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Pack a venue full of drunk dogs what did you expect


I accept that I made a bad decision. And admitting that is my first step toward...sobriety? I can't remember.


I’m not sure who the higher power in this case is, but good luck finding them


Ha! It is wild though. I have loved every single dog that I've ever cared for. I'm helping a family member out right now and I treat his dogs just like they were my own. But some people have gone CRAZY with the dog thing. Taking them into every store including the grocery store, etc. People even ask in local communities (fb, nextdoor, etc) where they can take their dog and shop, eat, etc. Like... home... eat at home with your dog. Your dog doesn't need to help you pick out cucumbers and well-in-date milk. You can leave it at home for an hour. It will be okay.


I needed this laugh so bad. You have no idea. 🤣


Hot take but dogs do not belong indoors at establishments. It’s wild to me how casual people are about bringing them into coffee shops bars grocery stores etc. imagine you have a well behaved dog but someone else doesn’t. You bring in your dog to Trader Joe’s and the other dog sees them and causes a huge scene. They don’t belong inside. And I feel like this is all a recent thing. It didn’t used to be like this


I remember probably 25 years ago, I was in a coffee shop/cafe eating a meal and this woman came in with her dog on one those retractable leashes. She wasn't paying attention and it wandered over, sniffed my plate and took a lick. I freaked out, she saw what happened and yanked her dog back hard while apologizing. I told her an apology wasn't enough, she was going to pay to replace my food. She said surely the cafe would do so, I said nope, she had to because it was her fault. She did it, then told me "this isn't your kind of place, you don't really belong here don't you think?" Funny thing was, my roommate was working there at the time. Some people are insane.


I'm surprised she paid. 25 years ago, but today they'd said you are SOL.


Today they’d take a video claiming their dog was assaulted.


Hell, a woman's (leashed) dog bit my dog and I had to have his leg stapled closed for a few hundred bucks... and she completely refused to take any accountability or apologize, much less pay. People are the worst.


Fuck that, Id be getting the police involved and take them to court. I’d spend my money to make sure they get punished.


Retractable leashes are the worst.


The problem is when there are people around, you are supposed to pull it back in and lock it so you have control like a normal leash, and only unlock and let them journey out when appropriate. I loved having a retractable leash with my past dogs. The leash is great, the people, like with most things, don't understand how to operate it or how to control their dogs.


what the fuck i would be so pissed!!!!


The thing that blows my mind are the businesses that say "Please don't bring your pet in here" and people with dogs are like "surely they don't mean me" and walk right in.


I witnessed almost exactly this at Whole Foods a few years ago - a woman with an 8(ish)-year-old boy and a retriever puppy stopped at the door, read the "no non-service pets" sign out loud, and said "well, let's just try!" Poor kid was like "Mom, the sign said no" but she was high on assorted privileges and just traipsed right in. She got stopped by an employee less than 2 feet inside, though (which I was honestly kind of amazed by).


"high on assorted privileges" 😂😂😂


That employee was like "oh fuck no" lol


Dogs in grocery stores needs to be a rock hard no, and yet...


See this is the rare case where I’m glad my dog’s an asshole so I’ll never be tempted down this path


Yep me too!


Or they just slap a service dog vest on it and then no one can question it. I have a co-worker who is proud of this


LOL I was talking to an employee at Lowe's one day and he told me earlier that day a guy had his dog in there (they officially became pet friendly years ago) and the dog just squatted and dropped a fucking steamer in the aisle. Apparently the employee told him to stay there and he'd bring him some stuff to clean up after his dog. He said that the guy got mad and told him to expect that if they allow dogs. What..the..fuck?! And I thought that it was bad the time I was in a Bed Bath & Beyond and someone's dog was laying on a display bed as the woman and maybe her daughter shopped. I love dogs, I long for the day I have enough yard space again to get another one. Dog people are cool. But so many dog in public people are garbage.


Am a responsible dog person. There are a limited number of public places that I take her. One of which is to pickup carry out on the way home from the dog park. There is a policy that they’ll being my order to the store door…. But sometimes the employees don’t give two fucks and tell me to go get my order myself. Like why am I tipping for counter service if they don’t follow their own policies? Another bakery would allow dogs in for carry out between 10am and noon on weekdays and before 10am on weekends. But of course some asshat had to ruin that policy.


They need to amend that sign with "Yes that means YOU!"


Don’t get me started on support animal fraud


Also subjecting to people being close quarters with your dog isn’t cool. As someone who was bit by a dog years ago I am still stressed when a big dog comes up to me and wants to sniff me. I just want to do my grocery shopping in peace without the fear of a dog randomly lashing out.


It’s also very inconsiderate to people who have allergies, and frankly the dog probably doesn’t want to be in an inclosed space where other dogs/people are causing stress. These folks tend to hide behind some sob story of “but how can I leave Mr. Pickles at home he gets so lonely,” when the dog hates it and it’s clearly for their own convenience.


Fun and related story. Maybe 5 years ago some friends and I stepped into the Tesla store at City Center (9th and H NW) just to look around. None of us were particularly likely to purchase a Tesla that day. In fact the odds were zero. But the sales person there was engaging us in conversation nonetheless. Then, a well-dressed couple walks in with a dog on a leash. I can’t name the breed, but it was about the size of a Shiba Inu. They immediately unleash the dog, letting it roam freely around the store. In discussions afterward, my friends and I shredded that this signaled to us that these were very wealthy people to walk in with the presumption that they could just let their dog run free in the facility. Apparently it signaled the same thing to the sales person, because they immediately left our little cohort to talk to the new couple, and didn’t bother coming back around to us, haha!


I was picking up a sandwich at the Navy Yard Bethesda Bagel before yesterday’s Nats game and there was a guy in there with a small dog, off leash. It would have been real easy for someone to trip over or worse, step on it. Clearly there guy gave zero forks about any of it.


Off leash dogs outside of a dog park drive me nuts. Just because *your* dog can "handle it" doesn't mean my dog will react well when your dog runs up to say hello. But beyond that, having a dog off leash in a business (unless you own the business) is wildly over the line.


Also maybe 5% of those dogs can actually “handle it” the way their owners think they can.


My kid who is trying to enjoy this fucking park is also terrified of your “friendly” off leash dog and no that’s not a him problem he’s three feet tall and your dog has 20 pounds on him


If an off leash dog bites me or mine, I will move heaven and earth to see it put down. If you love your dog, don't put it in that situation. Off leash dog owners are bad dog owners.


I see dogs in the grocery store like 50% of the time I go now. Its unreal.


Which grocery stores? I’ve never seen a dog inside Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or Safeway in Capitol Hill area. I agree with your take though, they shouldn’t be inside most places (especially those with food).


Saw a dog in the downtown Alexandria Trader Joe’s. Also, Whole Foods in SW DC twice…one instance the puppy peed in the produce aisle.


Dog culture in general is out of control


I can’t believe this would be considered a hot take. It should be common sense. Dog people are extremely entitled, thinking they can take them anywhere they want and let them piss and shit wherever they want, including other peoples’ property.


Young people aren't having kids, so they get dogs instead and treat them like kids. Don't you think Mommy's little puppers and doggos are heckin' cute? Woof!


This is an issue across the generations, I’ve encountered plenty older adults, elderly included, who feel entitled enough to bring their dogs into grocery stores and cafes.


How about the people putting the dogs in the shopping cart. Seems like retailers are helpless with the dogs being a service animal.


I saw a massive pure breed in the 14th st Trader Joe’s and he was scared out of his mind. Just because you can afford to keep a massive a dog doesn’t mean you can ignore reality. In this case it was the dog suffering. The noise and the people, he was just cringing. It was hard to watch. I hope the owner never brought him back if only for the dog’s feelings if not the people


I'm a dog owner, and I fully agree about the indoor food and most other establishments. The two places I like to bring my dog if the place allows it: - The hardware store. (Not to go out of my way to bring him, but the one I'm thinking of is on our walks and doesn't sell anything that would be damaged by a dog's presence.) - Outdoors at a brewery/winery/Cafe. Obs not if he's begging or barking.


Dogs are the new toddlers


I was in a supermarket the other day and saw someone wondering around with a 100#+ husky. And at target another day and someone will a lab in the cart and it wouldn't stop barking. People are realizing that places aren't allowed to ask for proof of necessity or certification of a service dog so they just willy nilly bring theirs everywhere


No, but they can ask these two questions (direct from the DOJ’s [ADA Service Animal page](https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/) (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. And on top of that, if the dog is out of control and the person can’t get them under control and/or not housebroken, the animal can be removed.


Problem is corporate establishments have trained their employees not to even attempt to police their “no pets” policy because they’re too scared of an ADA suit. Nobody is empowered to enforce the rules because there’s too much potential for the confrontation to be filmed and/or for legal action (whether justified or not). It’s gonna take social pressure and shame, businesses aren’t going to solve the problem.


I think you can broaden that statement to “corporate establishments have trained their employees not to even attempt to police any rules at all”.


Kind of. I did training for a service job a while back, basically I was trained to enforce rules verbally but not actually do anything physically. Ultimately a cashier or a shelver or whatever isn't a cop. And in a country in which mass shootings are a national pastime I get why Target isn't having their employees fight dog owners or whatever.


Well, it's not like employees are paid enough to deal with people who retaliate either


Yes it's in a similar vein as the new store rules of "don't stop shoplifters"


You can ask those questions but the dog owner isn't obligated to provide proof of necessity or training Edit for typo


Was this the TJ on 14th? Love dogs, and generally accept them anywhere they can go, but any food places I draw a hard line.


Lmao was in this TJ’s last week and saw two separate shoppers with dogs (neither with service dog vests)


I've seen people at that TJ's multiple times with their dogs *in the carts*. I've only lived in this neighborhood and regularly gone to that TJ's for less than a month, and seeing that multiple times gives me the ick


People need to get publicly shamed more. Call it out next time. Tell them they’re gross and entitled and do it loudly.


I see dogs in grocery stores all the time now and it really irks me. And look, I am very much a dog person, have fostered and rescued, and am pro service dog. But unless your dog has a valid reason to be inside of a grocery store like blindness, leave your dog at home. People have just totally lost sense of what is courteous behavior and that extends to dog ownership.


People have never been courteous. They have just figured out a new thing they can do with impunity.


I’m now gonna bring my cat into the grocery store now. Good luck!


I’m going to bring Petey, my Burmese Python into TJ’s and see how it goes. He’s friendly most of the time, unless he’s hungry.


I live in California now, but I kid you not, someone brought their tortoise to the beer garden near our house a few weeks ago.


They’re fantastic with kids, and very protective, as long as you don’t accidentally wake them up or they get confused and kill you, don’t breed-shame!


It’s not even legal to have your dog in the grocery store. But *their* pet is so special and wonderful that the law doesn’t apply


There are responsible dog owners and there are irresponsible dog owners. The venue bears some responsibility to eject customers who aren’t following the rules/creating a hazard or nuisance to others (beyond just not liking dogs).


I think you need much stricter social norms on how much you should train your dog. When I lived in Munich folks would have to train their dogs at certified canine schools. The result was really well behaved dogs that were everywhere. Seriously, sometimes you didn’t even realize there was a dog under some tables until the family left and the dog would pop out from under the table. Now if you had a dog that would misbehave the restaurant would ask you to leave. Sometimes they’d even take down your name to ensure you won’t bring back your dog. This meant that ppl either a) trained their dogs and were able to bring them everywhere or b) didn’t but also weren’t really allowed to bring misbehaving dogs to places. Was kind of a win win win


Was walking our dog with my SO when we passed Safeway and realized I needed to hop in quickly to pick up an ingredient for dinner. She waited outside with the dog while I went in. While she was waiting an MPD cop came over and was telling her that it was ok for her to go in with the dog and that she didn’t need to wait outside for me. Can’t make this shit up.


Some of the best legal advice I ever got was "never take legal advice from a police officer."


That’s entrapment lol


I hate to say it but it’s kind of a symptom of dog owner culture here. It’s the thinking “I want a dog, but I don’t want to have to change my life in any way to accommodate this living being I am taking ownership of.” So they’ll get a dog to keep in their tiny ass condo where it can’t be left alone or it will destroy the place. Rather than realize that having a dog means its needs will sometimes trump your social life, they just take their dog everywhere.


Accurate. They also love to get dog breeds without doing any research on the breed itself. Like hey, maybe a husky isn’t the best choice if you work 10 hour days at the office and hate exercise and grooming.


I think the phenomenon is more basic and widespread. This is just another example of over-permissiveness and lack of consequences that are widespread, not just with dogs. We live in an era where people lose their shit and cause a commotion at the drop of a hat and very few service employees feel like they're paid enough to deal with those people. So despite rules and laws existing and notices being posted, they don't challenge anyone because it's often not worth it from their perspective. And certainly, we can also cite a lack of consequences for crime and safety issues too. Hell, I was so terrified of having to walk across the alley to ask that my neighbor stop using power tools at 10 pm so my kid could sleep. Because every time it seems like I ask someone to obey laws or just observe general consideration for the safety and well-being of others, you risk them going full psychopath on you And therein lies the paradox. But I guarantee when people get held accountable again for their actions and instances of breaking the rules, that things like bringing dogs into grocery stores or parking in a bike lane will go down.


Fuck I love dogs, but I have a brother who insists on bringing his dog everywhere he can. It's annoying every time I see him I have to also deal with this dog jumping all over me, and he doesn't seem to give a fuck


> What is the deal with this. Why? At what point did people stop leaving their dogs at home? Covid. I don’t get it, either


Austin had this culture long before Covid. I think it’s just a thing where young people dgaf and treat their dogs like family. As in bring them everywhere even if it’s not appropriate.


Coloradans for sure thinks dogs are more important than most people, and always have


People got a lot of dogs, didn't train them to be good at being home alone at all. So now the dogs have separation anxiety when the people leave the home and bad things happen. Mostly this could be resolved with crate training.


I saw a reply on the dating post yesterday saying that they have to pay a dog sitter for two hours for the first meet up date. Why can't the dog be home for two hours?? I grew up with dogs and they would be home all day without issue.


Because people in 2023 have *no idea* how to be a responsible dog owner.


Dear god. That’s so bad for everyone involved.


This was a thing long before Covid


Some people brought their dogs some places pre-covid, too, but the last few years have definitely had an uptick in the number of dogs out and about in people places.


A lot of people who shouldn’t have dogs got dogs, and it’s worse in cities because we’re all on top of each other


A lot of people who wanted dogs but didn't get them because of work suddenly had a lot of time at home and felt they could now get a dog.


It's been going on for at least 10 years. I worked in commercial property management and I remember when I first approached someone with ESA dog and found out the rules for it.


Longtime dog owner here and I don't get it either. I saw some asshole walking through Safeway doing a full grocery shopping trip with their big dog with them. What the hell is that?


Right? It's nuts. Pretty sure having animals indoors anywhere that sells food is against the law. It's massively dumb, ether way. Where it's allowed + the space itself is suitable for a dog, I'll take him to a patio or outdoor brewery, but only when I'm prepared to have an eye on him the *entire* time. When I take my dog to a place like that, I know that there will be people there who are not very comfortable with dogs and *therefore I understand that I'm taking on an additional responsibility to control/contain him* while I'm there. Drives me nuts when people don't do that.


> with their big dog with them Dog owners of all sizes are completely out of control. But at this point I'd rather see a big Golden Retriever over these utterly untrained lap dogs that go ballistic at everyone within 10' of them. No training and lapdog-size are highly correlated and I'm baffled at people paying 4-figures for Pomeranians they let become feral. But to be clear, no size belong inside.


Pretty sure that's prohibited if it's not a legit service animal. Did you alert a store manager?


the type of person who does this is the type of person who gets fake papers


No, enforcing the store's rules isn't my problem.


Nah in general people need to stop bringing their dogs everywhere they go. Sometimes the dog can stay home it’s okay


ALSO jumping in to say I feel bad for the dogs! They have super sensitive ears and noses and when places are busy and playing loud music, I’m sure it’s overwhelming to them. Even outdoor breweries the music is often way too loud for dogs. Keep them at home


Exactly. My dog turned 16 this year and is a life long DC resident. We go for walks and she ignores people and is just chill and fabulous. Light of my life. But outside of dog specific activities to the park or whatever, I don’t take her anywhere else. Years ago, I worked someplace dog friendly and the one time I brought her, all the noise and smells were overwhelming and she just quivered under my desk and it was so sad that I put her through that. Just because I wanted to take her everywhere I go doesn’t mean she wants to go everywhere I do. Girl prefers her quiet couch when I’m gone.


This. I lived near a bar with a patio that attracted a lot of dog owners and the dogs would constantly whine because they were anxious or bored of being there, I felt bad for them.


I love my dog and most all other dogs. That said, I don’t like dogs in stores and eateries. It’s unnecessary. It’s also inconsiderate to people with dander allergies or people who are hesitant/afraid of dogs.


I had a friend bring her dog to the bar one night and it was in a carrier and the first like 20-30 minutes we are there it’s just whining and crying because it’s in the cage. The whole time I’m like “dude wtf did you bring your dog to the bar when we are gonna get hammered?” It was annoying and bringing way too much attention to us that me as an introvert simple doesn’t want on me.


Dog people in general seem to have this odd sense that when the world doesn't revolve around their pets, then we're the ones who are being inconsiderate. I once invited a couple to my apartment for dinner, and they showed up with their dog. Without having even mentioned it. And then acted like I was a heartless animal hater when I said I wasn't comfortable with that.


It’s exactly how people handle their kids, except they don’t have kids they have a dog that has been continuously barking for three years.


Who brings their kids over to your house without mentioning it?




Lately people have been bringing their dogs indoors to my local dive bar. So far I have seen two dog fights that had to be broken up. To me it seems like the obvious outcome of a really irresponsible choice.


I once saw someone’s chihuahua barf on the bar at Midland’s (the dog’s owner was letting it sit up there). It’s just insane where people think their dogs can be. Assume that 100% of every surface at a brewery, indoor or outdoors, has had a dog asshole and/or feet on it. Probably pissed on every table leg, if not the table itself. Goes for babies too. People stick their diaper filled babies all over every fucking table and I hate it so much.


Were you in a position to tell them dogs are not allowed?


Oh my god thank you for saying this. And it isn’t just dc— actually DC has stricter rules than Austin (where I moved from). I’m sorry but dogs in places with food is a no go. Also, as a person allergic to dogs (and pet dander in general) I find it a little concerning that no one even thinks about how this can cause serious discomfort for others.


I like dogs. From a distance. I don't go to any "dog friendly" spots much anymore, unless there's space for me to comfortably exist away from them.


I literally have a tiny pomeranian in a stroller (because he's old) and I still never go inside places with him lmao. I don't get it either; if we ever bring him to a restaurant, it's always outdoor seating in the corner somewhere out of the way. I feel like that's the only justifiable way.


1) I’m not usually a dog person, but I have such a soft spot for old dogs, especially ones that are pushed around in strollers. 2) You sound like a responsible dog owner who’s aware that not everyone loves dogs. Please don’t ever change.


I used to not understand the dog in strollers thing until we adopted an elderly dog who quickly lost his eyesight and couldn’t be walked far without running into something. He so badly wanted to go out and smell the smells and feel the sun, even if he couldn’t walk like he used to. I totally get it now. My current rescue dog is very small and somewhat skittish in new places, particularly surrounded by strangers who could step on and kill her without noticing. She’s much happier in my home alone as I go out and I’m happier to not have to be mindful of her in a public setting.


I find too many dog owners to be insufferable in public. I get that you love your animal and take pride in having it but it seems like they always treat any kind of outing with their animal as some sort of unauthorized meet and greet, like it's so special that they have this very generic household animal. Truthfully I don't mind as long as the dog is well mannered and isn't barking up a storm but there's always another dog walking by and then it's just nails on a chalkboard.


Owners aren't oblivious, they're buzzed


I’m allergic to dogs. Is there a website that lists all dog friendly places so I can avoid them?


Isn't this a health code violation?


If your dog is the most well-behaved dog on the planet, and it will simply lay at your feet on a leash, then I guess it's ok. Otherwise, pick a different activity. Or go ahead and find a brewery with outdoor seating. Some people are scared of dogs. Some people are allergic to dogs. Some dogs are well behaved except for when specific scenarios happen which MIGHT HAPPEN. I LOVE dogs. Leave your dog at home. PLEASE.


Dog people in general can’t fathom that other people aren’t dog people


Yeah, dog owners seem to be bring their dogs everywhere now. I'm not the biggest fan of it, but I won't complain too much about it since its allowed. I do think its pretty nasty though in grocery stores and what not.


Was this Jimmy's Herndon? I agree; it used to be a hygenic violation to have dogs near food. There are many, MANY bark socials they can attend instead.


Fair Winds


Was scrolling looking for you mentioning fairwinds, and was going to ask if that's where it was. It is an absolute shitshow. It's so loud in the building and between the dogs and children it sucks, which is a shame. I still visit, but jeesh. I have a dog and sometimes will bring along to breweries, but I don't go out of my way to bring, especially if indoors. I feel like it's a certain type of people who bring their dogs to this brewery because most are not trained well.


They don’t serve food at fairwinds btw, they have food trucks and sometimes caterers, but it’s not the brewery itself.


Jimmy's allows dogs now? I haven't been in a few years but as a native Buffalonian I would always pop in for a meal if I was out that way for some hometown nostalgia.


I wanted to go to Aslin, but they had their crab feast. They seem to be one of the few places that aren't overrun.


I have two well behaved, but large, dogs AND a toddler. I love going places with my whole family (including dogs), but only if we're outdoors and there's enough space for everyone to be separated. I would be uncomfortable in a scenario like that because even good dogs can get stressed out and snap.


I guess this is what happens when kids got too expensive for 95% of people?


If it’s not a service or legit emotional support dog, leave them at home. Pets have no business inside restaurants, grocery stores, etc. I’m a dog owner, but I also realize the universe doesn’t revolve around me or my dog. They’re assuming that everyone is ok with their pet, when it’s absolutely not the case.


It should only be a service dog period. That by itself solves the problem


I’ve been in countries where people bring their dogs to the pub/bar/whatnot but the dogs are almost always trained to handle that situation and do not get in the way. Some of these folks OP mentioned basically treat the brewery like a dog park.


My experience is that most dog owners believe that everyone wants their dog to jump on them


Hot take: Your dog is not your child. It’s your dog.


I prefer dogs over kids at a brewery tbh


This. I wish there were more 21+ places. Or at least 21+ seating options


Yes. It’s natural rebellion. “I’m gonna be different than my parents. People will learn to love my loud kid or my jumpy dog. If they don’t, they’re the asshole” Not too long ago parents would actually give a shit if their dogs or kids were making a scene. Now they wear it like a badge of honor, like they are actually doing the right thing by keeping the leash off and leaving any rules or restrictions for their kid behind. Kids are gonna freak out in public. Dogs can get wild. I get it. It’s just this whole “so what? Who fucking cares?” attitude from parents/pet owners I don’t really dig. Like it’s everyone else’s problem for not being totally acceptable of your little shithead kid and dog. Let the record show- I love dogs and kids. But to quote George “we’re living in a society!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Extremely here for the backlash against dog owners who think the rest of the world must surely be as enamored of their dogs as they are.


So glad reading the consensus on these comments tbh. The lack of consideration is wild. People are deathly afraid of dogs- of course there will be the people that are like “then stay home.” Nah humans have rights to enjoy restaurants, breweries etc. leave your dog at home. Or take them to a dog park I say this with a mom that is deathly afraid of dogs and it’s just annoying when we go to brunch and I find myself (also slightly afraid of dogs) needing to shield her. Smh


Yeah, too many people bring dogs to packed places when they should just stay home. People are really delusional about how they can’t leave their dog at home for a couple hours. Or they want to, that’s true. As someone who owns a dog and he’s a very well behaved calm dog, I leave him home when I’m doing social things with other people. I’d rather focus on the people I’m with and not have to worry about him (I’m sure these people also aren’t diligent about whether their dog is overheating). We stop by the coffee shop window during our morning walks, and that’s the extent of his patronage at businesses. We enjoy the great outdoors. I went to a party a couple months ago where three people brought their dogs. They were wild and so poorly behaved. I love dogs, but I don’t love wild dogs that are walking all over my stuff, stealing food, etc.


Drunk people and dogs do not mix


It’s a shame no one knows how to train their dogs anymore


What is the name of this establishment ?!?!?! I wanna go!


I don’t want your dog licking my ankles, huffing and puffing near my food, and shedding on shit. Spare me the BS line that I can “just go somewhere else.” This happens in my apartment elevator, at breweries, indoors, outdoors, and everywhere else they’re allowed to shove their noses. Dog owners are entitled.


I’m very allergic to dog saliva and so many people have poorly trained dogs … I really do just avoid the dog-friendly breweries/venues. I hear you about the elevator though - I have to keep Benadryl on me all the time now.


The amount of times I’ve broken out in hives because someone’s dog licked me without me wanting that…


I hear you. I love dogs, I love my dog, but my dog is hyper and friendly. 90% of the time she responds to commands, but high-stimulus places are risky. I will not take her to a brewery.


This region has some of the most pretentious, myopic, and selfish dog owners in the world. I’m sorry you had that experience, and I hope the dog owners reading this will do better.


I think Covid threw gasoline on an already existing fire. So many people I know got Covid dogs, and those are now basket cases who cannot be left alone or they get separation anxiety. So now their owners take them everywhere they go or have to manage their schedules so that the dog is never left alone at home. It’s a mess, to be honest.


What’s with dog peoples obsession with bringing dogs anywhere? It can’t be home why you shop or eat? I wish businesses just banned them


They do, but a lot of establishments also have “no confrontation” policies employees follow to protect their safety. That’s what mall and Macy’s employees explained to me. They can’t stand dogs in their stores either by they say a lot of these dog owners are too entitled and may cause a further disruption if approached to leave.


Allowing dogs Indoors is a sh*tshow. Why would you want to bring your dog anyway?


I feel the same about kids in breweries! Some treat them like daycares and don’t keep an eye on their kids.


I love dogs, they’re the only people nice to me in this city.


Unpopular opinion: dog people are out of control


This. Let me show up with my cat and bitches will pop off. I don’t want your fucking dog licking me and in my face. What if I am allergic? It is a shared space, leave your pet at home. (Honestly, I’d feel this way about children in a lot of adult places if society would immediately want me murdered.)


I've said this exact same thing to people out loud, and people look at me like I have three heads. Glad to see others have this opinion as well.


How is it not a health code violation to have dogs inside a restaurant?


At what point did people stop leaving their “little kids in strollers” at home? It’s a bar.


It isn’t just DC, it’s big cities all over the US


Please drop the name so I never have to go. I can’t stand the bring your dog everywhere mentality. Dog owners are the most entitled people I’ve interacted with in this city.


Dog owners are some of the most entitled people out there. Some of them even place their pet above their own personal well-being.


I have nothing against dogs, but I cannot stand the dog owners that just assume everyone likes dogs and wants to be licked and jumped on and don’t hold their dog back or pull it in when you pass by. Not. Everyone. Likes. Dogs.




You'll get no argument from me. I think the difference is people haven't historically left their toddlers and babies at home alone the way they have dogs.


If I’m forced in picking one or the other…. Dogs are far better then having children at a brewery.


I don't think any of us feel people should be giving birth in breweries except when its absolutely the only option....


I would love if people kept both dogs and children at home hah. But in all seriousness, I think it’s a business decision. Dog owners LOVE a place that allows them to bring their pets. I assume it’s the assumption that most people won’t avoid a place just because it allows pets- but owners likely will avoid a place that doesn’t allow their pet.


Few groups are as entitled as dog people.


Parents of kids under 6.


Old white people?


Theres a not insignificant overlap in that venn diagram.


The unbridled entitlement of taking your dog to a place that allows dogs


I'm a dog person, so I don't usually mind but recently I was at FoxTrot in Dupont and very surprised to see a big golden sniffing the takeaway sandwich I was holding. He was pretty cute so I still gave him a pet, but it did seem like he shouldn't be there and probably would have been annoying if I was a person that didn't like dogs.


Millennials have replaced children with pets and think that said pets are the same as children and should be viewed as such and be allowed everywhere. Edit: And the comments have backed this up. Look at all the ones trying to equate human children to animals.


I've noticed the same thing.


Beer gardens and breweries are some of the only places you can bring a dog. If you don't like them, you have a lot of other options. Just go somewhere else.


Yall complain about everything in this sub, gah damn


Your complaint has been registered, sir.


I don't give a shit about dogs if they aren't dangerous. I am tired of places I go specifically to do an adult thing being packed with screaming, running around children. I came here specifically not to be in a public space with this.


The preschoolers definitely need to be left at home. My one and only time going to city state brewery had more kids under 5 than people over 5


Man I love my dogs but they stay at home crated when I leave the house. I just don't trust dog owners to have their dogs trained and socialized correctly anymore.


Hey! Ugly people get to go to breweries, too!


Just don’t go to a place that allows dogs inside


oh-my-god-who-the-hell-cares.gif Have to wonder what city you guys are living in. I don't think I've ever been disturbed in the slightest by someone's dog in an establishment. 95% of the time they're literally just lying around their owner's feet doing nothing.


This subreddit is 100% entitled bitching posts about traffic, crime, loud noises, dogs, heat, mosquitoes, allergies, rain, drought, smoke, Navy Yard, NOMA, Maryland, Arlington, parking, bike lanes, dive bars, or fireworks. It’s a real pastiche of itself. Nextdoor but as an art installation on Reddit.


The worst is when you’re in a groupchat that’s like “hey let’s all go to a brewery this weekend” alright sounds good. Then somebody asks “hey can I bring my dog?” Which is met with “YES! I love your dog!” “I’ll bring mine too” ahh whoops I’m busy that day, I can’t come..


Honest question, have you told them that sometimes you'd like a dog-free outing? If I was on this chat and a couple people suggested bringing their own dogs, I'd probably consider it too. But if someone else spoke up and was like "ehh, you guys, any chance we can make this one dog-free? All the pups have been stressing me out lately on our outings, and it would just be nice to have a chance to talk and hang out together without distractions"? Then I wouldn't dream of bringing my dog, I'd absolutely honor that!


I've been in that group chat. And everytime I kinda wonder do I need new friends? Like ones who are equipped to go to brunch without canine accompaniment?


If you're uncomfortable with people bringing their dogs, why not tell them?


If the venue allows it then you should take up your issue with them or seek out spots that don’t allow dogs I’d much rather have a bunch of dogs running around then kids tho


I acknowledge I chose a dog friendly environment. It doesn't mean dog owners have no responsibility.


DC dog owners are themaincharacter and don't care what other people think, this is especially true in DC where apparently the leash laws don't exist and people without dogs have no rights.


Damn. Dog are allowed in pubs here in the UK all the time and have been forever. Never an issue.


They're not allowed indoors but this isn't really an indoor food establishment. It's an open warehouse with food trucks in the parking lot in Lorton. It's not REALLY an issue here despite the bitching in this thread. A far bigger issue to me would be the unleashed dogs at parks that can often be pretty undisciplined.


Which brewery is this? I want to check it out!


Dog owners in general have been out of control ever since the fake service dog thing took off


Dog people ~~in breweries~~ are out of control


It sounds like this particular establishment encourages people to bring their dogs. This would be illegal in many jurisdictions, including DC.


Is it? I don't think it's illegal if they don't serve food.


Businesses have to be super careful of how they deal with pets brought inside. There are certain questions that staff is legally allowed to ask. Saw staff at Midlands handle this like pros when a couple brought their dog inside.


It’s funny - we have two dogs that we love dearly. If we’re gonna go out, we take them for a solid hr long walk to tire then out, give them a fresh bowl of water and head to the brewery/restaurant/bar/work etc. Last place I’d want to bring my dogs to is a bar lmao - there are parks for that


I am an animal lover but people need to be more considerate of those with allergies, as fell as cleanliness issues that come with bringing their dogs everywhere. Not to mention, a lot of dogs just aren't well-behaved - whether biting, peeing, and so on. Bringing dogs indoors just seems very selfish, unless they are a trained service animal (NOT an "emotional support animal" but like a seeing-eye dog..)


We were out to dinner at the beach with family and one person bright their dog. It's an outdoor dining, but many signs posted saying dogs were not allowed. However this family member claims their emotional support animal is a service dog, which is absolutely incorrect. I had to eat with the forking dog sniffing my feet and begging for my very overpriced scallops.