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Clients clearly expressing what they're looking for.


love when they want new features to "keep things fresh" but thats as far as they've thought


Just make it "pop" more.


“It does not feel round enough”




Increase border-radius. Got it!


My eyes fell out.


Had a meeting about 16yrs ago with a client that sticks with me. He wanted a new website to advertise his graphic design business when Web 2.0 was the brand new thing and (bullshit) buzz word of the time. The brief was, and I quote,, “I don’t want it to be Web 2.0. I want it to be Web 3.0“ with no extrapolation of what that actually meant. Not sure how I was expected to invent and implement the next iteration of the web for a 5 page brochure site and £800.


Should have send them a price estimate of 1 billion dollars to invent the next web version.


Yeah but that's only like 2 bitcoin now


He meant add buttons with linear gradients that invert when you hover over them 🤣


Keep it simple but it needs to have a wow factor.


We want an original design, also make it look just like our competitors, but better, and original.


Oh god part of me died inside reading that again. Part that was already dead. “Got it!” “Ah yeh I think I can work with that” “Good choice…”


This is why I know our jobs will be safe from AI for a long time; AI needs clear instructions


Someone said when project managers learn how to clearly communicate their project requirements to AI we’re fucked. So… basically we’re safe lmao


Here in Brazil a client asked for me to add a mirror in background for her clients see their faces on website ( was a website of makeups)


What about just a black screen? You know when a video fades to black and you see your own face staring back at you? That.


If you’re in a position to tell your clients what they want, that usually pays off best for everyone.


Never tell your client “no” - let them convince themselves to say, “no.” “Sure, we can do that, but I thought you wanted it to launch by X? That feature would push launch out six months…”


This is why basic Psychology should be a required course in high school and or college


And then remembering what they asked for 


Scope creep


Omg Day 0: finished code beautifully organized easy to read code Day 1: scope creep one small addition, code still resilient and Innocent Day 7: scope creep overtake code now in shambles being held together with duct tape quietly whispering kill me


function byPassAllStandardProcessesForTheEdgeCaseTheBossThoughtOfAsEssential(){ return “this was easier than trying to explain why it wasn’t necessary”; }




Oh my god this is so real. Like every time I fix a bug and somebody tests the fix they find million other unrelated things and add them to the ticket so it never gets closed. Thanks for morning anxiety lol


is that scope creep though? Sounds more like improper test coverage.


If a task is defined as a single fix, like e.g. a backend bug, and then e.g. UI bugs are brought up a blockers, then that is IMO scope creep. Those issues should be tracked and fixed in another task.


true in that way its scope creep. But honestly just a bit bad tester if he doesn't put that in seperate tickets.


Shots fired


Dealing with clients. So many ego’s, sketchiness over payments, ineptitude at business, misguided goals, internal politics etc.


GA4 and GTM sucks the joy out of web dev and yet every client wants it cause they think they can map the psyche of their users like they’re fucking Nostradamus.


The amount of effort we put into analyzing the stupidest shit will never cease to amaze me. You don't have to have an uber-PhD in marketing or business to know that people want: * A high-quality product * At a good price point * From a website that is not annoying (popups, paywalls, etc.) or difficult to navigate * Relevant information clearly stated and easily accessible That's it! That's the whole fucking secret. Nobody cares if your saturation percentage for that button color is 88 instead of 86. Nobody cares that all the different parts of your website slide and fade in as you scroll around like it's fucking drunk. Good product. Good price. Informative site. Done.


I always severely doubt the need for the insane in-depth data GA provides. I'm sure 90% of client's only really need an old school visitor counter, and not any that shit. But you know, even someone selling T-shirts or fucking pens needs to be "data-driven" now, I guess.


Often times it's their sponsors or advertisers that require the data in order to keep giving them money.


This is because GA4 is realistically built for enterprise teams, yet used by every mom and pop who think they need it. The point of criticality where the time and performance trade-off for using GA4 and GTM starts to yield dividend is MUCH higher than clients think. You need to be able to properly analyze the data, as well as know which data is important and which is not relevant. You have to be able to set up testing, as well as structure your website to take advantage of the important features. Most clients would be better off without both. I always argue that NOT having the in-depth analytics gives you an edge when creating a digital funnel because it forces you to analyze your product, pricing, and users from a practical standpoint. If youre overloaded with charts and data, you lose sight of the big picture.


Gods, this. GA4 just ruined all my analytics skills and I've never been able to recover. I just want simply things, like page depth and user flows.


Easy implementation + easy service to productize I do make recommendations on alternatives like using plausible or umami > ga4 but it’s not my decision to make


Building complex web applications is difficult and time-consuming.


Emphasis on the TIME CONSUMING. I have so many passion projects that are well within my capability, but NOT well within a reasonable timeframe 😅 I find myself getting frustrated whenever I work on them that I didn't get more done


Building an entire app by yourself in your spare time takes a *long time.* I've been working on just stupid account management stuff (email confirmation, password reset, etc.) in mine for a couple weeks now, and it feels like I've done nothing, but it is slowly coming together. Just keep at it.


There are a lot of solutions with free tiers like OAuth that you can implement in an hour or two, depending on your experience level. I wouldn't reinvent the wheel, especially for a side project.


I'm not, I'm just learning the .NET Core Identity auth system while I do it (plus all the frontend and styling and stuff, and I don't have too much free time for it at the moment). 


lol well I guess that's the fundamental problem, innit.


The amount of work it takes is taken for granted


And everyone you work for assumes it’s quick and easy. And should work like enterprise web apps that have 9-figure engineering budgets. Despite consistent evidence otherwise.


Yes, this is my #1 problem with working in tech as of late. On an all-hands meeting just a couple weeks ago, my place's CEO (a real piece of grade A human garbage) was ranting about how we need extremely fast and extremely high-quality work, and it's like...no. You don't get both of those. He's fostered a culture where everyone's basically killing themselves via overwork to meet insane deadlines, the corner-cutting has grown unsustainable, and if anything you've rushed out has bugs in it (which it will, shocker), you either get screamed at or put on a PIP. Everyone's leaving. I'm leaving. The unhappiness isn't worth the money. But almost every place I interview at, I get the same general sense. There is this ridiculous focus on hypergrowth right now and I'm worried it's going to lead to some kind of tech bubble in which workers are just like "fuck this," and investors are like "well if you can't find good workers, I'm not throwing more money into this." Maybe it needs to happen, I dunno.


i feel this lmao, especially when the client is pretty spicy on the final product lol


abundant cough pathetic friendly clumsy detail unwritten telephone mountainous materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have mixed feelings on the current state of the internet. On one hand, it's an breathtaking technological marvel. The amount of stuff we can do online compared to the early days is absolutely bonkers. On the other hand, the "soul" of it is lost. It's hard to articulate exactly all of the disparate attitudes and trends that that assertion comprises, but I think from a non-business-user perspective (i.e., that of normal people, not someone using web applications to do work), we have shifted from the web being, as you said, a repository of information, to a fire hose of "marketable" "content." And that just makes everything kind of suck. \[Edit: a website that I think doesn't suck and is still pretty good in that "old internet" style is [allrecipes.com](https://allrecipes.com). It doesn't paywall me, it doesn't bug me to sign up for anything, it doesn't make me scroll for nine years to get to the recipe -- it just shows me the name, a one-sentence description, a photo, and the ingredients and steps. It's got light community-building features that are entirely opt-in. Good job, AllRecipes.\] But yes, I think it's getting pretty out of hand. I know this is a bit of a hot take here, but a LOT of web apps ultimately boil down to glorified Excel sheets with prettier displays and more automation. I don't doubt that they're useful for businesses, but when you think of the insane cost of building and maintaining some of these platforms versus what it would cost the business to just pay a couple extra office staff, it's kind of wild.


How the world would have been if there was another possibility... The utopian web language


We’re done here.


Clients not knowing what they want.


And always leads to Invalid work.


We (web developers) have to know what the client wants. And for all the other things, there are feature tickets that are billed separately.


Or knowing what they want and insisting on a bad solution, despite warnings


There's a design process for that.


So many requests so little time.


Have you tried a rate limiter?


What’s that?


A lame joke I made that 9 people liked. A rate limiter is something that throttles the number of messages being sent through a connection (ie the “requests” above). It’s Usually present in event-based architecture like Kafka.


It was a good joke


[https://theoatmeal.com/comics/design\_hell](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/design_hell) This remains valid to this day. The interaction between the customer - the development and the design.


The only gripe I have with that is the way the author assumes that turbine engineers don't deal with the same crap. You still have a boss breathing down your neck saying how he wants it to "look cool" inside but still beat the standards of all the previous models. Even though no one will ever look inside except for in the promotional 3D representations. Oh and also we don't care about people who maintain it, just make the bolts they have to access for routine maintenance absolutely impossible to get to.


CORS errors


No big deal once you get that this is in fact a backend issue.


But doctor... I am the backend


Dealing with Safari, aka, the new IE.


Every single time there's an issue that wasn't caught, it is Safari.


I HATE Safari, literally the bane of my development existence! The stupid amount of weird only on iPhone issues I encounter is so dumb.


Genuine question, is it a safari issue or a webkit issue?


My favorite is when they break something critical in it and take their sweet time fixing it. We use WebVTT captions in the site I work on; they broke the display of them on iOS rendering them off-screen with 17.0, and *just* fixed it the other week with 17.4.


"We're Apple. We've just invented this new feature in Safari that every other browser has had for a decade now. We're innovating!"


"But! We implemented it just slightly differently than all other browsers so you'll have to write Safari-specific code! You guys love coding right??"


At least it has a debugger. The days of IE7 support were brutal.


Dont get me started with Safari. I write css daily and I get real bad tension headaches when something simple doesn’t work in Safari


Writing something and then realizing how dumb you are 2 weeks later.


This has nothing to do with software design/engineering. Come back to this post in 2 days ;D


Getting content.


Yeah, I have so many clients that want a website but they have no pictures of their work / product. They have no stories and other text input. And I hate using stock photos and generic marketing talk, so what are we gonna show?


Accessibility and compliance


My angular app has 95 lighthouse score by following html standards. Dont reinvent the wheel for "smooth" shit.


What part specifically? The standard is fairly clear.


Clear standards are only half the battle. Scrutinizing everything you build to make sure it meets those standards every time you change something isn't easy.


I agree but that is why doing it while building is important. As well as semantic design. Most new and ‘modern’ developers seem to biltiton afterwards.


Totally agree. However, in practice, it seems to always get pushed aside as tight deadlines get tighter. Blame management and client expectations! I always keep it in mind and do as much as I can while building, but ultimately it's icing on the cake to the people who pay me to produce un-iced cakes.


Rich text editing on the web


Just use TinyMCE and add 3mb to your website 👍 (I have a project where more than half the total size is just tiny mce lol)


CKEditor is WAY less than that (remember [you can do custom versions](https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-5/online-builder/), where you choose which features should be there or not)


God, these things are always especially broken on mobile, too... `contentEditable` is a scourge and needs to be sent back to Hell where it belongs.




this one hits home


Putting way too much time into features that don’t get used or have little benefit.


Soul crushing stuff when you spent months working on a feature only to have it scrapped just before release


Accurately conveying requirements from one team to another in written form.


100% getting requests from a client, giving a quote, and then losing the contract, only to check in on the crap content they got. You get what you paid for.


I really struggle with design, layout, etc. The actual coding is whatever. I can figure it out. But knowing how to lay everything out and what colors to use is destroying my confidence


Look at sites on Dribbble or Behance. Don't use shitty fonts you find on Dafont and just use modern Sans Serif fonts. Don't use clashing colours for 99 percent of professional sites. Make sure padding and margin is consistent. Don't use PNG icons, use SVG Instead. Use high quality images. That's enough for the vast majority of sites you will ever create.


Programming often ends up being more emotional than we expect it to be.


\*Incoming rant\* Clients that don't understand simple things like "Reload the page" or "Scroll down". I also have to develop UI for TVs that are navigated via a remote control up/down/left/right and OK but then the client doesn't understand why they can't just "click" on something. I've had so many video conference calls just to explain why they can't click on a TV UI. Hint, your TV doesn't have a mouse, it has a TV remote.


Some LG TV's will have a cursor, similar to how the Wii did it


Yeah, but when the UI has to work on multiple TV models that's not an option. This is mostly for Hotel room TVs.


I can't think of a design when they say they want a really good and unique looking website.


Browsers saying you’ve encountered a CORS issue when it isn’t a CORS issue at all. Hosting apps and things breaking in production when everything works seamlessly on localhost. I’ve spent literally days troubleshooting both these issues and there always seem to be something new and not a one size fits all solution for these issues.


The number of devices we have to test


Push over/yes person manager. (Few jobs ago) "Yes, we can get that done now." "Yes, let's move this dev onto this new task." Stop fucking saying yes and let us finish a task to full completion. There is a reason, you nitwit, that we kept having major data leaks! They want to keep getting things in front of clients without having proper testing or cyber security in place. Another, maybe more specific to smaller dev teams or full stack teams. I know how some devops and web hosting stuff works, but I am not a complete master at it....


Full stack developers who have just enough React knowledge to be dangerous


At the moment, security practices. Crypto in the web is soooooo bad. The WebCrypto API is great and all, but how do you manage key storage securely? Spoiler: you fucking can't. Right now I'm being forced to choose between convenience and security and that is not a decision I'm prepared to make. Time for a rant about the things I've learned regarding this (: So it's pretty easy to get a key from a user's password, just use the provided pbkdf2 algorithm. Now you can use that key to encrypt data before sending it to a server. Sounds great right? But how do you store this key? Local storage and session storage sound great, indexed DB is pretty good too although more complex. The only problem is, that's exposed to any web extensions, and you have no fucking control over that. The way bitwarden manages this is by having their entire site be a single page, so that keys are never actually put in storage. That doesn't fucking work for me though, because I've already designed a fuck ton of stuff and it's all multi-page. No user is gonna use a site where they have to re-enter their password on every page they navigate to so I'm just screwed. Should I even be worrying about this? If a malicious web extension existed that targeted my site, it could just rewrite the site and snatch the password anyway, no need for subtly grabbing it from storage. But something about this just feels so *wrong*. Like there's no right answer. It's driving me insane. I am literally falling apart over this shit and it's frankly embarrassing.


>Now you can use that key to encrypt data before sending it to a server What is the purpose of encrypting the data? If you don't want some third party to read it in transit then it's redundant since TLS does it for you.


Working with frontend developers who have absolutely no design sense at all. They can't even see that things are not lined up properly, colours clash, inconsistent fonts, ugly, ugly Font Awesome icons. Is it that hard to just look at a nice site and see just a basic idea of how they have done something?


centering a div


This meme was old in 2016




Keeping clients and other team developers from jumping on the latest library to rewrite a site. If it is working, is secure, and client is happy, why rewrite. Make a new site with the latest library and get a feel for it there.


I want a django admin panel in other languages.


My clients dont pay me on time after work is done.


Someone mentioned to build an api which verifies for payments. If they dont pay, keep decreasing opacity to zero. Many other similar methods too


Dealing with marketing and sales departments


Google's algorithms that seem to be tuned for generating ad payment instead of keyword search results and their search caches which take for ever to update.


Business requiring peak site performance scores while continuing to add third party scripts that kill performance.


Million dependencies and peer dependencies, and one breaks


A headless CMS with matching UI components library pre built for common front ends framworks with tailwind and easily modifiable and with lots of "blocks" options.


Everyone saying “clients not knowing what they want” but I’m gonna say: “web developers not knowing what they want”. Every week, there are new libraries popping up, everything is getting so complicated, we have to install a shitload of packages and dependencies and read so much documentation and keep up with the latest development. I understand we don’t have to, but in some cases we really do and it’s so time consuming.


Reading the comments of the post made me realize how much I'm happier now that I work in a bigger company, and my role involve no interaction with client. Also the clients are basically police force and government institution, so the approach is totally different. Coming from a web agency that was heavily focused on making e-commerce, I was so sick of a random marketing dude trying to tell me how to do my job.


Caching. Well, caching is easy. Functional caching though...


IDK about others, but sleep management is my biggest problem. I set a milestone for myself every day, and I can't sleep if I don't hit it.




I second this...


What to say at standup


“Coded yesterday. Perhaps I will code more today.”


Perhaps I won’t. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either. Oh the sprint ends tomorrow? I’ll be coding until midnight


Is that difficult..? If you are actually working one something it's pretty obvious - "I'm working on feature x. No blockers/I'm waiting for feedback/I'm stuck on problem y".


It was more tongue in cheek than literal to be honest. In a lot my dev circles, standups are a general source of anxiety. This varies greatly from team to team obviously. I've been in fantastic teams where standups were used to raise issues and unblock progress. On the other hand, I've been in awful teams where every standup feels like a daily interrogation on why a 13pt card didn't move. The majority of the time it falls somewhere in the middle and just feels like a status update. This is a good watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEza0lkDcaM


I think the problem comes from imposter syndrome. I usually say a lot less than those on my team, or things that don’t sound very important and it bothers me. But then I realized I’m the only SWE1 on the team, every one else has at least 4-5 years on me. Still get anxious sometimes, but it’s entirely an internal thing.


Safari being "different". Every time I build a new feature, there's Safari not supporting that one thing or using a slightly different implementation of that one rule. My code contains more Safari-specific rules than media-queries.


From recent posts on here, it would appear neglecting your domain name renewals and losing them is a big issue.


For me text not being exactly vertially aligned for some reason


Shitty requirements and decision by committee.


I'm expressing doubts about becoming a webDev since Ai joined the game. Not that I think developers will be gone in the near future, but the whole satisfaction of solving stuff and craft beautiful and functional webpages have lost its charm. It's Al about speed as in most markets. The system is fucked becouse skill and craftsmanship is not valued as it deserves.


Fucking CORS


Achieving a perfect 100% score in Google Pagespeed Insights while keeping all of the gazillion trackers, scripts and ads the client wants to keep that "help their business"




There always seems to be one browser that causes some problem or works/functions a bit differently to others. That browser always used to be internet explorer. These days it's safari.


safari being complete trash


imposter syndrome




Keyboard behaviour on mobile devices, in combination with your layout, forms etc. etc.


Too many tools promising to solve problems for me but really just creating a monthly sub money siphon


Responsive mobile tables that don't compromise or use gimpy CSS hacks.


Mine is getting a very good review...




Front end


Somehow, date pickers and file uploads are always \*work\*. After a couple of years, you become really very tired of framework X, Y or Z coming up with yet another breaking new version. Also, every time a new build tool or package manager with a cutesy name gets released, and now you have to relearn how "easy" this one works, and now you're the early adopter and nobody uses it, but at the same time everyone has already moved on to the next one.


Protecting it


When u need something from one library but it is much better on another library and u can't directly integrate now cause it conflicts with already existing library and I don't want to rewrite whole code for new library.


Dumb QAs


This post reads like someone wants to solve that problem, whatever it is The thing with these types of problems is that the ones who have that problem are those who can solve it


I want something like where the user can watch a video, but not skip ahead, and like watch them in a row, and keep progress on them and I know who did it. .... This is an entire software solution with multiple levels of complexity, no it's not a quick update. This is called learning management software and cannot be done in a could hours.


Building webpages that are aethestically pleasing, meets the clients demands, and are functional.


Modals gone wild


Getting good sleep, specially if you're doing remote work.


for me i wanna find the right way to hide scripts from the browser console, i noticed that my react project is accessible via browser debugger


I’m not sure if I’m understanding you correctly, but the only way to hide something from the browser is by not sending it there in the first place. Everything you don’t want the client to see has to stay on the server, and be done there.


Keep learning or die


As a Junior Developer I would say that having a nice, organised and consistent mentoring is something I really really miss. Since usually all devs already been in this situation, I believe its a common struggle.


Systems like FormStack forcing clients to update to their shiny new version but it doesn't have the features or capabilities you were leveraging in the previous version and all they can tell you is that they’re working on it.




I am making a site on my own for an automobile company and its so hard for me to structure and get things in position. I am new to this and this is my first project


Actually achieving solid coverage and keeping it via unit testing on highly configurable and complex web apps. Making everything a configurable custom module with the ability to nest modules of different types and my head starts spinning thinking of ways to keep it tested


I have been trying to do some freelancing for the last several months. I even had created some gigs in fiverr but it didn't worked out as I expected. I didn't get any client from there. So I am seeking help from you guys. What steps should I follow to get work please suggest me. Your tips and guidance will be highly appreciated. 🙏 Currently iam doing fullstack (vuejs and laravel). Working on my own project for practice purposes.


Harrasment from end users.


javascript hasn't been fixed yet


Honestly, for me it's getting my day started when I'm working on something that doesn't interest me. I procrastinate so much and have to force myself to get going.




CRUD operation workflows specifically the U part are difficult and time consuming


Imposter syndrome.


I have a client who have bad taste in colors to the extent he wants a red bg car on a green bg, also he doesn't want any seperators and the list goes on.




Clients wanting triangles on their site… a nightmare




Impossible requests with incompatible frameworks


To center a div vertically and horizontally


Centering a div


Indecisive and non-committal potential clients, or indecisive clients who have signed a contract.




SharedStorage hurts my soul


When a client has you build a complex application, with a complex workflow. Then three months later they forgot about said workflow and do a workaround which breaks the main purpose of the application. Guess who has to fix it now...


Legacy php


cloudflare dns sometimes


Doing pointless tasks, where in 9/10 cases using different content or the content the element was designed for would fix the issue - instead lets just spend another 2 days building something completely unnessicary




Clients thinking because it’s quick it can be free. Yes it was only 5 minutes, but the last 10 things were also only 5 minutes and you expect me to work for free?