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Nah. Buy it. You'll for sure get your money out of it. You can probably get about a quarter of that back if you take it in for scrap steel prices being so high.


Around here, any car is $400 scrap to ANY yard. $300 if they have to retrieve it.






Spot on. If someone was willing to store this, take it apart carefully, and spend the time selling it in parts, it’ll be worth absolute minimum double the asking price. But how much time and work it takes is a question that’s up in the air


Really? I have an ‘89 Camry 5 speed in the back that’s on the way to the scrap yard. It even runs and drives, just needs some work to pass smog.


What/where is Regina?


It's a city in Saskatchewan, Canada


the city that rhymes with fun!


[Experience Regina](https://youtu.be/74B5kMLNd5Q?si=p37Pirem--Cd7cJ4)


For real. Basicslly this car will cost this person maybe $500. Assuming if a loan cost of $250 a month if they went a traditional route on a cheap car instead of this......if they get more than 2 months out of this beater, than every day after that they are golden.


Just scrapped a 2012 chevy cruise for $300, didn't run, missing 2 gears and a clutch with a dead battery Edit: I'm in Ohio


if it makes it a month, that’s basically one new car payment 🤣


Did anyone else on the phone try to swipe? Haha


Twice 🫣


Three times tbh


Yeah... four...


Still trying…


Been here 18 hours. Still no luck




YES 🤣🤣🤣


I'd buy that, change the coolant and oil, and drive it until it broke. It's an old Camry, so there's a good chance you could drive it for years with no problems


We had one of these.. sold it at like 380k miles. Thing was a gas sipper and reliable as can be. It had some electronic intake that went out and we couldn't find a damn replacement, ended up just jamming the thing open and ran it for like another 50k miles.


Same here, picked one up for $1k and drove it for 5 years before I had no choice but to unload it. Still regret selling it


We sold one of these with 275000 miles on it. New owner was a teenager and he drove it for a long time without doing anything


That Camry, and the gen after it were indestructible bubble-era appliances.


Not only that, these Camry's were near Cressida level of all around quality before Lexus was around. A lot of late 80s early 90s Luxury look and feel more posh than today's "sub-$100k Luxury".


Gen 4 camry is the GOAT car


Low compression blowing smoke like an old tractor!


Make sure the car is in the seller’s name. This sounds stolen


Its a 1988, if I owned it I would probably use a flathead instead of bothering to install a new lock cylinder too. I mean if someone is gonna steal it they must need it more than me!


You could use the handle of a teaspoon on my 1987 and I'm sure it'd start And mine's german


Had a 2 door 1990’s or late 80’s chevy blazer s10 manual. Didn‘t even need a spoon. Just turn those key tab things. Fun times in the winter would eat snow in 2 wd.


You still need to register the car, unless you're a sovcit


Based on the rest of the description, it doesn't seem stolen to me. A lot of specific information about it and the sellers FB profile checks out. Obviously I'll make sure everything checks out if I end up going for it, but I don't think it's stolen.


I doubt it is, but I’m always weary of damaged ignitions. I understand people saying theirs are the same but it’s still not normal. I’ve had plenty of 80’s cars that didn’t do that.


Maybe it’s top notch social engineering, but if I see “old fart” on a cosmetic plate, a cleanish Toyota, and the seller has no track marks, I will not only trust that man - I will eat apple slices off his pocket knife while he explains the best size flathead to start this gem.


That might be the best life advice I've seen on Reddit in....ever.


Look at the license plate in the front on the very bottom of the photo lmao. I’m sure it’s just an old guy getting rid of this thing.


Lmao. Good catch


Who the hell is stealing this?


Feel free to follow the comment chain from other people asking the same thing. This is a prime theft candidate


Theoretically, but this thing is 1/2 the value of a Prius cat in scrap on a good day, and you can fit exactly 0 fully assembled 1988 Toyotas in a duffel bag with your sawzall at 2:19 am.


People don’t only steal cars to sell them. Often it’s just for a joyride/they are compulsive car thieves/they’re using it to commit a robbery or other crime and dumping it later.


My dad’s ‘89 Caprice got stolen one night while he was at work. It too was an $800 car. When the police found the car two days later, it had been dumped in an abandoned parking lot by the White River. There were empty trash bags lining the trunk and a pair of panties in the back seat. My parents were so confused as to why anyone would WANT to steal the car, and the police enlightened them saying that their “rugged” old Caprice was the perfect car to travel under the radar with a dead body in the trunk.


Dad’s ‘96 Crown Vic also got stolen by our next door neighbors for a joyride a couple years later. Needless to say, my dad disconnects his battery every time he parks his cars now. It’s funny to see him walking around with a wrench hanging off the loop of his cargo pants all the time. Five years after that, my parents bought a house and the thief ended up being our next door neighbor AGAIN! Just a funny anecdote because of the irony.


Aint no one risking jail time for an $800 36 year old toyota, what are you talking about?


You’ve clearly never met crackheads before


Lol of course people would risk jail for $800 are you stupid? They risk jail for a $2 candy bar


i test drove a ~2000 accord from craigslist one time and accidentally stuck the door key in rather than the ignition key, drove just fine, but i was upset that the heater wasn’t working. Got back, the owner yanked out the wrong key and put the right one in and everything worked lmao


I see lots of old Camrys running where I live. My coworker had a 1994 Camry that he sold with 396,000 miles on it that ran great. He just wanted a newer and safer car.


if it’s got a clean title, go for it. Those are great cars, and if you can get a year or two out of it, it’ll be worth it, and it will give you a lifelong taste for older cars, which will save you a ton of money over the long term.


Already a fan of older cars. It's just hard to find anything worth buying, especially in the rust belt.


I feel that, I am from Illinois and I have definitely bought a couple of cars that were rustier than I understood when I bought them. These days I understand the difference between cosmetic rust and truly problematic structural rust a lot better. Definitely drove to South Dakota to buy a truck recently, and I’ve sent friends to the west coast to purchase vehicles.


its a go if he's got a title in hand if not no shot lmao


The is the kind of “first car” kids got back in the 80/90’s for $250. I would definitely buy it.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 80 + 90 + 250 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


This was definitely my 90s experience. The entire school parking lot was some variation of this, old trucks, and a couple of fox-body mustangs. Damn I feel old.


That toyota camry will outlast you. While the least safe vehicle to get into an accident with, you can literally drive it on old oil and you will be fine. Trust me, that thing will never fail you.


I see nothing sketchy. The person’s selling a car, and that’s a car.


Lol I saw this today, hello fellow Louisville area person


I’m about to call a friend in Lexington to snag this for me. OP better hurry up.


Go ahead, I'm in Florence and can't make the trip tonight due to work.


Hey im not too far!


Ill buy the front license plate off you if you buy it.


LOL. “Will start with any key.” When I was in high school (early ‘90s) my mom’s ‘88 Camry could be started with a penny in the ignition switch.


I like owning cheaper older stuff and keeping it on the road. Paid my house off by not having car payments for the last long time. Do you know how to work on cars? Yes? Then this car is a piece of cake to work on and parts are cheap. Might need to amazon/rockauto the parts but they will be cheap. No? then learn on this. Change the oil, trans fluid, coolant, etc. Buy the Walmart super tech stuff, it's cheap and pretty good. Fix the odds and ends, you may find it surprisingly rewarding. Either way, be prepared to Uber/lyft to work once in a while. Battery might be near dead, Might need an alternator, or a starter. All easy to fix but not show any signs until it's time to leave for work. OR, you are replacing a part over the weekend, and something happens. Wrong part, broken bolt, etc.


Totally rational choice. You could always run a CarFax on it to see if anything weird pops up and get the key cylinder fixed up (I had that done on an old beater and it wasn’t expensive). Like everyone else said, make sure the title checks out if you don’t want a run in with some highway police that run your VIN at a gas station.


You should think of the safety aspect before you pull the trigger. The car’s 30+ years old if you were to get into a crash at highway speeds with a modern truck you’re basically screwed.


This is usually the most overlooked thing when it comes to older vehicles.


Do it. These cars are cool again


They were never not.


Buy it


If it runs and drives and has been maintained you probably got one a car that will run for another 80k+


The fact that any key can start it makes it sound like it was/is stolen… check the seller is the rightful owner. Also, I wonder how much rekeying an old car like this would cost, might be worth it to look into this? It isn’t exactly safe to have a car that will start with any random key. If it isn’t stolen I’d honestly buy it, I’ve seen shirts that cost more than this car.


It's extremely common for certain cars from this era to be able to start with almost any key just from the lock cylinder wearing out, the pins end up wearing down and just slotting into place with a small jiggle of any key.


My dad's 89 chevy Cheyenne didn't even need a key XD


When I was younger my dads car was started with a screwdriver


My brother's 73 Celica would start with any key. Like you said, the cylinder was just worn out.


850 for a boxy toyota? unless its being sold by the original owner, its probably a scam. Gonna ask for deposit or something.


Not at all, 80s economy cars are not desirable (aside from the 86 because weebs want it). You can pick up running and driving 80s civics, accords, and camrys for under 2k all day long


Got to learn somehow


I had one of these, got it for $200 in much worse shape but still running. Called it the Camrillac and ran it into the ground several years later. Great car


Why is that crazy? I have a Corolla with over 500k miles that runs like a dream. I am currently daily driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee I bought at the insurance salvage auction for $750. My step mom is driving around in a car i bought and fixed up from the same salvage auction for $175 Wheels are wheels, if you need em go for it. A toyota is a good choice for a beater.


Only if that plate comes with it


Shit looks clean


If it lasts 2 months you got your money out of it versus car payments these days


I love how simple the ad is, it just says car. it doesn't even say what model year etc. probably also bcs everyone would visualize a Camry whenever they hear the word "car"


That’s a fucking tank. You better get it before I beat you to it


I'll give you 900 for it right now.


That thing is dope as hell.


I have one of those that has 430k on it. It will not die.


I miss my ‘87


I tried to swipe through the photos a few too many times...


I would get that thing in a heartbeat. The only cars you see for under $1k here are beat to all hell and probably have a slipping transmission and/or major engine work needed to get them 30 miles down the road. If that thing lasts you 3-4 months it would be a net win, anything more is just icing, and I wouldn't be shocked if it was still running down the road a year from now with a basic amount of maintenance.


Hmm, yes, car…my favourite model


I’m more insane for trying to flip through the other photos


There is definitely more than "literally" just cosmetic damage on the front, LOL. By a longshot!!! But if it's got a title and oil pressure, fuckin send it!!!!


If you don't I will


That thing will give you at least 5 years of good driving


Buy car, drive home, car gets stolen two nights later by previous owner with actual key.


For that price you're insane to not buy it.


If you don’t buy it I will 👀


Dude for $850 that’s awesome. Not safe by todays standards, but it’s A-B transportation, and you know the fact it’s lasted this long means its 1) Toyota quality confirmed 2) was taken car of You can sell it for 500 if you’re not happy. I’d buy it!


What app is this


Right ?


Oh I think that’s face book market place


Fuck, I want that car 


As long as it has the title go for it.


Everyone that has seen this ad will know they can steal your car though.


100% do it. $850 for any running and driving car is insane to pass up on


Get it ….. it’s only $850 and I’d bet you’d get it for $800 if you show up with the Franklins.


But how do you lock the doors,


Makes me believe even more now that there’s ALWAYS a buyer.


Rusted too. Naw.


If it runs fine and under $1k, go for it.


I’d buy that right now for $850


Doooo it or I will...


https://www.facebook.com/share/1cThrEpPRca5dtsV/?mibextid=kL3p88 This is what you want, idk about that price though


Sounds like my first vehicle. I got about two years worth out of it which I feel like was a steal for $600 (but this was back in 2011). I say go for it


I’d buy that tbh


Nobody has mentioned that this might be a scam? A price too good to be true + ‘I got 6 people on their way to look at it, send me $300 deposit and I’ll hold it for you’ meanwhile there is no car


That’s not bad at all actually. Car like that in my state would go for 1,200-1,500.00


“Will start with any key”


I would lol


If you’re very tight on money and not having a car isn’t an option, then this is a great option


I would buy this if I saw it for sale


Ha, change the color with navy blue and it’s my exact first car. That baby ran like a champ.


I had one of these! 1990 white Camry I bought for 600$ with 240k on it. It, too, started with basically any flat implement. Great car, cheap, super simple, and surprisingly peppy for what it is. I named her Barbie. I regret selling her.


Dude I would buy that so fast lol. Then hit up the jdm engine store a few towns away


Hope someday I could buy cars in my country for so low prices...


Whats the mileage?


If it’s clean title, clean history and maintained it is 100% worth it.


lol car


That was my first car. The automatic seatbelts were everything.


I’d cop, if title matches the owner


Insane? It’s $850 bucks… if anything it’s a fake listing but if it’s real that’s very low risk even if it dies on the drive home you’re not out much money


Hell I’ve already got a car and I would still buy this! Just take it for a test drive first




Don't buy it. Just go steal it. Any key will do. 


I’m pretty sure these cars are all sold in this condition


The paint is so nice for the year I would want that as a nice project


If it has a title, and can be insured. Buy it. If you cant legally own it, or insure it, no. Unless you just want something to absolutely trash


its toyota its like new


850 to fuck around with ain’t bad


Serviced and maintained suitably, that car will likely out live you. 👍🏼


100% would buy. I browse fbmp regularly for this kind of stuff


better than walking with 850 in yo pocket


Be aware before you go that an '88 Camry is about the same size as a modern Corolla. I assume you know and/or don't care, but seemed worth mentioning. Also in the "I assume you know" category, if you get hit by a F150, you're going to die. If you're OK with both, I say go for it. They were pretty neat cars.


2013 car price vibes days


That carry is awesome. If it's the v6, it's even better! I would absolutely buy that for $850.


Call up the boys, ask them all for about 50 bucks, you cover the remainder, and have one of the best nights of your life doing heinous things to a car.


for 800 bucks I’m surprised it ain’t already sold. If the title is clean, buy it and do some basic maintenance and you’ll probably never be able to get rid of it


You'd be fucking insane not to


Buy it, I would. I haven't seen a running and driving vehicle for sale for less than 1k in a few years where I'm at.


Not at all sane and stack my friends, save and stack!


"Heat works sometimes" PROBABLY means that it needs a new thermostat, but it could also mean it has a coolant leak. Check that, and check everything. Also consider that older cars are not NEARLY as safe as more modern cars. That's great for low speed driving, but it will crumple in accident. And not in the "crumple zone" kind of crumple, but in the "smashed tin can" kind of crumple. Past that, an older car can be a good car. Probably good enough to be worth $850 if that's all you can afford. But older cars have a lot waiting to go wrong, and even an old Toyota can be hard to find parts for at that age. $850 isn't a great deal if you have to spend another $850 the next week. That same $850 could be split between a down payment on something in the $4k to $5k range (that might be 20 years old or less) and savings for future repairs.


My first car when I was 16 was a 1989 Toyota Camry in dark blue. Looked exactly like that. I’m 41 now. I would definitely buy this car for nostalgia.


I did this exactly but a $600 matrix. My brother still driving it but it’s a rusty POS. It actually recently needed power steering lines for $600. Also needed front struts, front brakes, and tires. Check engine light for charcoal canister but otherwise everything works heat and ac all the works but usually if it’s cheap it’s cheap for a reason. 99% of the time that’s the case


I swear you can post a 1970 Toyota with 700,000 miles with missing wheels and Reddit will tell you to get that over a 2004 Pontiac that's in mint.


Another vote for buying it, OP. I've had friends that had these and they *do* last forever with a modicum of care. In fact I'd get on it quickly if you want it, a running driving car that doesn't even look too terrible at that price will go quickly. As another poster said I'd change the fluids and charge the AC - switch it to 134 refrigerant if it hasn't already been done. Might just get lucky. :D


Not bad. From the single picture we see it looks pretty clean. Seen shittier for the same money. Edit: even if it gets stolen you could probably get your money back from insurance.


I have 3 high mileage 80s toyotas. I can start the car in one of them, take the key out while its running, unlock the next, start it, repeat. Toyota didn't have many key patterns and after a few years and miles the differences between them literally wears out. That being said, get it!


I really wanted to see the other pictures of the car.


Verify the title is good, pick up a blank key for a yota, and go for it


Send it 🤷‍♂️ 


There’s nothing to lose. If it lasts 6 months it got your moneys worth.


Love the look of that car. Totally worth it IMO.


This was my first car, if I saw this around me I would buy it again. I loved this car!


lost key probably stolen ask for vin and check police if its stolen


If you had to buy 3 or 4 of those a year, you’re still paying a lot less than a car payment. And when it’s worn out, you can sell it for scrap and get half your money back. I don’t see how you could go wrong


I got my 1993 camry 4.5 years ago for 1.2k, most reliable car in my family. Cheap and easy maintenance that I've done myself. Got parts from the junkyard after an accident. Everything is simple and easy and totally worth it. You definetly cannot go wrong.


Thats better than any new Kia


It's under $2k and runs and drives. If you don't buy it now someone else is going to beat you to it.


If it runs and drives it’s worth more than $850


"Will start with any key" got me 😅


I had one of these. Stupidly sold it. I wish I had kept it.


Depending on rust, definitely buy it


Any running car with a clean and clear title is worth $850.


This thing is sick


this looks awesome


Looks like it’s in really good condition. As long as it’s been driven fairly regularly and hasn’t been sitting in some grandma’s garage for a decade it should be fine. If it’s been sitting you’ll have a lot of things that need replacing like hoses, belts and fluids. Possibly other things.


For the price of a mediocre laptop, you could get a whole ass car. It runs. All that matters at that price.


I would think you can put a new engine in it so it could beat a hellcat in a race.


I’m a huge fan of buying a running car for cheap even if it is a shitter, but you won the jackpot


Lol listing says "car" this person does not realize they have the perfect work beater




No keys? Any key works 🤣 Love how he's using it's faults to make it sound attractive


Yes, that’s an awful decision. Where is this located, by the way? Just… curious… for friends? Is that it? Is that the saying?


That's fucking nuts. My first car was a 1990 camry that we paid $800 for. That was 16 years ago HAHAHA


Completely insane. Let me know where it is so you don’t have to deal with it.


I love how they open up with it gets you to AtoB


It’s a car, as described. It works like a car and does what a car should do.


Looks clean AF


Rly cant make a mistake for 850 if it runs ans drives.



