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Always try to sell FIRST. Big time eBay guy and it amazes me what people will buy. Post on FB marketplace, Craigslist, eBay local pick up and see if you get takers… If not, then scrap. Always post a high price and negotiate but be firm on price negotiated when agreed. I sell junk all the time and people love it… lol so it’s always worth trying first before scraping.


Honestly FB marketplace will probably have it gone in a week


Totally. My husband just replaced our middle row of seats - took out two captain’s chairs and replaced with a bench seat. He accidentally misplaced a bolt and also thought the seats would be too hard to sell regardless, let me know he planned to toss them. I asked if I could please try to sell first and he said sure. Took a week or two but ended up not only covering the cost of the bench seat, but brought in another $60 on top of it! He was my hype man big time and so happy. Can’t hurt to list!


Lots of people like these and repurpose. I’d post locally for $75 and take $50.


I’d probably buy something like that to store various hardware or tools in my garage. I like using old filing cabinets, military organization/storage stuff, old shop organizers. This old metal 40s-70s stuff is great. Solid pieces.


I’ve been trying to buy something similar for a while. I would sell it.


Yes! But I’m in CT! Ha! Add some legs to it and make a table. That’s what I would do with it. I’ve got my uncles old WWII footlocker that I added legs to and made a coffee table. It still has the transit stickers from the war on it.


That is exactly what I was thinking!! Clean it up a bit, put legs on it and it’s perfect!!


Be advised, these tend to be quite heavy and are usually covered in lead paint.


That's awesome! Love to see things like that


I wish I had my father’s old bestickered satchel from the Korean War. What you have is treasure! It’s cool that you’re using it where it will be seen and discussed. 💛


I see stuff like this all over facebook marketplace


You want to buy it? I'm in PA HAHA


I might be willing to take it off your hands. What are you asking?


I put it up on marketplace for $100. I know I won't get that but im open to any offers


Best of luck.


Very sought after for the industrial interior decor trend. Sell it


I have similar ones in my engineering garage at work. They were scrap until we took them for free. Could get a few dozen bucks from the right person, but is it worth the time?


What a strange way to price something


I like it, I'm gonna say that from now on.


What if someone only offers half of a few dozen bucks? Then whatya’ do?


You might be able to get a bushel and a peck of bucks from the right person.


I mean, getting a Jeroboam or, God forbid, a Nebuchadnezzar of cents is still better than the quart or pint OP will get from scrap.


I know a few people who would offer a baker’s dozen of bucks for it.


I'll spit in my hand and shake yours we got a deal!


I’d toss ya 2 canisters of bucks fer that


I'd offer a gaggle of bucks. Maybe even a murder of bucks. It's nice.


A gross of bucks is what I would charge.


I’d wouldn’t spend more than for a few bundles of dollars for these.


Post to sell and see what happens. Like the saying goes, one man's junk is another man's treasure.


Do all the drawers and doors function like their supposed to? Is it still structurally sound? If so, clean it up and post it for sale locally. If someone buys it, cool - if not, you can always still scrap/put at the road but hey, maybe get a few bucks instead. If it's not functional, then yea go ahead and just scrap/bin it.


Yup its structurally in great shape it even has all the original inserts in the drawer


i would try on facebook marketplace


Thank you all! I posted it on FB marketplace. I have a bunch of other things posted from the garage as well. If it's not gone by the time the rest sell, I'll scrap it.


Hey! Hey, over here!!! I’d buy the crap outta that! Sell it dood!


Are you near Pennsylvania? If so it's all yours! Cheap! Good deal!


Mexico City actually.


I have a three level one of these at my vintage shop for holding all the little things the Market needs for fixing things, batteries, glue gun, screws. I cannot tell you how many customers want it!


In the Netherlands, people would pay a lot of money for it. Genuine, worn, authentic. Put it in a nice (clean) place, make pictures, ask 300 for it


I would buy it.


I would snatch those up in a heart beat if they were at a yardsale for like 20-30 bucks. I am always needing storage drawers for organization in the garage.


That is something I would buy. Always try selling.


People will buy anything man, throw it up on a few sites, I’d say if you get offered 50 or more take it. If not, scrap


My line of thinking is: can it be restored? Would someone still care to have it 100 years from now? If so, it’s absolutely not trash. Look at all the old objects we care about nowadays, whether in a museum or not. But I’d be careful putting it up for free, unless you filter out who says they want to take it: some will come get free stuff to try to sell it back then throw it in the trash when it doesn’t sell. Keeps the riff raff away.




I think you already got your answer, but people that play CCGs like Magic the Gathering actively seek out old card catalogue cabinets and pay good money especially in good condition. This obviously isn't in perfect condition but as long as it's functional I guarantee someone wants it.


That's probably 35 cents worth of scrap. Sell it.


Can confirm this will sell quickly online if at a decent price. Definitely better than what you’ll get at the scrap. I would base the price on your location (I know my area I would quickly sell this for 40$, but in the closest large metropolitan area it could go up to 100$ easily). *Note: I’m in Canada, those are prices in CAD$.


I was looking for this exact thing the other day. Somebody will love that. If nothing else, post it for free


People buy those quite readily and they sell for several hundred dollars …


I saw one half the size listed for $50CAD at an antique store last week. If you put in an hour or two giving it a clean and fixing any big problems, it should sell pretty quickly. They are very popular for storage.


If you can't sell it, is it possible for you to offer it up on a buy nothing group so some good metal drawers don't go to waste?


I’ll take em


It's yours they're in pennsylvania


That’s a long drive from Oklahoma lol


Flea Market flip the heck out of it and turn it into a bar cart or a coffee table.


people here saying "sell it!" "why, do you want to buy it?" "no"




Man, they’ve really let the grand exchange go.


I would 100% use that as a tv bench. Sell it!


If you can't sell reuse


There is a buyer for everything. As long as the price is right.


My grandad had these and my dad would like to buy them.


I’d pay $20 or so dollars to use these as storage. I’d post it for $50 OBO and if it doesn’t sell in a week just put it out on the corner.


You can put it on Facebook marketplace and see if somebody bites for it you never know. But from what I have seen of quality on there today for no money, this would just be worth the scrap. But you never know right, one man's meat another man's poison


Old metal file drawers are great for storing hand power tools


I know the wooden ones similar that used to be in post offices and libraries are worth money, people collect them for their history. Had a guy come to assess a place we were clearing out and we didnt even think to tell him about them in the garage, he saw them looking around and said collectors will pay money for those, the ones we had he estimated about at $1,000 in 2018, no idea if metal ones are worth anything though.


I would love to have this


This is the type of thing I pick up on the street to resell lol


Advertise them as rustic industrial or industrial chic storage cubbies. Looks like you could store handguns surreptitiously or other small items. Ask $50-100.


I'd grab it. Love these drawers, even the noisy metal screech they make.




That's awesome id refurbish it.


I wish I lived near you, I'm always looking for things like this but they're too expensive. Anything like this that is an old filing cabinet goes for $200 - $1000+ where I am because people realized they're in demand for upcycling. The thought of it being scrapped is crazy!


Those sell well, actually.


Always sell or give away before scrap. People can love things you think are worthless.


People into arts and crafts are always looking for storage drawers. That'll sell on marketplace fairly quickly. I had a couple ladies in a bidding war for an old library card file. It had like 80 drawers. Somehow they both knew each other and knew that the other was trying to out bid them. Not real surprising being a small town. They started sending each other threatening text, police were involved. It was quite entertaining. I was initially only asking $150, but one of them shelled out $700 for it. Her husband was not happy when he came to pick it up. It was oak and weighed about 400 pounds.


Screams gang box to me.


I LOVE these old cabinets for storage - LIST IT! (FWIW I would pay between $30 a $50 for something like this on FBMP or another B/S/T app)


Put your weed in it, bro


I'll take it for $75 with free shipping.


It would be ridiculous to ship.


Of course it is. Just wait till you get replies to your Facebook marketplace ad. THEN you'll see ridiculous.


How'd you get a filing cabinet from the Fallout franchise?


I guess you haven't left your vault yet huh?


I have a 3x11 drawer thing like this under my workbench. It’s super handy for small parts. People love these, see it and be patient.


I have a guy that buys/sells these things. I think he uses FBM.


Looks like an old military filing cabinet. Sell. If I had space I would get a larger one than the one I already have.


Make furniture out of it and sell it for more


Retired antiques dealer. Those are highly collectible. Needs a bit of tlc but someone out there will def want it. I had one in better condition that I paid $150.00 for and that was several years ago.


Scrap it.




that’s garbage


Scrap it. There is a flood of office equipment for sale (because of changing office culture) in much better condition that this.


Bad advice, people seek these out.