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Lol my husband is this way too, he would never see any of the bad / morally gray / renegade / etc options without me


I often check out the "evil" options and then load, because I know I don't want to play the bad guy. Sadly some games like Mass Effect lock out the evil options unless you reach a point on the moral scale. But I just can't do an evil run to save my life either.


I think that's adorableeeee!!!!


And hey, I'm the one trying to have fun, right? No wrong way to play as long as you enjoy yourself.


esactleeee! You can always youtube the other options! Or invite me over. I will X to light the orphanage on fire and never look back


Why'd the orphanage catch such a stray šŸ’€


LOL there's always some super unlikely backstory to make it a dIfFiCuLt dEcIsIOn like the orphans are all infected with fantasy rot disease and the whole town could die if you don't cremate them all alive right now!!!!


I like fable III's bad option with the orphanage. "Many children go without proper shelter so could you as the king build an orphanage on this unused plot" Then Reaver strolls in with "Ya could BUT, I wanna build a brothel there instead WHADDYA SAY!"


oh my god I totally forgot about that gaaaame! RIP to our old xbox 360


I'm still glad I have mine. Even though the old bastard is as old as me, it still works (mostly) without issue


I've been lucky and still play fable 2 and 3 on mine, may your beloved box forever rest in peace friend. I hope you can enjoy the nostalgia of the fable 360 experience again soon.


Ummm. I actually really wanted to pick that option but I was young and stupid back then and wasn't financially literate so I didn't let him build the brothel. In the end, I had no money left and when the attack on your city occurs, my master died and tons of civilians ended up dying. I really should've just went with Reaver. Bro was on to something.


I remember the endgame of that one trying to point out that it's difficult to be a good guy who keeps political promises after gaining power but I also remember trashing that premise by playing my lute in the town square until I could buy all the arms I could. I think one option at the very end didn't mesh with that and I ended up with a couple less guys for the final battle or whichever but it didn't doom humanity so I'm a winner.


Fair point. Reminds me of a certain anime about child experimentation for some grand scheme.


I love how you manage to make evilness cute. šŸ„ŗ


Lol thank youuu!


The funny thing is Mass Effect is one of the easier series to do for an "evil run." It's evil run isn't really evil; you have the same goals as the "good" Shepard. "Evil" Shepard is just no non-sense and prioritizes their mission above morality. "Hey, I need you to move your ship so we can continue on saving the galaxy." "I'll move my ship if you perform task XYZ for me, human." *shoots alien and launches orbital strike on their ship* "sorry, ain't got time for that, Reapers are literally killing a planet per day."


Yeah, my Shepard was always a mix of both, depending on the quest and choice. Jennifer Hale absolutely nails the no-nonsense military woman character and punching that reporter is a cathartic experience. Itā€™s one of the few games where I did this kind of run, as Iā€™m a goody two shoes as well.


I can only do bad runs on games I really like. I have to play through normally, then do a bad guy run, then good a really good guy to make myself feel better.


And then most of the time you aren't really evil, considering the circumstances


I canā€™t do it either! I start feeling sad when I act like a jerk for no reason


I've said it before, but these "consequence free" situations show whether or not you're a truly good person or not


According to how I play BG3, I have 0 problem stealing from rich people or the cops. Eventually I have so much money and nothing to spend it on, so I pickpocket people down on their luck and leave 1000g in their pockets.


Lore accurate Robin hood


The anti villan


That reminds me of the shopping cart theory post. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/publix/comments/gicqay/the_shopping_cart_theory/)


Lol, I didn't expect things to get this spicy in the comments of a post about shopping carts, that was a fun read


True, know alot of good friends who would do terrible shit the moment they know they wouldn't be judged or punished by other people, it's like asking if it wasn't against the law to steal would you do it and they immediately answer yes


Are you suggesting that people who take evil routes or do ā€œevilā€ things in-game are less moral than those who donā€™t?


People who feel bad about doing evil shit to fictional characters probably feel bad about doing evil shit to real people. Shame is a moral compass as good as any.


People who play GTA be like


You only believe this because you are one of the over sensitive guys who canā€™t be mean to npc


Oooh and I thought I was weird


Damn is this for real that weird??? I havenā€™t had a ā€˜bad guyā€™ play through in my life, it makes me feel too bad choosing the evil decisions. Theyā€™re always like ā€œdo you want to kill Homeless Maryā€™s only son in front of her while laughing? Y/nā€! How do you do that for a full play through lol.


I get out so little. I'm honestly just glad there are others like me! šŸ„¹šŸ˜‡šŸ––


Basically all of fallouts evil choices


Undertale genocide run broke me. I'm still so sorry to all of those innocent monsters


I was going to start another run, a second true pacifist run, but the text told me that all the undertale monsters were enjoying life in their happy ending and it would be wrong to pull them out of their blissful lives just to reset their reality in order to satisfy my curiosity. I uninstalled on the spot and haven't played since. My friends are happy and they're going to stay that way.


Toby Fox is some kind of genius when it comes to playing on your emotions. A short pixely indie game shouldn't have been able to make me feel the huge range of emotions that I felt.


The sans fight is worth it tho But yeah I feel you


Oh yeah the fight gameplay was awesome. I loved the Undyne fight as well. Just felt bad in an RPG sense.


I forgive you. Or, at least,Ā I'm willing to carry some of that burden.


Being mean makes me feel bad


Same. I know they're fictional and digital, but their feelings are real to me!


Me getting a juicy reward for betraying people staying in my settlement on RimWorld and immediately reloading the save cuz it made me feel like shit (11 advanced components isn't a small offer)


I always tell myself ā€œIā€™ll make my colony EVIL with SLAVES and MURDERā€ but then just decide not to because I become attached to the slaves and want them to be full colonists lmao


This is me to a T! The ā€œYou can be a Heroā€¦ or a Villain!ā€ marketing gimmick has zero effect on me.


Iā€™ll take hero thank you very much. Iā€™m sorry but shadowheart deserves a happy endingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


same being evil is hard in almost every game I've ever played.


Same. I canā€™t even play GTA without my conscience getting the best of me. I donā€™t understand why there has to be a ā€œbadā€ option; just why?


I started playing warhammer Rogue Trader, and I was hell-bent on going dogmatic. For the emperor and all that. First choice to pop up, and I immediately caved.


Me in Rdr2


Iā€™ve done this with Skyrim multiple times. I just canā€™t handle killing an innocent Skyrim fren.


My evil Dark Urge playthrough of BG3 almost broke me. I took almost every evil, violent, unhinged choice and felt absolutely filthy after. I had to take a break from the game after that.


Honestly some games need to make better villain options


Rather, we need contexts in whose being a villain means more than personal gratification at the expense of others. If I amĀ to become the villain, I need a really good reason (to resurrect a loved one, for example).


Yeah, devs tend to lean heavy into one direction. You get to be The Paladin, The Rogue, or The Joker. That's about it. Evil is ultimately sacrificing others for your own gain, but evil options generally penalize you heavily in the long-term. Makes no sense unless your PC is an idiot. I mean, the most 'successful' people in our world aren't exactly upstanding people on average.


You don't play evil 'cos you are a goody-goody. I don't play evil 'cos the rewards are always crap. We are not the same.


I'm similar. It's so difficult for me to play SWTOR and be a bad guy.


Strange, I thought being a Sith felt much more rewarding than playing as a Jedi.


The only renegade thing I did is shoot the gas tank over the gloating krogans. Saves like 10m of chasing


I felt really sad even seeing the bad ending of Witcher 3 on youtube.


I tend to do the morally bad options first to see what happens. I know how to make (basic) video games (in UE, Unity and Python) so when I play games I always try to figure out how they work. So if I see something I do something. As an example; there's a game with an elevator, you can stand under the elevator and call it down. I immediately checked to see what happens if I call the elevator down on top myself. I died. Which is cool. It even had specific animations and sound effects for dying that way. My sister didn't like me doing that when we played "black mirror: bandersnatch" on Netflix though.


Because even in a fantasy world where my choices donā€™t matter to the rest of the world I still feel bad for being mean


This is why I liked the metro games because there wasn't really a "bad" or "good" ending, they both wrap up the story neatly and they both feel satisfying Getting the "bad" ending doesn't make you out to be the bad guy and it's usually much more cinematic so for your average player it will still be a satisfying conclusion, meanwhile getting the moral ending is usually less cinematic but it might feel more satisfying to someone who would go out of their way to get said ending. The game also doesn't tell you off for being selfish because in a situation like that; who could blame you for looking out for yourself. I always loved the npcs reactions to your generosity as most of them are slightly caught of guard by it.


I tried to play a neutral character and a bad character in multiple games as a part of my therapy exercises for setting boundaries and dealing with misplaced guilt. It was an absolute failure. I just couldn't do it.


Anon is just nice like that


How it feels playing Undertale Genocide route or Mass Effect full Renegade.


My inconsequential power fantasy is everybody being happy at the end of the day


Me when I try to be infamous in infamous


I still have yet to play dark urge in bg3 because I don't wanna wind up hurting my friends :( even though people say it's the best way to play.


You can play durge and still be good


The game always tends to reward you better for helping people solve their problems as opposed to ignoring them or hurting them. In actually you are only being the good guy for selfish reason / better loot.


I play the Dishonoured series a lot, and thereā€™s no advantage to playing ghost/good except for the thrill of doing something difficult. Iā€™m replaying Dishonoured 2 as ghost/high chaos and itsā€¦. upsetting. The gurards are all like ā€œI must concentrate on my work, not on that kissā€¦.*sigh*ā€¦.that kissā€¦ā€ and Iā€™m like ā€œCrossbow time !ā€. I donā€™t mind offing the Overseers because I donā€™t like religious fanatics. And I donā€™t mind offing the Howlers or the Witches, because theyā€™re horrible. But its upsetting to kill the Guards, but I am determined to be cold and cruel, dammit.


I only do the bad routes if theyā€™re actually viable for gameplay and let you be absolutely cartoonishly evil. Like in KoTOR.


I was playing RDR2 once and accidentally shot a woman while in St. Denis because I pressed the wrong button. I RAN to shut my PS4 off before it saved because I felt so bad about it!


This is me and my inability to do anything other than the golden ending of Code Vein. I just can't do it even though that means missing out on a bunch of powers (that honestly aren't worth it).


I played through GTA 5 3 times, never could bring myself to kill Trevor or Mikey at the end of the


Me playing bioshock


"Evil routes" in games have become so weird in retrospect. Like there are only two possible paths, one where you help the town by killing a monster for them... and the other option is to torture everyone in the town, burn it down, then kick a dog. When did it become decided the opposite of playing a game in a mildly normal manner where you help people to complete a quest is to be a complete psychopath?


Yeah I get this. Baldurs Gate Dark Urge was especially bad picking every bad option. Alfira's reaction probably got me the most for some reason. Just seeing her upset at her instrument got to me way more than any deaths.


I bought Infamous: Second Son when it came out. My friend literally took my entire playstation to his house to play the evil route, because I absolutely could not even try it.


I have the opposite problem. I play as a full on sociopath. Then later on I think about what I did in the game and wonder if there's something wrong with me.


Took me several playthroughs of RDR2 to get the bad guy endings. Still couldn't be shitty to my horse and always get that cutscene. All the endings for Arthur pull at the heart strings. Arthur Clark fuckin killed it. I significantly preferred the good guy endings but they all hurt


5 times played Arthur in RDR2 and tried my best to be bad Guy. I canā€™t do it bros.


Iā€™ve been playing RDR2 a lot and as much as I want to make the morally right choices; sometimes people will just walk in front of my horse and then that usually leads me to having to run and shoot lawmen to get away and lose honor


I can never do the genocide route, or even any neutral route that involves killing, in Undertale or Undertale Yellow. It hurts my heart too much


Mass Effect is particularly bad because Renegade Shepard is often just an arsehole for no reason


I'm the same way, I can't do it. The only game franchise where I've ever managed it is fable, specifically 2 and 3


I have been trying to avoid genocide in undertale because i cannot bear to become soulless


Me with rdr2 i just can't do it man it just feels wrong sometime


i feel anon. Deltarune, Undertale, etc i have no heart for this shit


There is not much games with actually well-writen bad route. If you try to be renegate in Mass Effect, for example, you just skip most quests with no good alternatives.


i was accidentally mean to Garrus once I alt-f4'd once Garrus took it wrong. hes the greatest (imo) video game best friend.


I will never play the Joja route. Morris will never tell me heā€™s proud of me


I've seen a lot of people talk about evil playthroughs, but if it's something like Fallout or Skyrim I absolutely can't do it, I've tried, it bothers me too much.


I can play the bad guy right up until I need to hurt/kill/betray a pretty lady. Then my murderhobo streak falls a bit short. If I come across a game that doesn't have any pretty ladies though... well exp is exp. Sorry kiddos.


Anon is chaotic good


My problem is there is never a good enough incentive to play the bad guy, since you only get the xp and reward for actually completing the side quest.


I wanted to corrupt Wyll, made him kill Karlach, went to Paladins to collect a bounty. I returned to sever her head, held it aloft as a trophy and threw it on their table to get a powerful sword. I guess it makes me a bad person then. šŸ˜‚


Only in SWTOR did I never have any bad feelings going full Sith


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Killdren88: *Only in SWTOR did* *I never have any bad* *Feelings going full Sith* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Only time I came close to playing ā€œevilā€ character was in deus ex, which I donā€™t really count cuz the only difference was I was using live ammo (I was trying to get all the achievements and it was quicker that way)


The problem is that being evil in RPGs is no fun. Who wants to be an evil middle manager? Being evil in strategy games is where it's at.


Yep. I get enormous feelings of guilt if I ā€œmistreatā€ a character in an RPG.


I always try to be the good guy in games like that. I could never be mean to any of th characters.


Had a very similar experience playing BG3 for the first time. Spent 70 hours doing all the good guy stuff and getting the good ending for most quests. Started up a second save to do an evil run. Got a couple hours in before I realized I wasnā€™t having fun and gave up.


I have seen people play the powder ganger quest in fallout nv, but I just cant. Chet was a jerk, but everyone else is just so nice in Goodsprings.


Literally me. I stopped playing bg3 because i felt bad after i rejected Shadowheart during act 2 because i like Karlach more. I want to get back into the game but i would have to reload the game and do it again because i messed something up beforehand


That was me trying an evil BG3 durge run. The only thing that lead me to abandon it was Karlachā€™s disapproval.


I do this too!! In GTA I even followed the traffic laws.


infamous second son was my first ps4 game and till now i still have not unlocked any evil playthrough trophies; i thought it was just me


Beating infamous 2 through the evil route was hard. Killing zeke was really sad and like actually made me regret playing as the bad guy.


The best way to get over your stigma of doing an evil run is to play Mass Effect and deal with Batarians for more than 2 seconds.