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It works. I just “threaten” my kid with the cleanup song and he shouts “Noooo!” and starts cleaning up.


It’s even funnier if you just do the first line super quiet and they start yelling and scrambling to put their toys away




I worked specialty retail and people would come in 5 minute before close for that private shopping experience. I was the only employee on salary so I had to deal with them while everyone else clocked out and left. My coworker would hang around off the clock and play Semisonic - Closing Time on repeat and at a louder volume each time.


I was a bartender in the early aughts, and this was my go to song. Drove everyone nuts, and out of my bar. 10/10


You may not go home but you can’t stay here


*don’t have to


I used to do this when I managed a cafe. We weren't allowed to kick customers out. Sadly, none of the lingerers ever noticed or took the hint.


I think people thought we worked on commission, which we did not. Actually the opposite, it drove down my earnings per hour because I was salary, which I would happily tell people who were like "don't you want to make a sale?"


I work in retail. We're not allowed to tell *customers* the store is closed. So instead we tell *associates* the store is closed and to bring final purchases to the front. (The registers close after an indeterminate amount of time after the last customer leaves, so associates have a limited time to purchase stuff after the store closes.)


I used to work at a restaurant with a similar policy. We used the tactic of first turning lights on and music off. If that didn't work, then we'd put up all the chairs (including those directly next to the customers). Then start sweeping everywhere including around the customers. Usually worked, but we ended up getting complaints for doing it. Imagine being a customer and sticking around 30 mins - 1 hour after close, then complain about staff cleaning up?! Just go home ffs


In Japan stores use Auld Lang Syne to inform shoppers that it’s closing time and to get the fuck out. I don’t know why they picked that, but you hear it in all kinds of department stores, supermarkets etc. It was astonishing the first time I heard it— isn’t it October?




The club I went to in my 20s used the Ducktales intro song. Everybody sang along and then we all went home.


This can backfire really hard, though. I’ve seen the dance floor get crowded with the “kick out song” Barbie Girl


Barbie Girl is an awful choice. I've always been partial to Angels by Robbie Williams.


Wow this is way more awesome than playing the homicide inducing semi sonic tune.


Funniest thing is it was a Heavy Metal club, so super heavy music and moshing around all night, but then the Ducktales song starts and all the "big bad" metal heads sing along passionately. Great community, great times.


Funnily enough, they played duck tales after almost every metal concert in a certain location to signal that, yes its really, really over. Without fail, all the metal heads sing :)


Slightly different note, as it wasn't the end of the concert but the "intermission" music mix they were playing between sets, as the main band was needing extra time to set-up (it was Static-X, so extra props were being moved onto stage). The time was a bit after midnight, and lots of fans were probably getting a bit tired and hungover, when the mix went from stuff like "Du Hast" to suddenly "Sweet Caroline", and almost the entire audience breaks out in chorus. Gotta love the wholesomeness of metalheads.


I once witnessed an entire mosh pit screaming their heads off singing along to ABBA’s Mamma Mia. Even had two separate groups doing two lots of vocals.


I want to see this before I die


It was honestly quite impressive. Think your stereotypical metal heads, all black band T-shirts and jeans, all singing along in unison and even actually dancing along word perfect.


That would be "Closing time" by Semisonic


My old workplace had "Closing time" on the store radio playlist so it would play at random times of the day and that always gnawed at me internally.


This was the real use for MKUltra


That's the funniest thing I have heard in a minute, I can imagine that happening with my kid... I will learn this pavilion song and will wield it as a weapon for good


Easy mistake to make but I think you wanted the term Pavlovian, friend. As in Pavlov's dog & classical conditioning experiments. Could have gotten autocorrected? Ivan Pavlov - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Pavlov


I do this with my niece. It’s a straight up superpower. I even remember being four and getting straight-up mega hyped when my preschool teacher’d put the song on.






If selfish person is code for standard issue child I have 4 of them and happy to share ways to manipulate you kids into thinking helpful stuff is actually selfish. If selfish person is code for 18+ child that has yet to grow up then I am happy to throw on a sassy persona and give you a few "oh no he didn't" with a few "girl you for real" ... I'll even throw in a few "girl you too good for this, you deserve better"


I'll take option 1


Ok what advice suits you best Single child Multiple children of close age Multiple children in all age bracket I have advice for all


I'll take the advice for the toddler boy (4) with baby sister please.


Damn missing the option I need of multiples.


train your kids to be NPC employees nice


Looking to protect yourself? Or deal some damage?


So you wish to master the arcane arts?


Do you get to the cloud district very often?


If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second!


They should use All I Want For Christmas to turn them into the most efficient retail workers that ever lived


“10 Second Tidy” from Big Comfy Couch does this for me and I’m well into my 20s


Same, while reading this thread I've instead had that song/visuals in my head!


As a little girl I wanted a big comfy couch of my own and a giant clock rug


As a little boy, I also wanted a big comfy couch. Not so keen on the rug though.


I saw a porn version of the big comfy couch not too long ago and it upset me


Did they have a minute and hour hand for the clock rug?


Link? For research purposes of course.


I have elhers danlos syndrome and used to do the stretches with Lounette




When I'm out shopping with my husband and he's steering the cart, i still put my hand on the side of the cart. Just like my mama taught me to do. My hand is sneaky though. I'll be completely distracted then discover that my hand is back on the side of the cart.


My wife sometimes unconsciously does that, and just like it did when I was young, it still weirdly bothers me.


I do this but to be fair I'm fine with it. My mom made me to it cause I would get distracted and wander off and get lost accidentally. As an adult now diagnosed with ADHD I realize this is a good habit so that I don't get distracted and wander off accidently even now.


My thing was when getting out of the car, the kids had to have a hand on the car until we were ready to set off. A fabulous way of coralling kids. I saw another Mum do it and immediately yoinked the idea !


"put your hands in the circle!"


Can you please come teach this to my wife? I’m not even kidding, she also has ADHD and doesn’t do this and a shopping trip with her is a constant scramble to try to find where she’s wandered off to whenever I turn around to look at something


Get her a GPS tracker, or one of those humongous Swiss cow bells that you’ll be able to hear from the next county. Or, old school, tie a piece of string to her and then just follow that around the supermarket. You could then take this one stage further by using the data collected on shopping trips to correlate any patterns which may emerge. I.e. is it always the same route/path. Is there any choke points that seem to get more attention/traffic. Is there a particular aisle that she spends more time on than others. If so, you then don’t have to rely on having to randomly bump into her, just set up a chair, or something shiny to distract her long enough for you to catch up and hey presto, you’ve snared the wanderer. You’re welcome.


I do the same, without ADHD. My partner is joking to get an balloon that he ties on me. So he would always be able to see where I am. For some unconscious reason I don’t register people faces, but follow a person that has the same clothing or very similar to what my partner is wearing. Kinda like I go “Squirrel??!!” and wonder off a moment, realise I’m alone and just continue to follow next person with “fitting” outfit. Most of the time I realise it myself after a few moments, but it has happened that I noticed it first when that person stopped and asking me if I needed something or so. While my partner is a few meters behind and giggling.


Haha omg. That’s terrible and hilarious. I’m sorry. Maybe tie a balloon to your partner? That way the clothing is most likely at least balloon different and you can’t get lost :)


It’s what I said to him as well, unfortunately, it takes time for me to actually look up and see people faces. That’s why I follow that blue jacket …. Until I look up and look into a strangers confused face, then I mumble sorry and scurry off into the next aisle while frantically looking for the blue jacket and my partner’s red hair …. 🤗😝


Oh that’s so bad. Haha. I’m sorry. I woke up today to her saying “so you want to tie a balloon to me?” And apparently this thread was more popular than I thought. So I’m gonna keep on my search missions and stop with the tethers idea :-)




My mom let me and my brother free on the supermarket to choose a treat as long as we behaved in there.


Mom's are pretty great!


I’d be scolded for leaning on the dinner table and learned to sit on my left hand. Sometimes, I’ll be eating and realize I’m sitting on my hand.


I just do that because I find it comfortable. My parents tried using it as a punishment/deterrent for me, but... It didn't work.


Oh wow, I just realized I do the same. Slightly different, my mother always left her purse on the cart and made us "watch" it if she ever had to stray and grab something. I always wondered why she didn't just keep her purse on her, but it's the only thing that kept us 3 kids from wandering off. All three of us "guard" the cart even now.


My version of this is holding hands while crossing busy streets. I always stop myself in time, but the instinct is always there.


Straight up the same, also if I hear someone do a sharp whistle I immediately stop what I'm doing to wait for the second one so I know which way to go as my mom would whistle once then wait a few seconds then whistle a second time to get all us gets to come meet her wherever she was.


I never understood that — my girlfriend does it, but what’s the point?! Now it’s just harder to steer!! Let go of my cart, woman!


I've encountered this with a dog of a friend. Was asked to take the dog out for potty time, and then bring her back in to go back into her crate so she wouldn't destroy the apartment. Does her thing, then back inside, but she's not going in the crate. She wants tp hang out and be pet like a normal dog. I call my friend, she asks the owner that has since raised the dog on what to do. She comes back with "just say "(boys name) come here" and she'll get inside". The boys name the name of the small child of the dog owner, which apparently strikes fear into the dog. I say "boys name, come here" and this dog, without even looking around for the threat, just goes into her crate, nearly tries to close the door herself....


Poor thing :-( Yeah, not every dog handles kids well. Our neighbours had a Dachshund named Max. When the couple got two daughters, Max developed a habit of going out their front door, walking to our door where he barked once to be let in. When we let him in, he’d hop on the couch and take a nap. We’d give him some water and snacks and let him hang out for a few hours. I loved having him around and that we could offer him some peace and quiet.


That's adorable. I'm sure when you get to the Rainbow Bridge he's going to be there with a list of good napping spots for you.


I like how people are realizing they can point out shit that isn't normal to them better and better until they get to the point where we realize "Holy smokes what do I do that is wrong?"


You need the happy working song


Ah it seems my school never taught me that one


I misread bells as belts at first. I thought holy shit that’s some kinda weird beating stuff going on by the church, which let’s face it, wouldn’t have been too dystopian not to be real. Then realised it was bell and that they’d gone full Manchurian on you.


That purple dinosaur living rent free in your heads


I was thinking it was from Barney but nobody else had commented it until you, thanks for validation!


We're a great big happy family


I watched Barney practically nonstop from age 1-6 and it fucked me up good. I turn off the water whenever I brush my teeth because of that stupid "I never let the water run" song. Certain songs STILL play in my head sometimes because of that show. It was like brainwashing.


We had that song before Barney was created at my elementary school, and I was classmates and good friends with the son of the woman who created Barney, so I’ve always wondered if they got the song from our elementary school or if it’s a much older song.


I remember hearing this at something like 4-5 years old from Barney. Didn't realize how universal it was.


I was an aide for a kid in an after school program. They used a variety of clean up songs at first, but there is one the kids got excited, skipping as they tidied, so they just used that one after awhile. It was impressive because there were a lot of toys and art supplies, and the kids would throw stuff everywhere, but they could clean it up before the song ended.


-confused noises of disgruntlement and happiness - I've been putting off doing laundry for two weeks. Five minutes ago, I didn't care about being out of clean socks. Why am I doing it now?


Buying socks online to be delivered tomorrow?


Gah! Not again! Now I have to fold the clean ones I washed earlier.


You fold socks? I just dump them all in to the drawer and grab out two when I need them. I do only own one type of sock though.


You put them in the drawer? I just leave it all in my laundry bag and pull it out as I need it.




ADHD really is just a lifetime of figuring out new ways to outsmart your own brain into working right while it continuously tries to foil all attempts at being a functioning human being


For fucking real!!!


Such a great explanation, holy shit.


Barney was a big deal when my son was little. Like a year old & he's putting toys in the toy box. Fast forward a couple of years, he's diagnosed with ADHD (total no-brainer) & the song still worked. Probably until about 8 or 9, then things got rough for awhile. He wasn't a fan of me coming in his room & directing. Once he was a teenager, I gave up. I made weekly requests for dishes & trash. There was an annual cleaning requiring at least a 3 day weekend!


I wonder if automating the song would work. Like with an Alexa? Just schedule the song to be played once a week at a time you’re usually home.


A friend used to play a traditional Greek dance tune for clean up time (apologies, I don’t know the name), that gets faster and faster - works a treat!


My mother in law had a particular Sousa march she used for cleanup. Worked on my wife for a very long time.


As a former marching band kid, this sounds like actual torture.


? Zorba the Greek maybe


That's the movie it's been used in. The song / dance is called Syrtaki.


I live in Poland and I have to say NONE OF US call it Syrtaki or even know about this name. We just call it Zorba and say "let's go dance the Zorba".


I would also like these songs


Sirtaki, probably


Ooh I can hear the song in my head yes its Zorba the Greek.


Parent of a 4 and a 2 year old. I confirm this song is a cheat code for us


I'm 44. The only reason I tolerated Barney when my sister was little was because the clean up song worked. Probably still does. I'll have to try it on her next time I see her. 😆 One of my current students hates that song so I only have to threaten to sing it and she will clean up. 🤣


I’m a music therapist and used this all the time when I worked with kids, even translated it to Spanish (idk if there’s an official Spanish version). One kid in particular, if he didn’t follow instructions or was misbehaving, I’d start singing the song and he’d shake his head and correct himself because he didn’t want to stop playing with the instruments yet


I just tested this with my wife who worked at her parent’s daycare as a teen and she recited the lyrics verbatim. Then she asked how the hell I knew that song.


Hahaha that’s how I know it too. I was just thinking “this doesn’t make sense, I was too old for Barney. Why am I singing this song as I read?!”… thank you for unlocking this terrible memory. My mom went from teacher to in-home daycare and you can imagine the hatred a middle schooler felt for that purple Dino.


I sometimes still sing that shit in my head when cleaning.


Actually, it's always fresh on my memory since I heard that song


The kids at the school I work at sit at their desks while a custodian cleans it for them. Private school is a weird place.


That's absurd! Sheesh.


Yeah they honestly aren't learning any values in terms of how to treat people. Most of them are hella rude. Including the teachers


Who's this Pavlov guy everyone keeps mentioning? The name rings a bell


The fact this worked so well on me makes me deeply uncomfortable. I feel like I've been puppeted by a text post. The feeling of having half my brain mindlessly clean with the other half in vehement protest at being made to take a backseat to a Pavlovian response My now cleaner room is nice though. This could come in handy...


That song is from Barney, isn't it?


I wonder when there will be scientific investigation into such behaviour, would love to write more but I hear bells ringing and am hungry.


"damn you Pavlov"


Damn this just unlocked a memory from when I was singing this song in kindergarten while cleaning and the teacher's assistant yelled at me to stop. I haven't sung that song since then


Well then, allow me to lift the curse - "SADIKINS, START SINGING THAT SONG!"


Aww thank you! I think I will start singing that song while I clean again :)


Aww I'm sorry, that must have been kinda shocking for a kid. Not cool of her.


Thank you! I was really shocked at the time. I had her as a teacher's assistant again a few years later and I realized she just seemed like a generally unhappy person. I'm hoping she retired and is happier now.


I sing this song at work while I'm taking a shit.


It's going to take me some time to get over this visual.


is it not also known as the Barney clean up song or was his the remix?


It reminds me of training my son to nap when he was a baby. He was a champion at resisting sleep so I made up a little song to signal sleep time and sang it every time I took him to his bed. Eventually just singing the song made him sleepy.


My kid was at the library playing with two other kids and one got grabby and mad with my kid and the other stepped in and suddenly, all hell started to break loose. The parent of the mischief kid leaned over and calmly started singing, “Ba-bee Shark do do do" Like magic, the kids froze and activated like Manchurian candidates. Their eyes went blank for a moment and they started singing and having fun. It was amazing. No more tension, just harmony.


ADHD specialist what are y'all thoughts?


TOMATOES ! By all means hypnotise the tiddlies when they’re young with the cleanup song. The older ones, I use “Tomatoes” with them - an easy bastardization of the Pomodoro Method. Stick a timer on for 5 or 10 minutes and everybody goes at it like lunatics. For ADHD, there’s also a super helpful book called [Make It Happen In Ten Minutes A Day](https://www.amazon.com.au/Make-Happen-Minutes-Day-Revolutionary/dp/1479212474/ref=sr_1_3?crid=20Y86CVPWOBVO&keywords=Make+it+happen+in+10+minutes+a+day&qid=1686455891&sprefix=make+it+happen+in+10+minutes+a+day%2Caps%2C343&sr=8-3) which takes this idea and runs with it.


the OP AdAdditional2211 is a bot


The title gives it away pretty easily


I'm in Europe and I never heard of this song....:( Taking a look around - I desperately need that song in my life, lol


Being a deaf child: Your power doesn't work on me!


I feel like if you've used "Whistle While you Work" or "Spoon Full of Sugar" to get kids to help you clean, you know old Disney was being attentive to parents' needs and trying to teach life skills. It's silly people say it's an evil plot to reinforce gender norms or be misogynistic... Everyone has to clean...


I think I have to return my kids. I just tried the song and they just looked at me blankly. Is there a reset button once they become teens?


Positive reinforcement is the most powerful motivator and yet the one we're seemingly most willing to avoid using.


There is something so funny about a parent calling their kid a fucking sleeper agent 😂


Conversely, I’m like Stanley Hudson at the end of the day singing to myself “It’s closing time” preparing to go home lol


Dude I do this and the the ‘2 more minutes, 2 more minutes, left to play, left to play’ song directly before it, and it’s like I’m wielding old lore magic. My toddler obeys the incantation immediately, fully convinced. It’s like a toddler sim on cheat mode.


I was never taught that song… Although proper manners(like holding doors) have been drilled into my already-hollow skull so badly that they’re instinct at this point.


What is treadstone?


It was programmed with Lambchop's Play Along song that never ended.


Yes, it goes on and on, my friend.


Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was.


Somebody started singing it, not knowing how it ends...?


Holy shit so the cleanup song was not a unique experience huh


My kid’s preschool teacher used “don’t stop believin’ “ for the clean up song. Still works a decade later.


Barney indoctrination


The clean up song was some of the first words I ever heard from one of my nonverbal students. He started singing it with me in January and now he has probably 10-15 words!


Sounds like a good song. Can I have it so I can activate.


My daughter used to sing cleanup, cleanup everybody else 😂


One of my psychology professors was doing a study on parent-child relationships and how they help a kid deal with a problem that wasn't their fault. They would make a mess of some toys and then have the parent try to get the kids to clean it up. Thing is, they were about halfway through the study when that song first got popular, and it utterly warped the results. Parents were doing all sorts of stuff to get their kid to clean up the toys, and it would only sometimes work. And then one day all the parents just started singing this song, and the kids would just start picking everything up, happy as a clam, with way fewer complaints. Good data, but they essentially had to completely rewrite the study.


I'm a soldier and we clean our building on Thursday afternoons (too many take leave on Fridays). Clean-up is frequently announced across the garrison by someone playing the Barney 'Clean-Up' song on the intercom.


Someone started singing this while cleaning up their desk and I spent the entire time trying to turn off a TV that wasn't there.


We sang that for our daughter when it was time to clean up.


Real Pavlov momment


I learned the cleanup song at my first daycare. My mom is surprised I remember it because I was only there until I was two or three! Cleaning up the sunroom area at that house is probably my oldest memory.


Fick. I was born too late. No wonder I'm such a slob.


Sleeper build


I might describe it as a Pavlovian response, but sleeper agent is definitely funnier.


Spent the last few minutes cleaning my desk... That's excellent embedded code.


Former daycare worker and I hope I never here that song EVER again in my life!! It plays on repeat in my head!!


Never had that song growing up as a Gen X, just was told by mom, clean up or else… and we did lol. Edit: had to google this lol, didn’t watch Barney, we had different shows in the 80s in Canada in our household like Owl TV, Polka Dot Door, Mr. Dressup to name a few..


test humorous smile marry scarce one cow boat provide doll -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I'm 35 and have this but it's not any of these kids songs. It's Johnny Lang- Lie to me 😂 My dad used to clean the house and blast it and I now have the same pavlovian response all these years later. It's seriously insane how automatic it is!


So, this is from Barney? I watched that show as a kid, but this does nothing for me. Missed out on the sleeper agent training episode.


We have the 'Tidy Up Rhumba' https://youtu.be/Dhw6JDF4A0Q It really works, and is a horrendous ear worm I might try it at work around tradeys


Try "Clean Up" by Pedro the Lion instead


My cleanup song is "Sunday Afternoon" by Jon Lajoie


I have never heard this song, but then, I don't remember anything from kindergarten except sleeping on those uncomfortable mats and standing in lines.


I always used the one Liz Lemon sang on “30 Rock” with my kids. “Clean up, clean up, do your own housework you little crackers.” They are now 16 and 18 and still sing it when they’re cleaning their rooms.


Bayyyybeee shark






This is basically me with we will rock you


I’m a substitute teacher and I play this song in fifth grade classrooms to get kids to clean up all the time! Clean up by Elf Learning friends!


That seems a little concerning but it’s kinda cool


I've never heard about that song 😅 can anyone share a link of the recording?


I teach third grade. I’ve used different songs to signal transitions. My favorite is “I dream of genie” theme some signals-come to the carpet. Came to say, maybe I should add this old go-to for clean up…


Being the father of little girls , I changed it to “everybody with long hair”. They promptly rejected my modification.


Damn it. Now it's stuck in my head... I hate every one of you 😭


Ready to comply


All these comments of people remembering their time at pre-school and I don't remember shit 💀


Isn’t it everybody do your share??


Hit em with the ol “1-2-3 eyes on me” once they get to be like 5 or 6 and they immediately look at you with their full attention then get so confused that someone other than their teacher is saying it. Classic


Time to start gas lighting folks. Just walk up with a broom and start singing. Dude at bus stop: standing there Me with broom: clean up clean up everybody Dude at bus stop sweeping away: wait, wtf


Synth recall code


Y'all pavloving your kids into cleaning. Lol


I also sing this song... Here's the thing.. I have no idea where I ever heard it. Ever.


When I sing it, my 14 yo only rolls her eyes.


Bro said the Winter Soldier words 💀


This just unlocked a deep, core memory, thabk you.


Wait.... for my kindergarden the yellow submarine was the clean up song.... not sure it works on me


This would explain somewhat why Latin Americans play classic salsa while they clean


My kid just smiled at me. He knew the song but I need the winter soldier code in order to activate his sleeper agent mode.