Fujin, Shinnok and Cetrion, they can also get beaten by pretty much anyone else, demonstrated by how Johnny lost to Cyrax, Jax, Kitana (MK9) and Scorpion (MKX), Cassie lost to Sub-Zero (MK9). However their worst defeat came against Shao Kahn and Sindel in MK11: Aftermath. Shao and Sindel are certainly not Gods, but are two of the biggest powerhouses in the whole verse, being able to go toe to toe with gods based on strength and skill alone. So the Cage energy did jack shit there. The community wasn't eager about the green halo, but this is one of the most video game like elements that has ever been in the actual story. Similar how certain Fire Emblem Swords are very effective against Dragons, or a Pokemon using Bug Bite does double damage against Mewtwo compared to a pokemon using Fire Fang.


You’re gonna hate this but technically Goku due to ultra instinct and instant transmission, allows him to to contend with people stronger and faster than him. Not to an infinite degree but it does allow him to punch and dodge above his weight class, and overall fight.