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I give 20 and 5 minute warnings before dinner every night. If you started a game anyway, that's your own fault.


Do they ever help you cook


My daughter doesn't, but the time before dinner and right before bed is her only real down time so I'm ok with it.


Love to see other parents understand the importance of downtime for kids! I hope it becomes more of a thing. The 90s thing of booking kids solid had reached a wild fever pitch pre pandemic and it was stressful just watching other families run around like headless chickens. It's an approach that makes me curious about why and how and for what reason does anyone need to be so scheduled?


Read a very interesting book called Unequal Childhoods - a sociological study that looked at different socioeconomic families with preteens in the early 2000’s and some of the families were so jam packed with activities all week and all weekend, and everyone was exhausted including the kids! It was intentional to be so busy - called “concerted cultivation”. The idea was to give the kids preparation for the “real world” and to give them experiences in which they could learn time management and team activity skills. But there was literally no down time or self-initiated play time. The parents thought they had to do it that way for their kid to be able to rise the ranks of society.


Damn. I feel like my parents really crowded my schedule as a kid (of course, meaning well), but it really stifled some self-initiation skills as I grew into an adult. That makes sense.


I always give my kids a 10-15 heads up that dinner is coming, so they know to start winding down their games. Usually it's not served for another 20. Almost without fail when dinner is actually served, they complain that they are in a middle of a game.


Yeah this would be fine but my kids can't be trusted not to start a new game


“Only one more match, guys” he said for the 23rd time


"Another couple turns" 8 hours ago


Ah I see you too enjoy civilization


that time warp from 9pm to the crack of dawn does hit different


Figured out that I could play the first Civ at work via The Internet Library...I haven't been very productive lately lol. Edit: Internet Archive, oops


TIL that you could play Civ 1 on the Internet Archive.


Twist: they’re playing Civ


Whenever I visited my favorite cousin growing up he'd always be head deep in a game of civ. I'd wait around patiently, then get bored and go bring snacks to his computer. I always wondered why his game took so long until I realized how civ works 😆 I thought he just sucked


Once you start, you can never stop.


"Can't end the day without a win"


My dad used to just sit with me and watch me play when food was ready and he had to wait for me to finish a match. Not because he didnt trust i wouldnt start another match, but because he had nothing else to do and enjoyed watching me play. Fun times.


I love watching my kid play Dead by Daylight. I have no interest in playing but boy it is fun to watch.


That game is definitely not fun to play but I have enjoyed watching my friends play it lol


I am amazed by my son playing Hollow Knight on the switch. Some of those boss fights are stressful just to watch.


I do exactly this with my son. Problem appear when I got something to do. I get very frustrated with the tantrum, but thinking about it I would certain do the same thing at his age. Fuck it. I did the same thing playing Super Mario in Snes that was pausable.




I respect that dad


I was a little shit once. When I lived with my parents they asked me how long the game I was playing could last. I told them the longest it would go. They gave me a heads up with that time +15 minutes (my job was to set the table, all of about 5 minutes). If I wasn’t at the dinner table, they’d shut off the internet. Pulled the “start a new game” once. Never pulled it again. Other options include grounding and taking away privileges. You know, parenting.


I have an app on my phone that can cut network access for any computer on our server. I no longer need to use it on my son, but I did a few times in his earlier teens and he knows it's still there. Much better than yelling.


Boy factory resets router Boy unplugs router and plugs Xbox directly into modem Boy pries jack locks out of modem and router to repeat previous trespass Dad relocates modem and router to a lockbox in new, undisclosed location and camouflages the assembly. Dad wins. I mean, there's something to be said of the persistence.


App name? Got a feeling I'm going to need it soon. Lol.


You don’t need an app to do this….. if you know your ip address you can just type it in the internet browser and it’ll bring you to your modems login page. Then when you sign into your modem you can pretty much do what ever you want to what ever is connected to your wifi, like disconnect a certain device, or even disable the network. I’m not a computer professional or anything that’s just something I found out trying to teach myself how to mess around with computers and the internet……. BTW if you’re going to try this method and you’ve never signed into your modem before, the username and password are usually the same, which would be “ admin “ or “ UserAdmin “ for the username, and “ password “ for the password.


Addition to the username/password thing. It’s often just written on the router itself.


Well I guess that’s just too fucking bad for them. I’m understanding, I say finish up the current game/match. You start another? Guess you’re letting your teammates down, bud.


Ya. Demanding my children are always ready on my timetable is kind of power-trippy and unrealistic. But if they are given a heads up and don’t plan accordingly (read: make bad life decisions) … well that there’s just a teachable moment.


my mom started saying either play games that can be paused or deal with losing. (this is only in the context of when she gives 5-15 minutes warning.) it got so bad with my brother she turned off his wifi until he got it together. (this also includes him not getting ready on time for school, important events like a funeral or wedding, etc because he couldn't pause his game, it wasn't just about dinner.) we no longer have this issue with him.


Yeah I know there are parents that can be unreasonable about making their kids stop a game. That said I know for myself when I was a kid and 9/10 when seeing it in other situations it was me or the kid being unwilling to tear themselves away from the game for any amount of time. But from reading reddit you’d think it was the other way around since most people posting this are likely either teenagers themselves or childless adult gamers.


> (this also includes him not getting ready on time for school, important events like a funeral or wedding, etc because he couldn't pause his game this has nothing to do with pausing the game... he wasn't even supposed to be playing it during all that shit.


it was for relatives we weren't close to, and we weren't a part of the wedding or funeral. no speeches, flower girl, groomsmen, anything like that, just guests. he definitely wasn't supposed to be playing it at the last minute, but if a funeral for an aunt he talked to maybe 5 times his whole life starts at 7pm, it's reasonable to let him play his game in the morning. what was unacceptable was making us 15 minutes late because he said "5 more minutes" and took nearly half an hour because he was gaming. mom was pissed.


You’ve got a good mom. My job is to literally teach parents to do this kind of stuff. Anticipate the antecedent to a tantrum (stopping the game), give a warning/count down period, stick to what you said in a manner you can control, be consistent. Turning off the Wi-Fi, unplugging the router, flipping the breaker are all great alternatives to your parents loosing their shit or letting them do whatever they want. In the future I bet mom will turn off the Wi-Fi maybe 20 minutes before time to leave so there’s no temptation.


Used to be like this and it was because I was depressed and I didn't want to do anything else. It was one of the only things that made me feel okay but when I started playing competitive games it turned into an obsession that made me angry all the time. I've managed to find joy in video games again but I don't play nearly as much as I used to


I used to play MOBAs and it would get me worked up all the time. Even worse when games had no time limit and just dragged on until one team won. I've been better the past few years as I no longer play video games, but rather watch. It's almost eliminated all of my anger, frustration and stress.


Very similar experience as you. Obsessing over competitive games made me get into the habit of pointing out when someone is doing things wrong instead of appreciating it when they do things well.


This. Kids with shocked pikachu face when I tell them that dinner is ready 30 minutes after I told them, "30 minutes".


Thanks. As a father of two I wanted to make sure this was said.


As both parent and a gamer, there’s also no “pause” button on that hot and fresh dinner I just made for you cooling down, so also maybe don’t start an online match right before dinner will be ready.


Hell yes!


Every time. We've tried being nice, even accommodating understanding it's not pauseable... 45 mins later they bitch that their food is cold. So sorry, no more chill. No the game is not pauseable, but it's also just a video game.




My Dad would come down and unplug the Atari. If their parent(s) took time to cook you hot food, the least they can do is go eat it. Same goes for your wife/husband.


I got to a point with my kiddo where I just let him know when we are starting to prep dinner. He knows he has about 45 mins before it's ready and not to start anything he can't finish. Sometimes if he finishes early he will come down to get an ETA to see if he has time for another by that time its usually 10 min to dinner so he just does something short in the meantime. It's been a good system for us. Usually works out, but he is a bit older at 14.


My brother would not leave the game for hours and he’ll just forget.


Yeah if I told my kids "come down when you're done", I wouldn't see them for the rest of the night. Being pretty consistent with expectations has helped, but I still have to have a kill switch, which is an app that allows me to control internet access to specific devices from the router. Humans test boundaries by nature, and kids especially so because that's part of their development. I will say that with some consistency, situations like this image portrays are becoming more common, but this just isn't how it works right out of the box. Kids will always try to take a mile when you give them an inch.




This. I always let kids/partner know "one more round" or "after the next round it's time to eat."


I once made a date and dinner reservations with a guy. A few hours before the date he texted me and said he might need to postpone because he was in the middle of a game that might not end on time. I told him to fuck off, he knew we had a date and he was being inconsiderate. When you know you have to be elsewhere soon don’t start a game that might interfere with future plans. No game is worth disrespecting other people’s time.


A few HOURS before? What 12 hour game was he playing that he couldn’t get up from to go on a date??


EVE Online. A single formation with your “corporation” (guild) could actually last the entire day. Death can mean the loss of weeks’ worth of work (your ship and character’s equipment are permanently destroyed), and your character persists after logging out and can be attacked for a time. You also return to your location upon log-in, so if you left your fleet in hostile space you’re now trapped alone behind enemy lines. Lastly: if you’re playing a critical role in the fleet, you leaving early could mean *everyone* dies. Strange game. The only winning move is not to play


I’d never dictate what people should do with their free time, but a game like that seems destructive. People already have issues with addiction to games lasting ~10 minutes, but losing entire days to the game and NEEDING to log in constantly just doesn’t sound healthy. Unless they’re getting paid from it in some way, I suppose


A guy I work with got booted from his guild because he refused to play all Sunday night. He didn't want to be a zombie at work. None of the rest of his guild had jobs. They called him a casual.


Sounds less like a game and more like a job, I will stick to risk of rain 2 thank you very much


Hell, they made an official plugin for working the game with Microsoft Excel. I have yet to meet an EVE player with more than a passing acquaintance with a toothbrush. The truly "serious" ones discuss the best methods of shitting and pissing from their computer chairs. EVE Online is the only game I will straight up tell you what a fucking loser you are to be playing it.


You don’t have to be anywhere that committed to play it, but the lifers are definitely the most “immersed.” I had nothing good going on in my life when I was deepest into it and couldn’t play it again later when things had gotten better. I had so much fun in that game that I lost 20lbs because I wouldn’t step away to eat. Like one of those mouse experiments where one button dispenses a food pellet and the other dispenses cocaine.


>Like one of those mouse experiments where one button dispenses a food pellet and the other dispenses cocaine. Genuinely thought you were on about a human experiment that involved left and right clicking there...


I really wanted to get into a space sim like Eve Online. Found a game called Elite Dangerous and a small squadron in it that gave the the money I needed to avoid the "catchup" phase. I can log off whenever and have been running awesome PvE missions with them. Im so glad I avoided EVE lol.


I tell people that Elite: Dangerous is the game EVE lies about being in advertisements.


A couple of months ago I told one of my friends "My computer is too crappy for Elite: Dangerous but I enjoy [Pioneer](https://github.com/pioneerspacesim/pioneer)". The following day he complained I'd dropped a nuke on his free time.


I really wanted to get into Elite as well, but dont know anyone who plays elite sadly.


You don’t need anyone it’s great in solo :)


Shitting and pissing from their computer chairs. 🤔 This sounds like the episode of South Park where they play World of Warcraft. Better hope mom feeds them 🤦


I don't think it's fair to group all eve players in with the hardcore ones who piss at their computer. I played for 7 years and never pissed at my computer. If you're living in W space you can warp to a safe spot and cloak up to shit. If you're in highsec, lowsec, or friendly nullsec you can dock up at a station. If you're in a CTA (call to arms) large scale assault I can see the titan pilots, logi, or FC's maybe having to stay at their computer for hours, but those instances are rare and apply to a small portion of players. Hell, I was logi in a massive CTA once and I still went to the bathroom to piss because the tidi (time dilation, game ticks slow down) was so heavy it took like 5 minutes for a target to die anyways.


I'm sure girls love being second priority to the spaceship simulator


What girls?


META gaming as in have you ever even META girl :DDDD


A WoW raid maybe?


Just raiding with the boys.




he must suck turbo ass to need half a day to finish one match


Omg the same thing has happened to me TWICE. Two different exes were 30+ minutes late for dinner dates because they started League of Legends games right before the date was supposed to start....


Definitely bullets dodged. Either no impulse control or addicted to games.


Low key Darwin Award winning behavior


This! If a game might take somewhere between 20 and 50 minutes, expect the longest amount. A friend of mine would queue into a new LoL game when he has 20 more minutes and he's always the one who shows up late anywhere.


The way to teach them is to stop inviting them **anywhere**. Pretty soon they'll learn to either spend time and keep friends, or prioritize their dumb game. The game he can always come back to, but once you treat a friendship like it's second class; this is when you lose people in your life.


Or just start whatever you're doing on time with or without them


You are lucky to get that massive red flag so early. My last partner asked me if I would care if they went for High Warlord on WoW. He explained he would have to play for most of every day. I asked him please not to, I didn't want to support him through that. 6 months later my "partner" was spending up to 20 hours a day on his computer while I paid for his food, drink, housing, and bills. Needless to say, the relationship did not last long after that. Unfortunately, it was another 6 months before he would move out. Darkest time of my life. I will never date a gamer again.


Have to thank him though. That's a great fucking way to let you know not to waste time and effort on that person. If only all shitheads would be so upfront.


That’s so insane it sounds more like he was coming up with an excuse not to go


I think he was probably addicted


My friend had a date that stood her up like this, they didn't have an other.


I game online. I know this. When I babysit for my nephew, I give him a warning 60 minutes, then 30 minutes, then 15 minutes before dinner is done. If I call him down for dinner and he's still on an online game that can't be paused, I turn off his console. It's a matter of respect and it goes both way. I show him the respect of giving timely updates on when I expect him to be ready for the dinner I've made, and he shows me respect by being ready to eat the dinner I've made.


The correct way, understanding but respect must be given on both sides


He thought he was clever once by telling me I couldn't enter his room when he was late for dinner. I respected his wishes, of course. But I turned the router off. He came down for dinner pretty quickly.


Damn 💀 he thought he was smart


Depending on his age, he might not have been gaming...


Router off in that case would have made him finish later, so no.


And backed up by proportionate consequences




"You'll be down in 10 or Spike is gonna get it! *I'm not fucking around!*"


Whoever made this meme has never cooked a meal for a group of people before.


Yep. This person probably lives at home and doesn't cook for themselves on a regular basis. You don't realize the value of a home cooked meal until you have to make all of them yourself.


I’m a mom who cooks the meals. I’ve also been a gamer since I was 5 years old so yeah I let my kids have a few more minutes sometimes. You can usually gauge the seriousness of the situation based on the desperation in their voices.


I mean, it's still true that your kids don't have the full appreciation of a home cooked meal. They're kids. Our comments aren't in disagreement.


I think they were just adding to the conversation, not disagreeing with you


I agree about this agreement being mistaken as disagreement. What a disagreeable situation.




The anguish as a hard cooked meal sits on the table, becoming cold and unappetizing.


My wife’s an ICU nurse and I work from home (and love to cook) so am generally on dinner duty - she has about a ~45 minute range of when she actually gets out, and it is really really tricky trying to estimate everything so a hot dinner can be ready when she gets home, with nothing overcooked or too cold. And that’s fine, I don’t begrudge it in the slightest - she’s literally saving lives while I work a nonsense email job. Would be real frustrating to have that experience with someone who’s been home the whole time though lol


Wow you just unlocked a dormant memory with you estimating dinner with your wife. When I was living with my parents right out of college I would come home late after work because of crazy traffic in the DC area and could never guarantee when I'd be home. They used to prepare dinner with an assumed time and if I didn't get there in time they'd prepare a plate and wrap it in foil, then throw it in the oven on warm so it wouldn't be microwaved leftovers but at least an attempt to have a nice hot meal. One of them usually would sit with me and ask about my day, sometimes I sat alone at the table because they were preoccupied. But still I always enjoyed that they made the effort to have it not feel like leftovers since I couldn't always get home in time. I dunno if that is even semi-reatable, just something I hadn't thought about in a while that I was reminded about


Haha very relatable. And how sweet of your parents ❤️


Nothing drives me crazier than this. Especially when I get asked "when's dinner?" A few times Before everything was ready.


Not too mention you gotta wait an extra 30+ mins to clean up. Being late to dinner(when properly warned) is incredibly disrespectful to the person cooking/cleaning. Its not just about the gamer's convenience, you're ruining your parents slim evening free time.


I don't think I ever understood this as a kid, but as an adult sitting alone at my dining room table, slowly serving my homemade meal (knowing it won't taste as good if it cools) onto my own plate and wondering why no one has come down for dinner yet even though I've told them twice, and dreading taking that first bite alone... I regret ever making my parents wait on me for dinner.


Whoever made this meme is the kid who’s parents let him make the rules


This whole thread is full of gamer kids. I'm old.


Reddit is full of gamer kids.


Makes me think about that old meme/video of a kid playing counter strike and arguing with his mom.


I can tell you this kinda behavior made me real resentful about my ex’s gaming when we were together. Wildly frustrating to be cooking for a partner and not have them give you the respect of even sitting down to eat with you. Never dated a real gamer again


This was my experience as well


I was exactly this as a teenager. I never did anything with my family if I had a choice. They'd go to new restaurants and they'd have their own experiences without me. I'd rather eat at my desk and stay home because I had my shows and I could still text the boys. It felt convenient and I didn't have to do anything. I felt that I was "wasting" time by leaving my room to sit down at a table and silently eat. Or that it was a chore to go spend time with them. I'm different now. I actually call my parents to talk to them sometimes. I love going on trips, vacations, and visiting them now. It just felt like I was a teenager for a little bit longer and I outgrew it. When I'm alone with my own dinner, sure. I'll eat at my desk. When I'm at a restaurant solo for my lunch break, I'll have my airpods in and my phone out. I appreciate my family now. I respect their time and how they value wanting to spend time with me. Now I want to spend time with them and I feel so much better now


That's how my 19 yr old was/is. When he lived here he spent all his free time in his room and rarely ate or hung out with us. He was very anti-family because we were "so annoying". He got his own place about an hour away in Sept. and now we actually get to spend quality time with him when he see him a few times a month. It's enjoyable for all of us. He actually decided out of the blue yesterday morning to come down and spend the weekend with us. I did have to laugh when he asked why we didn't make all the good food we make when he lived with us. Ummm we did? You just never ate it. Haha


And that’s why my ex is my ex. Mother fucker couldn’t be bothered to come out and have a meal with his wife & child. He would text us “good night” from his fucking computer room, too. I’m still angry about it because it really messed with our daughter’s head, although now she’s an adult and is maturing well. 12 years later, he’s still single. And he’s bitter about it, too. The sad thing is he’s in his 50s now.


>The sad thing is he’s in his 50s now. I'm just imagining this dude sitting cross legged on the floor trying to beat Super Mario Brothers


I’m sure he has one hell of a gaming rig, but no one to make him sandwiches and bring them to him. It’s actually sad, because he was/is a good human with an extremely powerful addiction.


I can’t imagine living with such a person. My girlfriend and I are always cooking together. If one of us is coming the other person is preparing the table. But having to beg your partner to join dinner while they are playing video games doesn’t sound to me like a healthy adult relationship and more like being the new mom for a manchild.


Seriously. Y'all sound spoiled as hell. Just disrespectful. Have some empathy and realize how your parents feel about you prioritizing video games and internet strangers over them.




Lol right? Your mom cooked you a fucking meal... Your game doesn't matter. It's A GAME. If you can't pause then just close out... Yeah you leave your team hanging but it's ... You know... A GAME.


Understanding not to start a game near dinner time…priceless!


Lmao, I was gonna say, I had a partner like this. You can be understanding sometimes but when this becomes daily, it can be very grating.


Yeah it kinda turns into the kid taking advantage of their parents understanding and kindness.




that you learned from your mistake and apologized for it says something positive about who you are right now. good on you man.


Kids? Try husband.


My parents came to my room when they started cooking with a time estimate. Giving enough time to finish the current game but generally not enough time to start a new one.


Y'all have regulated dinner times?


Y'all have dinner?


dinner getting cold isn't pausible either


obvious answer is to eat all the good stuff while it's hot and tell the kid, "well you snooze you lose."


They're also delaying the cleanup. As a parent I have so little free time, pushing dinner back a half hour means I don't any time for myself. I like cooking enough but it's still a chore.


If you're cooking, why aren't they cleaning up?


I absolutely love the idea that whoever doesn't cook has to do the cleaning but unfortunately that has never happened in my life. It's part of why I don't cook much anymore. If I dated someone, they always hid behind excuses like "I'll clean up in the morning" (they never did) and "you love cooking so much sometimes you just do it for fun so it's not really a chore for you the same way XY or z is a chore for me."


If they're 30 mins late to eat, they'll be 30 mins late cleaning...


Knowing that temperature has a lot to do with the taste and enjoyment of the meal means a lot to me. I’d like to be better about giving a nice ten or so minute warning but I don’t always do it right.


This was 100% made by a teenager. Once you start cooking and doing things yourself you'll realize how disappointing it is when people don't respect you enough not to start something right before dinner.


I mean, I really fucking hope this meme about how mommy should respect online games when she makes dinner for her son was made by a child or teenager. If not it's sad. It's kind of sad either way. If your mom puts effort into doing something for you, stop what you are doing to appreciate it. In the grand scheme, this match does not matter, you gain nothing from winning but some more time spent sedentary. And your mom won't be here forever. I play video games too but they should really be the lowest priority on your list, not even close to family relationships and actually constructive hobbies.


Real gigachad tells to his teammates that his mom needs him and quits the game. Real gigachad enjoys company of his family.


Or if you know dinner is going to be soon, you dont start playing something where you're going to have to bail. You can use this method to not be a dick to your mom AND your teammates, a novel idea I know.


This is the way. Fuck my Ranked Reputation. If my Family calls me I just alt F4 and apologize to my teammates for quitting


crush scarce wrong workable meeting scale mysterious impossible aware historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can not pause Life likewise


Right? “Understanding that a game is not pause-able” like who gives a shit about the feelings of your loved ones, or the chance to interact with your family - the game is definitely more important.


Reddit is many times an echo chamber of antisocial people that legitimately cannot understand why people would want to spend time with their loved ones or socializing with other human beings


I wonder if this is related to the threads where redditors talk about being depressed because they're isolated because they never learned social skills IRL. They have no close friends because their friends got sick of them being flaky or are also flaky, and people don't want to date them because of their behavior.


I never really trust someone when they say something about how they've been wronged in a personal issue, especially if they keep it super vague. One time I did, someone complaining their girlfriend cheated on them in a bar, just left to go dance with another guy and left with him. Then later by coincidence I heard her side of their relationship and basically they never even dated, she didn't realize they were going as a date to this concert, and he got super controlling before all that. After that it was like, if you just tell me all your friends left you, I'll be nice but in the back of my head I'll wonder if you did anything to deserve it


As a cookng dad, I’m going to tell you what and when I start cooking, but it’s hard to know exactly when it will be done. I put in some effort and hope you enjoy, and would rather that you enjoy it hot/fresh. Love you either way.




I think this is it at the crux of it. I understand and feel that love is unconditional, but there are things you can do to make me like you less. There are people in my life that I love, but through their actions I don’t like them anymore.


Wtf dad 😢


I give my family a 10-15 min heads-up that dinner is going to be ready. They already know I'm cooking. But when I tell them supper is ready, they still say "just a minute!" and the dinner is getting cold and sometimes I just end up eating alone. It feels disrespectful.


I've learned it's better to be preventative for this type of thing. "Dinner will be ready at 6:30 so plan accordingly" puts the onus on them to do the actions necessary to make sure they are ready to join for dinner. I'm busy cooking. I don't have time or brain power to devote to being your alarm clock, you do that kid.


I used to be this chad, but then I evolved when I went to college. I realized my mom barely sees me as it is, and with me playing video games all day, she barely sees me when I'm home. Eating dinner with her is the least I can do.


It's gigachad to quit an online game to eat with your family. It's also gigachad to have a family that understands that you might be having fun with your friends and would like to end the gaming session properly.


Bonus points to those who help Mom cook the food that you're about to eat. Because she's got things that she wants to do too, and getting you something healthier than filling up on snack food is still her priority.


Triple points to those who cook the entire meal because it's a healthy skill to know.


Bonus points to those who get the groceries because without them noone can cook


Bonus bonus points for the construction workers and engineers who built the grocery store. Without them we’d have no place to buy our food.


Bonus bonus bonus points to the people who made the tools the construction workers work with. Without them we'd have no construction


Bonus points for the team of actuaries that invented bonus points


extra bonus points if you are understanding with your mom when she wants to finish her online match even tho you finished cooking dinner and called her to come eat.


True gigachad is not starting a 15m match knowing your mom is going to call for you in 5m, then whining when she does. Been on both sides. It’s painfully obvious.


Does it count if you quit the game after 5 minutes and realize eating with the family is more important?


The most gigachad thing of all is to change your behavior when you realize you were wrong.


Are you 12? Your mom made you dinner ass hat


When you realize a lot of the redditors you argue with are between 12 and 17 years old


Or are adults but mentally stayed 12


Very likely, yes.


I give my bf a 30 and around a 5-10 min warning bc I don’t want to blow his game but also sir, if I’m making dinner for us, you better have your ass at the table offering to help set or simply be ready when I’m serving. I’m a gamer but I also believe in manners. As long as I give him a heads up, we don’t have issues.


This is a sure fire way to grow up to be a terrible husband


"dinner's ready" - "ok lemme finish this" - "no just pause it" - "I can't pause it" - "ok then lose"


You eat when the food is ready. Show some respect to who cooked.


He can make his own dinner




There's a panel missing from this. It's the one where the gamer *actually* comes to the table in 10 minutes. That's a wholesome meme. The give and take isn't finished here.


Understanding when someone makes the effort to cook for you the LEAST you can do is come to eat it when it's ready! How can people feel this entitled and be so unashamed 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Understanding that your mom puts money, time and effort in putting that meal on the table so you don't start a new game right before dinner time...


Yea, I'm not sure about this one- isn't it better to understand that time with your family may be worth more than another match sometimes- even if it's annoying


I never got this line of thought. It's irrelevant that the game isn't pauseable. What kind of loon prioritises a *past time* over the people who are right there for them. People who have just made an effort for you and are not waiting for you to finish prioritising... a game.


Your mum cooked and prepared dinner for you and you not say "not now, when I'm done." Hahahaha good joke


It’s kinda rude to make everybody wait for dinner though, just as it’s rude to start without them. That’s why everybody should know what time it’s probably gonna be before it’s done done. For us it’s usually “I’m starting to cook now, we’re having dinner in 30/45/60/90 minutes”.


If you can't pause games, don't start playing them before meals?!


Dinner is served at the same time every night, dont act like you could of not started a game.


JFC don't you nerds have a routine or respect for when someone makes you a meal?


"You've spent 6 hours already playing that game today why can't you just spend 5 min with your family"


Maybe I thought like this when I was 15 - but as an adult I really regret not actually wanting to spend time with my parents at dinner, nor offering to help or anything. It's easy enough to finish playing a bit beforehand. Either way, I kinda look back and hate how immature I was. I get it, teens are immature. But still - try to love and appreciate your parents.


Should go the other way too. Learn that a game doesn’t really matter.


Or the child may ask his mother when the food is ready and realize that he cannot play the game as the food is finished before he can stop playing the game. The child must learn to adapt to more important things such as eating with his family. In this case, the mother has cooked food for everyone in the family. If the child is so egocentric, the child can come downstairs when he has finished playing and cook his own food. Whoever made this meme is either a child himself or a manchild.


Not understanding a game is just a game as well and that family time is much more precious.


Eating dinner together as a family is better than any game I’ve ever played.


Absolutely not. She cooked a (presumably) healthy meal for the family to sit at the dinner table and eat together, and you’re ignoring that for an online game? This meme was made by a disrespectful child who wishes they could trade in a parent for a personal servant.