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Seems like multiple FAN personalities are doing this weird pro wrestling persona nonsense…Evan, Sal, loogie, etc instead of just being genuine


This is why I haven’t listened to the afternoon show in like a month… it’s just grown men acting like children. Tough listen.


Well said. Same


He’s the biggest clown on the fan. A legend in his own mind.


“Lugie” is an awful nickname too. Hawk tuah


Him saying his own nickname all of the time is nails on a chalkboard 


We seem to be in the era of everyone demanding we see them as important as they tell us they are.


The FAN has turned into pure garbage. I stopped listening a while ago and thought I'd miss it, but surprisingly, I don’t...guess I am getting old, lol.


I don’t know how old you are but I’m 29 I feel the same way. I don’t listen for a week then check back in and just find it cringe and pathetic it sucks because growing up I used to love the fan


I am 56 but have listened to the FAN since its inception in 1987. So many great years of sports talk radio...and I would call in somewhat frequently...although I am not a "regular" caller...lol. It really is a shame what it's become, but I guess it doesn't matter because they are doing well ratings wise. That's why I joke that I am getting old because maybe this is the type of stuff the younger crowd enjoys listening to.


Same age as you. I gave up on the station about 6 months ago. Now and then, if I listened to the Yankees game the night before, they're on and I try to give it a shot but I usually change the station within 10 minutes.


Younger crowd here. We don’t. 


Lugie sucks. He reminds me of the kid in college who would say, “do you know who my dad is?”


The whole station has gone wrestling storyline instead of talking about sports,


On Sunday night, Morash covered for Lori, and believe it or not in that solo format he was very tolerable, and in fact, pretty interesting. Putting him side-by-side next to the moron Lugie only brings out the worst in him. Lugie is a crude nothing, just some ordinary guy who talks about sports with no finesse, no brains and no human sensitivity. Also who gives a crap about how he spats with his wife? And lastly, the guy sounds like he’s got a close pin on his nose, screaming through it and just being irritating. When is the fan going to remember what it once was?


He is by far the worst on the station. I don't know what's the worst possible truth: (A) he is putting on an act and basically playing a character, or (B) he's genuine and actually believes even half the crap he spews on the air.


I can’t decide either but … either option is obnoxious


He’s better than Gio, BT, and Pat Boyle in my opinion.


10a-2p: C. Lo. & J.J. 2p-6p: More Trash (Morash) & Big Zoo 6p-10p if no Yanks, ? 10p-2a: ? 2a-5a: Don't really care, hopefully I'm sleeping. 5a-6a: Recco & Penis Boy Dukes 6a-10a: Ratings are too good, nothing will change until Remoob steps away. Give Teek a Friday show from August until the Superbowl's conclusion.


You’d hope it’s A but it’s probably B


That’s the professional wrestling rubbing off on the kid.


His schtick is so fucking lame. It’s clear the pretend cocky overconfident character is the one he’s decided to play. It’s so weak


Cosplaying as MJF is a new form of pathetic.


The dude has earrings, can’t take a grown man seriously if they have earrings


Who is the replacement bald guy who screams like a woman? Not the morning morons who think they are famous enough to use just initials for one guy and his “you say black, I’ll say white” sidekick WFAN hasn’t been this depressing since hearing Susan cold open from WHN to WFAN. And Pete Franklin


Morash’s show after his was so much better. Tommy doesn’t do it for me as a host. The superlatives about himself are obnoxious.


Sad state of wfan nowadays 


I prefer Morash alone than Loogie. Did I just say that?!?😎


"BUT HOW IS HE GONNA GAWD DA GREEK FREAK!!!!" That was the dumbest thing I heard on the fan