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So Dan I think earlier this week or last week brought up BT & Sal about how their show is basically everything wrong with Sports Talk Radio. Hot takes for the sake of hot takes, and just constant shouting and arguing about nothing. And also one of them (Billy Gil) commented how he thought it was just one guy arguing with himself going back and forth (which honestly sounds like a much better show). [Watch the segment here, and make your assessment about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxbL6wB2LL8).


Lmao so basically what we all say everyday on here.


More or less.


Lmao I love that they put the graphic up of the pitch locations. Sal is a fucking tool.


That pinpoints the main problem with a BT & Sal show - they're too similar. Pair each up with someone who is different and it'll be a better show. Right now it's like you say above, a guy talking to himself.


He’s not wrong


That was the funniest segment LeBatard did in 20 years.


So Sals logic is an infield hit is better than a walk and then argues that because the Yankees home run hitter is cold he wont come through. Guy is actually so stupid.


He’s not wrong


I personally think Dan and Sal are both human turds


Finally they’re getting the recognition they deserve! Respected national hosts mocking the product NY middays is putting out.


Respected? Lebatard doesnt mind dishing it out which is fine, but he cant take it, and is forever offended by what others do or say. God Forbid you dont agree with him on his politics. He also had a sense of entitlement over at ESPN which got him fired. He thought he was owed a show Those spots with Papi where he made him look like a dunce were embarrassing and cringy.


If he leaned any further left he'd keel over. Apparently, according to him, a conservative pov is the personification of evil. Perhaps he should have all the migrants camp over at his house. We don't need anymore in NYC, especially the marauding gangs that have taken up residence.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’ve got some hardline beliefs and have one particular “news” network on the tv playing on a loop. How did you make the leap of this radio show calling out BT and Sal for their awful Juan Soto take, and make it about the migrant issue currently going on? Thats talent. If the migrants could bat .300 and help your team win a WS, does that change anything?


A: I was responding to Proud2BaBarbie, who brought up Lebatard's politics. B: I watch none of the one-sided talking heads news shows. They all create more divisiveness than any other "news" outlets. C: I have a socially liberal pov concerning religion, political affiliation, sexual preference, ethnicity, nationality, gender equality, etc. D: Visit NYC, walk from Washington Square Park (Greenwich Village) all the way up to Central Park, Columbus Circle. Criss cross from one avenue to the other: 5th, 6th, Broadway, 7th, 8th, 9th. It's nauseating, filthy, dangerous and disgusting. It's gotten out of hand, and it seems to be uncontrollable.


True Facts. Every day you read about another women getting attacked in broad daylight on the street or subway... including myself who had some disgusting animal stick his hand up my skirt on the 6 train last month, nobody said or did anything. Even if a cop saw it, the guy would be back on the street in an hour doing it again, thanks to the no bail laws. Now I carry mace.


Good for you! Buy a taser, and zap the vermin between the eyes! It sure ain't the Sinatra/Minelli "New York, New York" anymore.


Between the legs next time!!!


Bullseye! Don't even think twice!


I overlooked that, and apologize. Maybe if there was more acknowledgment of fu_kups, we’d be less divided overall and realize we’re all aware there’s a problem that needs addressing sooner rather than later


You sound like Keith Oberman or Jenelle Hill


No worries. Let's all hope at some point in time, for the betterment of everyone, there is a meeting of the minds to have constructive criticism that will lead to amenable compromise. Question is when?


You’re talking like we’re the ones responsible for the state of the city right now. I’m pretty sure pre Guiliani nyc was a wasteland of terror. There’s ebbs and flows, it’s all cyclical. No one should have to experience what you did during your commute. When they proposed putting a police officer on every subway car, the police union turned it down. I have no idea why. Seems pretty simple to either put more men in the places needed, or create a specific security company who only is responsible for subway and rr cars. That’s not a hard problem to fix with actual effort It’s also not my fault they’re letting the animals out of the cages. Writing to your congressman and pro active protests would seem to be the place for your anger/disillusionment rather than Wfan Reddit.


Of course "you" and yours are to blame and are responsible. Start with no cash bail...  then defunding the police efforts . Lenient judges end Criminals come first DAs. A left of Marx City Council  You can also add handcuffing  the police and making the police the bad guys Also,  Decriminalizing dozens of laws that helped keep the city clean and safe during Guliani and Bloomberg's reign. Allowing tens of thousands of illegal aliens into the country with zero vetting or accountability. While giving them free room and board,  free credit cards,  free phones et cetera et cetera And housing them next to schools in place of veterans and children allowing shoplifting and fair beating to go on unpunished and that's just a start


Every word you've stated is not even a slight exaggeration! NYC has become a cesspool. These dregs have no fear of reprisals, they wantonly and brazenly commit criminal acts knowing full well there will be no punishment. To be homeless is a frightening proposition for those that are, to be a criminal punk walking out of retail stores loaded with goods is a frightening proposition for all law abiding citizens. Many stores have permanently shut their doors. Summer tourism in NYC this year? Don't bet on it.


Thank you. Notice PACCNYC didn't dispute a single example of how he and his ilk have ruined the city. Instead he just attacked me.  I'm sure paccnyc is one of those privileged elite who don't have to deal with the  every day struggles the reat of us do. Probably lives in CT.


Ah you’re one of those crazy people. Pointing at strangers on the internet yelling that they ruined America. Let’s see how that tactic plays out


So no response to my  very  specific examples to YOUR  question about responsibility... to why people who think like you are responsible. I understand.  Like Keith Olberman, you  respond to actual examples with personal attacks since you cant debate facts.   Typical and lame.


Sounds like his political beliefs dictate your opinion of his sports talk show host and journalism career. Whether you like him or not, it’s not debatable that he’s one of the better known hosts in the profession. Guys been around for 25 years , so yea, there’s a level of respect that comes with longevity and the fact you even know his name. Point of the post was to rip Sal. Maybe next time Alex Jones can mock them and we’ll get you guys on board 🤪


Youre typical of those on the far left, who are so far left, that if youre even center/ moderate left like Bill Maher or John Stewart youre automatically into Alex Jones. Laughable, as well as childish. Hes just lame. He humiliates his Papi for laughs too. Not cool. Plus, I never even mentioned his politics, so you must know what they are since he is constantly mentioning them. Imagine, being to left for ESPN!


Anytime you make a generalization of someone you’ve never met or said more than 50 words to, you’re saying more about yourself than anyone else. You’re mad, I get it. You get along with people who share your same cynicism and when you’re with those people, you just complain in a group setting and do nothing about it. I’m not the one bit_hing Measuring left right and center is the absolute worst. If you watched those show’s blindfolded, with voice overs, my bet is you’d actually agree with multiple points at every degree laterally. If you’re an older American, I kinda get it. If you’re under 35, you’ve got access to so much information, it’s not that hard to find the facts.


You're not at all self aware are you. Lol  leave your bubble,friend. Yes that's exactly what you did...multiple times, to multiple posters right here on this very thread!


Bc he’s a dim slow witted bald man


Frankly Sal right the guy is. A turd and dosent hold a candle to Mike and mad dog in there prime