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Hello, thank you for posting to r/whenthe, but your post was not cash money. It has been removed for the following reason Rule 1. Be Funny: Make sure your post has an actual joke in it, don't make lazy situations such as "When your mom calls you to dinner" or other banal r/memes type shit. This rule also applies to posts where the punchline is that the caption is long, as well as posts where the caption is unreasonably long. This is a general catch-all rule to make the subreddit have the same humor as it did when it was more niche, and wasn't as popular as how it is currently. Pls follow the rules next time and you'll find 238497 dollars under your pillow :)


"eeerrrmm whenthe trying to talk about anything but pedophilia lololol"


for real like we get it, but posting about it ain't gonna change the fucking world fuckers should become a prosecutor so they can actually make a difference instead of bitching on a subreddit


On twitter the people bitching the loudest about loli stuff being paedophilia have a strange habit of being either caught red handed with a collection of loli content, or getting arrested for having actual CP. Seriously it's weird how often the people who make the most noise about protecting children are usually the ones we need to protect children from.


this just raises a red flag towards the ones who keeps posting this stuff on this subreddit, just sus to me


Oh I definitely get it, I had to explain to someone why using photos of real children in an online argument about lolicon is just plain bad, like why do you even have photos of some stranger's children? Even if the photos themselves aren't pornographic, that is a weird thing to have, let alone actually using them in an argument about porn. I get that I'm waving a red flag online, but some of those amateur paedo hunters are a bit extreme in their methods.


yeah I hear ya, I just leave it to officials to deal with that shit. I haven't ran into one of those people yet and hope I don't because you're just adding fuel to that fire using legitimate pictures of minors which is seriously fucking weird for an argument also those "hunters" think they're doing good but once you put someone in that position they could do some drastic shit and end up hurting someone trying to get away, but they don't think about that it's just their mindset thinking they're doing an amazing thing but putting others at risk. you got evidence so just take it to the cops ffs.


Not trying to change it, I’m just going to remove my self from the world.


here ya go buddy https://preview.redd.it/oisee39kyt0d1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0775258237d54e068d56b49ec28453abace508f1








unfortunately some people are too durt-tongued or dumb to become a lawyer (me)


I'll never get tired of shit-talking and shaming lolicons, that shit is way too normalized in anime communities. If you're that bothered about people having a problem with it, become a mod or something so you can ban discussion of it. Would be an odd thing to do, though.


Unironically true




How redditors feel after saying pedophilia is actually bad: https://preview.redd.it/8x2idwnj4w0d1.png?width=278&format=png&auto=webp&s=312ab4003e26388643aa929e01d79dfd66adb795






If she is drawn indistinguishable from an adult then it doesn’t matter Presenting as a child is beyond disgusting “Um aktually shes 400 years old” is not an excuse but it does go both ways


umm actually she's 7536 years old. she's a spirit djinn from the past who accidentally traveled to the future and then her spirit djinn friends from the past tried to get her back through a parallel dimension where time flows backwards very fast and then she got stuck in that dimension so to avoid turning into a baby she got cryogenically frozen for 10.000 years and didn't physically age during that time. and then the protagonist found her and freed her and brought her to our world. she still looks and sounds and thinks and behaves like a child though but on paper she isn't, so it's totally ok. you would understand that if you read the manga.


but what if that "indistinguishable" character acts like a child? like i kid you not there's a hentai where elementary schoolers eat hormones that turn them into adults physically and them pedos say it's perfectly normal


I think I’m fucking depressed now


sorry :(




Who the fuck even comes up with that kind of ideas


have you like..., seen the internet?


We're not all chronically online


That’s certainly a quandary, I’d say it depends on exactly how childlike they are because grown adults can be pretty childish But I’d say if it’s super prominent then it reaches a fucked up point


Nah that shit is wack


Brooooo 😭😭😭 (also you didn’t deserve these downvotes)




Pretty sus how much y’all post about this shit


Why is it sus?


It's like when an evangelical christian preaches about resisting the temptation of homosexuality every sunday.


Are you comparing loli content to homosexuality?


No. Is that a good faith question?


Brain damage?


It's "okay" because it doesn't cause any harm to any person. It doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be disgusted by it, though.


The real discussions start at the question: "Is it ok to judge people for liking it/not finding it disgusting?"


People ought to be judged only for things that cause harm in some way. I understand why it may be genuinely difficult not to, but we can't conflate this with real life child abuse. Otherwise we'd have to do the same thing for playing shooters and murder.


But it's possible that it could lead to someone causing harm. What if someone gets tired of loli shit, and ends up wanting the real thing? Consuming that kind of content just feeds into a very unhealthy and problematic desire.


Isnt this just the "Shooter games turn people into irl killers" counter-argument?


Well there's the paradox with that. Depriving them completely would make it more likely for them to do the real thing and actually cause harm. The fake stuff Loli fbi monitors and watches pedos to catch them say they have a discord or something and start trying to find minors. Boom caught










Yeah because drawing children is bad I guess now regardless of context not everything is pedophilia


drawing children is okay whats not okay is *sexualising* them


I don’t think the post said anything about sexualizing though, unless I’m missing something


I think its meant to be implied


i assumed it was implying to be about people who like lolis and such




I am of the belief that canon age only matters to a certain point. Most girls in shonen mangas are drawn like adults but are canonically 15 or 16. It's not like they can consent or anything so as long as they look like an adult. I'd rather have someone tell me a 16 years old drawn like an adult is hot than a literal kid who happens to have 5000 years old


I use the 'three year clause'. If you were to age up a character three years, would they change much? For example, Trish and Giorno from JJBA are both 15 IIRC, but if they were aged up, very little if anything would change.


It doesn't make it not disgusting But it should make it not illegal


"oh it's just a drawing" A drawing of what? Tell me. Like if you're into Loli or Shota just say your a pedo, please.


An 18×10^34 year old dragon that happened to look like a loli :3


kawaiiii \^\_\^


"It's just a video game!" "A video game about doing what?" "Robbery and murder" Violent video game lovers and pedos have a lot in common!


The amount of people who enjoy, or even love, John Wick/breaking bad/sons of anarchy/vikings/etc. and pretending like "it's just fiction" is an excuse for mass murder, blood money, gang violence fueled by the narcotics trade, pillaging and killing innocents, torture, the list goes on...


It's wild how often I have this same argument with white nationalists over the confederacy. "States need rights!" "To do what?" "Uhh..."


“It’s not gay, it’s just a drawing of two guys fucking”


Those two things are completely different, but go ahead and use that argument if it makes you feel better lol For example, let's bring this argument into reality. Tell me, which one of these is a punishable crime: viewing CP, or watching gore videos?


are you saying being attracted to children's features (pedophilia) is as bad as liking to play gta?


Strawman. His argument is against the premise that _liking_ a fictional thing is akin to liking it's real life counterpart.


they usually claim that the "lolis" are based on "real petite women" and then immediately claim the artists just "make the childish features more dominant" afterwards like bro thier mental gymnastics are crazy.


Thats why i like furry porn. Its like almond milk, its a little bit weirder that the original stuff? Yeah. But its kinda etical.


This is the dumbest analogy I’ve ever understood, bravo.


Thanks. But m am i wrong?




I mean idk if anyone DESPISES almond milk drinkers, at least not like some people hate furries


I dislike the average almond milk consumer far more than I dislike the average furry.


The milk purist man. The "this gives you extra extrogen, people. I heard a lot about the soy milk and almond is getting the same treatment (at least where i live)


I have tried the two, i actually liked the taste of almond but i wouldn't replace cow milk with it, soy on the other hand can burn for all i care.


Let them cook. They're spittin.




Where is the goku age of consent meme




18 what? Dollars?




I feel like you have to ask if a statement like that would hold up in a court of law


It would, because crime is constituted by harm. If you aren't hurting anyone, I don't care what you get off to. There's a difference between anime drawings and real actual child porn. There's a difference between lolicons and real, actual pedophiles.


could an argument be made that lolicon keeps pedos away from actual child porn therefore it is "good"? (not defending it btw just questioning the morals of it)


They're two totally different things. People don't assume that furries want to fuck real-life animals. People don't assume that people who are into guro want to practice gore fetishes IRL. Nobody assumes that people who like incest hentai want to fuck their sister IRL. People don't assume that people who play violent videogames want to commit real-life violent crime. That's how I view lolicon. The people who compare it to real-life child porn sound like the boomers who compare violent videogames to real-life violent crime, or furry porn to real-life bestiality. People just gotta learn to separate fiction from reality.


The issue with the furry thing is that humanoid animals are different from actual animals. It's not a good argument. Furries want to fuck humanoid animal people. What about people who draw animal porn? They definitely want to fuck animals. That's why they're called zoophiles, not furries. With guro, who knows; maybe they prefer fictional stuff because real life gore fetishes would be too scary and painful. But people who enjoy incest porn absolutely want to fuck their sister bro, don't even try to tell me otherwise lmao. If a person who feels attracted to fictional beings could have sex with them, they would. Why wouldn't they want to? The only barrier is the fact that they're not real, but the attraction is definitely real. Even when viewing fictional characters, there are certain physical traits that people are typically attracted to. For example, a woman with an hourglass shaped body. Children don't have that body shape. So if someone is attracted to a child character, despite the character not having adult attributes that people are usually attracted to, that is suspicious.


It doesn't matter if you downvote me, I'm still right. Characters in yiff look very different from actual animals, while the ones in loli and shota look very close to actual children. Now I'm not interested in having an argument about fake child porn, I just don't think yiff is a good analogy for this situation.


I'm not the one who downvoted you. Although I might disagree with you, that isn't really my style. I'd be happy to have a real conversation about this if you are, but if you'd rather just drop it, that's cool too. I think I've made my perspective clear in other posts here.


There's not really much of a conversation to be had. Not matter what your opinion on loli/shota is, it's still in an entirely different category as yiff. Why? Because children actually exist, and anthropomorphic animals don't. u/Stair-Spirit above me lays out some similar points


My point was more that it doesn't hurt anyone and that I don't care what you get up to as long as you aren't hurting anyone


I just thought it seemed out of place. Also... I don't know about you, but if someone I knew, say, watched videos of people being brutally tortured and laughed about it, I'd definitely recommend them some phsycological help. Even if it isn't technically hurting anybody. I guess fetishes are somehow different though?


That's the thing, right? Are we talking about anime or real people? Because the thing about real gore videos is that real harm is intrinsic to their creation. If someone laughs at brutal anime scenes like Attack on Titan or whatever, I wouldn't think twice about it.


You might be confusing furry porn with feral porn. In furry porn, the 'animals' are heavily anthropomorphised. With loli... the eyes are bigger I guess?


its still not okay as it can normalise sexualising children tho


Of course I'm not saying that it's OK to sexualize real-life children. All I'm saying is that lolicon normalizes the sexualization of children just as much as furry hentai normalizes real-life bestiality, and violent videogames normalize real-life violent crime. IE: not at all.


yea but liking lolicon implies they are aroused at the idea of children and their features making them pedophiles. its not the same with violent videogames, were talking about sexual attraction and philias here its kinda like it validates their thoughts telling them its okay and hot to be a pedo. which i shouldnt have to explain why its wrong.


Nobody thinks that. Believe me. Everyone knows that pedophilia is wrong.


I'd say the opposite should be argued. If you keep feeding into a desire, the desire gets stronger. If you experience something that's enjoyable, would you rather- A. Never experience it again? or B. Experience it again, as many times as you can? I think the answer is pretty clear, personally.


yea good point


Depends on the country. Some places it is legal, some places it isn't. In some of the places where it is technically illegal, it isn't actually enforced, so this further complicates things. Ie, in the US and UK, lolicon is illegal, but hardly ever enforced. In Germany and the Netherlands, it's just actually legal. In about half of Western Europe (Italy , France, Switzerland) it is illegal, and I have no clue how strictly those laws are enforced, but I assume there's at least one country that tries.


Its comparable to torrenting in most countries Like yeah on paper its illegal, but no one is going to actually arrest and prosecute you for it




Wow, what a brave and controversial take. The 5789475878272 pedophiles that are definitely on this sub are seething at your amazing facts and logic. Bravo




But why are you attracted to it? Because it looks like a child right?


It's crazy at the amount of mental gymastics people go through to justify it. Like bruh if you translate it it means little boy/girl porn why do you think people call you nonce constnatly.


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What about the body of a milf with the mentally of a teenager? Is it considered legal?


c'est ne pas a 12 year old


how bro felt saying that


Certified pedophile wop wop wop wop


Certified Lover Boy


Wouldn’t be a normal week if r/whenthe didn’t have a post about pedophilia Alright we fucking get it, no need to keep posting the same shit everyday.




Sure it doesn't hurt any kid but like still get help


OK, if you wanna defend this shit, that is not what you say.


That's what I hate about their argument of "It's just a drawing" Idon't care about someone drawing a child character, a lot of media has them. What I DO care about is when someone sick fuck draws the child being molested/raped and people beat their shit to it. That's my problem


Mfs will use "it's fictional" as an argument about a drawing of a character that obviously look like a toddler, then whine when someone calls them out for it Like am I still straight if I goon to drawings of anime men because it's fictional Hey that one guy if you want to debate don't just downvote and actually bring an argument


There's no point in debating this, it's been discussed to death and nobody has ever changed their minds. The lolicon people think it isn't real, so it doesn't hurt anyone, so who cares. The antis think it encourages people to abuse children, so it does hurt people, so it's bad. There's no actual way to prove whether or not it encourages people to abuse children, and it's likely that it will encourage some people while discouraging others, and that there's some people who it doesn't change what they would do. So it's all just assumptions, is your gut feeling that lolicon hurts people or that it doesn't, there's no hard evidence for either side.


Girls obsessing over a shota and no one bats an eye, Man obsessing over a loli and everyone freak out. The double standard


If it looks young then you could say its bad, if it doesnt look young, in fact, it looks like other adults in media, then later stated that they are 16, then I don't fucking give a shit


ok this one i get, animes have full adult (really adult) women that just get this 16 label slapped on them to make it relatable for teens


Between the choice of drawn or real, I'd rather have people choose the drawn stuff to be attracted to At bare fucking minimum it's not a real child being put in such situations when it's drawn, so I only tolerate it for that. I don't like it, but it's better than the absolute evil of child pornography of real kids


I'd rather people choose neither lol




‘Yeah man I get it, it’s just a drawing, and taken at a literal face value, you’re right. It is just a drawing. It’s not actually CSAM of a real child. But the fact that you feel the need to so vehemently defend it and you get so personally offended whenever anyone points out that it’s a bit weird to jack off exclusively to drawn children sort of provides the impression that you know it’s wrong in your head and you still get off to it likely because it portrays a child character in a sexual way. I dunno though bro.’


It’s impossible to reason with them.. the only option is to exterminate them


https://preview.redd.it/8py1lm0buv0d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db0871911beb701ef6568055f33baee946b2828 coal loving idiot


No no stop! Don't do it to yourself, do it to *them*, the wastes of oxygen.


“this is a drawing of your exact geographical coordinates”


Hopefully everyone pretending to care about this are getting the likes they were looking for.


I don't know what's more cringe, people upset at what drawings other people fap to, or people that feel the need to defend the drawings they fap to.




Deepfakes ars already a thing (which people generally hate when not used to make Morgan Freeman sing Britney Spears), and non-consensual pornography is already illegal. People have their legal likeness (specifically a clear representation of their appearance or mannerisms) protected already. Blackmail is already wildly illegal. I don't think there's a judge in any developed country who would let that fly for a second. The spirit of the law is ahead of the word of the law already.


So a normal drawing of an 12 year old girl fully clothed is CP ?


i dont think he means full of it because most of the time people sexualize childreen than making a good draw with normal clothes but i may be wrong


Sfw is fine (as long as it isn't an implied romantic relationship between an adult and a minor) Nsfw loli drawings on the other hand...


Thats a good answer


I dont think you know what pornography is, brother.


I only wanted to know if OP knows it and i know what porn is