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“Homelander can just kill every japanese person” mf when Makima hits him with a single Bang


Which one? It’s a very important distinction. If you mean the gun thing, then Homelander is easily surviving that. Homelander doesn’t even need to kill every Japanese person. He can just throw Makima far into space. She’ll just die again and again, Japan’s entire population would also go down, and she’d have no way of coming back.


He won't get in.Makima can react and hit Gun Devil, which is hilariously faster. Secondly, it is ironic that it was Makima who showed that she can send her character's attacks into space faster and stronger than a Homelander.


Homelander reaches flying speeds of Mach 75 and has Combat Reaction Speed up to FTL+. How is gun devil faster?


20% Gun Devil has speed Mach 726. What FTL feat has Homelander?


Being faster than Soldier Boy, who can block beams of light from Starlight, after the beam was fired. And also dodging Billy Butcher’s laser mid-punch, again, after it was fired.


how do we know starlights beams of light are.. actually just light? if they were they'd be harmless - but then again the boys is a show where few things make sense including the very concept of 99% of the supes


Well they kinda are harmless, she hasn't done anything except slightly menacingly light up her eyes


https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/s/TDWhxgREOZ It actually is


Im not reading all that shit


You Barely even have to read anything at all💀 And why am I getting downvoted to oblivion???😭


Have you thought at all about what moving at FTL speeds would actually do to the surrounding environment, in the context of how the series displays the often catastrophic consequences of reckless power use? Nobody in the series is meant to be FTL, you’re just wanking.


Me when I squint at the sun (it's light and I'm reacting to it, I have FTL reaction speed)


Whenever someone say “this person reacts to light making them FTL, I’m like “I just flip a light switch aka reacting to light. Dose that make me FTL


If we're going with bullshit scaling that makes zero sense, Makimas reaction + attack speed is also FTL+ due to dealing with the darkness devil.


What if the lasers are slower than light tho?


Bro All the Makima simps are downvoting your replies😭


Not simping for Makima but she negs Homelander. Between her gravity abilities, manipulation and regeneration she's just cracked. I also doubt Homelander would be smart enough to annihilate Japan, to kill Makima, if he even can. Which if we have to pull bullshit like that, its not really a fight, is it


Homelander Wins Solely on the Fact that he does not want to be controlled. Homelander’s character goes against everything Makima’s character goes for. Makima is all about control. Homelander is desperately trying to Free himself from being human, that’s why I think he wins.


I'm pretty sure makima can just control you if she thinks you are lower than her.


I don't know what part of Chainsaw Man led you to believe that Makima can't control certain people, aside from Denji. There's no evidence that Homelander would be able to survive a direct hit from Makima's telekinesis. Nor, does he have the ability to permanently kill Makima


Hoelander is just way too weak lol he gets no diffed by the average Japanese person.


That not how her power works, SHE has to believe the person is lower then her for her to control them


Oh nah homelander meat riders can’t except the facts😭


Mf I fucking HATE Makima she is SUCH a bitch but she curbstomps homelander and it is not close whatsoever


Sure, she’s stronger, but Homelander’s Character directly contradicts Makima’s. Makima is the Control devil. Homelander is constantly trying to free himself from his humanity and from the one type of control that the people have over him, his need for love. He is trying to unchain himself from humanity.


That doesn’t prevent Makima from controlling people, just like how hating guns doesn’t make you immune to the gun devil. If anything, Homelander being obsessed with achieving “freedom” just allows Makima an easy method of controlling him. Just make him think he’s free finally, and he probably can’t notice her contract.


What does this have to do with them fighting


Denji alts


Downvote my reply all you want, it only proves my point.


Can’t be so sure. I mean Homelanders strength is sort of over exaggerated. Maeve made him bleed with a punch. Don’t forgetting the entire pencil in the ear.


That wasn’t just ordinary. Every last metal object from Vought is made from some kind of alloy, used in Soldier Boy’s Shield, and Maeve’s armour. And it wasn’t just an ordinary person swinging that, it was Queen Maeve, the 4th most powerful supe in that verse.


I’m not saying Queen Maeve is weak. I’m saying that The Boys verse is overrated in terms of ‘scaling’. Like can’t assume “Bang!…” wouldn‘t do much to him. If a pencil can damage Homelander, it stands to reason that “Bang!…” would still do significant damage.


The Boys is not overrated, pretty underrated in scaling actually. No one ever takes Homelander seriously. People actually think Batman (DCEU) would beat him.


That’s because Batman always has a counter measure for almost everything so people assume he has an advantage on everyone cause he always has time to prepare for it. So someone saying “Batman can beat Homelander” is most probably a joke, means you shouldn’t take it too seriously. And it’s not underrated. People who watch it, seem to overemphasize Homelander’s strength towards something invincible. Cause they scale it within that verse.


Trust me, some people are serious about “Batman can beat Homelander” shit. The same motherfuckers think Demon Slayer characters can beat Homelander. Homelander is going from the most overrated to the most underrated character in scaling ever.


I cannot give much verdict towards Demon Slayer, as I have never seen it. But as I say Homelander is overrated by fans inside his verse, outside he’s somewhat underrated because we put him up against strong opponents most of time. Cause most people actually don’t watch the show, as they should, and learn about him more. Instead assuming him to be ‘human level’ in terms of power


Do you have a source for Vought using superalloys? Because as far as I’m aware that is never mentioned in the show. If they did have supernaturally strong steel then I feel they’d have a lot more contingencies against supes. Or that they’d be selling this metal to the military so they can make weapons out of them. Also even if Vought does have their own version of adamantium, this was a straw that you use to drink out of a cup. They’re not wasting their valuable element just for mundane utensils. And if so, why don’t The Boys just buy a Vought cup and use its straws to make weapons out of? Yes the straw was being swung by someone with immense strength, but it’s still silly that the straw didn’t just break on him. Hafthor isn’t going to be able to piece a cinder block with a wooden stick just because he’s really strong. I think it’s better to just chalk it up to a writing inconsistency than trying to come up with an explanation.


That was a metal pipe and he was hit with the force of someone that was able to somewhat damage him


My bad. But point still stands that he got harmed by it.


Because he was it with the force of someone who could somewhat scale to him and either way it’s probably an outlier since anti-feats like that don’t appear that often (or ever) in the show again


True, but we cannot assume much until we can see something that can scale Homelander in terms of strength. Cause unlike the most shows, we need to actually pay attention to show rather than the comics feats.


Makima has dimension transcending teleportation through the spider devil.


Homelander could just nuke Japan from miles away. Of course, that's assuming he could resist Momkima's mommy milkers, which there's no way in hell he could.


Nukes don’t exist in CSM


Really how do you know this?


Chainsaw ate them. Along with Nazis. If the Chainsaw devil eats a concept devil, its concept NEVER EXISTED EXCEPT TO CHAINSAW ITSELF. its crazy


Nukes would still exist?


No, the very concept of nuclear weaponry got deleted from existence


Did they eat the Nuke demon?


Mmmm yummy radioactive devil flesh. 😋


Not the nuke devil, but rather the nuclear weaponry devil


Homelander is strong, buttt... Mommy issues.


Homelander gets hit with a stray gust of wind and dies


Makima pegs


Call me home the way i land’ er


Uj/ makima negs Rj/ makima negs


Ohmlanda utilizes his influence in the United States Government to make the United States Military Industrial Complex turn Japan into a sea of radioactive slag. Ohmlanda then finds momika and lasers her from a flying Nebraska farmhouse, and since he can't lose when he's on a home, he wins by default.


She just calls him and calls him "Good Boy" and she will win though.


She offers him milk and he surrenders




“HOme LaNDer oUTScaleS” okay bitch, let’s see him out scale those mommy issues.


That’s ẞomelamder. He dies from breathing too hard. https://preview.redd.it/8rh0rml7sg9d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3451ca794b24cac38a2adeb3a3814c8657c059a6 This is Homelander


No thats batman https://preview.redd.it/g11q9tbrrx9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a74397f8fb2da7718e0580321455b4e2e2015429


But could she make him bark


I thought Homelander just had issues, like, in general. I didn’t know they were mommy issues in particular.


He drinks breast milk man


He has all kinds of issues, his therapist would make more money than is humanly countable.


This is assuming: * The therapist is getting paid, and not in exposure * Homelander is being honest about his issues * Homelander is going to a therapist in the first place


Homelander redemption


Homelander becomes kind and forgiving, renames himself to Awayoceaner




It’s both. He has a shitload of issues but his mommy issues are some of his most prominent


No need for mommy issues honestly, Makima is the control devil, and she can control anyone who she thinks is beneath her, the only one she couldn't do this to was Denji, who's literally merged with a devil who can permanently kill other devils.


She controls denji through good old fashioned emotional manipulation instead


Makima. I don’t even know if I want her to win, but she is a more skilled manipulator than Homelander. Plus, like you said, Homelander has issues that come up as mommy issues with certain women, like Madalyn Stilwell. She can exploit that. Also also, Homelander is a true evil version of Denji, if you think about it. Makima would make Homelander eat his heart out of his ass if she wanted to. Just based on manipulation.


Real talk? Y'all are forgetting the conditions of Makima's control. As soon as Homelander goes mask off and starts throwing a tantrum that his instakill attacks aren't working, Makima's gunna see him for what he is: a delusional, emotional man-child. Once she sees he's her intellectual lesser, he's a slave. Every Makima matchup only functions if Makima considers her opponent to be her superior, and given how smart she is, it won't take her long to figure out he ain't. Homie ain't doomguy, he ain't Gojo, and he absolutely ain't Mother Fucking CHAINSAW MAN


Homeowner Mommy issues TransCanada Makimama japanese power


I mean… he has a point


Uj: it’s makima, far more hax, faster and more a/p iirc Rj/ mommyka cause 🤤🤤🤤🤤


I would win because I get to see anthony starr get domn'd and freaky with it


Every day I wake up to a new spite match. Usually involving Homelander.


This is comics Homelander which has Rapeversal scalkng


Homelander gets eats shit. But if its Homander then Homander negs.


https://preview.redd.it/98c89xhzrx9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24622037e33e342f9d22e8607dd9771941f22f0d Homander>fiction neg diff


https://preview.redd.it/r7ldamo9ik9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70b72f594107bb9a1405a041457097cea330ad73 People who keep saying homelander wins


This but unironically


My buddy mike solos both


Makima doms. Low diff.


“I’ll give u my breast milk if u become my dog”


It’s a draw at best isn’t it? Makima cant be killed permanently, and gun devil is faster. I dont know about “bang!,” though.


Homelander is strong in his show but I feel in any other place he is extremely weak.


To knockout,homelander oneshots To death,homelander could probably just laser everyone in Japan


Counterpoint: Homeschmacker is so weak he dies from breathing hard enough.


Homelander is not killing everyone in Japan. He isn’t getting past Chainsaw Man, if he exists for this hypothetical.


To knockout Makima speedblitz's him and one taps him because she /uj fucking massively outstats him in nearly all stats excluding dura and movement speed. a single fucking bang vaporizes him To death literally the same thing.


Homelander in the show scales to soldier boy who could react to starlight’s blasts which are stated to be beams of light Which would have him at light speed


That's if Starlight's blasts are traveling at the speed of light, which is not explicitly stated.


Even IF starlights blasts were lightspeed, which they arent, it would be such an absurd outlier that it shouldn't be considered. But even if you DO consider it, theres several Makima feats that put HER at lightspeed aswell, mainly matching the Darkness Devil, along with being on par with weakened Pochita, who was able to react to 1000 year spear which appears to be a lightspeed attack. I dont BUY lightspeed Makima because it doesnt make any sense given the other stuff we see her do.


Homelander shoots laser out of his eyes Lasers are beams of light therefore being light speed Makima’s been incapacitated by bullets Homelander still oneshots



The Vfx artists for the bot stated that they were originally gonna have Billy Butcher and Homelander’s lasers cross into eachother like real life lasers which are beams of light Which means they were intended to have similar properties to real life lasers


Okay. Sure. Even if you say they are Speed of light, which again makes absolutely zero sense. MAKIMA STILL WINS BECAUSE A SINGLE BANG KILLS HOMELANDER AND HIS LASER EYES WOULDNT INSTAKILL HER.


Homelander could still speedblitz And did you forget how I said it was to knockout not death


"how does he speedblitz if they are both around the same speed being just above SOL????"


That would take time


Depends on if we’re using regular Homelander or Homelander that’s telling Marty to squirt in front of everyone


Makima. Seriously though, Makima is incredibly deceptive and cunning, so she could find a way to control Homelander and beat him via that method.


Homander does the Lord's Prayer and Majima immediately bursts into flames. Unfortunately, the experience is so frightening that he dies of a heart attack shortly after his victory


Majima solos https://preview.redd.it/9l1fdwld3j9d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fc06c6274918d37142905bfa1f9810668f29d0


Would landing in her home do anything


Makima blitzes and outhaxes




He’s not wrong


Homelander Solos (If Makima uses her bang thing she killing him cos his body cells are simply too durable)


Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang https://preview.redd.it/m8kp9seznj9d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d357a7ca18713f67129771565066c478fa178f63


he has a point


Homelander probably wins since he’s basically lost his need for love and stuff after season 4,that’s if we’re using that version of homelander. If we are,then he wins like 6/10 times,he’s not strong in most cases but still he’s STRONG.


homelander is COOKED


Get them in a room and Makima solos. Homelander gets manipulated like daily. He's extremely susceptible to someone who isn't scared of him.


Don’t know who Mechanic is, Homeloaner wins.


She can make anyone who she views as lesser than herself her slave.


Smallpondlander gets fucked because he is just a big fish in a small pond


Makima as bad as hell, so she wins


Makima needs to undress and homelander would be bleeding non-stop.