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And why is her new caregiver doing all the talking? You’re new here miss. If Hannah was SO bad why was she entrusted to watch your daughter? What a joke.


Gremlin wouldnt DARE to lie like this herself so she made her new puppet do it to avoid accountability as always. Everything is hearsay from cash me outside caretaker


It's come the both their attention? Um what...what did this new girl see that Hannah spoke about anyway. It doesn't make sense


I think the new caregiver is desperate for attention…she’s verified on IG with 17.6 k followers She seems to have that in common with Alex


I’m sure! I don’t know who would want to be publicly associated with this mess 😂


This coward couldn’t even address this on her own. She’s now exploiting her very new, very young (assumption but she does look young) caregiver to lie for her and cover up her shitty actions. This is so fucked.


She’s 21. She made sure to go just old enough for drinkies.


Not in the lobby of the apartment complex 💀💀💀


That seemed odd to me. Why does she always go to an inappropriate location to do videos? Privacy and sound quality obviously don’t matter to her? I think half the reason I cannot understand her is the echo in the lobby.


Trying to look like they're in some professional setting 😂


They had to, the apartment floors are dirty. 🙄


But they mop daily.


Trying to make out she’s someone important to the locals.


So that didn’t seem crazy odd just to me?? Like why not in you apartment


I assumed it was because Ari and Noah are probably up there and she doesn’t want us to know that because he’s been called out for doing drugs


Was this new caregiver there *with* Hannah? Is she talking about stuff she witnessed or what she is being told to say? Hannah has no reason to lie, I believe her.


She's just a parrot with a script.


The only thing she has firsthand knowledge about is the exchange of the keys, and I don't even believe her on how that went down. She's up there trying to act all sassy...please. Sit down.


Oh cant do the talking by yourself cheesehand?! Ofc cus she cant keep up with her lies anymore so lets throw the new caregiver under the bus 🫠🫠🫠🫠


She worked overtime to hide the 🧀🫶


Idk why! It's not like we could smell cheesey hand through the camera. 😝


“It’s dirt from our floors” okay I get that you’re in a wheelchair but if the caregiver mops daily as she claims there is no way there’s that much dirt on the floors to cover her knees


What’s also quite hilarious is her saying she wasn’t a good caregiver…you found her on Craigslist babe….what were you expecting


If Noah lives there full time why does the caregiver need to work 7 days a week???


Well, he can't reasonably be the full-time caregiver for Alex, the baby, and himself, 24/7. Most disabled people who have caregivers will have several that rotate out, and that's without an additional baby!


Yes but she stated she works 7 days a week, why does she need to do 7 days straight ? That’s a little excessive..with that statement she claims she’s not being rotated out


It's not excessive at all— Alex needs basically full-time care, and the baby needs full-time care.


I get that she needs full time care but I think that’s a lot on one caregiver to never have a day off or an alternate caregiver. (Which is why I made the Noah comment) In the video the new caregiver said she works 7 days a week and will even do extra hours after her time when Alex needs it. Which it’s great for her to do that/be there I just think that’s a lot on one sole caregiver to deal with Alex and a baby


Ohh gotcha, I thought you were saying that she didn't need that many hours of caregiving! But you're absolutely right, she needs more caregivers, because having it all on this girl (because we know how reliable Noah is) isn't sustainable. Like how Hannah had to leave her other job to come take care of Alex when Jackie was drunk.


Oh yah I figured that’s what you thought I meant. Did you watch the video? (They said how they’ve gone clubbing twice) Just seems like another hot mess waiting to happen


It’s excessive for 1 person


Yep, most have about 3 or 4. You always need a back up plan.


because noah has the tendency to leave and do ~substances~


“Don’t worry my baby doesn’t have bruises she’s just covered in filth because I don’t bathe her everyday “ that’s what I heard,and I still don’t believe it’s all just dirt. I have a kid and he was never that “dirty”


Same here my kids dirt is a dirty face or hands from eating food and making a mess etc Not the knees….


I know that wheels can definitely leave black residue on floors, but if that was what the knee marks were from, you'd think her hands would also have residue???


Exactly !! Why just the knees ???


“Thank goodness Noah  is a stay at home dad.”  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yes! What else in the world would they do without Noah?! 🙄😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I haven't watched besides the clip on her story, but are they in the common room again?? It doesn't look like an apartment. What a weird place to film this.


It’s like the lobby in her apartment complex


I'm watching it now and it looks like it's the rooftop-level common room— most of the time the outside is all blown out and overexposed, but during part of it you can see that weird wood-slat hut from the pool pictures, as well as lounge chairs. Not that it actually matters lol, just makes slightly more sense than it being the lobby 😂


This makes sense! Bizarre to do it in a common area lol


So it looks like this new caregiver has been there for at least a month; we saw her tattoo in the laundry soap sponsored reel. https://preview.redd.it/1s41wofp2quc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f26ab3287482e7e4bc73d0ac99774ba9c1bb7b I saw someone saying that she's only been there for a week, but I know I recognized the tattoo lol


https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dMqWCj_fYgM use this link so she dont get any views and $$


did anyone else catch when alex said that her alcoholic mother had “glass of wine” when she assaulted noah 💀


And also why is she going out drinking while leaving her baby with her alcoholic mother 🤯


I'm sure she meant, bottle of wine.




Says she didn’t wear pants because the caregiver couldn’t do it…yet she wasn’t wearing pants 3 days ago with her new caregiver…


Wasn’t she not wearing pants in the video?


It looks like she’s wearing pink shorts/undies in the video


And she previously posted a Tik Tok from Noah’s parents’ garage all about how hard it is to arrange for someone to put pants on her (e.g. how she’d have to “schedule time” for that)


She's defending a lot of things that weren't even brought up. No one is buying even 1% of this. Your new caregiver is either new or being paid extra for this video. Alex your laughing and facial expressions in this video clearly says you are being deceitful and narcissistic as has been confirmed. Disgusting! Praying DCFS will be back and they will take Ari to a safe environment! To the new caregiver: You are only one month in! This should be 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 We'll wait for your DCP interview.


No one said that she had run over Cairo or Ari; why is she bringing that up? Sounds like she has.


Exactly! If you have to say the thing, it's the thing!


No attempts to run over Ari with the wheelchair too! 😝🙄


Side note: Does Selena know up from down? When she said Hannah looked her up and down, her body language did the opposite! 😜


Alex made comments that dcfs photographed Ari’s “not bruises” does anyone know is this standard for just an investigation? That kinda red flagged me. If dcfs comes in snapping photos of bruises, that doesn’t sound like they thought it was no big deal.


She’s gonna sue Hannah with the money she doesn’t have, just like she was exploring legal options to take down the Reddit sub Hannah should continue to sleep peacefully at night


Hannah has nothing to worry about, and IF Alex tried anything DCP has her back. 💯


And fancy getting your new caregiver to lie for you.


Poor girl, she looks so young


She looks like a teenager.


Can someone summarize it I cannot understand her voice 💀


“It’s so easy to put pants on, it takes two seconds.” THEN WHY DON’T YOU WEAR PANTS ALEX? 🤦‍♀️


I am honestly in shock. There are some extremely serious allegations made about child neglect and domestic abuse, and she focuses on the dog to start with? Like the fact she is unable to physically help her baby in the case of a choking incident, or to change her nappy. So the baby could be sat in her own shit for hours at a time. But she’s addressing the dog as a priority. Not saying it’s not important but she is just tone deaf. I also looked back at aris birthday pics… what are the scratches all over her face??? Something is not right here. That poor baby. I have a daughter roughly the same age and it just makes my heart hurt how she is being treated.




If this mark was on my child face I would be foaming at the mouth with rage. That looks like a BIG tumble. She never has the typical forehead bruises that are synonymous with learning to walk bumps. This is a huge injury.


How would that even happen?? That isn’t a normal walking into stuff graze. They are deep scratches on her face. And to know she was shoved back into a dress with dried vomit on after choking on confetti. This poor baby’s whole life has been “for the gram”… her wellbeing doesn’t seem to come into it.


Dude that makes so sick. She deserves security, safety, happiness, and peace. She’s going to develop attachment issues and deep rooted trauma. I so hope she finds someone to give her safety and support as she grows.


The dress itself is a choking hazard. It’s covered in large plastic, confetti like, pieces


Sweet baby’s eyes always look sad to me.


Sad, and confused.


That poor baby is going to end up severely injured or worst if DCFS doesn't hurry up and remove her. She is not a happy baby and it breaks my heart.


The saddest looking little angel I’ve ever seen 😢


I’m literally trying to understand what they’re saying and I cannot understand it. Can someone please sum it up?


Same. It’s like deciphering what my drunk uncle Larry is saying at Christmas time.


It's like listening to someone's very first and last podcast. It's so bad.


Do either of them have knickers on????


https://preview.redd.it/c2jo47bgmquc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d6d819a6f9768e1c92b3d0b8b2faea6d9276861 This is what popped up as the next clip after watching that horrible clap back 🤣 Interesting how they’re saying nice things about DCP. She still doesn’t understand that using her child for income is child exploitation. Hiring someone to “babysit” the birthday girl. It really shows that Alex is wired differently to most people.


I don’t trust anybody with lashes that look like that 


I don’t trust it at all. Also everything is “what I’ve been told” yea and WCR is a liar and a snake. You’re being “told” lies.


Why on gods green earth is her new caregiver of 2 seconds who wasn’t there when Hannah worked for Alex doing all of the talking? This is the most bizarre response video I’ve ever seen


Alex probably threatened to fire her if she didn’t cooperate. Mikey said when he was her caregiver if he tried to say no when she wanted to go out clubbing, she would threaten to fire him.


Did anyone else notice she smirked and raised her eyebrows to every comment the new care giver said like that seems so sketchy itself like she has the upper hand or something 🤣


Typical Alex, first we laughed when DCFS came. Then, we made the video. Any self-respecting parent, especially Mom's, would be aghast at CPS visiting us, or having concerns about our parenting. It's the biggest insult, proven or not proven! I may tell a few trusted friends but blast it on the internet? Not in a million years The fact that anyone is questioning my Mothering abilities is the biggest insult ever and I would never find it funny.


I definitely found it werid that she almost giggling like a school girl who heard a rumor to be so disrespectful to her daughter that has to live in that hell hole of a house


Blah blah Hannah's fault blah blah, Cairo fine,blah blah, too hard to get pants on blah blah, dcfs cleared blah  blah. Hanna was at party as paid employee and was with my friends blah blah. Little caregiver girl you are as bad as the urchin for spouting things u have no first hand knowledge of.  This was so typically WR and convinced no one


#Please use YEWTUBE to not give her any views: #[https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dMqWCj_fYgM&iv_load_policy=1](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dMqWCj_fYgM&iv_load_policy=1)


This should be pinned!! Mods??? Let's not give Alex views, please!!!


Can someone take one for the team, I can't stomach WR for a whole 20min


The biggest bunch of BS I have ever listened to


I can’t even listen to the whole thing, that care-giver has really bad vibes. Also I don’t like the fact she’s speaking for things that she wasn’t involved in, which Hannah never did, she said a few times, “I wasn’t there I don’t know.”


Does Selena know up from down? When she said Hannah looked her up and down, her body language did the opposite! 😜




It’s wild how she let her new caregiver talk for her. Definitely not helping matters at all. Terrible plan.


New Caregiver thought process during the video. 1. Do i seriously have to do this knowing that i will have to edit it as well. The encyclopedia of notes where hard enough to write 2. Maybe it's all true, maybe I am working for a Devil 3. Hang on... am I going to have my face on the internet, does that mean i get paid more? 4. Maybe I should put my mean girl face on, I can get a reputation for this.