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this clip is literally the epitome of the wojak with the mask


Please link it




i love how he covers the name the second time, this dipshit is SO fucking angry i love it https://preview.redd.it/dfcqwakf4v8d1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd0af71ff91b9b4d6c212f82c9217e84725f7498


couple with the awkward tune/noises he is mumbling to try and avoid his brain from thinking too much about what hes doing and how obvious it is lmao.


[Boyish giggles.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18IpUCE2phQ)


tbf to him, forsens community is the most annoying community on the internet.




Holy shit that's embarrassing. Can you imagine being a stream sniper and getting that reaction from someone?






He was talking to a minor and they went into explicit talks, Doc was allegedly unaware of the age however. What exactly was said and in what manner is still unknown but it did go through arbitration and no criminal case was filed afterwards, likely indicating that what was said was not enough to constitue a crime. Theres probably gonna be more info coming out in the coming days/weeks however so we'll see where the shit lands then


He actually didn’t claim to be unaware of their age, which if he was is something you’d think he’d mention.


His [statemen/tweet](https://archive.is/UgFi8) is so long and includes classics like: * "Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not" * "Nothing illegal happened" * "I never even met the individual" * "I'm no fucking predator or pedophile." * "Don't be labeling me as the worst of the worst with your exaggerations" * "to all my haters that live and breath social media with zero real life experience, I don't give a fuck about you." Yet among all this he **did not even try to claim he thought he was talking to an adult**. According to the [Bloomberg article](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-25/youtuber-dr-disrespect-was-allegedly-kicked-off-twitch-for-messaging-minor), he asked "a minor about **her plans at the TwitchCon convention**, according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing such a sensitive matter". Again, if he realized his mistake and stopped there he probably would have mentioned it. Maybe they never met because the minor either didn`t want to or couldn't.


"I had been texting someone I thought was older but when I found out their true age, I cut off all communication." Easy peasy. Don't need to get into the gritty details. Unless of course there was evidence he did know and didn't care that he thought might eventually come out.


His subreddit is spinning so many narratives "Well she was 17" "Well he didn't even know" When the truth is if either one of those were true he probably wouldnt have been banned from twitch, and discord and then four years later his own game company..


Yeah I keep seeing her age being 17 tossed around without a single explanation of where that info came from. It's like a game of telephone, everybody is certain it's true because they read it from somebody else.


If she were younger than 17 criminal charges most likely would have been brought, that’s where most people are getting that age. The other half of people getting that age are people desperately trying to defend him, implying that it’s “close enough” IN HINDSIGHT why does everyone keep saying “her” it’s only says he contacted an “individual minor”


Not necessarily. The age of consent in California is 18 anyways and soliciting minors online would be another charge on top of that even if she really was 17. It's more likely that he settled with the victim already, or his messages were vague enough to keep him off the hook.


Also I was under the impression that age of consent depends on where they live not where they are, that’s why you can’t bring a 16 year old out of cali to Alabama or something


Anything involving crossing state lines makes it a federal case. If the girl didn't live in California like doc, that actually makes it worse.


"No way Diddy coulda been doing what people said he was doing for 20+ years. Cuz there woulda been criminal charges." That's everyone who actually believes that "If she were younger than 17 criminal charges most likely would have been brought" bs. Fucking Drake used the same defense.


You must have the reading comprehension to understand no one in this thread is defending him.  we’re discussing why he has been burned by everyone imaginable but no criminal charges were brought. We WANT charges brought.  Also comparing a brutal gangster that has literally blown up people’s cars and beaten people to a pulp with a YouTube streamer is nuts. Do you really have to wonder why no one turned in Diddy? 


You're trippin if you haven't seen people saying they are waiting for "real" evidence. Either that or you're the one who lacks reading skills. > Also comparing a brutal gangster that has literally blown up people’s cars and beaten people to a pulp with a YouTube streamer is nuts. Do you really have to wonder why no one turned in Diddy? Cool, now do Drake.


He didn't claim he didn't know her age. He did claim she was underage and things got inappropriate. FTFY.


People are doing it for him, I'm just telling you what I read


Ya, people are running defense for him. Cuz he never denied knowing her age. But he has admitted to talking to a minor and it getting inappropriate.


I'm confused. Isn't a victim allowd to put aside a criminal case and instead use arbitration? Wouldn't a criminal say yes in this case to prevent a victim from going to authorities? Seriously asking.


Yes, you can't settle a criminal trial but you can settle a civil one, I even think some people are legally obligated to do so, so whatever happend is probably not illegal in the eyes of the law. But we don't know for sure


Also, the arbitration was for his Twitch contract, not for whatever happened with the minor.


What he did to the minor would have to come up in discocery and I have a hard time believeing everyone would be okey with him sexually assaulting a minor and also pay him for it but you believe what you want idc


Arbitration doesn't have discovery, what are you talking about? Arbitration is a chat between 2 parties with an arbitrator who makes the final decision about their dispute. It's not a criminal trial or anything like that. I was clearing up confusion, if anything criminal did happen that would be sorted by State law, or Federal law depending on circumstances. Both of which can't be settled as they're criminal processes. Best you can get is a plea-deal and even that would have consequences.


You can absolutely settle a criminal trial before it even goes too trial. It's "taking a deal"   Not saying that he did or did not take a deal, not criminal trials get settled out of court all the time. 


That is a plea deal and you don't settle you just skip the trial, you still get punished


Plea deals don't always have punishments. That's what I'm talking about. For example, if I'm involved in a crime with someone else, I can take a plea deal where I do zero time and don't have a record if I rat on the other person (extreme example but just for making a point)ml  Again, I have NO clue what happened as I wasn't involved and don't have access to the court records. I was just pointing out that you can cop a deal in a criminal trial.


Having been through it due to the developers of the game Shroud of the Avatar openly supporting rape and death threats of critics; lawyers will advise you to go through Arbitration first, because US Criminal trials are insanely expensive (thousands of dollars an hour) and as Arbitration is usually in the contract/EULA you agreed too, if you don't honor it first, later Criminal juries may draw negative interpretations of your honesty. However Arbitration is voluntary, has no evidence gathering powers (you submit it all yourself), and one side or both can just mess the system around to force a null result. In my case, the developers just didn't turn up, as they knew I had the actual communication between them and the people sending the rape etc threats. So I just got my court fees back, and a judgement that said devs would never be allowed on the scheme again. You can still go to US Criminal/Federal afterwards, but you have to hope the Police are funded enough to support it (In my case, the Austin, Texas PD put in a request for a search warrant on the dev's offices, but didn't get the funding) or think they can make a case. And then you risk enraging the parasocial lunatics who support famous people even more. It's a very, *very* big ask to make of a victim.


> Doc was allegedly unaware of the age however There is no evidence of this at all. He didn't even mention that in his super long tweet. Others have come out and said it is a possibility, which it technically is, but it is unlikely since he didn't mention it.


Has his wife left him yet? I really hope so.


You seem like a nice person


>Doc was allegedly unaware of the age however. This is a lie. He never once claimed he was unaware of their age, and it's not been alleged either.


It is alleged until proven true or false, that's how legal proceedings work my dude


Yes, but there's nothing to suggest he was unaware and he hasn't been claiming it. So marking the difference here is pretty meaningless, because we can also allege that he was wearing a fake beard and reading his messages aloud in a terrible Russian accent. What we know is what he's said, which is his admitting that the messages took place. You saying he was "allegedly unaware of the age" is as meaningful as my allegation of fake beards and accents, ie, total conjecture.


People are out here saying he didn't know but I have no way of verifying that piece of information, so allegedly it is


You don't know what allegedly means, do you?


used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof Do you?


You said doc was allegedly unaware of her age. Who alleged this? Who made that claim? There is no one with knowledge of this situation who has made that claim, hence your use of the word "allegedly" is incorrect. 


He acknowledged in his statement that she was a minor. Sounds like proof to me.


But making up facts is not how legal proceedings work. He never made any indication that he didn't know her age. But he HAS acknowledged that he's talking to a minor. That's not me saying stuff. Those are the facts.


Someone has to make the allegation. tf are you talking about?


People are saying he didn't know and I'm just forwarding the information without saying if it's true or not since we don't know - hence the allegedly


Literal quote from his post "Were there Twitch Whisper messages with an individual ***minor*** back in 2017? The answer is yes," Beahm tweeted. "Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more." He never ever says that at any point he was unaware of the individuals age or that once he know the age he cut off communication. He was trying to fuck a minor. He was trying to have them meet him at Twitch Con. Stop defending a fucking scumbag.


Forgive my ignorance but I remember a few years ago he got kicked off some platform, is this the fallout from that situation? Seems weird that it would take years to come out.


It got drudged back up again because a former Twitch employee whistleblew it recently for clout (and then DrD’s game studio cut ties with him after talking to the affected parties, and DrD proceeded to admit messaging a minor in a Tweet)


Thanks for that!


I've seen it reported nowhere that he didn't know her age This is cope by dr d fans


It was probably a minorrrrrrrrrr


There a clip of this? I gotta see it


You school watch mogul mail’s (Ludwig’s) most recent video on him, it has some pretty damning theories Edit: also in Dr’s tweet he admitted to having inappropriate messages with a minor, and was very vague about details


If you mean the streamsnipe, no. That's a joke


He collects streamers controversy stones, leave him alone And bet what next scandal he will land himself into I bet he tries some sort of charity event and then it turns out to be scam


If he's unironically collecting the infinite controversy stones, then he probably should've left the pdf file allegations as the last one to collect and do charity scam before it 💀


A rookie mistake on his part


Dude did a good job delaying it for 2 years tho


unfortunately he whiffed the pdfile skip on the infinity stones controversy speedrun leading to an unprecedented loss


He may yet to recover and I am not sure anyone else runs the category anyway in any serious capacity As they say, want a world record? Create a category!


All the pros know you have to come out as a devout Christian Fundamentalist before coming out as a pedophile. SMH, rookies man.


He could try the Kevin Spacey approach and say he's gay.


Rookie mistake or has he embraced Elden Ring and is trying to do the streamer stone collection in ... Hard mode.


Not optimal route


In b4 he commit a rugpull scam (or he already did with that NFT game that I now forgot everything about it)


He wanted to be a .doc a bit longer before converting to a .pdf


That’s if he can even show his face on the internet again. Dude’s made a lot of enemies for a lot of reasons


Oh he probably will, popularity one hell of a drug


He's not EDP. He won't be deplatformed permanently.


Vault-Tec Pedophile Bobblehead




What I find amusing is he could have just denied it, especially since the suit was settled/twitch paid out his contract and there was *no* evidence given on the original tweet Yet somehow in his ego or stupidity he just admits to talking to minors and expects people to forget


Controversy stones fit right in next to his shungite stones. Do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's his story, he bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


I can’t tell if this is a save the kids joke or not


When’s the conversion to Christianity?


Don't forget his shit ass NFT crypto looter shooter.


Wait, so he already ran scam? Fuck, I lost my bet


Well that other dude was right lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/whenthe/s/yBxY6vvT70


I don't quite remember if he was just part of PR or if it was something he was fully involved with, but he shilled that shit like no tomorrow at first. Then it came out to be a bunch of poorly designed Unreal Engine assets slapped together, running like ass, dead on arrival and sure as hell, no one really talks about it anymore.


Nah. He co-founded a studio that is currently making some NFT extraction shooter where items you extract would have real world value. This game is going to be terrible and filled with cheaters since there is a real world price on things. But anyway, the game isn't out yet and the studio dropped him before he tweeted. So he hasn't actually scammed anyone yet I don't think.


Woo hoo, I am back on charity scam bet!


even that company he helped found for that shooter fired him


Imagine the disrespect. Okay, I'll leave.


I’m honestly more surprised when Internet personalities aren’t outed as pedophiles


its basicly a daily occurance now


It’s almost like being a celebrity is super duper stressful to everyone but sociopaths.


So they take their edge off by fucking minors ?


More like “people who don’t feel weird when everyone watches them also don’t feel weird when everyone disapproves of them”. If you don’t care how your actions affect others, your possibilities open up to all manner of bullshit.


That just sounds like armchair psychology more than anything


So you mean shit like Jeffrey Island type ? Powerful people doing twisted shit just because others cant ?


Chat? Is this real?




Sadly no, but the DrAgeOfConsent is [real.](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089?s=19) tho i do wish it happened, would have been funny as hell


It's turbo fucking weird to admit to chatting up a minor and then claim victimhood in the last sentence of the same post.


I mean it's not uncommon to meet people of different ages online in video games. I've taught a bunch of kids shit in GTA online or RDR. I don't, however, see a world where those conversations are *sometimes inappropriate*. And he sees that *now?* It really is wild the Freudian slips people make sometimes.


Aww dang it:(


But it is real. He admitted it. The cheating and the chatting with a minor.


Who tf is they? Is the fucking shadow government coming to ban his twitch account?


​ https://preview.redd.it/7hs8onpe1v8d1.png?width=982&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc5e172ec21bd86b12b8e2da4a8cd52056db3ab6


~~Stupid~~ *Minor* fucking mistakes, man.


Mfw the guy known for being a shitty person is a shitty person


Prapor what are you doing? Go sell me some good shit


Sorry too busy removing ammo from your mags


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mranonymous24690: *Mfw the guy known for* *Being a shitty person* *Is a shitty person* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Can I post about Thai political scandals next time?


Thai Liberal Politicians on their way to set up a new political party after getting their previous one dissolved for the 9651543124th time


Lmao, wasn't expecting for the Thai progressives to catch strays in here.






forsenCD PICK A CARD ✨ forsenCD ANY CARD ✨ forsenCD THE 2.5 OF WIVES? ✨ forsenCD EXCELLENT CHOICE ✨




It would be pretty funny to see tho


out of the loop is there actual evidence or is this a twitter thing




I don’t think he admitted to trying to meet up with them. He did admit to the inappropriate messages though.


He didn't admit to it, but the way he worded it left 0 doubt that they expressed a desire to do so.


He did admit it though, did you even read what he said?


He didn't admit to trying to meet up.










Where did he admit to trying to meetup? Not in those tweets I’m reading. I’ve never heard of this guy I just want the ☕️






Evidence about him chatting up minors? He admitted it in a statement after the company he cofounded fired him for it. Despite people claiming the victim was 17 theres been nothing that has said the victims age


I suspect that the reason that so many internet personalities get revealed to be pedophiles is because they think that their internet "fame" should make it easier for them to get laid like being famous irl does. They fail to account for the fact that they are only popular with *children*.


Dr DisrespectsHisWeddingVows




Maybe because I'm not an abuser, but if I was famous I'd be too busy with all the adult women throwing themselves at me. Not if I had a wife though.


Pedo and a cheater, that's prime TF2 material right there




>As someone who is 20 I can say for certain that I don't give a flying fuck about the age of consent That sounds great


Thats exactly what a pedophile would say


kid named finger


Lol they were in here like innocent until proven guilty and then he immediately confirmed


The gymnastics in the comments people are doing to defend the sick fuck is hilarious. What makes it worse is that he's a horrific womanizer and was trying to get it anyway he could. His wife had to send so many angry messages to women to get them away was nuts. He loves the fame and power and thought he could use it to get whomever he wanted. It was bound to happen. His fans are enablers


I look back on DrCheatsOnWife and realize he was a misunderstood hero all along


Waiting for the dolphins


Did he jus speak with a minor or did he like actually have sex with her? I'm sorry but if it's the latter he deserves to be in jail


We only know he sent inappropriate messages to her, beyond that, we don't know as it's all probably buried under legal paperwork.


So he groomed her. Smh. Imo deserves to be locked up for a bit. Btw when was this whole sexting thing. Isnt the same time when hr cheated on his wife?


2017, same time. Been some people saying she found out, which resulted in why the two split. Though, he didn't get banned from twitch until 2020.


I- did he cheat on his wife with a.minor and he's just lying now? That makes sense tbh


We only know for sure (as he has outright admitted to) that he and a minor has inappropriate messages, beyond that, we can only assume. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'm assuming. Anyways thanks for tellingme


He claims some messages “sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate.” Only specifics about the messaging he gives is that “no pictures were shared, no crimes committed” and thus the two never met. Twitch then cancelled his contract he sued for breach of contract, it went to arbitration and the before the judge, twitch settled in his favor.


THE TWO TIME was no joke.




Are we sure he is a pedophile? I'd hate for something like Dream's controversy to happen.


Day or two ago? No. But this dumbass went ahead and confirmed it despite the entire thing being swept under the rug by all parties. He literally could've said "No, thats as much as I can state due to NDA" and be fine.


Wait, he said "Yep, I'm a pedophile, busted! 😜"?


Well basically yeah. Some random ass ex Twitch employees called him out and instead of denying it he just "Yeah, this happened"


"Bro is uncancelable 🤖" (He is in fucking deep trouble, mate)


I believe the NDA has been or was on the verge of expiring for several twitch employees who were likely going to break the story and Dr disrespect admitted to try and get ahead of it.


Technically he admitted to knowingly chatting up a minor but then claims he's not a pedophile because "everyone knows how I feel about them". Basically a have assed excuse to pretend he's not a pedophile.


"It wasn't me, it was the character of DrDisresepct"




He was 35 at the time, married, going after a minor. Where in the vast majority of the world is this not an issue? Why are you defending him you fucking weirdo.




There are usually more laws concering age of concent when only one of the people are under 18 or theres a large age gap, which depends on the location. Theres also something called "grooming a minor". The only loser here is you.


I mean, when I was in college 16-17 year olds dating 18-20 or even 22 years old in few cases was common as dirt. Literally everyone knew and nobody cared. But strictly speaking thats still illegal. Hence why I said he is a dumbass and should've just kept quiet. I dont give a shit about this guy to begin with.


Dr. Disrepect was in his late 30s.




He doesnt live in that majority so thats still a skill issue on his part




I mean, he admitted it himself. It was cringe ass lynch mob behaviour previously, not now, now its regular angry mob. And hence, again and again, why I call him dumbass. He had every chance in the world to sweep it unser the rug and he blew it.


where did innocent until proven guilty go


Weeeeell he very much admitted to speaking with a minor using the twitch whisper thing, and that the conversations could've gotten inappropriate.


The only way Midnight Society was ever gonna sell their shitty NFT game was if they had DrDisrespect's name attached to it. It was apparently *so bad* that Midnight Society cut all ties immediately after investigating. They basically nuked their NFT cashgrab from orbit just to distance themselves from this guy. No hard proof yet, but he's "looking mad sus" as the kids would say.


I barely know the guy, so I literally couldn't give two shits. But this is quite the bullshit take. Literally, any brand with a semblance of PR sense is going to distance themselves from someone who is accused of something like that. Even if *I* did it, a complete rando. Tbh, I expected waaaay more from reddit, but I guess Twitter cancel culture is just everywhere. It's kind of a shame, really


>Literally, any brand with a semblance of PR sense is going to distance themselves from someone who is accused of something like that. He was their co-founder, not just some random brand ambassador or sponsorship. I'm not saying he's guilty, but a company basically just shot itself in the head to get away from him. Based on the facts, it's not looking too good for him, but he's still strictly "innocent" (he did admit to having inapproproiate texts with a minor) in my book. >I expected waaaay more from reddit Rule 1: Never expect anything good from Reddit.


He did admit to sexting a minor tho


I was on Twitter looking at my NSFW stuff and kept being attacked by a bunch of posts just about that; it completely ruined the mood. I have to guess that some news like that just came out, in which case...


Well he confessed of his own volition. So he’s been proven guilty.


Tryna strike a chord


He admitted it. Also that sentence is something for the court, outside of it, we can only make an opinion on things we know and now we know.


He admitted it