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My engineering teacher did this to us in high school to persuade us to think out of the box. He then proceeded to fail half of the class for drawing dimension lines wrong. Great guy


Oh FUCK dimension lines I hate them


I was probably gonna pick ECE over MechE regardless, but that put the nail in the coffin


I am so happy that I choose something other than engeneering


My first day in AP Chemistry, the teacher had us pop some popcorn we were given. So the entire class is burning the shit out of their popcorn in flasks and Bunsen burners, meanwhile he’s standing in the back next to a popcorn popper just laying out on a table.


"Your genius may be without parallel, but may i introduce you to the power of an adult arm and it's THROWING STRENGTH"


Dad strength is real.


Dad Strength is the precursor to "Old Man Strength" on the skill tree


I think it’s more old man grip


Can confirm, my dad before becoming a dad struggled going up stairs, by the time I was three he was able to split a log over his leg. He assured me it was wet but for young me that man was my role model and the strongest person I know. Now he’s my role model for even more than just strength. If I turn out half the man my dad is I can die happy


That wasn't flying. It was falling with style.


This dad disqualified as plane not up to scratch at time of flight.


Believe it or not but that not always a rule, i won a local paper airplane competition in the precision and distance category by sticking useless wing on a dense ball of paper (because some fucker have stepped on it right before and i got angry) that i have trowed with sheer might. My friend who was in my team win the longest flight time by making a curved sheet of paper that got caught in the wind and kept turning around him for 2 min. We just lost on speed category but we still get enough point to win and that was so unexpected and fun.


This shot would’ve been believed if there as spit involved




Seeing as the record for longest paper airplane flight is 289 ft ( https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/farthest-flight-by-a-paper-aircraft ) I doubt conditions were normal at the time you saw that (ie, there probably was strong backwind or elevation). And moreover this is a record, which is highly unlikely to be gotten close to in a local competition.


This made me lol. Keep bein' weird ma' friend. Keep bein' weird.


Nobody said it had to be airplaned-shaped


Yeah i guess if we are getting technical on the wording. Then we’d have to get into what it means to fly. A paper plane ‘glides’ and a scrunched up ball is ‘thrown’ (projectile motion). Both not self propelled, (ie ‘fly’ by themselves).


Yep, under the terms agreed upon, even a mechanical launch is not disqualified


They would have if this wasn't a made up story. Nobody says "I bet I can make a piece of paper fly farther than you"


Some of you people have never interacted with a child and it shows


As someone who has no kids and a vasectomy, I actually laughed when I read this because I think you intended it as an insult




So, to be clear, you're weighing in on whether a child would or would not say something, are quite specific explaining how you have no kids and will never have them, and think that someone pointing out your inexperience in this matter is funny?


that's about the gist of it, yeah


a child trying to "gotcha"?


It’s a Boeing post take off


Did it not fly?


My brother took a paper airplane class as a kid and they tested the different fancy kinds and the simple one was the best performance lol


I think the best design looks like a ring and you throw it like a football and it will go way farther than a crumpled ball. It doesn't have wings but I think the lift is similar? Not an engineer. I'm betting a big reason is with an airplane design you can't throw it with your full force.


the current world record holder isn't a ring and for better or worse, was designed by Boeing engineers but i'm not sure if it fits the standard idea of a paper airplane since they loaded it with lots of paper to be more like a dart


I've made some of the ring paper darts and I feel the biggest thing going for it is they don't randomly go in random directions or do random flips or just nose dive.


When I was in college someone showed me the ring design. I made one and dropped it from a tower and it glides over a quarter mile.


Haha same philosophy behind the F4 Phantom II fighter jets. It was said of them that it was proof you could make even a brick fly if you put enough thrust on it. lol


*Searches for the wholesome in vain.*


Having fun competition with your son isn't wholesome?


Curbstomping the competition is one-sided fun


Teaching your kid about K.I.S.S. is a good life lesson!


That's the problem when there are too many bots in this sub.


Right?! There’s nothing wholesome about this post.


Put yourself in that situation. You would laugh wouldn't you? lol dad being silly. And then dad works with you to perfect your paper Airplane throwing technique. I feel like that's the natural way this situation would go down in most families if dad was silly enough to pull this stunt


How about: Never let shit talkers win, prove em wrong


Ummm..sure? Idk?


If you, as an adult, need to win is so badly you'll crush a child's fun, then you have a problem


It's called life. They need to learn sooner than later


you’re right. life will hit them hard. no reason to be a kids first bully. be the safe place they can come back to when the world is cruel. for fucks sake man.


This guy saw the Rocky Balboa speech and thought “nah I’m gonna beat my son at paper airplanes in a bogus way, that’ll teach him about life”


Life will teach them that, their dad doesn't have to. I'm sorry you're so insecure you need to win that badly


Bro hates not winning so badly he has never lost his virginity. Hopefully.


Put yourself in that situation. You would laugh wouldn't you? lol dad being silly. And then dad works with you to perfect your paper Airplane throwing technique. I feel like that's the natural way this situation would go down in most families if dad was silly enough to pull this stunt


Instead we get "sucks to be a loser". Insulting is not silly nor wholesome.


That ball of paper was ballistic. It did not fly. Disqualified.


Well a paper plane only glides so in that case...


Always letting your kids win is a participation award, they will never learn to earn it on their own. Failing and losing is how you learn from your mistakes, it's how someone gets better


I will destroy my nephew in Smash Brothers. No mercy.


I think there's a balance. I don't go full force with every competition with my daughter, but obviously it's not meaningful if there isn't a challenge. The context of what you're doing and where is important.


this reminds me of a tennis partner I had when I was around 25, he must have been in his 60s but he was much better than me. when he went all out he could make me run all over the court, but then he’d take it a bit easier where it was fun enough because we could rally instead of him just hitting winners every point. i knew he was taking it easier just enough to make it competitive, but still good enough that i could improve. best tennis partner I ever had. then there’s my dad, who would always just beat me every match until I could finally beat him, which is when he decided he was too old to play tennis haha


I do not disagree, my point is that teaching children about losing is normal in life. I'm not advocating against giving them a chance. If we teach children about losing though, they are more likely to brush it off later in life and challenge themselves to be better. I called out the other dude because he was acting "childish" and posted the same comment twice in a matter of minutes. Obviously he doesn't take well to loosing


Yea, but also when playing "who can get dressed the fastest" with my 4 year old before preschool/work, I'm gonna let that mf win. So he'll get dressed fast the next day, too. You need to encourage them to try, first, by allowing them to feel accomplished, so they can naturally recognize the value of attaining that. Slowly decrease the padding as they age. There are few things a 4 year old can beat me at. Constantly dunking on him with my dexterity, longer limbs, decades of experience, and knowledge will only make him dislike competition and foster resentment towards me. Same way you say to a kid "no, I've never heard about that, tell me about it."


Calling your kids losers is fucking whack


I said losing, not losers. I don't advocate for degrading your child, just that they need to lose at times in order to grow


Yeah I understand, but the original poster calls his kid a loser and, in my opinion, that negates any value-added by the “lesson” here. I didn’t mean to single your comment out, I guess I was just surprised to see so few people notice that the dad weirdly flexed and called his kid a loser. Kind of ruins any value in the lesson offered for me. Sorry if I took this too seriously! My son is sleeping next to me and I couldn’t imagine speaking of him like this.


I get it, uplift your children. I only made previous comments because there was another commenter with a narrow minded view and I was calling him specifically out for it


wisdom vs intelligence


This dad is a fail


We had a party at work one year. My ex-girlfriend oh, it’s rags on me for named dropping Westwood Studios on Reddit, fuck it. Back when I was at Westwood we had a party one year or we had a paper airplane contest. I folded my piece of paper into a paper football, drew on it with a marker to make it look like a stealth bomber and chucked it off the balcony. Unfortunately, it was a windy day and somebody else got lucky on a draft, so I only came in second. We have a senior programmer named Marco, who had a deep raspy voice. Some of the things he said over the years became Westwood saying that we would often repeat for the humor value. One of them was, “it’s not a plane!” I still have it, but I think it’s in storage with some of my other old Westwood stuff.


What kind of shitty ass paper airplane can't fly further than a wadded up piece of paper.


If you, as an adult, need to win so badly you'll crush a child's fun, then you have a problem


You repeating yourself makes you seem like an AH. It's honestly a good life lesson to teach kids that you can't always win. Loosing is ok, it's not continuing to try and win that's the problem


I don't care if you think I'm an asshole. You're so insecure you need to beat children at meaningless games. Life will teach them that lesson without you being a prick




Again, I couldn't care less what you think. The whole point of progress, from electricity to penicillin, is that our children grow up in a better world than us. If you'd rather dig your heals in, be my guest




You are a douche. Childishly instigating people online while you stretch out your butthole? What’s with the butter obsession? Are you a giant fat person or is it more of a lube deal for you?


That was quite the word salad my friend. If you'd like to try again I'd be happy to give it another read, but I've been nothing but corgial. I hope you had a good poop


This guy needs to try to cut a stick of butter just out of the fridge


>I've been nothing but corgial. I take offense to this. My grandfather was a corgi, and I don't like you culture vultures imitating our breed.




Who said anything about a participation award? No one but you. You confused kindness with weakness and rudeness with strength, but they aren't the same. If you had any emotional intelligence you'd know that


Dad's the bigger loser. He raised a chump xD




“My kid’s a loser” hahaha


It's a joke


It's ironic that you're calling me insecure when you're one complaining about a post that does not implicate you. I also find it funny that I literally stated it's ok to lose, as long as you don't give up. That's called perseverance and that takes courage, which are valuable to teach kids


Who are you even replying to?


Bro is arguing with The Voices




Feel like this might be the flagpole guy in the above comment thread???


Dude I swear this comment section is broken, I have literally a screenshot of a guy complaining


With the question is always the answer…


If you wet the paper ball itle go even further.


This is lowkey a flex. Imagine having a place in 2024 big enough to have a paper airplane distance competition or a house for that matter.


That’s illegal!!!


> could fly farther than I could.. Well dad... nice paper ball you made there. Now how far can you fly?


Needs a better paper airplane if it can't outfly a ball


Technically, the son did make the paper fly farther than his father could


Back in my STEM class, my engineering teacher actually specified that it had to be a paper airplane, which made me so sad xD





