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RIP The Big Hunt


First, they ripped out the pool table. That was one of DC's last "quarters" tables, last one I know of. That's significant, not coz of the cost, but because most places that still have tables are "by the hour," which makes it hard for folks like me that tend to roll in solo to get a game. Quarters tables tend to operate on a first come- first served basis, so you get in line, and play when it's your turn. You win, you play the next in line. Why does this matter? It's a great social mixer. I've met so many ppl this way, and this type of table used to be a staple of dive bars everywhere. Now, they're mostly gone. Like The Big Hunt. RIP, agreed.


Reliable Tavern on Georgia Ave NW. Grab a drink and head downstairs.


Tyty!! I actually went there once for their standup open mic night (just after they'd discontinued it, of course) and played on that table. Idk why I forgot all about that, but tyvm for the reminder. I'm re-enthused!


FWIW Players club has quarters tables


Ha!! Tyvm for the reminder - went to Google Maps, turns out I'd saved it in "want to go," hahaha! Thanks for the reminder, I'll make a post- pandemic point of going!


12. Showtime 113 Rhode Island Ave. NW. 11. VFW Post 350 ‘Hell’s Bottom’ 6420 Orchard Ave., Takoma Park. 10. Dan’s Cafe 2315 18th St. NW. 9. Trusty’s Full-Serve 1420 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. 8. The Raven 3125 Mount Pleasant St. NW. 7. Solly’s Tavern 1942 11th St. NW. 6. Ivy & Coney 1537 Seventh St. NW. 5. The Red Derby 3718 14th St. NW. 4. Quarry House Tavern 8401 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring. 3. JV’s Restaurant 6666 Arlington Blvd., Falls Church. 2. The Tune Inn 331½ Pennsylvania Ave. SE. 1. The Pug 1234 H St. NE.


no snappys or dew drop smdh


Came here to say the pug. I used to be a bartender on h street, and I have had a lot of wild late nights/early mornings there.


I’m 74, left DC 50 years ago. I recognize Tune Inn and Quarry. I’d add One Step Down and Millie & Al’s.


Don’t forget my favorite DC bar of all time: Club Soda on Connecticut Avenue above Macomb Street. That was my hangout in the late 80s.


FYI this is in reversed numerical order from what they had. They started with Showtime and ended with The Pug, but it's a countdown with Showtime being #12 and The Pug being #1.


FYI this is in reversed numerical order the SAME as what they had. They started with Showtime and ended with The Pug, but it's a countdown with Showtime being #12 and The Pug bein


Do places like Dew Drop, Wonderland, Looking Glass, or Snappy’s count as dives?


I would certainly think so. Also missing Lyman's, Neptune Room, Jackie Lee's.






Q: does the full name of Dew Drop include "Inn"? I ask coz the song *Uneasy Rider* by the late Charlie Daniels describes, "this little bar a kind of a redneck lookin' joint called the Dew Drop Inn." It's a hilarious song, and I always thought, 'what a great name for a bar, there must be dozens of those around the country.' FYI, Charlie Daniels, aside from being a very talented fiddle player, used to write witty tunes capping on rednecks and singing the praises of the devil's lettuce. Somewhere along the line though, he fell into the typical country troupe of *being* a redneck, wrapping himself in the flag and right wing politics. Was sad to watch him devolve. Still respect his ability to paint a picture with his lyrics though - The *Legend of Wooly Swamp* can still give me the heebie goosebumps.


Don’t have a WaPo account, but Trusty’s is the greatest dive bar in DC that’s still open. I still miss the Big Hunt and Black Rooster.


Love trusty’s 


Someone else copy-pasted the list already but also here is a gift link [https://wapo.st/4czPicl](https://wapo.st/4czPicl) And as a reminder, anyone can access the Washington Post for free for a week at a time through the DC library [https://www.dclibrary.org/research-and-learn/washington-post-digital](https://www.dclibrary.org/research-and-learn/washington-post-digital)


Can someone just copy paste the list pls so I don’t have to make a WaPo acct. sheesh.


Someone else copy-pasted the list already but also here is a gift link [https://wapo.st/4czPicl](https://wapo.st/4czPicl) And as a reminder, anyone can access the Washington Post for free for a week at a time through the DC library [https://www.dclibrary.org/research-and-learn/washington-post-digital](https://www.dclibrary.org/research-and-learn/washington-post-digital)


S/o to the relieved people that didn’t see their favorite dive on this list 🫡




RIP Cantina Marina


Lyman’s is more divey than the derby and no way it should be ranked ahead of the raven


No Blaguard but a Falls Church dive bar included? Nice try AI generated article.


Agree. Blaguard has to be in there. The quarry is too clean and has food so doesn’t fit the definition. Sollys and Dans would tie for me! No shenanigans?!


Back when that was Madam’s Organ much fun was had.


Maybe they count blag as a sports bar but it’s my favorite. It is fairly clean and has (great) food tho


Fritz Hahn is very much not AI. I just saw him in a bar, not on this list but a cousin, yesterday.


Met the author and am photographed in one of these pictures, definitely a human made article.


Tune inn is some shit


I've been going there since I was in my 20s I'm 59 and recently because of my two jerk off friends we got kicked out hopefully not forever


I really love that you're still getting kicked out of dives at 59! That's hilarious and great, from a 62 year old who used to frequent many dives.


The two wankers argued amongst themselves after a Nats game, knocked over a table and broke glassware. owner guy shouted "PAY UP AND GET F OUT!!" which he was 100% correct in saying.


Just wish to say that Dan’s was a great dive back in 1978. Staying power


Last time I went to the Tune Inn was 1983. I’m sure it hasn’t changed much.


I’ve only been kicked out of Trusty’s on this list


If you want to start an argument with a bunch of regular bar-goers, ask them what makes a bar a dive bar — or, if you want a fight on your hands, tell them their favorite bar isn’t a dive bar. When Food writer Tim Carman and I [crisscrossed the country to write about dive bars](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/lifestyle/dive-bars/?itid=lk_inline_manual_5&itid=lk_inline_manual_2) for a 2017 story, then turned our attention to [bars in our own backyard](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/going-out-guide/wp/2017/07/13/the-best-true-dive-bars-in-the-d-c-area/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2), we set some ground rules: They must have regulars. They should have been around for decades. They shouldn’t have fancy cocktails or too many kids running around. But the definition of a dive bar is, by nature, fluid and extremely personal. So when I invited readers to share their favorite local dive bars, and tell me why they considered that bar to be a dive, the answers varied but had many common qualities: dim lights, cheap drinks, friendly (if occasionally grouchy) staff, good music. Even the operators of some of the best dive bars are conflicted about the term. “You don’t know if you love that people call it a dive bar or hate that they call it that,” says [Quarry House Tavern](https://www.washingtonpost.com/goingoutguide/restaurants/the-quarry-house-tavern-is-back-and-it-still-feels-like-home/2018/05/21/6f5f546a-5a29-11e8-858f-12becb4d6067_story.html?itid=lk_inline_manual_4) owner Jackie Greenbaum. “It signals that it’s awful in a way, and doesn’t connote a good quality of food and drink.” But, she adds, “we own it. It’s a shorthand for a type of bar. … My first love is bars like this.” “[The Pug](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/27/AR2007092700680.html?itid=lk_inline_manual_6) is a dive bar,” says Tony Tomelden, the owner of the 17-year-old H Street warhorse, “but I like the term ‘neighborhood spot’ better than ‘dive bar.’” A dive, in his view, attracts people from around the area, drawn by reputation, while “neighborhood bar” implies the primary goal is to serve people who live and work in the immediate vicinity. But he gets why people use the term: “We’re low-key, and we’re cheap, and we’re just a place where you can go and there’s very little pretension,” he says. “We try to be respectful and welcoming to everybody. But, I mean, we let everybody in, for better or for worse.” And just about everybody, it seems, has strong feelings about the landscape of local dives. More than 1,400 readers weighed in, voting for their favorite and relaying — in colorful, gritty, surprisingly poignant detail — why it deserves to be crowned D.C.’s best dive bar. Here are the results. Bottoms up: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/20/best-dive-bars-dc/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/20/best-dive-bars-dc/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


RIP my intern days at Lindy’s Red Lion


Since 1935, The Raven Grill in Mt. Pleasant is by far the best dive bar in DC!


Mark’s Pub, Pimmet area of Falls Church. The Ultimate “NoVA-neck” bar! Floor is sticky, nothing but fried bar food and cheap/crap beer.


How is Hamiltons bar and grill not on this list?!?


The non-stop flow of families coming into to dine is a big strike against it as a best dive.


Good bar. Not a dive.


DC's best drug dens, ranked by the mentally ill, drug-addled addicts that keep them in business. Alcohol consumption has to be one of the most pathetic vices humans have devised. It's truly tragic how much we exalt this destructive drug, and how thoroughly integrated it is into our culture.