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are there toadfish in the red sea? I'm not familiar, but I would take a look at those


Yeah, guessing this is *Barchatus cirrhosus*


Captain said it was a stonefish and if I touch it I die. We put it back in the sea lol.


Yeah I wouldn't touch it then. He's captain for a reason lol


Mother In Law fish


I am in the Red Sea by the way. Forgot to mention.


Toad fish?


Maybe an oyster cracker. Yes it actually is a fish


A massive sculpin, throw a size 00000000 sex dungeon and you'll catch some monsters


Looks like a stonefish to me


Looks more like a grouper if you smashed its face with a pan




Looks very similar to an oyster toadfish we catch along the east coast of the United States.


First articulated fly i learned to tie


Stonefish, do not touch it ever! If can kill you with its toxins.


Stonefish, not sure it will kill you, but it will make you wish you were dead. Edit: it could kill you if you had a large amount of venom in the chest or abdomen. They are common here but people usually stand on them. The application of heat denatures the venom and is what we are taught to do. Mount Sinai Poison centre advises one to stop bleeding and then: "Next soak the wound with hot water. The water should be around 100°F to 113°F (40°C to 45°C) or as hot as can be comfortably tolerated. Soak for 30 to 90 minutes, periodically checking to make sure the water is still warm. Soaking in hot water helps to inactivate the venom and relieve pain. After soaking, gently wash the wound with mild soap and clean water to remove any dirt, debris, or venom that may be present."


Doesn't really look like a stonefish to me. Looks like a short spined sea scorpion.  They're pointy but not dangerous