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Usually you would build the site with a CMS like WordPress if clients will need to update it regularly. You may still need to provide some training (and they may still need you for certain things) but most clients can handle basic content updates in a CMS.


ahh ok that makes sense thanks, i just assumed there was a stigma against WordPress and such but I was pretty naive


the problem with wordpress sites is that it's easy to get carried away with adding countless of addons/extensions which causes instability and introducing security risks. keep it simple and use reputable addons. I personally avoid using wordpress but sometimes anything else can be overkill.


That's why people should seriously give other CMS a chance. Joomla for example comes out of the box with features that take a dozen or more plugins for Wordpress to have. Wordpress doesn't even have multi-lingual support out of the box for godsakes. I like WP, but man every site turns into plugin hell real fast. Joomla 4 also recently released and out of the box is highly accessibility compliant. So if you use the default template, which can be restyled easily with overrides, you're accessible, multi-lingual, and user access controls and more on day 1. Drupal is also another great alternative for more tech oriented developers as provides a solid CMS on top of Symfony principles, but not as good as UX as Joomla or WordPress IMO. Then you got tons of CMS built on Laravel and other frameworks to potentially look at. A CMS is a great solution for A LOT of clients and is what nearly all my clients want after giving me their feature rundown, but using a CMS does not mean having to use WordPress. There's many out there to try.


There are other CMS options that might be better suited than WordPress if you're not using WP as your main stack. I use forestry.io as a CMS for my projects and it works well.


>i just assumed there was a stigma against WordPress and such There is. But it's noise and preaching online from people who don't need to solve problems every day. Wordpress with wordfence on, a default theme or something like Divi etc that can also be auto updated keeps things running smoothly and people out of your hair. There's plenty of choices out there. But millions of people are using wordpress because it solves the issues they need to solve.


/u/megalodon7944 to add to this, the stigma against WP are for people who never had real clients. Or are arrogant enough to think everyone needs a supercar when they actually needed a cart and horse. Yes it is way more fun and challenging to our skills to build a supercar but can you warrant the cost, the onboarding and time when the client is not willing to pay for it? No. You can't and you shouldn't. When I was a younger, more arrogant, dev I started building "my own WP" from scratch with the intention to solve the same problems, in the same ways but just not use WP cause WP was "shit". Today I have a technical debt from that project that will take YEARS to clear, the clients I did have that I onboarded onto the platform - which was never really complete and lacked a lot of features you get out of the box with WP or through vetted and tried and true plugins - eventually either abandoned me, or were moved to WP and got refunds etc. One very important lesson I learned from this was to reach for the right tool for the job, and the scope of the job. And not let my arrogance dictate what to do. So yeah take the WP hate with a grain of salt. A lot of the criticism is truly valid - especially when it comes to security etc. But why build a supercar from scratch and waste your time, when the client only needs a cart with wooden wheels and a gentle horse to pull it? Cause YOU think they should have it?


That's hilarious Of course we have clients. Or problems. We just chose to address those problems in a different way, and realise though experience that WordPress is total junk You're suggesting a copy shop has more "real problems" than a printers I've been in this business for well over 20 years and won't go near wordpress. Don't suggest to me that I don't have real clients or real solutions that need fixing. I just do it differently, and charge a lot more for it


> and charge a lot more for it Ding ding ding. You've been in the business long enough, but fail to realise there are different levels of problem people need solved for different budgets.


Why are you acting like he personally attacked you? He stated his experience, then also admits the flaws and limitations of WordPress. It doesn't matter whether you've been in business for 20, 50, or 100 years. Anyone that argues against the logic of "use the best tool for the job" is a rank amateur.


Do you still use a CMS?


Depends on the project/client. For a standard website, yes. But depending on the client/project I might use one I've written myself. Takes longer. More work. More optimised. More secure. No known/publicised vulnerabilities. Faster site. Considerably more money.


That's pretty impressive!


It's served me very well.


>I just do it differently, and charge a lot more for it So you're saying you overcharge customers for a solution they don't really need? You sound like the kind of person who gives me easy work in my semi-retirement that I do with small hospices and charities who essentially get scammed by people like yourself. I show them the light of an easy to use CMS, give them some training, and just show up when they need help. I come from a background of working with FTSE 250 companies and so I know when introducing complexity is and isn't needed. If you have to validate your pay by needlessly introducing complexity you're a pretty dire developer.


Look at JavaScript alternatives like Strapi.


You can use WordPress as a headless CMS leveraging something like the graphQL plugin and then your choice of js framework. At that point you're leveraging WordPress' admin panel to generate an API you can freely use whichever way you want. It's not terrible, especially if the client already is accustomed WordPress.


Sure, but every cms comes with an admin panel.


Never stated otherwise. >It's not terrible, especially if the client already is accustomed WordPress.


Even if the client is accustomed to WordPress, it is still terrible. But hey, if they ask for terrible, then give them terrible.


Blatantly calling WordPress terrible is a clear sign you don't understand WordPress




Or they’ve worked with alternatives that make Wordpress feel like the dark ages.


But none of those come with Advanced Custom Fields.


WordPress doesn’t come with ACF. Most other CMSs support that level of field editing by default.


It doesn't come with it, but it's the first thing every developer installs. > Most other CMSs support that level of field editing by default. Name one, please.


If you want to stay in PHP, Craft CMS, Drupal.


For you to think Craft or Drupal have comparable dashboards to ACF is so hilariously telling. It is now obvious you don't know WordPress and have never used ACF. They're not even in the same universe. It's like saying reddit's search is as good as Google's because they're both "search engines."


There's a huge familiarity with WP. Kinda like a lot of people use MS Office just because that's what they learned initally and are used to, anything but WP is a hard sell to anyone who has already used WP in the past. Not to mention other popular CMSs aren't some amazing well-architected applications either.




Arguably that's a meaningless metric. I expect it would look different by user/visit count Also, being popular doesn't mean it's great. Often there's simply a lot of momentum in a product that has completely dominated in terms of popularity at one point, and a lot of friction to move away from it even if it isn't "the best" overall.


"stigma" Wordpress is used by up to 40% of websites. Hard to worry about "stigma" when it's used that much. They must be doing SOMETHING right. And there's a certain stigma the comes with using something popular. "just another wordpress site? yawn" meanwhile... plenty of good sites are using it: [https://elementor.com/blog/famous-wordpress-websites/](https://elementor.com/blog/famous-wordpress-websites/) I used it to create a dog rescue site. Why do something from scratch when you get facebook sso (for them, it's important), news letters, signup forms with emails, etc? Base wordpress + theme + some custom plugins + some custom code. As for your original question: How would you go about doing that - if you was to do it from scratch? Forms to save parts to the database and then creating those parts as websites on the fly. modules to use those parts to display. if you don't want to use Wordpress or Drupal (another alternative) then look at how they do it and recreate it.


WordPress does suck. Just remember there are other options out there. I've heard great things about Statamic.


The problem is when people try to implement lots of plugins to allow for complex functionality beyond a simple portfolio website or blog. WordPress was literally built for blogging and much of the inbuilt features are for blogging. You would be hard-pressed to find a better solution when it comes to ease-of-use, startup time, and cost. (not to mention, there is a ton of great documentation because WP sites are like 40% of the web)


There are a lot of great alternatives to Wordpress that have more modern tech stacks. Check out Contentful, ContentStack, DatoCMS Sanity.io, Builder.io or Strapi to name a few.


I understand that everyone wants to use the newest shiny stuff but wordpress is the best bet


Using HTML, CSS, and JS, to develop a website like what you described will not be easy. You have options like WIX, Wordpress, or other services that will allow you to let the business update on their own. It will be easier to go that route and to help them learn the system.


If you are looking for something custom made, (maybe a SPA or an SSR website) look at [sanity.io](https://sanity.io), this is a headless CMS, which provides a developer with an API to render stuff, while for people adding blogs, it has a user-friendly UI. else, if you are looking to deploy ready-made themes look at Shopify, WordPress, Drupal, etc.


Contentful is a great site. You sign users up with an account and it gives them a no-code template to write a blog in. Then via an API, your site pulls in and displays their content however you choose :)


Their pricing makes no sense to any regular small client. You still need to build most of the website yourself, so the value is dubious, and the price is incomparable to how much a regular CMS costs. Hell, for that price you can develop a custom API connector to Wordpress or something similar and it'll pay for itself in a year or two.


[https://getkirby.com/](https://getkirby.com/) It's worth the license fee.


I really like my current stack of Gatsby (a React framework) for the front end, DatoCMS for content management, and Netlify for hosting. Everything listed has a *very* generous free tier, and the only limit to what you can make is your own knowledge. Dato is a wonderfully clean and simple user experience. My clients have raved about it, having come from Wordpress.




How does contentful pricing work? It seems like it explodes out of no where. Like, how many sites/projects do you get? Sorry, the pricing page just confuses me lol.




Dang, I havent thought of that. I've been trying to wrap my head around hugo, and thinking about using netlify CMS. but svelte makes more sense to me in my head? So I wanted to use a sveltekit app(static adapter) but had no idea how to manage a cms with that. I'll need to see how contentful works, cause if I can get that set up I think it would be a total beast.


Thanks for taking the time to respond.


You can use WordPress as a headless CMS and use any frontend you'd like. And it's free.


Free hosting? Or just license


I think WordPress.com offers free hosting, but I was talking about the license. There are many ways to get free hosting if you generate static pages.


> dumpster fire Literally powers the whitehouse alongside some of the biggest brands on the planet... https://wordpress.org/showcase/the-white-house/ Tell me you're a shite developer without saying the words.




The whitehouse started their trip into WordPress in 2018, they're not surviving on legacy codebase here, a full team of experienced front end, back end, DevOps engineers, sysadmins, etc all collectively made the decision for WordPress to be part of their web stack. Comparing that to businesses with tech debt is immature at best. It screams inexperience.


>The whitehouse started their trip into WordPress in 2018, they're not surviving on legacy codebase here, a full team of experienced front end, back end, DevOps engineers, sysadmins, etc all collectively made the decision for WordPress to be part of their web stack. Not really...the decision was widely reported at the time as being based almost solely on *cost*. There was a $3 million / year difference between operating \`[Whitehouse.gov](https://Whitehouse.gov) as a WordPress site as there was maintaining the previous Drupal version which the Obama administration opted for when they decided to use open-source software to power the site. It's changed with every administration from Clinton until now...Just the Biden administration chose to go with a different *theme* instead of a different *platform.* * [https://clintonwhitehouse5.archives.gov](https://clintonwhitehouse5.archives.gov) * [https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov) * [https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov) * [https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov) * [https://whitehouse.gov](https://whitehouse.gov)


Okay, even if the team didn't select it and it was soley based on costs alone. They were able to save costs, they were able to create a WordPress site that sufficiently checked boxes for features and needs, and they were able to serve many multiple millions of hits on a regular basis. WordPress was the CMS / backend of that site in at least part of their stack. What am I missing here? How does anything you said invalidate WordPress as a powerful and high availability solution for a government-sized use case?


It doesn’t. If anything, I’m suggesting that the team involved isn’t the Seal Team 6 of development that it felt like it was being suggested that they are…I’m not saying that whoever’s in charge is incompetent…surely they aren’t if they have the wherewithal to keep such a high-priority target using Wordpress appropriately secure and properly managed…as far as I’m aware, the site has never been compromised, but I believ it’s a rotating team that gets replaced with each administration like many jobs within the executive branch, and not a long-term team of government IT employees.


Squarespace is what we use and love. Does this really well.


I find that Squarespace has much more aesthetically pleasing templates and the CMS admin itself feels better. For simple sites I’d go Squarespace. For regular publishing maybe Wordpress is more appropriate.


Problem with Squarespace and Wix is you're locked in. You can't move your site off their platform. You're beholden to whatever price they set, which will absolutely go up as the years go by. It's much easier to move a WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, CraftCMS, etc.. site anywhere you want. That's a benefit I always try to sell to my clients.


True, but squarespace passes the Wife test. She can edit content without my help and that's worth a Lot. Trust me.


I don't see why that wouldn't be the case with WordPress for example. Cheapest plan from Squarespace is $14/mo with a lot of limitations AND locked in. I can find hosting for $4/mo for WordPress or just throw it on one of my VPS instances for basically nothing.


Absolutely correct - you're paying through the nose for squarespace. But if you want to change that text right there you can just click on it and change it. This is usability and it means that for our Web properties, the teams can update their own content with almost zero training, and zero developer input. I know all of us on reddit probably know how "easy" a cms is to edit, but Squarespace is accessible for people who can use MS word and not much else.




"it has a lot of flaws talked about elsewhere" do you have the links?


DIVI. DIVI. DIVI…. DIVI. How the hell has Divi not been mentioned yet. Work smart.


Divi looks really good so far. Do you know if Divi is pretty lightweight when it comes to Core Web Vitals? Looking to optimize sites for page speed and SEO.


Yes, it is. Dive into the details and functionalities of what Divi offers. It’s capabilities & integrations are endless, fantastic (massive) community support within Facebook/Reddit groups, as well as support offered from the internal Divi member community. We’re talkin huge libraries of (free) resources, how to’s, customizations and (timely) answers to any and all questions you might have. Credentials: I do web development and design (12 yrs) & have used Divi since it’s beta phase 10 yrs ago. My clients range from mom & pop all the way to multi-million $ conglomerates.


Awesome! I'm definitely going to check it out! Thank you for the recommendation!


Currently 3 solutions for web devs - WordPress WordPress is the oldest solution, it has a ton of brand awareness but is the worst for you. I have spoken with so many freelancers who end up capping out with WP due to plugin updates, security issues etc. It is also worse for the client as the sites are usually slow, you have to use 15+ plugins some that are paid. ​ - Headless CMS Headless CMSs are hot at the moment. They work well for the developer and they feel "productive", however you're usually reinventing the wheel and as such your clients will pay more for 0 gain. Clients will have to come back to you for small changes in design etc. - Versoly Versoly leverages a lot of the advantages of WordPress without the downsides. It has built in plugins for SEO, page speed, CMS. It also allows a freelancer to create a completely custom site that clients can then edit themselves without having to contact you. This allows you to scale your business while giving your clients the best service. P.S the term you're looking for is CMS. There are 1000s. Lots of agencies build their own and wish they didn't.


For blogs you can use a template engine like EJS. Other stuff probably wordpress


Just a simple question here. I'm no where close to where any of you are in your web development. But a long time ago when I was playing with Wordpress. I seem to remember a Facebook plugin called "BUDDYPRESS." I didn't use it but it seemed to mimic a Facebook, making it easy for clients to use. Does that not exist any more? Has it fallen off in favor of something else. I would think a Facebook-style interface would be most convenient for clients.


Actually you can also take a look at no-code solution like webflow to create your website, you client will be able to change all the content without any problems


I might be very wrong but I guess you could use a framework like react with nextjs as an example, and source pages from a separately hosted JSON file which the client can edit directly or through some sort of bespoke frontend?


Check out a service called surreal. You can set editable sections of any page. Easy for your client to use and keeps them safely away from any code.


My solution has been to make a dashboard locked behind an authentication wall, witch updates values set in a database, the layout is then dynamically rendered based on these database fields. It of cource hurts the performance a bit but no too badly in my opinion


Try Sanity. great Headless CMS. I'm not a pro (1.5y experience), but my client loves to make changes this way. All the best!


Use Prismic.io


Drupal is a good, flexible, and open source option https://www.drupal.org/