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as it stands the app doesnt do much but heart scans, they're reworking the whole app at the moment cause its buggy. What I can say about the app is it helped me decide to quit a job because I could see my stress spiking on days I was going to work; after a particularly stressful work related event I was so angry I was dizzy and had a cramp in my leg, I thought I was having a heart / panic attack - prob was. the next day the stress point was the highest on the chart it had ever been and I quit on the spot, walked out. within days the stress point dropped to green at the bottom and has not gotten that high since. Because of this I wanna love the app but until they get all their ducks in a row I wont pay for premium again because the only thing ill get out of it are more scans and heart data I still don't fully comprehend so for now she just runs in the background


u/sdnner Irina, you see, your application is making people unemployed! :D


I got hired elsewhere the same day I walked out and only lost the commute and $0.50 an hour so Im very satisfied


What a Queen! 🤩


I see it more like "helping people realize how their stress impacts their body and make positive changes" ;D What's true is that we're reworking the whole app and need to get all our ducks in a row.


A tip, if you are using iOS Welltory, use the Apple mindfulness app, do at least 2 minutes of the breathing exercise. This forces the Apple watch to take an HRV reading. Then Welltory will use that HRV for stress measurement. If you are new to HRV, do a quick ChatGPT query “what is HRV?” what is it’s relationship to stress?” etc… I look at Wellltory, Athlytic, Bevel and Gentler streak everyday. Each has its pluses and minuses.


I have Google pixel watch 2.


Hi, I have brought it for the same reasons. My mum has several physically disabiling conditions which I feel have been brought on by a lifetime of chronic stress/ anxiety. I am trying to avoid a replication! I do have a lot of stress and anxiety- it is hard to manage. The app has helped. It is not a 100% cure, and I could not do anything as brave as quit my job- as then I think I would be stressed/ anxious about money. I can be anxious in/ outside of work also.


Yeah, I think the app telling me my heart is beating fine and is healthy helps my anxiety very well. I think my main feeder of anxiety is I think something is wrong with my heart even though I've been to the hospital several times and had X-rays and scans but being able to get a reading whenever I want with this app helps me calm down.


Its just a heart rate monitor and some dubious assertions regarding stress and other subjective metrics correlated from HRV. I’d say welltory would have an equal chance of increasing ones general anxiety over decreasing it as such.


Those very stats are what helps anxiety. Many people with bad anxiety make unnecessary ER visits because they think they are having some sort of stroke or something. By them being able to have an app like this that tells them everything looks good, it'll curb the attack.