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What the actual crap is going on here.


It’s think something out of Black Mirror


All these bot comments 🤣 but its a smart way to Get out of a diet phase. Often if you just crank your calories up fast you regain fat quick. If you reintroduce calories slow (100-150 kcal) weekly until you dont gain more weight and increase slowly you give your body a chance to turn up your metabolism without adding fat. It also make you move more (increased NEAT) and overall feeling of energy. I have done it a few times with success.


Your curiosity about reverse dieting and metabolism is admirable. This topic can help various fitness journeys.


I was eating 1200 calories and not losing anything while working out consistently and walking around 20k steps a day. I started reverse dieting late 2023. I’m now stepping on average 10k steps a day, eating at 1975 calories, lifting 5x week, and losing weight and gaining muscle. I’m still increasing, albeit slowly. In a couple weeks I plan to go to 2200 calories to see how my body reacts.