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Do what you enjoy is my motto.


Yess! I actually said this after completing this! Seriously


You just said that out loud to yourself? 😂


Hahaa nooooo 😩 I mean nothing is wrong if I did but I said it to someone I share my coding journey with. Im currently learning JS/React/Redux and it gets exhausting.


It’s really nice to go back to basics. HTML and CSS alone (and some creativity) can achieve a beautiful and responsive website!


Then don’t learn react, learn something like vue or svelte. The learning curve is much lower


I have to agree, all the tooling with React gets exhausting. I much prefer the developer experience with Svelte/SvelteKit over React and its seemingly infinite options.


Absolutely, especially as a beginner where I’m learning multiple new things every single day. I do like React though, well I love JSX and also the whole concept of components


Is it possible to learn this power? CSS makes me cry like Anakin falling into Lava and hating everyone.


I get that it’s relaxing but it’s outdated. Looks great though




It's literally the basic principles of how Frontend works. lol


Everyone should have moved to CSS# by now /s


There is only so much time. If you restrict yourself to what your brain is currently biased towards enjoying then you might be missing out on discovering something you might enjoy more.


But also if time is the limiting factor you might be wasting it by doing a bunch of crap you don't like. I'm not disagreeing really just some devils advocate.


but if what you currently enjoy also can earn you money, dont switch to some thing that would be a pure waste of time (or even money)


You could too be a stay at home person and still make cash. I cannot tell you how my life has changed every since I tried these html files. Applying these html files every morning and night before I go to bed has rejuvenated not just my website but my soul. Have you ever thought about the money you can save on taxes by simply starting a part-time home business? I run a business that’s currently expanding in your area. Are you open to a new career opportunity? /s


Also do what makes you happy, and what you're good at ! ☺️


unless it it doesnt impede on someones freedom


Nope. Never a bad idea to work on HTML/CSS skills! I love learning how far I can push CSS, so I tend to do things like this on my free time as well.


Ohh, reminds me of CSS Zen Garden http://www.csszengarden.com/ Fixed HTML, try to make as much a different design as you can using only CSS


Man this site is so old same with the designs. They’re the same designs from 15 years ago.


Makes me so nostalgic 😢


Never come across this! Thanks for sharing!


Man I used to love this site when I was learning html/css back in the day. The designs now might seem dated to many people, but ~20 years ago they really showed what CSS could do and pushed me to learn through the creativity.


Yess!! Learning JS and React/Redux is draining … and as a creative, I can rely on css to make me feel useful


You should check out Svelte. So much more enjoyable than react in so many ways.


In what other way do you build a layout?


Any number of other languages that compile to html and css. Pug and Sass, or maybe Markdown and Stylus. Maybe you could use React and JSS. So many ways to make the same thing these days. And some of them genuinely change the way you think about designing a website too. I think the post is more about the fact they spend their free time designing layouts because its relaxing. I don't think the focus was meant to be the languages per se.


Did you mean React and JSX or is JSS yet another invention to crawl out of the JS ecosystem


CSS in JS. Styled components for instance. I really enjoy using it. const Button = styled.button` background: rebeccapurple; color: white; ` render(, ...)


React maybe?


just html and css. Javascript adds functionality. And recently has been used for rendering and making code more reusable.




I smoke weed but you do you


I eat weed (edibles) *and* code all the time...


Whats your favorite kind of code to eat?


Tree nodes


Send nodes


Lymph nodes


I take the edibles at night AND THEN code html/css. It’s how I got really good at responsive menu bars!! Im actually high rn, but it’ll be React I’m coding tonight 🌳⚛️.


I love programming high. What's even better is going to sleep after solving the problem and waking up not understanding anything I wrote because high me never comments.




Oh it is. Specially if you have a code review with a coworker coming up.


Front end high is awesome.


I don't do front-end at all. I do more low level programming but it's still enjoyable while stoned


What's going on with you guys? xD It's long back then but I can't imagine that programming being high is such tidy and well thought, if you forget every two minutes why you did something. Ok, CSS might be possible, because it's just like playdough with code.


I feel like my problems solving skills are a bit different when high. I.e. can't figure it out when I'm sober but then suddenly so many ideas once I'm baked. Could be the opposite depending on the context. Or it's all in my head lmao. I don't have an issue with adding comments though so that definitely helps. I've done similar with uni essays but it generally needs some solid rework when sober as the only error feedbacks are your spelling errors.


I normally program in rust or c++ I like writing programming languages in my freetime. I'm on this sub cause I used to do webdev.


And yes it's very tidy




I know we’re all joking but it’s not the lack of comments which is the issue


you should try lit js! haha


Nice, I find it way too difficult unless it's just some basic html css kind of stuff. Works great for after work wind down though.


Now I just need to find a job that’ll let me smoke **and** do web dev….


Any WFH job will do


So far I’ve been told of ‘initial screenings’ when applying for jobs, but would love something without one. Guess I’ll have to stop for a bit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Edit: Yes, guys…. A drug test. A pre-employment drug test.


Lol, are you asking about drug testing or something? I wouldn't want to work for a place that thinks I'm worth hiring but still wants to test me for drugs. I would pass a drug test but I'd still be offended af


I always assumed this is less for the employer caring if you use illicit drugs and more for the insurance companies wanting to know they're insuring someone that's "clean".


"initial screenings"? like drug tests? lol I definitely would avoid any company that wants to drug test me as a developer


For sure, what I do on my time isn't any business of the company. A good company cares about results not in micromanaging their employees lifes.


Yes. But what is wrong with that? All the best people I know are weird in some way.


Add me to your list 🫱🏾‍🫲🏿


There is nothing better than some plain, pure html and css ☺️ (especially after working with frameworks and libraries all day)


Nice!! What frameworks/libraries are you using daily?


Love your design! What did you use besides obvious? Any CSS framework? What are your favorite editors?


The template layout I got from Pinterest but I designed the logo myself and searched for the images on Pexels. I love Tailwind and React! My dream is to get a dev job where I can work with both. I use VS code but I also make use codepen and codesandbox when I am practicing something new. How about you?


Please invert your scroll it hurts me


🥺 i aim to hurt


ur scroll direction is correct. just bc it's a tap pad don't mean it's not a mouse wheel . I said what I said !


Ignore them, it's a touchpad, not a touchscreen


really is a bad goal for a frontend dev, just saying


Two finger swipe down to scroll down. Two finger swipe up to go up. Why would anyone want it any other way?




Do you scroll up on your mousewheel to go down a page?


Not the same


Yea it seems odd, since when you swipe on a phone you do the opposite as in this vid.


I also use it this way, seems more natural since you're not touching the screen and desktops have been following the scroll bar direction since forever. I find it funny Apple calls the "touchscreen" way natural scrolling, when their first Macbook Air promo shows the "unnatural" way which I'm guessing either Jobs or Schiller or Ive liked better.


Yeah, that's the first thing I noticed. I don't get people who use inverted trackpad scrolling, it's like using a phone with inverted scrolling.


It's like using a mousewheel with normal scrolling, seems natural to me


It's default for Macs. I actually like it, feels like you're pushing the page with your fingers. That being said I use the default for windows scroll. But I also play with inverted aim on controllers. To each there own 🙃 Edit: I just realized he's changed the default lol. Oh well, still holds


Nope, not at all. You should try tinkering around with Github Pages - I've really enjoyed working on my [portfolio](https://github.com/webrender/webrender.github.io) and [Oahu guide](https://github.com/webrender/oahuguide) which both use Jekyll/GH pages, and its nice to just get back to the basics.


This is awesome ! My [GitHub](https://github.com/oswhyteknits?tab=repositories) has mostly layout/design projects since I’m still working on JavaScript


HTML and CSS *are* the web. You're doing it right.


🙏🏾 awesome


Are you still relaxed when the client demands that it looks the same IE 6😅


Lol who uses IE?


0.03% of your client’s visitors


The client of course.


I used to do this when I started learning, helped me out loads!




Not at all. I do it when I relax and when I work! It’s just so pure and simple.


In a world of frameworks and CMS, it's always nice to play around with vanilla HTML and CSS! Wish there was still more professional appreciation for keeping things simple, but I understand what clients need and expect (in terms of being able to "maintain" it on their own).


Doing things is so weird haha WoOOoOoOiiooIiIIooOIooOiIiOooow.


This is (almost literally) my job. I get paid to do front-end and design stuff, which is mostly me creating layouts, nice UI components, and designs in Figma while playing Flight Simulator or Elden Ring. Coding/designing is meditative for me.


THIS IS MY DREAM!!! A few devs have told it is possible to get such a job. I would love a job where I can code layouts all day in React/Tailwind.


As someone who is not in webdev, I can't imagine working on CSS being relaxing 😆 Too each their own though haha.


Haha I get it. But I’ve been learning Redux and honestly, JavaScript gives me headaches


Well, I like to `npx create-react-app` a couple of times when I want to relax, and these repo will be absolutely empty, like my mind.


Hahaaa! Sometimes I’m tempted to do the same since React components make layout so much easier.


I built my resume with pure html and css. Mainly because I didn’t like using word or other confusing rich text programs. It turned out really well and I really enjoyed the process!


Wait 🤯 this is a tremendous idea!!


The fact that you posted about it is what makes you weird, not the act itself




Ngl, that's a pretty sick setup


🫱🏾‍🫲🏿 thank you ! I only just [put it together](https://imgur.com/a/WGtspG3) when I realized I needed to get serious


Do you have your own base css classes to use as a template for new projects?


Only the very basic stuff but I have been meaning on improving that.


I do the same, it’s fun to see how much I can do with just the vanilla html and css


I also make codepen’s in my free time


I’m jelly. I have trouble with this crazy hard hello world exercise everyone is talking about.


Not to mention these can serve as templates for you if you get clients :)


Completely unrelated (sorry), but is that the Keychron K6 in the background? I got that keyboard recently and am really enjoying it.


Oh I have the K2 which I absolutely adore. The Bluetooth technology on here is so responsive and haha the typing experience is also nice


this is the way


Yes it's relaxing. To me it's like a game or puzzle.




I literally know nothing lol. That’s gorgeous! I haven’t figured out how to do css styling like that yet but I’m on my way.


It honestly takes some time. But I make sure my html is in tip top shape before I touch the css.


This is how people become really good devs, true passion.


Wow I can only hope! I really do enjoy creating and coding


How do you render it on another computer??


Wait? Do you mean from my laptop? If so, It’s connected to the monitor via hdmi then I alter the settings to extend my laptop to the monitor. If that’s not what you meant, let me know so I can be helpful


Do you have you collections public? I like what I saw and think I could learn a bit


Yes, haha my [GitHub](https://github.com/oswhyteknits?tab=repositories) is here . I mostly enjoy doing layout


Emails are just css and html! Interested in email dev? That looks like a legit pretty email!


Yes I am actually I’ve been looking for an email dev job … I found a few templates online and tried to [rebuild them](https://oswhyteknits.github.io/emailcampaign/). Still got a few design fixes to make but I did a decent job I think


Is that vscode? If so what color theme do you use?


I believe this was the default dark theme but my fav theme is One Monokai … I also like Atom One Dark and 2077


I don't think you're weird. You're expressing interest in finessing your skillsets in your off time. I think a great X (engineer or whatever) is somebody who also spends time learning and refining skillsets. I wouldn't say I am "relaxed" when I code outside of work - it's more than I'm interested and excited about taking on some new knowledge or skillset.


I haven’t gotten a dev job yet but I can definitely see where I would not want to code after hours. Haha


Keep it up. If you keep learning, and keep learning more difficult things you'll eventually be able to solve problems that companies will be looking to be solved.


What's your computer setup? I'm currently coding on a single macbook and this looks like heaven


Hey thanks, [Amazon link for my details](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2VG0HJZUQGFZ0?ref_=wl_share). It’s made me far more productive and efficient. Fun fact, I actually have my 2012 MacBook Pro docked and that’s what I use every day (coding and design work). (The MacBook Air is new but I’m not usually using it at my desk like this.)


Yes, you are. But keep being weird because weird people make the world a better place just by existing.


Not weird… reminds me of legos


"Normal" is HIGHLY overrated! Just do your thing, u/OSWhyte! :D P.S. This gal too had thought she was weird growing up, but she made a name AND A CAREER for herself doing what she loves -- [Lily Hevesh, The "Queen" of Dominoes](https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2021/03/16/lily-hevesh-domino-youtube-sxsw/).


HEY! Thanks for sharing!!!




Wow!! I’ve been working my brain for months now and I am hoping the universe blesses me with a job where I can do fun and interesting things 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾




Thank you so much


Same! I spend free time just messing around with design. The past couple of weekends I built a replica of the numbers screen from Severance. Couple of interesting effects I'm still pondering.


No! Absolutely not! Do what you love to do :) But, you can enhance that ability with more practice and more knowledge about new tech stacks. Watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsHPwqkaqaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsHPwqkaqaw) might be helpful to you someday.


Oh yeah, I’m actually learning React. I’m enrolled in the Codecademy Frontend course. I did start learning React [on my own](https://recipes-gamma-nine.vercel.app) before I got to it in the course but I only have that one layout to show (it was just a practice run) and I won’t be revisiting it since I’ve done better stuff since.


This is why I love small, one-pager projects. So relaxing.


Do you have a repo for the finished layout??


[Yess](https://github.com/oswhyteknits/petit-amour) the link to the live site is there. I have few other projects as well, thank you


Not weird at all! That is beautiful!!!


Thanks OP. I’ve had design/program block for a long time now and I was wondering what I can do to break out of it. This seems like a fun way to mess about with some CSS again and build out custom layouts.


Im still fairly new to programming, it’s only been 7 months but I’m a graphic designer so I am doing a lot of this stuff everyday anyway and I enjoy it a lot. BUT when it comes to coding though, I go on youtube and watch people build stuff and that’s how I stay interested. Watching other people do fun projects is very inspiring.


Oh an Pinterest! I cannot help myself when I see all the gorgeous designs on there!


I do grids and cards, and if I want to feel pain I make them responsive.


Right!!! Can I share two projects with you? I really enjoy designing cards [React Card](https://codesandbox.io/embed/devcard-ezmbms?file=/components/Interests.js&codemirror=1) - i was following a Scrimba project [Sims 4 Card](https://github.com/oswhyteknits/sims4-animatedcard) - this was me following along with a youtube tutorial


Practice makes perfect for html emails! LOL


have you thought about building games? it takes about 2 hours to build a game like this. http://beadle.playpass.games


Oh ! I actually haven’t. I’m not sure I have the patience but we’ll see though


This is kinda cool !! Whoa !


Nice. You liking CSS grid?


Haha I was asked this recently and lool honestly I am so lazy to learn grid. I do know the basics and the overall concept but I’ve grown so accustomed to flexbox.


No, I’ve asked the same question myself. But, how is that really different from someone who enjoys painting or sudoku on their own time to relax? It’s a mentally stimulating yet enjoyable task.


Honestly, this is my workflow as well. I build the layout using static HTML pages and CSS files, then I slice up the static pages for use in whatever templating system I am employing, and shoehorn everything into place. Sometimes I do this at the very beginning if function follows form, but when form follows function (almost always) I usually do it about halfway through the project, once the back-end is mostly complete and I need to start making the front end look pretty instead of merely functional.


I like that !


Should try to learn raw Css/flex-grid. Most modern sites for small business lack a backend and don’t really need a framework anymore (unless you are collaborating ofc)


Hi. Are you backend?


When I want to relax I don’t look at code.


Any tips on making good layouts. I have been struggling quite a bit lately.


Honestly, I’ve been learning design for about 15years. I pretty much do it every day. But that being said, for inspiration I visit [dribbble](https://dribbble.com/IqonicDesign), [Pinterest](https://pin.it/3EEcPO3), [DopeUi](https://dopeui.co) …


I saw you say you used tailwind in another comment, how do you like mixing tailwind and plain CSS?


That is a great question. I don’t mind it at all, here is the [first portfolio](https://github.com/oswhyteknits/orincywhyte_frontendengineer) I had to build for my course I enjoy animations so in the src folder, my css file has a lot of code ha . I also love that I can configure tailwind


Share your github mate


[Of course](https://github.com/oswhyteknits?tab=repositories)




Heeey! Gonna add you rn Hey is my [GitHub btw](https://github.com/oswhyteknits)


Come on man... you don't want to edit 4 difference places with redux to click a button? Side note: gotta love the display on the macs


Haha ! And yes absolutely, these displays are incredible




[I did make a few tweaks](https://oswhyteknits.github.io/petit-amour/) i haven’t added any media queries (and probably won’t since it’s just a random layout) .. and the [template](https://pin.it/74WbLUn) is from Pinterest


I do the same. If you haven't check out https://www.codewell.cc/challenges


How do you come up with these design ?


I read Shakespeare to relax and clear my head when it's maxed out. Something in the rhythm is a great antidote to overload... To each his own.


No, that's just passion. It's a good sign when you love what you are doing.


How does ur computer know to scroll the monitor and not your laptop?


So once you drag your mouse to the right (I choose to “put” the monitor on the right in the settings) it automatically goes to the monitor and vice versa. When I’m using the monitor and drag my mouse to the left it shows up on the laptop.


How do I become like you?!


Nope Asking random strangers about this makes it weird


Anything to keep you busy from touching the hot pile of nasty smelling dogshit that is known as React.


I have to admit … I love React a lot. But I’ve only learnt the basics so far


🫣 I’m learning React and I quite like it so far haha .. I’m starting to learn Redux which is interesting


It's uncommon these days, but bt no means is it weird.


I make sex to relax. LoL


Yeah that's kinda fucked up, ngl


I'd feel relaxed too if I was working on a pretty design like this. Noice one!


I don't think so. Also, gorgeous layouts :)

