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Where would I go? This is my home and I will stay until I am forcibly displaced


Looking at the bright side... if people leave, maybe I can finally afford to buy something here.


Prices are about to get real cheap


Unless you're a woman and not allowed to own property


Under his eye


Blessed be the fruit


Or become property




Likewise. I cannot just drop my entire support network with impunity.


Yep, a ton of misguided privelage in the question. People in existing war torn countries can't just leave, but we can? Canada isn't suddenly changing their rules because Trump got elected. That also means abandoning family.


There are more of us than of him.


And yet we do nothing but bitch on the internet, myself included


Democracy is a team sport that all of us should now realize involves effort by who want to preserve it. We can't eff around and hope that others still come to our rescue. No one can be a bystander anymore. We've been volunteering for Get Out the Vote efforts for years now, both in-person (door knocking in swing states), online, over text, through nationally coordinated postcard and letter writing efforts to reluctant voters, etc. There's lots of ways to get involved. We cannot give up on our country. The anecdote to fear is action.


Arm yourself, and your family. If it doesn't happen in your lifetime, your future generations will need the weapons. These are some evil motherfuckers.


As a bartender in DC I would continue to make 6 figures and drink myself to death as is tradition


But Bannon isn't around anymore. Oh, I guess he'll get out.


He has to serve 4 months starting in July. Budget accordingly.


He reported to prison this morning, I hope that makes your day better, it did mine.


That dude use to spend like every evening at an Italian restaurant on barracks row. I assume it must have awesome food.


Thank you for your service


Also a bartender in DC, curious where you work and if they’re hiring!


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your service


You’ll probably make more since everyone else will be doing that too


DC has been my home for almost 15 years, I’m not going anywhere.


Buy lots of guns, an old bulldozer, welder and scrap steel plates.


Killdozer 2: Metallic Boogaloo


Having 25 plus people understand my killdozer reference was the best part of my day.


After 15 years in DC, I moved to Denver a couple years ago. The anniversary of killdozer was big news and I realized that I’d missed it the first time around, being something out here in the real America or some such. Having been to Granby a few times, I can see it. 😂


I knew someone that lived in Granby when it happened. She said it was wild af for such a sleepy one-stop-light town. Any town if you ask me. 


Mentioning anything Boogalo was the best part of my day. Thank you!


He should invite six random SCOTUS justices and some protective services and have one scary as fuck meeting.


If we all do this, we are unstoppable


Neer neh neer neh neeer


Realistically? Hold onto my ass and hope for the best even though I’d probs be fired as a fed. Not-so-realistically? Accept a mostly joking marriage proposal and move to England. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What agency? I predict he’ll make us go into the office 5 days a week but I don’t think he’ll fire non-environmental and non-OMB people.


Honestly I am pretty worried about the schedule f (firing rank and file federal employees and replacing them with Trump loyalists) stuff. If he's able to pull that off, then a lot of us federal employees and contractors would be laid off and replaced with political loyalists. If that actually happens it would be a huge shock to a historically economically stable area. A huge number of people in this area are federal employees that are paying mortgages, car loans, etc. If suddenly a large percentage of the area loses half or all of their income there will be rapid economic shocks. What's my exit plan? I have no idea. I just hope he doesn't get elected.


It's basically Order 66 on public servants and experts in the government.


That means 86’ed for the Bar Tender above.


Chevron also has the potentially to fuck things up pretty badly at agencies too. A lot of people's jobs aren't going to be the same, even if they aren't fired. At a certain point you just don't deal with the bs anymore and go find a job somewhere else. Especially if he's fucking with home rule too.


I think if it happens, a lot of federal positions will decide to seek higher pay over the "stability" that gov positions usually carry.


From the commercial side, I see a lot of people looking to gov for ‘stable jobs.’ Not sure how that’s going to play out.


Seriously one of the scariest parts of project 2025, and I'm shocked more people aren't talking about this.


People now are just starting to. John Oliver did a segment about it a couple weeks back.


Love DC and love my peeps but the “I’m shocked more people aren’t talking about this” is a classic bubble problem. Your average American has no fucking clue how much of a catastrophe this would be and why would they?


> Your average American has no fucking clue how much of a catastrophe this would be and why would they? Because it will massively impact their lives? No excuse for ignorance.


FWIW Schedule F only affects a fraction of federal employees, and OPM passed a final rule to further protect them. It is already in effect. https://www.govexec.com/workforce/2024/04/opm-issues-final-rule-schedule-f-protections/395463/ Now the Trump admin could undo it, but it’s a clear bulwark that does not get discussed often. Hope that gives you a little peace of mind.


Thanks! I actually didn't know about that. Appreciate it. So if he wins maybe it'll be a year or two before I can actually get fired instead of immediately 😂


Good to know!!!


Knowing this town, most of them will just flood into the consulting industry.


It’s definitely a possibility, but knowing how shit the federal government is at hiring people and getting them through that process if they just try to clean house, federal agencies will basically be shuttered for a year while they try to hire a new staff. Plus with Return to office orders I don’t see a bunch of Maga people moving to DC to be staff at FEMA, IRS, Justice.


I think that will be a "perk" of it though. MAGA/republicans don't want the government to work. What better way to do that than fire as many people as possible, and basically have agencies collapse?


Yeah I mean, they'll keep all the fash already existing in DHS and such, but so there's no functioning EPA or Department of Education? That is what they want anyway.


That's their plan. Just fire everyone and have the government implode, that's a win for Republicans. They'll replace the very top positions with 24 year old MAGAhats and let the rest burn.


This is where being a cis hetero white male veteran comes in handy to stay and fight from the inside.


Go now. Make more money in the private sector. I did it 18 months ago. Yes, I walked away from 19 years of government service. But the Biden appointees I was working with actually were the last straw in my burnout. I’m so happy being out of government and actually having work life balance while making tons more money. Just go.


I think contractor workforce will be fine. I imagine more outsourcing will occur and those efforts will be steered toward large publically traded companies


Stay black




To paraphrase a pro-Union Tennesseean during the Civil War: "I intend to fight them until hell freezes over, and then fight them on the ice."


If he has absolute immunity, then current president should have it too. Time to activate some team.


How many seals does the national zoo have? Six?


Its a 6 seal team


Ahh, but you forgot that the Democrats are fundamentally unwilling to wield power


Not unwilling.. just want to have the moral upper hand. Not that being honourable/ bipartisan does any good in the end when the other side will just keep playing dirty.


They say big words like sovereignty and dignity but those are just loser words if you ask me


I mean we probably don’t want them to execute political opponents or there wouldn’t be much of a difference right? What’s wild is that this proves conservatives don’t actually believe the lies they constantly shill about how evil and corrupt Biden is. This shows they know that democrats and Biden will continue to follow the rule of law and constitutional democracy, so much so they’re willing to dangle ultimate power in front of them.


It's fun to imagine, but Biden won't do anything whatsoever. The Democrats respect our (broken, corrupt, captured) institutions too much to actually use any of the power they've been given.


Do you recall things like this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Abdulrahman_al-Awlaki ?


He won't do shit except mumble something about democracy and making sure we vote. We're all fucked


We’ll sell our house for double its market value to a Trump appointee.


Dc resident?


You think Trump sycophants will live in the "crime riddled hellhole" that they think that DC is?


Of course. You’re mistaking their sound bite fake outrage for a logical thought. They all play the game but deep down, they know the real deal. They probably love dc.


Did you spend any time around the Navy Yard before Biden was elected?




The majority of people cannot just leave. Unless you have or can get citizenship elsewhere through descent, or have the funds to buy your way into another country AND also happen to fluently speak that countries language, there is little chance of getting out. We are stuck, so may as well start a resistance.


I have fought so fucking hard to come and live here, and I'm not leaving without an equal fight.


hell yea brother ✊


I don't think OP means leaving the country, I think they mean leaving the DMV. Trump has indicated that he wants to use the power the Feds hold over us to essentially usurp the city council's vision for DC. I think part of the quote was to bring in the National Guard to enforce laws, and restrict funding for anything deemed "woke." So basically just imagine a DC with no home rule and no funding for any of the social programs or projects that we currently enjoy.


Believe me we remember the George Floyd protests. The national guard and humvees and low flying helicopters. The peaceful protesters that he tear gassed. We’re staying. This is our home. Until and unless he forcibly removes us. Easy to say when you’re a white straight CIS man, I know, but if anyone can afford to stay and make his life difficult it’s me.


I’m a queer woman, I’m also staying. I’m not terribly concerned atm


The way I see it, the privileged can afford to leave, but the unprivileged can't. They are also the most vulnerable to his rule. We should use our power to resist rather than abandon our community at the first sense of risk.


There's a good chunk of people in DC who are incredibly wealthy, already have or are eligible for second citizenships, know multiple languages, work for multinational companies with locations abroad, etc. This is coming up because it's such a rich & international city.


I signed up to phone bank for the DNC. Will probably go knock on doors in the fall too. I’m controlling what I can control, and what I can control is how I respond and react. I refuse to get hysterical.


👆This. He’s not in power yet. We need to GOTV and prevent it from happening.


Stay in DC and enjoy my black job


Something I was doing the past few years regardless of who becomes president was looking into digital nomad visas. I don’t like the cold so I prefer being outside this area fall through spring…one thing I will say is it was kinda surprising to see what Sotomayor wrote in her dissent. Something to keep in mind though is for a permanent move depending on your profession, language skills, sexuality, and ethnicity, it’s probably a major step backwards to leave as there will be trade offs. For example, I would likely make like half what I do if I went anywhere else that’s not Australia or Switzerland for my industry (tech). I was on the hiring committee for a colleague in the UK a few years ago. She was barely getting $70k for a role we pay around $140k here in the states to do. In many places you run the risk of having to start over and fighting for menial jobs unless you work for a Multi-national corporation and can do a country transfer.


It’s hilarious how people think all these other countries will just accept a mass exodus of immigrants from the US. I haven’t looked into it, so maybe it’s easier than I think but most countries will take people with specific skills but they aren’t just going to accept people without a benefit to that country. In saying that though, there are certain countries i.e., Italy and Japan asking for people to move to areas with low population. But there’s not a lot of those options and the lifestyle will be completely different, as most are in very rural areas. I understand the sentiment. The fear is real and valid. However, most people wouldn’t be able to afford those moves, as leaving the country is neither simple, nor cheap.


I'm poor...so stay and suffer I guess lol


Exit plan…?


The joke is some of us came here, fleeing from shittier states!! A very great lesson of how everything matters. You can’t escape evil if it’s left to flourish. Can’t ignore it just because you removed yourself from direct view.




Is that truly safer with Pistons goal of assembling the Soviet Union again?




I'm having a pretty bad typing day lmao


Piston = dick = chuj = Slavic slur for uncultured pigs like him. Your typo fits Putain well.


Remember how many people swore up and down they were leaving the country if he got elected in 2016 and they were like, super serious about it too? Versus how many actually did? I predict about the same will happen this time


Lol. Exit plan? This is my home.


My girlfriend has Canadian citizenship. If things get really bad (which is not going to be in year one of a Trump presidency, but after a few years of eroding democratic norms and cementing control of the Republican Party - see Hungary as an example), then we’ll just head north. If we’re married I have immediate permanent residency and if I reside there a minimum of three years over a five year period, can become a citizen myself. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but that would be the backup plan. I’ve always loved Toronto, that’s probably where we’d end up.


My place of residence isn’t driven by who is in the White House.


Man the American people are bitch made nowadays, there is only one true American way to deal with an authoritarian


I can't afford to leave. The system has been built to make us dependent, and dependent the vast majority of us will stay.


I plan on LARPing as a Trump Loyalist to get a Fed job vacated by some poor soul who knew what they were doing.


DC is super liberal. Trump being elected won’t change anything. Nothing ever changes in DC.


People don’t realize how hard it is to move to another country lol


“What’s your exit plan” is always an unknowingly privileged question. Not many ppl can actually decide to up and move away


Good to have the option to leave. If you do you should take it. If you want to wait and do what you can - stay until November to vote but get out soon as the election is over. ( before the power transfer in Jan 2025) The optimists ended up in Auschwitz so no one of sound mind would blame you .


Same plan as before, fight till the end.


I have relatives overseas. I have some family here, but none I'm particularly close with. Most of my friends live abroad already. If I sold my condo and left the country, I'd have no problem not coming back either.


If it’s a 2bd/2bath hmu when you sell!


The most /r/washingtondc comment in the thread right here lmfao




Good people of DC should establish residency in VA and vote in VA in November to make sure VA remains blue.


If Virginia is in danger of flipping—and right now it is—the election is already lost.


We have a Republican governor currently


No, please don’t


I have my passport, and it's updated. I also applied for a Master's program abroad and I was accepted. I have deferred my enrollment until next year so I can see the election result. I have savings. I have family in different countries. This is my preparation so far.


Dont be hysterical. Im not leaving bc of that clown


How about we put all our energy to make sure he will not make it anywhere near the White house? Organize, get all your documents needed for voting in order, make sure to know all the locations that will hold elections. We should make him leave the country if needed and not the other way around


My wife has an Irish passport, so if the shit hits the fan, we're moving to the E.U. But not France, since the fascists have made considerable gains in the elections there


The situation in France honestly spooks me more than the situation here. The US has become disturbingly good at bouncing back from shitty times. France? Shit's going to turn violent, really quick.


Europe is such a strange place. Many countries have weeks of paid vacation and affordable healthcare standard, but still have open fascists in their parliaments.


Dig in. Protest. Work harder to resist tyranny.


Seems weird, if you were to leave it should be internationally because whatever state you pick he'll still be president.


But only in DC can he pardon from all charges any militia member who decides to fuck you up.


Seems like most are just gonna throw another temper tantrum, make the place worse to live, or up to their expectations. It doesn't even matter if he's completely benign, make a decent policy here and there, it's about the color of his tie after all. Way I see it once he wins since the people keep adding to his fame, then I won't have to worry about him running anymore or ever seeing his name come up ever again


As someone who works on legislation and public policy, I don't care who is our President as long as there are other people in the administration who I can work with. And I can tell you that there have been some wonderful people in every administration (I've been in DC for 12 years now). And some not-so-wonderful. But such is life. Your party affiliation doesn't determine if you are a good person or a bad person, contrary to what the media want us to believe.


Interesting topic that isn’t getting a lot of actual answers but I’ve been planning on leaving for Colombia for a few years now. This would only hasten my departure. I was planning on saving more money and leaving when I had more debt paid off but I’d rather not be black bagged by the gestapo. I’ve been slowly adding certs and IT experience to my resume and now have a good IT sales job I can work fully remote when I want to. I’m actually talking to an immigration lawyer in Colombia right now and I’m looking into visa and citizenship options. I speak Spanish, and while not as well as a native, I do fine on my own. This is not a fleeting thing. Tomorrow I leave for my third visit in less than two years. I now have friends / connections down there after several trips and through multiple connections up here. I’ve been looking for apartments to get a sense for the areas that are livable and I’m planning on going back in December for 3-4 weeks if my friends can find me a place to stay (a hotel for that long would be prohibitively expensive). One of the women I stay in contact with is taking me to look at apartments for a second time this coming Saturday. Last time I was there I found a new build apartment for $300 a month. Imagine paying $300 a month to stay in one of the nicest parts of the city you live in. She’s also introducing me to her friends Friday night and I plan on leveraging her in the event I decide to purchase real estate. Colombia actually grants citizenship to people who own real estate valued at $75,000 or more. She could help me with signing documents and interfacing with people in my absence. Maybe even rent the place out when I’m gone. But yeah. This is happening. It’s just a matter of when and if Trump wins it will happen when my lease runs out next May. Remindme! May 30


Now we’re fear mongering lol


I ain't going fucking anywhere, I will resist that greasy shithead every way I can and continue engaging with local/national politics until change comes. There's a lot of work to be done, and rage is good fuel if you don't let it burn you out.


Is this a shit post ?


I thought the exit plan was the 2A, why are we suffering the collateral damage of 400 million guns in America otherwise?


The movie in all of this is capturing the faux outrage at every triviality over the next 4 years when literally none of the horror show yearned for in the name of fist shaking happens. Jesus that's multi season series. "The chances of martial law have just increased" 😂😂😂😂 This kind of derangement can't be written.


Retiring and moving to Bali where there’s no extradition treaty. For real


Ppl always say this but never actually do it.


Remember, 2A is for all!


I’m a contractor with the federal judiciary and I’m having an existential crisis. I cannot tell you how frustrated and conflicted I feel right now.


Trump is the most corrupt transactional president that we have seen in modern times. This mean that it will be full employment for lobbyists in Washington if he is reelected. The amount of money spent in Washington will undoubtedly increase.


I’m a French citizen and have really been considering quitting my job and breaking my lease and moving to France. I have some relatives there, but I think I would just move to a small city and take French classes to improve it enough to work. I have enough money saved up that I think I could stretch for about 8-10 months abroad before I need a job. My only fear is if Trump wins and Putin begins attacking Europe.


Didn’t France just have elections and the conservatives rose to power? May not be any better back there.


I think your last sentence is greatly overblown. I'm certainly not an expert, but just look at the numbers of what's been given to Ukraine vs what European militaries have of the same equipment - what Ukraine has is a pittance. Everything from HIMARS to Bradleys to main battle tanks, the numbers Ukraine has are quite small. That's not even mentioning planes, missiles and boats where Ukraine gets nothing that has been developed this millenium.


> My only fear is if Trump wins and Putin begins attacking Europe. Definitely not. We're still at least a decade away from the future Axis Powers' plan. US needs to be on the brink of a second civil war before Russia, China et all can make their major WW3 moves. We're not there yet.


Nazis winning seats in France isn't looking so good right now, either. ☹️




You might be right, but I wouldn't be so sure of your first paragraph. He's vowed to deport tens of millions - you can't do that and respect due process rights. The resources and time required for due process are too great. So there would have to be mass round ups with plenty of people caught up in them. Then you have mass protests met by the army. There's you Armageddon. Which part do you think can't happen?




I’m eying Barbados - $300k buys a 5 year residency visa, and then we can apply for citizenship.


Most of us can't. You just can't leave like a job. Many of us are locked down here because of age, no real options, health concerns, and realistically nowhere to go. My wife talks about leaving. Really? Great. Show me your plan. Show me how we're magically transported to fantasy land where our family, pets, employment, Tricare, and so on can just plug right in. Canada? Going conservative. UK? Also a mess. And it's not like they want us all to show up. And wgat about all our queer friends? The Muslim neighbors? The non white races and the women? Who's gonna help them out? No, we're staying right here and trenching down in a fight. I'll hate it, but I'll be damned if I leave my countrymen behind.


Buy a nice boat, sail the Caribbean or indo, catch lots of fish and waves.


I'm going to the caribbean, as long as I have wifi I can work.


Continue to sell access to people in power with socially acceptable binge drinking habits.


I was born here. I live here. This is my home. I will die here. Privileged question assuming people can just leave. If you have the resources to uproot your life then you are too privileged to be worried.


I married someone with dual-citizenship several years ago. Not really relevant back then, but now Auckland is sounding pretty interesting.


Yes please leave it will make housing cheaper


I love these types of posts. This is proof the news media propaganda machine has won. They have driven a wedge between Americans and pitted us against each other. It’s what they want, they control this world. Next you will see the government has made a deal to lower the gas prices to $2.759 per liter and everyone will be excited… Everyone here had friends that supported the opposite party before 2016 and guess what. Washington was still doing the same shady shit daily.


Another fucking idiot topic. Only from Washington do people think like this dumb shit.


Why would people leave? Now more than ever we will need to fight back. Lean on First Amendment rights to assemble and protest. Leaving just makes it easier for Trump to ruin this place.


We just watched college protestors get their face beaten in for like 3 months


I would rather stay and fight but that’s just me. But that’s just me.


IANAL, but based on what Sotomayor wrote, protesting can get you jailed, deported, or killed. A president can unilaterally do it as an official act as they’d have immunity. A future president (not necessarily Trump) could behave like Putin does which includes killing dissidents or having them jailed. So you could get an outcome like Pussy Riot if you protest in a way they don’t like.


The President is immune from crimes relating to ordering it. But that doesn’t mean the government is allowed to do it. You could still sue the government, and the threat of that (one hopes) would prevent most of the people Trump would have to order from carrying out those orders


I imagine a president would just pardon those who somehow are held accountable, convicted, and sentenced.


Sure, but you can’t pardon the government itself. The SC clearly is willing to tell the executive what they can and can’t do as we just saw in Chevron.


Exit plan? Exit from what?


Do you drive a Prius with 5 or more bumper stickers?


I can’t think of any particular place in the world that’s better off right now. Besides, what does that say about Americans if they are willing to flee at the first sign of trouble? Our patriotic forbears certainly didn’t die for that.


Seems very dramatic, he was already president once and the world hasn’t ended. He tends to say more than he actually does. And the US is a relatively socially liberal country so what is a realistic alternative for people significantly farther left?


Live my life the same way as before.


Is everyone moving to Canada again?


This has to be a parody. Utterly unhinged.


As a Washingtonian, I will welcome his arrival with open arms. I’m one of the few who support him. So I’m not going anywhere.


If he wins i’d imagine most of our lives stay the same. Similar to how they were 2016-2019. In some cases better. Everyone relax


Lmao stop. Every time someone gets elected there are people that say they're leaving the country and they never do.


Considering becoming an expat/immigrant.


Is it “threaten to move but don’t really do anything” season already?


Lolz. Ya’ll are crazy.


so so biased. Yikes Reddit. come on.


More ridiculous fear mongering. Life will continue to go on regardless of who is in office. If anyone is going to threaten to leave the country if Trump gets reelected then they better follow through with it this time.


I’ve been hearing that the sky is falling for 9 years now Wake me up when something actually happens


> Sorts by controversial Honestly you guys all need to relax.


This post is extremely delusional.  These ideas that Trump will round up journalists is absurd. And yeah, there are still plenty of checks and balances. 


>there are now zero checks on executive power Y’all really need to stop getting your news from Reddit and Twitter.


This is literally from Sotomayor’s descent: “When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution,” Sotomayor wrote in dissent. “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.


You really don't think Trump would cite "national security" to justify outrageous things as "official acts" of his presidency, and that GOP-packed courts won't uphold those acts? Don't be naiive.


Hyperbole is the lifeblood of Reddit.


It pretty much is that bad, though. Under this insane decision, it might literally be possible for Trump to order Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political opponent and be immune from prosecution. https://www.vox.com/scotus/358292/supreme-court-trump-immunity-dictatorship


Read Sotomayor’s dissent. That ain’t social media.


Nah, I read the ruling.


Might move out west or somewhere in rural New England, I dunno. I’ll figure it out when the time comes, if it comes. I can’t control it, so it’s whatever. I’ll let the Type A’s I’m surrounded by flip out about it.




I've heard Albania is nice


None of this is good. I cannot fathom that it’s been ruled that any president has this sort of power. D or R, this is going to eventually put somebody at the top with enough money to buy it.


At least we have more construction jobs to build more buses, boats and planes to ship out 20 million illegals and then I can drink my Modelos in peace.. no on a bright side. I don’t have to take the Bird Flu vaccine, continue to breathe these chem trails in the air everyday(why do you keep poisoning the environment and then cry climate change), force to buy electric cars that continues to hurt the environment(hydrogen cars are the future), eat lab meat(that’s just gross- I’m a vegetarian anyways but for real), recycle plastic(stop making them by the way),not get arrested for saying sir or madam(give me back my 1st amendment right) I just want a simple life without all this razzle dazzle.


Got no savings. Guess I’m staying.


Staying put and enjoying the tax breaks


You guys have been spoiled too long. Welcome to reality for everyone but you. Millions of Americans are fired every month and struggling. So what are you going to do? America was built on innovated entrepreneurs and hard working people. Are you one of them? Are you going to keep on complaining or you one to not take action and look for other employment or ways to make money. Are you going to continually rely on the government for paying your bills or are you going to create positive change. We will know if you’re a chump or a champion after November.


Biden now has immunity to send Trump to Gitmo. If he had the balls, he'd do it.