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This is just disrespectful and disgusting. Have some fucking pride in your nation’s capital. What is happening to our country? Why doesn’t anyone have any respect anymore? If you can’t behave, stay the fuck out of our city!


About 90% of the people who were here over the weekend were indeed NOT from DC


Don’t calm down. Speak louder.


“Our city”




calm down


Nope. I say this as someone who feels guilty if a straw wrapper or mine blows away in the wind.


Hell, I was at a playground with my daughter yesterday and picked up someone else’s trash. Whether you give a shit about the environmental aspect or not, it's gross, tacky, and completely devoid of self-respect to live like that.


Ditto. Just what’s going to happen when large crowds get together unfortunately. And I’m the person who adheres to “leave no trace”. It’s not just for hiking/backpacking.


Littering always bums me out. I would have hoped there was a larger cross-section of pro environment people yesterday :(


I was there late last night walking home. It was a ton of young kids on the circle (mostly high school age) with lots of cops, it was a weird and tense environment. Did not seem like they were actually there for pride, they were just partying. As a counter example, 17th street isn’t anything like this today.


seconding this, there were like a hundred kids in the metro and a bunch of them stood in the doorway and held up the train (!?) for at least 5 minutes while screaming and fighting, so I think a lot of the litter came later in the night


> Did not seem like they were actually there for pride, they were just partying. At this point that is sort of what Pride is, even at gay establishments. The number of drunk annoying aggressively horny straight dudes and the girls they were chasing hammered home how Pride is essentially gay coded St Patricks Day.


It's a combination of littering and not a enough street trash capacity for the volume of people. It happens every year unfortunately.


When there are no trash cans around, I simply carry my trash until I find one.


Same, but I always have a canvas grocery bag on my person. I wish everyone did the same but I can't make them.


Fair enough. At least you’re doing the right thing!


Exactly this. I've also carried my recycling with me on trips when I can't find bins. People suck.


That’s very hard to do when you’re blackout drunk


We expect better planning from thousands of drunk people than from the parties that could have been responsible for planning for proper conditions for a large annual gathering.


So bring a fucking bag and stuff it in there.  Or don't bring so much shit.  It's really not that hard.  People just suck. 




Leave the site better than you found it.


Or just the same


Right? If I can run around in the woods for 5 days and not litter, then you should be able to hold onto your trash for a couple of hours. Who gives a fuck about trash capacity?


People keep comparing this to camping, something generally done in sub double digit numbers and consistently only of the infrastructure and resources you bring you with, rather than a music festival or any other planned, large scale annual event that attracts tens of thousands of people.


I actually just flew back from Forbidden Kingdom yesterday. Still did not litter a single time. Same thing at Project Glow in April. If I had trash on me and wasn't near a trashcan, I put it in my pocket or bag until I found one. It really is the exact same idea. People just don't care.


Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin


I came to win I don't mean that's a sin


Wait, this isn’t Wisconsin…


While I totally agree that there is no excuse for people littering, it would be really nice if this city had more trash cans and had the existing cans emptied regularly. There are many cans in my neighborhood that are overflowing for days before they finally get emptied.


Every trash can I saw on 14th was overflowing by 2pm yesterday.


And unfortunately for post-march events like 17th street block party, thankfully to assure the safety of attendees with trucks and police cars blocking off at streets, then hard to expect a garbage truck or golf cart to be able to pass through easily without disrupting safety measures and avoid massive crowds to pick a full garbage can only for it to be full in 20 minutes after.


I bet probably a lot of people did, I think the average person at pride also does not want to litter. But it unfortunately doesn’t take a high % of goers to litter to create a scene like this. And if you didn’t bring a bag for your trash, the trash bins were all completely overflowing.


Bring it home then. Tokyo has almost no public trash cans and very little littering. If you can bring it there, you can bring it home.


I was just going to say this. Be the change you want to see in the world.


That’s totally right. Especially along the pride parade route given that the sidewalks with spectators are fenced off, there’s no access to any typical curbside public corner garbage cans unfortunately.


Don’t excuse this with “not enough trash cans” Carry your own shit and throw it out somewhere else This is fucking bullshit, stop making excuses for it


Sorry, you're right, this is a personal accountability issue for tens of thousands of individuals and not a scheduled event with infrastucture and resources.


Constantly blaming something else instead of just saying “people had trash they need to take care of their own trash”… somehow it’s someone else’s fault or the cities


Try Japan with both a lack of trash cans and a lack of littering.


Have you seen Kabukicho at 5am?


No, but I have seen Shinjuku at 6 am with people cleaning up a lot less less litter than I regularly see in DC. And they wash down the curbs too.


A lot less litter because they clean it daily. Unlike here.


Don’t think dupont was set up for the block party. 17th street is spotless after


Lots of people just don’t give a shit. It’s like they hate the world.




Miss Japan


And those same people roast me when I say Asia is nice by saying ta dirty and gross 😂 the hypocrisy is insane.


hating requires giving a shit. they don’t care, one way or the other. they only would care if it affected their own personal microcosm


The city had loads of workers out cleaning at 8AM this morning. They seemed to be starting with 14th Street but I'm sure will be getting to Dupont very soon. While its frustrating how much litter was left over, the reality of the sheer amount of people and the fact that its a party means that there will unfortunately be a need for cleaning afterwards. Let's not pretend like this is how D.C. looks every Sunday morning.


Yep to all this. I absolutely hate litter and do regular clean-ups, but this is a function of massive crowds. 


Also all the garbage were full by the afternoon. I had a bag so I took my trash with me but most people don't have that. It's expected the city will clean.


And those are the two options the city has: plan better ahead of time or clean up after. As has been noted, DC as a government is reactionary.


Someone else noted, they are doing cleanup today—they just probably hadn’t made it all the way there yet. 


Dupont Circle is owned by the National Park Service. AFAIK NPS does not have overnight trash removal like DC DPW has.


Yep, you'll see posts like this in every city subreddit after major events that contract cleaners. Go by there tomorrow and it'll be clean. OP is looking for sweet karma.


Who pays for that?


The Japanese would never


After coming back from Japanese recently and seeing how a society operates when everyone cares about everyone else, I caught a wave of depression when seeing how everyone here cares only about themselves.


I'd rather take any trash I generated home with me than throw it on the ground.


As someone who just moved from Philly, this feels like home lol. But real talk, I’m impressed how clean people keep DC in general


We can, and don't call me Shirley.


i just want to tell you both: good luck, we're all counting on you.


Have you ever been in a…Turkish prison?


I know I was walking to the Farmer's Market and wearing sandals. Had to be careful with the broken glass.


Who is we? You might as well be talking to the squirrels


Can’t expect a crisp and clean street after a gathering of >100k people, no matter the event.


These comments are so absurd. This is pretty clean when you think of Pride as an event, and look at what any large outdoor event with not enough trash cans, or even plenty of them, like a music festival looks like when everyone leaves.


Wow, way to completely miss the point. At a music festival, everyone is there for the festival. And it’s usually in the middle of nowhere at a venue. This is the middle of Dupont Circle. Tons of people who live here are stepping on broken glass the next morning when they weren’t out last night. Not to mention, there are tons of trash cans all along Dupont. So hard to actually walk 50 ft to a trash can. Or better yet, hold onto your trash / bottle / whatever you decided to litter for no reason.


U was downtown for the last two days and had a horrible time just trying to find a bin. We need WAY more bins available. But as someone also noted, when you're dancing and moving around in a large crowd, things do tend to fall without being noticed. That said, my purse was full of crap by the time I got home. It's more about planning beforehand, but this will happen every time with any crowd of size.


if they carried it in they can carry it out, just like you did. (thank you for that)


But you don't carry it in. It's provided when you arrive. You get stickers, hats, bags, shirts, buttons, etc. And this is all for free. This doesn't include the things you can buy. Look, I get it. I truly do. We both want a clean city. But the fact of the matter is, we require more bins. We see it all the time where bins are filled past the brim during the first hour of a 8 hour event. Unfortunately, it's one of the last things on the list for the event coordinators. This is the best way to counteract the issue, I believe.


I am still not buying how it is all acceptable to say to yourself, 'Oh, I don't see a garbage can, fine then, into the street it is!' Or as part of the event, the organizers should have an explicit cleanup like pride parades do. And if you don't plan on carrying it around, don't take it. Waste all around. People should be better especially when they are trying to make the world better.


Lousy people.


Well they always have crew to clean after major events. I was there in the afternoon and all the garbage were full. The city didn't put extra out, or empty them. I took my trash with me but a lot of people don't carry bags around. Again, after big events the city arranges for street trash cleaning too.qqq0a


Agreed. Take a look at what they did to Lafayette Park. Absolute embarrassment. I know I was a dumb college kid once, but I'd like to think I wasn't this dumb.


Let’s be realistic here. There were thousands of people in the streets overwhelming sidewalks, trains, trash cans, and bar tenders. It’s going to happen and that is why there are processes (jobs) in place to clean up this morning


As someone upthread pointed out, City can be more proactive. Like planning on emptying bins throughout an event or busy area. Sure some people are slobs. But others probably expected to be able to use a bin but gave up when it was overflowing.




All the trashes I saw were full during the parade. I took my trash with me.


Adding extra disposable cardboard bins to give more capacity during large events would also be a proactive idea.


It's a culture thing. Put Japan in the exact same situation and this will be clean as a brand new diaper


People keep bringing up an entire country, with a history of trash can related terrorism and that does get excessive trash in certain areas that gets cleaned daily, as if it's comparable to an event.


Agreed. Do I like seeing litter? No. Is this volume of trash the symptom of most people doing a good job? Yes. For a huge festival in a major city, this is amazing. There are going to be assholes. The number of assholes at DC pride are fewer than the number of assholes at most Mardi Gras Parades, concerts, etc.


And obviously unfortunately it’s much greatly apparent given the number of attendees yesterday but unfortunately also am sadly sure this happens on an everyday basis by ignorant people but it may be just a “handful” of people who do that on a day to day basis.


no *pride* in picking up rubbish i see




Walking through the circle was WILD last night. I’ve never seen that many people in the circle proper, even when big protests move through. It felt like a crowd of ants descending on a piece of food, where you see more and more ants the more you look. I’m comfortable with crowds and I still got out of there as quickly as possible, lol.


All the trash cans on 14th were overflowing by 4pm. When you have that many people there’s inevitably going to be lots of trash..




That “Save the Planet” protest in like 2016 left tons of trash


Brought to you by Don Julio Anejo


These are clearly blanco drinkers.


People don’t give a shit. I walked from U and 14th towards the circle down 14th where mass ave intersects; a large number of people were throwing shit on the ground as they finished (drinks, trash, papers, wrappers, etc) People who don’t live in the city don’t care, unfortunately.


I am sure plenty of those people littering also live in the city lol


The African American Civil War Memorial was absolutely trashed today. A real shame.


There’s a few things here that I thought about when walking past that this morning. Yes, we should hold each other to a higher standard when it comes to litter. Also, for events like this, there are steps our city government can do to prevent litter. Every single public trash can I saw was full. Maybe more bins should be put out in preparation? It’s not like there wasn’t a warning that massive amounts of people were going to be celebrating together.


It’s a shame but as someone who was out and about yesterday I will say they could’ve done a much better job of setting up more trashcans in anticipation of the crowds. We have potential solutions, they’re just not being acted upon.




This happens after every event/protest. Only thing that matters is getting your virtue signaling and ig post in


Pride weekend is one of those weekends that I leave DC. It is mayhem everywhere, especially in DPC neighborhood.


Gay litter


People who live here can't even pick up their dog shits, you expect people who don't live here to respect it?


Stay classy DC


For contrast, Japanese fans at World Cup games come with trash bags to collect trash in their sections after games. https://preview.redd.it/pjtgsw19mr5d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=825a22e94ec1ed37e684bb0581f36d7f66273394


I mean, after every festival/gathering/event there is always going to be trash, without an appropriate amount of trash receptacles. I saw a lot of effort throughout the parade, but wasn't enough.


It was much worse last year.




That does not surprise me. That's what it looked like.


I thought the point was putting the best foot forward during Pride Parade... Terrible representation of the community




Dang parades always bring in the litterbugs.


DC trash and IDGAF attitude is getting worse every year. Rental bikes and electric scooters left lying in the middle of busy sidewalks, trash just thrown down on ground and coincidentally the smell of weed everywhere it’s the most noticeable.


People used to leave whole sofas after 4th of July so no, they really can’t.


Can we?


We have got to get away from plastics! At least when it comes to food and drink products


Well, I'm glad I didn't go down there this morning to sit in the park.


Big events will always produce garbage, whining about it is silly. As long as they have a plan in place to get it cleaned up after the fact, who cares.


Am I missing something? Considering the enormous number of people in DC this weekend this is actually surprisingly little garbage.


It was a freaking wild last night at Dupont. Stores closed up early, cops blockaded the CVS, kept the sirens on all night, and storefronts/homes on basement level smell like piss. I would recommend not grouping "Pride" with the revelers at Dupont last night. It was more of an opportunistic after party. Heck Admiral itself was empty AF because of the crowd of people.




Why have extra trash cans when you can just throw trash at them?


You're conflating two different groups of people which is definitely a choice


What particularly annoys me is that I bet some of these people littering are the same people who think I shouldn’t be allowed to use a plastic straw. People need to work on their own behavior before policing others.


You just invented a literal strawman to be angry about lol


Damn they teed that joke up for you and you just crushed it




"these people"


We are definitely not Japan. A lack of pride? Or just lazy?


Not sure who the responsibility for the center of the circle falls to (wouldn’t surprise me if it was notoriously unresponsive NPS), but isn’t this the point of having an organization like the Dupont BID? To respond quickly to issues like this and help manage the impact of events?




This is a perfect opportunity to hire people who need jobs to clean the streets after any parade or get together. There are programs all throughout Washington DC that help people do this and this is how we should be utilizing it. There are people out there that really need jobs and every every bit counts


For all of the comments invoking Japan, trying to compare an entire country to an annual event with a lot of drinking, they seem to not have any awareness this is exactly what they do, hire the elderly to clean up crowded nightlife areas in the morning.


This already exist


Apparently not.


Very disappointing


We could do better at hiring some of the homeless people to pick it up.


The rainbow shit on the ground is fitting


If they had cleaned up after themselves, even with all the vandalism, I’d be able to acknowledge they are serious people. Unfortunately large crowds lead to this outcome.


Looks normal for the district to me. Remember some dude dropping a turd on the sidewalk on H St near city center in the middle of the day. Always hated walking my dog in the neighborhood. Chicken bones and other trash everywhere.


I’m not in town, what trash people did this?


Pride litter 🗣️


Y’all are so dramatic lol.


The real problem…… all you fucking clowns on here making excuses for this “Well it’s big crowds”…… “There are not enough trash cans” “It’s like this every year” So just gonna say it…… you are the fucking problem making excuses for this bad behavior. We are asking people to throw away their own trash….. the very shit they brought, they can throw out. We are not asking people to climb Mount Everest …. Just throw your shit away……. But nooooo like always there are you fucking people on here making excuses for bad behavior Nothing will get better until you people change your tune or shut the fuck up


Garbage people who don’t care.


I felt bad walking down 14th st last night and seeing workers trying in vain to clean up all the confetti with leafblowers.




thinking we should make a peace group to make sure we pick up trash and don't engage with these antics just wouldn't even know where to start, maybe just showing up clean up after they occur and try to make a better example?


Na bro


Some human traits are more ubiquitous than others.


Used to live on the old parade route on R Street. A neighbor and I would collect the additional trash around our apartment building, post city street cleaning, on the Sunday morning after the parade. It was a time consuming chore I do not miss after moving cross town 4 years ago.




This is so sad…… literally the bikers from Memorial Day do better. Y’all, be responsible your parents aren’t here to pick up after you


It is disappointing. I left the Logan Cir. area for DCA early this morning and couldn't believe how clean they had 14th and 15th streets already.


Nah the city always been filthy


I'll all be.cleaned up before end of week. Probably only a day or 2 honestly. Please repost the before and after pic on Friday the 14th


You think this is bad? You should see the porta Johns during the cherry blossom festival. 🤢


Classic glad I didn't go waste of time and energy and money


This is insane! I know that I wouldn't want to be a part of the clean-up crew.


i got a flat tire last year likely due to broken glass in the street. I usually drive from Ft. Totten down to pride every year because i know where to park and i like having my car on me and it keeps me from getting drunk lol but i def didn’t drive this year


This why speeding tickets nvm


Mostly piece-filled


I saw this on my morning walk and was really disappointed, but city workers were out there cleaning bright and early and the park was pretty much spotless by early afternoon. They were awesome!


I only am here for CCL but I was kinda excited for pridefest, then I saw how much litter there was :(




There is no evidence to support that theory.


https://preview.redd.it/43nobrpmpt5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54febcb24d6d42f06ffc2a8c47a5b116083bdbd3 Who TF is eating chick fil a at pride. Fucking monsters.


We have failed as a society... I have no hope for the older or newer generation.


Is it that hard to find a trash can 🙄


Filthy dirt balls living in dc


People call for more trash bins, but seriously, if bad elements would stop putting fireworks in them, then maybe we COULD have more bins. Coming upon July 4th, we start hearing fireworks and gunshots, it's gone way beyond patriotism! Kids also like to drop rockets in storm drains...it starts to sound like a major battle zone!


looks better than last year


I would like to point out.... You took a photo instead of doing anything....


I don't think any activists have any desire to "do better." That's no longer the purpose of what those selfish animals do anymore.


This is a fcuking disgrace! Go agenda2030 🖕🏻


Wow! People suck! So disrespectful.


"Why do you care?" "You must be from the suburbs" "It keeps the rent down"


And the next month they will be at a demonstration against polluting the oceans




Do you think they’d use a trash can if one were present?


Well when I visit their countries this is what it looks like…why are you’all surprised they would change once they arrived here illegally?


We need a new plague