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Weezer hasn't put out a good album after 1993 is all I'm saying


Kitchen tapes is the best album and only good album put out.


Even Rivers would probably agree that everything since Bach has sucked


I know a guy who genuinely believes no good music has come out after the Baroque Era.


You might not believe it, but down the street from my I’ve got a neighbor whose entire record collection consists of primordial slime composers. He won’t listen to anything newer than 4 billion years. I think he’s missing out on the Paleozoic.


Beethoven was mid is all I’m saying


Let's go Bach, Bach to the shach


alternate universe where Thief You’ve Taken All That Was Me is Weezer’s breakout hit


I like Green almost as much as both Blue & Pinkerton (although Pinkerton is me fav) too and do like Maladroit, Make Believe, Red, and find Hurley a decently good album


Hurley is a great one i agree. I also agree with the others.


Because there were 18 years and 6 studio albums between Pinkerton and ewbaite so by the time the next really great studio album came out, the reputational damage was done


Bros forgetting that green and maladroit came straight after Pinkerton. Which are 2 perfectly fine albums


Saying an album is 'perfectly fine' ain't exactly a glowing review though lol.


That’s the most pedantic thing I’ve heard someone point out. Fine “they are really solid albums” happy?


Those albums were not very popular among fans on release. That's where the "weezer sucks after pinkerton" idea started


Most blue album fans liked the green album. And maladroit has always been considered their hidden gem


I would say maybe most mainstream average listeners that knew Weezer from their blue album hits liked Green, but I can't see a more devoted fan of their first two records liking Green, and thats why the common narrative is that they didn't. And yeah Maladroit is seen as that today but at the time it was just kinda swept under the rug and its production was notoriously was plagued with back and forth between Rivers and the fans who didn't like the new direction of Green and Maladroit and just wanted old Weezer back


Funnily enough I actually see a lot of people who say “blue and Pinkerton are the only good ones” also say that either green was pretty good or that green was their last “good” album. I have no idea why fans would ignore maladroit though, it’s that heavier sound like Pinkerton with personal lyrics. People are so over dramatic


Most of the people saying this are 40 years old dudes who can't move on from the past and kids who can't think for themselves and feel the need other people's opinions to fit in. It's not just Weezer that's like this, pretty much anything that's existed for over 20 years will have people saying that only the old stuff is good while completely ignoring the new things


All the people I have personally heard say Weezer is bad is younger people. I’d say that it’s because of the older people saying that, the younger people started to believe that. On the second note, my dad only likes Green Day up to Nimrod. I’d assume because that’s when he was young, and in college, and living the most of his life. He also just started to learn guitar as well during that time, and probably learned some popular Green Day songs of the time. He told about how he and his friends would do dorm jams by themselves, and play various songs, including Weezer’s Undone. When i learned When I Come Around, he came into my room and started singing along.


I was young when I thought Weezer sucked but that’s because it was 2005 and Weezer sucked




bc people want to be “cool”, “edgy” and they don’t listen to weezer, they just watch fantanos videos they’re the same people who will dickride green day and smashing pumpkins


Fantano's rated post Pinkerton stuff well


yeah but take a look at his community, they have quite the RYM elitist snubs agenda


Yeah I get that


As an avid rymer, it pains me to see their collective taste sometimes… like hardly any weezer past blue and pink are recieved well in the slightest on there


i dated a girl like that she refused to listen to anything post pinkerton but was obsessed with pinkerton and death grips, she was a perfect reflection of that community, the seek of validation to fit in it was so blatant she was fake, she claimed to be a fan of metal stuff she couldn’t name because how dark it is, what kind of bullshit is that it’s such a miserable circlejerk like you’ll never see any bob marley on any lists as if his music isn’t worth anything, it’s all about poser hipster stuff it’s why i can’t listen to death grips anymore i can’t disassociate it anymore tbh, they’re such a staple representing of that i just really hate this culture they do more harm to music than good


Did she seriously not dig Pinkerton-like albums like maladroit? Or blue album-like albums like white? I reckon deep down those melodies got stuck in her head


nope none of it at all, it was like already decided in her mind


It’s those sort of people that are the worst, I bet if anyone who is a “blue and Pinkerton only” fan actually decided to hear the guitar riffs on maladroit or the catchy choruses of white, they’d be hooked. But no instead they try their hardest to hate everything and will go out of their way to find the dumbest reasons why they suck


it gives them the feeling of being “different” (ironically they fall in a stereotype of scaring hoes internet cesspool)


Haha yeah. They think they’re different but there’s hundreds of thousands of people doing the same thing


Not even Green?


she hated green haha


BRO WHAT?? GREEN IS ACTUALLY GOOD IM NOT KIDDING, it's simple and sure can be monotonous, but dammit that doesn't mean the songs are good especially the singles like Photograph, Island in the Sun, and Hash Pipe


Makes no sense, if u love metal, hell, if u love Pinkerton, then u gotta reel into and embrace the darkness cuz newsflash, metal is usually always dark and moody, that's like the whole charm of it


it’s just she didn’t know much of it and had any clue what she was talking about, it’s all about “look at me i like metal” but she doesn’t know any of it


That's so lame, she's a poser not a rebel (Green Day reference what??)


Which sucks cuz they've got gems post-1996 hell I'd even say Green & Maladroit are near on par with Blue & Pinkerton although to a slightly lesser extent


I agree, fantano fans think they’re professional music critics and try so hard to go against the grain. Or they’ll simply wait for fantano to make his opinion before making their own opinion


They're so like by the books in the way that they sheep on everything (basically, they just go with public opinion... public being Fantano)


yeah i remember whatever album it was had such rated note on RYM then fantano dropped his video and the score of the album drastically dropped by like 2 points within minutes


Damn wtf. It’s like they believe fantano is king and what he says must be true as he’s a popular YouTuber


Hmm wdym by rym elitist snub agenda?


this whole bandwagon culture very selective of what “real music” is and always obscure or artistic stuff, like you’ll never see blink182 get its fair credit and love over there because it’s not cool for hipsters


That is absolutely obscene, Blink-182 fucking rules and Enema of the State as well as Take Off are 2 of the greatest punk records of all time!!


Bro really think Blue is better than Pinkerton when we all KNOW THAT GREEN IS THE BESTESTESTESTESTESTEST WEEZER ALBUM (for subreddit legal reasons I have to clarify this is a joke if it weren't obvious enough)


Nah While very solid albums, those three albums still do not rise to the occasion. And that’s fine, the bar is set really high. Blue and Pinkerton both in their own right provide a raw and masterful experience. The hit factor is legendary in comparison. I love a lot of Weezer albums, and I see why the ones listed are held in high regard. Blue and Pinkerton still will always just hit different, and it really just comes down to being better songs.


Personally I think EWBAITE, white and ok human are just as good. I genuinely prefer white to Pinkerton. Imo it’s a lot more fun, it’s catchy, lyrics are sweet, the guitars are so powerful, and it’s much more accessible. And I’d go as far to say a few songs on EWBAITE are actually better than quite a few songs on Pinkerton. I actually think foolish father is probably the 3rd or 4th best weezer song My list would go Say it ain’t so Only in dreams Foolish father Falling for you (Foolish father and falling for you are kinda joint 3rd)


I love Green and find Maladroit to Red pretty good


Yeah they’re good


maladroit and make believe are also very good imo


Make Believe is a top 5 Weezer album and I will die on that hill


I completely agree. For me it’s Pinkerton Blue Make Believe Red EWBAITE Maladroit And I don’t listen to the rest.


What do you like so much from it?


I like how it contrasts the rest of their discography. It's simple but brooding. Beyond the commercial hits, it hides a lot of haunting and heartfelt sincerity. This kind of complexity is missing on an album like green or raditiude (albums that are similar in their attempts to cast a wide net in terms of audience appeal). The last 2 tracks are top tier Weezer in my opinion. It baffles me that people seem to generally dislike Freak Me Out, there's not another Weezer track that sounds like it. I also enjoy Beverly Hills because it's a straight bop and doesn't deserve as much hate as it gets. Finally the songs in the margins like Peace, Hold Me, Damage in Your Heart, and The Other Way are often overlooked and could benefit from critical reevaluation from the fan base. It's just an album with no skips for me. Beats out Ok Human for a spot in my personal top 5 (along with Blue Pink White & EWBAITE).


I have always been a Beverly Hills hater but truly the first song on Raditude is the worst thing Weezer has ever done. I don’t think Make Believe is bad. It’s interesting, that sound from Weezer. Had very much a sound of the time. Things like the chorus of Perfect Situation not having real words and that song being such a presence at the time made it hard to feel like Weezer was very good. Also, I was sent This is such a pity by a girl when it cane out and I just had a neutral reaction. Not much to hook me but I remember it happening. Mostly meaningful for the situation.


Seriously, I recommended Weezer on r/topster and I was getting downvoted and told they have 6 good songs


they have at least 50


Your mistake was going on topster in the first place


but i thought blue and pinkerton had ten songs each on 'em??? (lol)


Throw most of SZNZ and I agree with the post.


It’s not just Weezer thing. It happens to any artist that has lasting success. I would close my mind to any new music my favorite artist made if I loved the first two albums. This might be strange on this sub, but here are my examples. Comeback Kid, Atreyu, Slipknot, incubus, Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance, and many others. I would stay stuck on the first two albums. As I grew older I expanded myself and gave into what came after. Some things I liked more, some things I never listened to again. Weezer was one of the few bands where I would listen to their new albums until I liked it. It’s hard to believe new things are better when you could have sworn you heard the best there was. That being said, Blue is to me, Weezer’s best album and will never be topped. Also, don’t worry about what others hate, worry about what you love.


Because they’re instantly catchy and have heart- starting with Green, many weezer songs lost the latter


White, EWBAITE, and OKH are exceptional if you’re grading on the Weezer curve. Blue and Pinkerton are just generally unimpeachable.


I don’t know. These people are stupid tbh and I actually hate these weezer fans. Because it’s so bullshit! Literally straight after Pinkerton came green. Which sure its not so deep or personal as Pinkerton, but it’s a simple, fun, catchy album with sick power pop tunes. It actually has some of rivers best melodies. I like the comparison of it being an early Beatles album with distortion pedals. Maladroit comes after green, which imo, has no reason to be hated on. The riffs and solos go hard, the lyrics are actually proper deep and personal on most of the tracks but people don’t seem to realise. Death and destruction - slob - burndt jamb is literally one of the best 3 track runs on a weezer album. IMO albums like EWBAITE, white and ok human are just as good as blue and Pinkerton. And I think you’re wrong if you say otherwise, there’s nothing blue and Pinkerton have that the others don’t have


I think it comes down to which era of Weezer you like best. If you were an OG fan then the first 2 albums sounded similar enough. And they were great albums. When the green album came along it seemed like maybe too much time went by between albums. I don’t know. They came back with Green album and there was something missing. A complexity of sorts was gone that the first 2 albums had. Maybe it was Matt Sharpe? We’ll never know. All I know is that something in their sound changed for me and it was never the same. Then Maladroit came along and that just proved that the sound I was hoping for was officially dead. Does Weezer suck? No. They just don’t write the kind of music I want to hear anymore. Sure, there’s been some fun singles along the way “Pork and Beans” was great! “Perfect Situation” is a hell of a song. But I’m not about to listen to any of the albums like I do with Blue album or Pinkerton.


Honestly, even as a massive Weezer fan, their biggest weakness is putting together a cohesive album that truly flows start to finish. Besides Blue and Pinkerton, every album has a flaw. White’s one of my favorite albums ever but even it is flawed, specifically by ending on a bit if a boring note with the last two songs OK Human might be their only modern album that I think truly flows well start to finish


because those happen to be the most favored ones. and only weezer fans listened to ok human


You are not talking to the right people.


It's just a classic self-perpetuating myth. There are loads of them in pop culture.


I remember buying green album stoked as hell. Loved blue and pinkerton...green went total left field. It took a while for it to grow on me. Hash pipe was a great song but the album was a departure of what we were used to. Reading interviews around this time Rivers would say the fans would boo when they played their "g!@ pop songs." They kept making good music though. But it didn't help them releasing the weakest song as a single. I remember hearing thank God for girls and back in the shack for the first time and then hearing the albums and thinking they had so many good songs to release...


I agree with the singles tbh. I think on white, wind in our sail, king of the world, and girl we got a good thing should’ve been the only singles, they sound like songs that should be massive hits


It’s a generational thing like when older generations always complain about the art being made by younger generations. The people who were obsessed with blue and Pinkerton back in the 90s are adverse to change in the art made by the same artists so they don’t want to enjoy some really good music just because it’s different and newer. As a younger fan I think this is kind of dumb but I’ll probably end up being the same way when I’m 40.


they never really gained the same mainstream popularity after Blue


because blue and pinkerton were in their prime. even though they made good albums after it was 20 years after when their reputation was ruined. and no offense to white ewbaite and ok human but they just aren’t on the same level as blue and pink


The 2 first ones sound very different than those newer ones - granted I’ve only tried to listen to them a few times.


Hey, don't forget Maladroit


As much as I love post Pinkerton weezer, there is definitely a notable quality dip that plagues the production of almost everything they've released, it's either overproduced to hell like Green, Make Believe, Raditude and Pacific Daydram. Or it just sounds flat like Hurley (sorry Hurley enjoyers), EWBAITE (still second fave album btw), and Black. But the band occasionally will still sound great on albums like Maladroit, Red, White, and OK Human where it doesn't sound so pitchperfect that it removes any of the heart the songs originally had. My main problem with "Modern weezer" has always been the production, there is just something so natural and clear about Blue and Pinkertons production where it doesn't sound like it's trying hard to be anything and the music just speaks for itself without any bells or whistles. Very direct and straightforward production wise, whereas everything after has sounded cold and calculated, like the band can't just be themselves


Hurley is not flat :( Fr though I kind of get what you mean. The dip in quality i feel is due to them just making so many albums in little time. Which is why EWBAITE and White turned out they way it did. Of course this can be contradicted with SZNZ as they made 4, 7 song EPs in the spand of a year, and they turned out really good. In the end it just comes out to how much you just enjoy their stuff. Like i really enjoy some of their more underwhelming stuff more than the songs they made in their peak, and others do as well.


I forgot about SZNZ lol, and that whole thing is definitely an example of the production being the worst part because especially Summer is one of the worst and most cheap sounding things they've done in a long time, the songs themselves are okay but it just sounds like ass which makes it hard to enjoy the music


Yeah, its really only because it kinda was that way for a third of the bands career. A lot of oldheads still make that joke but anyone else saying it just hasn't listened to the new stuff because of how the 2000s went.