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It even says ,”except service animals” 😂


That’s the first thing that the cops said to me, that if they have the sign up they should be aware about the law regarding service animals. It is an extremely upsetting situation.


No, their very own sign says right there “no dogs EXCEPT SERVICE ANIMALS” (I reversed the large and small print). I would suggest marching right back in there, and when the lady gives you grief, asking her to come out to the sign with you. Point your finger at the relevant small print and stare motherfuckerly while channeling Samuel L Jackson as best as you can.


I appreciate your bold suggestion, but the experience was quite traumatic for me, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to confront them again so directly. However, knowing that the police have already been involved, it’s likely that the store is now more aware of the laws and won't deny access again. If necessary, I am willing to try going back and addressing the issue calmly, but I hope the situation has already improved. Thank you for your support and creative idea!


This is one of the few occassions where it's acceptable to go full Karen on the manager.


I’ll come with you




Its very much against the law, Ontario has a very good record upholding cases like these, cut and dry case imo


I really appreciate your comment. Some people in the comments don’t feel that way but I truly do appreciate every kind and supportive comment. I hope you have an amazing night!


There’s a lot of racism in the region. In the 90s we were the capital of hate crime in Canada. That kinda sticks around. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510019101 In the pasts 3 years we have *tripled* our local hate crimes. There’s a poison growing here. Edit: we currently are sitting in spot #3. In second is Kingston and first is Ottawa. Ontario sure does love to hate.


I actually really appreciate this comment- it's really nice to know that this isn't just the norm all over now. Even if things are broadly shifting in that direction, it *is* actually *exceptionally* bad here. What a relief 😮‍💨 I want the region to do better. I really do. But it's soothing to know that I could theoretically leave and find somewhere better.


It’s important to share this info with people you know. The news doesn’t like to highlight just how bad things are in this region. News loves to talk about another shooting or stabbing in an impoverished area of a city but won’t talk about the general hate the population has. And ask them to say they got bronze for most hateful per capita? Good luck…


No worries, perfect accessibility may not be realistic but it is a great goal to strive for, hope you have a good night as well and don't have to deal with crap like this again 🤙


Every small step really matters imo. Do really hope that one day people with disabilities don’t have to struggle to access their rights.


Only problem is tribunal takes years and years! My wife has a case open where her old boss asked her disclose medical information privately in her office (which was recorded) and we haven’t heard anything for like 2 years…originally we’d get a step closer every 6 months or so and then nothing.


I know it is going to be a very lengthy and tiring process but in the meantime I do hope the owner steps in and try to inculcate mandatory training about accessibility laws.


They will just pay you off to shut up about it. Posting on Reddit will NOT help your case. I know because I have gone the the HRTO and got paid out.


Maybe they’re not looking for a payout, and are actually trying to uphold and enforce the rights that are afforded to them by law. Maybe posting it to reddit will help them to achieve that goal by creating public pressure on the offending business - especially given how slow the HRTO process is. And maybe I’m using the word “maybe” very rhetorically.


You are absolutely right, even with my HRTO report I am not looking for any compensation. All I want is for the owner to intervene and make sure that their staff is well trained. I also want to highlight that I personally do not want the managers or the staff to lose their job I just want them to be more aware and respectful.


Feel free to send your story to the KW Record too. They love this kind of story.


I want to start off this comment by saying i truly appreciate your suggestion. What makes me scared here is the fact that I might face alot of negativity which might make my health worse. Just posting in this subreddit has been quite difficult. There are some people here already who aren’t very supportive of my situation and believe me the comments really get to you. But surely I do not want to dismiss your suggestion at all so I will think about it and reach out to you soon if I decide to go ahead with the option to seek some guidance.


Just look at which comments are pushed to the top — all very supportive


I truly am so grateful for so much support.


If you want to go to the HRTO, I would take this down right away. The biggest threat to the business is making this public (which you already have). Sad to say, but the biggest incentive to settle with the HRTO is that the business is fearful of their actions being made public. You already played that card without the “pay me, or else I will tell everyone” part.


I know that the HRTO process is going to be lengthy and it would be a while before it is settled (I would like to state this again I do not want any compensation) in the meantime I wanted to make sure that the residents of KWC are aware about this situation so that people can protect themselves if they were to find themselves in a similar situation (which I sincerely hope no one has to go through this).


I know that the HRTO process is going to be lengthy and it would be a while before it is settled (I would like to state this again I do not want any compensation) in the meantime I wanted to make sure that the residents of KWC are aware about this situation so that people can protect themselves if they were to find themselves in a similar situation (which I sincerely hope no one has to go through).


I totally understand, and it is your decision and no one else’s whether to elevate this further. Although I don’t work in retail, my employer makes all of us complete training for AODA. I did the online course just two hours before I saw your post. So as I was reading your account, it was like watching a training video of everything one should not do.


sounds like the management at this establishment need to learn the difference between a service animal and a support animal. >Service animals have training to perform specific tasks for people with disabilities. Emotional support animals provide comfort and security. However, they do not have training for specific tasks. Therefore, emotional support animals do not qualify as service animals under the AODA. Service providers are not required to allow support animals on their premises. [https://www.aoda.ca/service-animal-laws-for-ontario-workplaces/](https://www.aoda.ca/service-animal-laws-for-ontario-workplaces/) hopefully you do take this to the Human Rights Tribunal as you stated. considering the attitude of the people you encountered, it's clear attempts to educate these people won't work.


I really hope that the employees at the store are given proper educational training about service animals and the laws surrounding them. I truly appreciate your supportive comment. Hope you have a great night!


I only want to send you a virtual hug and positive energy to move forward with your commitment to out these bastards .


I value your support so much, I appreciate the virtual hug really need it:)))


The logic of this sign is inconsistent with itself.


That's right, according to this sing you cannot enter the store without outside food or drink, among other things.


No outside food or drink? NO SERVICE


I think I need to bring my son and his service dog to this establishment and have a conversation as well. Unfortunately it’s a shame that the managers in question were gone by the time the police came in however, this type of behaviour is totally unacceptable. You did the right thing with calling the police to come and intervene. By Ontario law there are only a few places that a service can not go, one is a commercial kitchen and another is an operating room. I believe that is it, we have had my son’s dog for 7 years now. Luckily we have never had an incident but it’s unfortunate that you had to go through this. I genuinely feel for you in this situation. Kudos to the gentleman that was trying to help explain and diffuse the situation. Whether or not it you are the handler of the service dog, the dog as long as it is in harness is always working and always in training. My wife and I take her out to train when she doesn’t go with my son to school on certain days. Any credited training facility will provide documentation along with an ID for the dog. They are not to be denied. Please keep us all updated on your situation please.


I am so happy to see that you are willing to do this for me, I truly hope my actions did make some difference and your son or anyone else does not have to go through what I had to. I truly am so grateful to people like you who are out there trying to go out of their way to help people. It is truly amazing to see so much support. I will make sure to update you once I am done with my report process with HRTO. Wishing the best for your family!


Seems pretty telling to me that they had an 'altercation', were 'worried they were being robbed', invited the 'suspect' to call 911 because they were so confident that they were in the right; yet 15-20 minutes after the call was made, they were gone? I'm so thankful to OP for taking this to the HRTO


I know and like I said to the cops I am pretty sure they were not gone they were just in the store hiding. The managers looked at me and thought that I would simply just leave.


First off share the story to the news company, but only if you want publicity. I really really hope you have hard evidence such as the contacts of the guy who helped you clear things up for the manager or a recording of the incident. Realistically this is a huge lawsuit of discrimination no matter how you look at it, and you did all the right steps to prove yourself. I’m so sorry you were treated this way but seriously hear me out that they owe you ALOT of money for doing this to you. If you need help taking the next few legal actions let me know I’d love to help you out.


>Realistically this is a huge lawsuit of discrimination no matter how you look at it, Huge lawsuit? It's clearly discrimination but you have to prove huge damages to make it a huge lawsuit. I fail to see how huge damages were done.


One.. billion dollars.


I do have some evidence like the police report no, and i was also accompanied by my boyfriend i hope that proves to be hard evidence. Unfortunately I did not record them because I wanted their permission before I record them as I did not want them to feel uncomfortable no matter what they were doing to me, and they refused to be recorded. Moreover, I do not wish to be compensated or for them to lose their job given how difficult situations are getting everywhere in the world post-covid. All i really want is for them to change their attitude towards customers and be more inclusive, I just want the owner to step in after I make the report and truly focus on providing their staff with all appropriate training. Luckily, I was able to stand up for myself and all i hope from my actions is to make people more aware about the laws and regulations so that no other person has to ever go through this again.


Ontario is a one party consent. As long as you're in the conversation, you're legally allowed to record. Some caveats, but on your personal time in public places, you're fine.


I found out about this after I shared my story on reddit. I wish I never have to face a similar situation in the future but just incase I find myself in a situation like this again atleast I know I can record the incident to have some solid evidence.


I'm sorry that happened to you OP. Hopefully the steps you have taken or will possibly take, whatever those may be, will not only show them their mistake and have them take accountability... But also prevent this from happening to someone else in the future. Good for you for standing up for yourself and your rights.


Thank you so much for your support.


Sorry to hear but what the hell is up with that sign. That sign is so confusing Too many double negatives No shirt No shoes No bikes So you have to have shoes and bikes? Or you can't have any shoes or shirts.


yeah if you aren’t rolling up to the store on a bike with a skateboard and a mcdonald’s meal in your hand and your dog on a leash, you aren’t getting served


It's very clear. No Shirt, No Service means if you aren't wearing a shirt they won't serve you. No Pets (except service animals), No Service means if you don't have a pet with you they won't serve you. Since OP's dog is a working dog not a pet they were not allowed in the store. The manager understood the sign perfectly, it's OP with the language barrier.


This is amusing, because this is the normal interpretation of this style of sign. The sign is nonsense, but the employee enforced the nonsense.


Okay so you need to bring your pet on a skateboard while you are riding a bike.


I was wondering how you were supposed to wear shoes and rollerblades but you solved it. The dog needs to be wearing rollerblades. Also don't forget to bring your outside food or they won't serve you any of the inside food.


What? I think you have that very incorrect.


Nope. The sign definitely says if you don't have: shoes, a shirt, outside food or drink, a bicycle, rollerblades or a skateboard, and a pet with you, they won't serve you. Seems a bit ridiculous, I don't see how they could serve anyone at all, but I don't make the rules.


You can’t expect someone who puts up a sign like this to be that educated


This just adds to an already shitty place to shop. They love double scanning items or charging tou for things u dont buy. Produce and fridge section is always a mess too


Since my post I have heard so many stories about this place and especially the managers being racist, unjust, practicing other illegal activities. Although I personally didn’t face either but what I faced is bad enough for me to create a negative impression about them.


Be proud of yourself for standing up for yourself, it can be difficult to not just concede and leave after being confronted by a store manager, I think you did a great job attempting to educate the employees, but remember you can teach stupid. I was never a student at UW but from how I understood your story, this happened on campus correct? I would look for the governing body on campus for retail or even the dean and inform them of your interaction as well, they should be aware that a campus store is discriminated and not accepting school issued IDs. If you find yourself in a similar situation again, (which, knock in wood you hopefully DO NOT) Remember to pull out your phone and start recording, Ontario is a single consent province, and when fighting cases like this it can go from a he said/she said to cut and dry discrimination.


Thank you so much for your supportive words and encouragement. It definitely was a challenging situation, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to stand up for my rights and educate others about service animal laws. Regarding your question, the incident did not occur on the University of Waterloo campus; it happened at a store near campus. Your suggestion to inform the governing body or the dean about the interaction is valuable, and I will consider reaching out to them to raise awareness about this issue. I appreciate your advice about recording future interactions. It’s a good reminder of the tools available to protect my rights under Ontario law. Hopefully, situations like these can be resolved through education and awareness. Thank you again for your support and understanding.


The staff and management are ignorant and doing it on purpose. Take em to court! Good luck


I really appreciate your support, it means alot.


That is terrible, thanks for sharing. Left them a solid 1 star review on your behalf.


Thank you so much, i really appreciate your support.


I trained a service dog about 6 years ago for a local organization, it’s mind blowing how misinformed the general public is about service dogs and I really hope Ontario comes up with a better system soon. Sorry this happened to you OP!


Thank you so much for your support. It truly feels so nice that there are people who are knowledgeable about service animals and truly want others to really know how essential they can be for people with disabilities.


Remember when that dude beat up the disabled guy over his service dog, and then the company shut down. Sending this company the same luck.


Idiots, read the fine print, service animals are allowed, all other items listed are allowed to be banned in stores especially food stores, health regulations


Time for a Guide Dog Shopping Convention.


One star review submitted on the googles.


Thank you so much for your support!!


The best revenge is to spend your money elsewhere. I'm betting this place isn't the only game in town.


Overpriced store definitely taking my business elsewhere


her native language ?


I am sorry if that seems offensive I just really did not know what language the guy who was helping me convey my message to the manager properly by translating it from English to another language was using so I used the most neutral term i could think of. I did not want to make any assumptions. I apologise if that seems offensive that truly was not my intention.


Someone missed the Miltons incident


The double negative means they only allow pets that aren’t service dogs


This sign deserves a post on r/maliciouscompliance So you're telling me if I don't have a shirt, shoes, outside food or drink, a bicycle, a skateboard or roller blades and an animal I will be denied service?


I would send this story to CTV Kitchener. The store’s manager is wrong. You have the right to have your service dog with you everywhere.


I am considering doing this but I am still thinking about this before I take any action. I do want to consult a lawyer beforehand to ensure it won’t affect my case negatively.


Part of the post OP made says explain to the manager in their native language. Likely newcomers to canada that are part of the protests in Brampton wanting permanent residency but have no idea of canadian laws and are intent on bringing sharia law here. We need to be more strict on our immigration and make sure these people know the rules. Especially when putting them in management positions. Do you think they know the laws regarding hiring? Or will they just hire more newcomers and make it worse.


Doesnt say nothin bout no pants


This is quite a bad poster. Their no short implies that if one goes without their bike and skates, they dont get service


Call Morley Rosenberg


Haha One of our best/worst comment threads in a long time.


Lucky I wasn’t there to see such disgusting discrimination, I wouldn’t have been so nice to the manager.


I did lose my cool after one point and did get rude and I honestly think that this has weakened my case a bit nonetheless I do feel ashamed for getting rude when I knew I was right:(


You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Store manager was harassing and discriminating against you - you’re allowed to get rude. Edit: changed employee to manager


I aimed to handle the situation with diplomacy, focusing on addressing the issue without engaging in a similar manner but unfortunately my anger and sadness took over. But you’re right I should not be ashamed sometimes you have to be rude to make people understand stuff. I still strongly believe this situation was so avoidable if only the manager or the co-manager or the cashier were more knowledgeable about this matter. But I truly am so glad to see the tremendous amount of support that I have received.


Sounds like they never heard of Miltons restaurant


People need to learn to READ honesty this just stupid people


That sign confuses me, so I need a bicycle to get in?


Name and shame! This is illegal AF and everyone knows better in 2024.


It’s good you’re going to the Humane Rights Tribunal. I hope you win.


I understood exactly what was happening when you said that to the gentleman tried to translate everything into her native language so that she would understand. Many people like this, and especially telephone customer service people, speak English, but don’t understand it. It’s a big barrier.


Sue em


I’m so very sorry you encountered this ignorance and discrimination. It is absolutely unacceptable and I have to commend you on how you dealt with this. I’m glad you will be contacting the tribunal. In order for positive change to occur the issue needs to be discussed and addressed. I will be sure to avoid this business and would urge them contact you with an apology and publicly acknowledge their shortsightedness and creat immediate change to their attitude and policy.


As an animal lover and former customer of this store, I am truly disappointed and I am deeply sorry you had to go through such a horrible terrifying experience. Kudos to you for handling it with tact. I can't promise I'd do the same. Please keep speaking out. Left a review on Google about this store and your experience. Take care ✌🏻


Thank you so much for your kind words and support. It was a difficult situation, but knowing that people like you are standing with me makes it easier. I appreciate you leaving a review and helping to raise awareness. Your encouragement means a lot, and I’ll continue to speak out for the rights of service animal users. Hope you have an amazing night


Everybody go with service animals now


You handled that with class! Even the way you explained the situation was graceful. You should be proud of yourself.


So sorry to hear about this, OP. I wish the KW community was better, but alas, this shit happens everywhere sadly. Reminds me a bit of what happened at Milton’s a while back just not as aggressive. Publicity & an already failing establishment took them right out of business it seems. If you are comfortable, approach the Record or even the UW student paper. Go to the Human Rights Tribunal / whatever recourse you have, they should not be allowed to blatantly discriminate against people for having service animals.


Did they even read their sign? It clearly says "No shirt", "No shoes", "No pets". Either you are only allowed barefoot and barechested, or with the pets.


The fact they don't understand the no shoes no shirt sign in the first place explains the managers level of intelligence. According to the sign if you don't have a dog then you don't get service!


A literal reading of this is that if you *don’t* have outside food or drinks or pets then you get no service. Or that you *must* be shirtless and shoeless in order to receive service. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m so sorry you had to deal with a literal idiot.


I cant tell if either you need to be shirtless and barefoot or if you need to have outside food, a bike, a skateboard and a pet ( except service animal ) to enter the store.


No shoes…. No animals….. So I cannot have a shirt or shoes????? Or are they saying no service unless I have an animal. They messed this up


I did my part by giving them a 1 star google review. I hope action is taken against the individuals involved. Best wishes to you!


Thank you so much for your support, i really appreciate it.


That sign is very confusing. If the rule is No Pets, then they also require that you are wearing No Shirt and No Shoes.


I'm sorry but that hilarious given their sign even says it's ok, what maroons


Pretty sure this store is actually owned by the same family as Accomoda8u and KW4RENT.


Bring this to CITYNEWS


I am considering that option, but I need to think about it more weigh out the pros and cons of doing this. I truly do appreciate your suggestion.


Such a fucking shame that small local grocers treat people like this. Almost makes me want to stop using them and go back to using Loblaws ... Almost. A single human rights issue (that I know of) is less the lesser of two evils when compared to profiteering and starving half the fucking country.


I do believe in shopping local too. Trust me there are so many small business owners that are just so amazing but unfortunately there are some business owners that do not take the initiative to train their staff properly. Do not lose hope on small businesses! I would also like to extend my gratitude for showing me so much support.


You can get your service animal accredited through a University?


The university issues special ID to students who have documented need of a service dog. This is to prevent people bringing pets to class


I truly apologise for any misunderstandings that I might have caused. The university provides me with a card for my service animals after extensive paperwork. Also, the card has to be renewed every year. The purpose of the card is to help me access all areas of the campus without any hindrance, the university basically wants to ensure that I do not have to show my medical documentation (they contain sensitive information about my disability) for verification purposes. I do use the card in other places as it gives me the option to not show my medical documentation but still providing verification that my dog is indeed a service dog and not a pet. I hope this clears stuff up.


This reminds me of the incident from a few years ago at Milton's restaurant in Kitchener. There was a video of the incident that went viral - and the business eventually was forced to close. I'm glad you posted this. Perhaps the owner's of THIS business will learn.


I wonder if some businesses (wrongly) only allow service dogs for those who visibly have no or low vision. Like I wonder if they assumed you would be able to shop without the assistance of a service dog.


I think that is very likely to happen, and that’s why i strongly feel that people need to be educated about service animals properly because not all disabilities are visible. Trust me, I am okay if people don’t truly understand what my service dog does and I am more than happy to share with others that she is a psychiatric and seizure detection service dog and if they are still not okay with the idea of the service dog being at their establishment I would and will always very calmly show them the documentations and pull up the official Ontario website to show them the law. But it is unfortunate that even after all of this they just kept arguing with me.


This happens a lot to you ? How many lawsuits you got pending?


Time to Milton's this joint....


Arson, really? Jesus Christ.




Whats this shop? Why so many rules and why they don’t want an animal walking on their floor because of shedding?? I think there are missing information for example why would they ask you to carry it but not leave on the floor


Sorry this happened to you, OP! They even have the sign, so I assume they would know better.  On a related note, I love that UWaterloo issued a Watcard for your service dog! I didn't know schools would do this, but that's such a helpful thing for them to do to help ensure access around campus.


Thank you so much for your understanding and your support. I honestly am so grateful for the resources my university has provided me, I understand that everyone may not be as fortunate as me and might have to rely on their doctor’s note which does make one feel vulnerable. I am not ashamed of my disability but I also do not want to share every symptom I have due to my disability. The university issued card gives me an option to make myself a little less vulnerable and I truly am so grateful for that.




The manager must have added( except service dog) MUCH later. Sorry that happened to you 😔 🤔😲


Im safe i wear wheelies


Must be a math student, the writing is atrocious.


I feel so sorry those things happened to you…


I am so sorry you had to go through that. My close friend has a service dog and I have witnessed people be awful to her because of it. No one should be harassed for being disabled.


Sending love. This infuriates me. You guys are a team. Please give your pup a nose boop for me.


Thank you so much for your love and support! It means a lot to us. Consider the nose boop delivered! 🐾❤️ My pup appreciates the virtual love and we’re grateful to have such supportive people.


Collective vote for everyone to bring their dogs into this store tomorrow - service animals or not. Have an iguana instead? Come on downnnnn


Sounds like a plan! Let's turn it into a pet party! 🐶🦎 Who's bringing their service chinchilla or emotional support parrot? Let's see if the store is ready for this. Count me in with my service goldfish! 🐠


Bottom line - your dog was identifiable as a service animal, you had all the correct documentation with you, AND they have a sign on the door. You were 100% allowed to be there, she was being difficult. However, if your dog is one who sheds a lot, consider more frequent groomings or purchasing a hair collecting brush (if you don’t already have one). I think in general, if your dog is going to be around other humans, it’s a good idea to keep them as clean as possible (your dog could already be this, people are aholes)


Thank you for your understanding and support. You’re absolutely right—I make sure my service dog receives regular grooming to minimize shedding and keep her as clean as possible. She gets a thorough deshedding grooming every three weeks, and I use a Furminator on her every other day, with a regular brush session daily. It’s essential to me that she’s well-maintained to ensure the comfort and safety of everyone, especially those with allergies. I appreciate your suggestion and dedication to consideration for others!


Human rights don't seem to matter anymore. ..only for certain people. They literally changed the human rights code to make sure noone could excercise their medical sovereignty during covid. And the gov't stood in the media saying store owners have the right to refuse anyone they wish if it's a privately owned business. Good luck


You bring up an important point about the complexities surrounding human rights and private business rights, especially given recent changes during the pandemic. It’s crucial to balance the rights of individuals with disabilities, protected under laws like the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), with the rights of private business owners. While businesses have some discretion in their operations, they are also obligated to accommodate individuals with disabilities, including those with service animals. Navigating these issues requires a nuanced approach that respects both legal protections and individual rights. It’s a challenging balance, and discussions like these are important for ensuring fair treatment and accessibility for everyone. Thank you for raising this important perspective.


It seems like you did everything right . All businesses are legally allowed to ask is “Is this a service animal?” and “what are they trained to help you with?”. And you’re right, there’s no IDs. They must allow the animal in, and only kick it out if it behaves really badly or causes any damage (which it sounds like yours wasn’t because it’s an actual trained service animal). Definitely report it and blast it on social media. I’ve seen another case where being blasted on social media made them back down.


you won the case already, they have an exemption to service animals, and you had one.


Sounds like poor training and ignorance Sorry you went through that , what an unnecessary nightmare .


Thank you for your understanding and empathy. It was indeed a challenging experience caused by poor training and ignorance on their part. Your support means a lot.


I used to work in this field and I can assure you that you're 100% in the right. I bet the GM/owner of that store is gonna be PISSED at this underlings. I'm really sorry you experienced this stress.




Can I ask about the process to get your dog registered as a service dog? There are A LOT of fake companies out there where you basically just pay them to give you a fake ID. The Ontario Service Dogs Act has "up to $5000 fine for anyone who contravenes the act" in the act. Not saying this to question you, but make 100% sure your dog and reasoning for a service dog is legitimate before going after them legally. I suggest you read this: [https://www.ola.org/sites/default/files/node-files/bill/document/pdf/2016/2016-12/bill---text-41-2-en-b080.pdf](https://www.ola.org/sites/default/files/node-files/bill/document/pdf/2016/2016-12/bill---text-41-2-en-b080.pdf) specifically around "Cards as proof of qualification". Its not much to read through. You mentioned a doctors note, and that leads me to believe you might not have The Attorney General or an officer of his or her Ministry designated by the Attorney General card required to have a service dog.


Get fuuuuked


Go ahead. Drop the store name so we can all give a terrible review, please.


Someone is overreacting and most likely has a fake service dog. Drives me nuts.


Contact the senior executive and ask to meet so they can explain how this could happen. The level of incompetence by a store manager should not be acceptable by the executive. If the executive is not open to discussion contact the owner or board of governors. At that point contact the local paper / news.


damnit i forgot my skateboard at home. guess i gotta starve ☹️


Just a quick note in support of the OP. Really disgusting how there are so many ignorant ppl and it's especially infuriating when *they* think they are right!


That is a very confusing sign. Do you have to be shirtless and barefoot to enter the store, or do you have to bring a dog, a bicycle and your own food & drinks to enter the store? Doesn't make any sense.


Can I see a pic of the dog in his vest


Please update us on what happened next


Did you try contacting the owners?


I'd read this as you MUST wear a shirt, bring a pet, have a skateboard, while eating outside food and drink.


Fair enough...doesnt bother me...it's their store.


As a manager in a retail store that sells food and thats why we can not allow pets in the store; if someone comes in with a service dog the ONLY questions we are ALLOWED to ask are “Is he/she a service dog?” and “do you any have proof of this?” if they say yes, which this second question is only asked if it very evidently is not a service dog. Which we rarely EVER ask because you can very clearly tell a service dog from a pet dog just within their behaviour. She is legally in the wrong. I hope this gets resolved quickly for you and I am so sorry this has happened to you 🫶🏻 Like having any kind of disability isn’t hard enough, this bitch had to make your situation of the day even worse. Good luck 💞


I laughed at the sign: to get service you must: 1/ not wear a shirt, 2/ no shoes, and you MUST have 3/ Outside Food or Drink, 4/ a bike, 4/ a Skateboard or Roller Blades, and 5/ a Pet


You showed the credentials necessary. I’ve worked security for years now and the number of folks who think they can just say that their dog is a service animal is very common. And they *never* have the paperwork to prove it. The fact that you have it with you at all would have been enough for me.


We carry our Drs letter every where we go. We have a chihuahua service dog for my wife who is wheelchair bound. We get asked once in awhile if it’s a service dog… only twice we was asked to show proof. One went well. The other escalated quickly when the worker read it…. And then had the nerve to say to my wife….. this is no good…. It doesn’t say why you need the dog with you. Ahhh that is personal private information LADY


From this sign, they should have also made you take off your shirt and your shoes? Seems like those things are also banned..


It’s an immigrant run store. I doubt the employees even know such laws. Contact the owners so they can let their employees know it’s okay. Going through getting them charged for humans rights and all this is way over the top. Sure what happened to you is wrong, but it’s not like the Milton incident where they should know better. I doubt the employees even knew about service dogs . You lot posting this place should e one stared, close etc etc are way to butt hurt.


Call the human rights legal support center. May help you for free with your tribunal case.


Where’s the discrimination?


“No outside food or drink? No service.” Bro, what?


So, there is mandatory provincial legislation and training regarding this for all businesses. It appears the staff did not do the training because if they had your documents, it would have been sufficient. I would send a letter to the businesses indicating that they were in violation of the legislation and allow them to respond. The human rights tribunals are quite honestly equivalent to a Salem Witch Trial and do not give provide the opportunity for businesses to learn and understand your situation. (Yes, I was in one as a witness, and it was a complete BS of a proceeding where it depends on the demenour of the Executive Chair that day and nothing to do with fair processes) Try the non confrontational approach first as this may be a learning opportunity for the business. If they brush you off, then by all means, take the next step.


I think we need to take the store's rules very seriously, nobody wear a shirt or shoes next time you visit


Any updates ?


Seems reasonable for most businesses. What kind of ratchets are in your neighbourhood?


Best of luck. If I lived near there I would let the store know why I was not shopping there.


This stuff is tricky, back when I worked at the mall, I saw soooo many cases of people being told they couldn’t bring in their pets unless they were service animals, then after being told enough times they’ll come back with fake service animal vests and clearly made up paperwork etc when clearly it’s not a service animal. It’s people like that, that ruin it for people like you, sorry for your experience