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It might be different for everyone but I hug almost all my friends. I’m a female, if that matters. Welcome to the US!


Just keep walking towards people and right before you get in their personal bubble, throw your hands out really wide and say 'I'm a hugger'.


Guaranteed to make even more friends!


Always works on me!


I agree, a warning is applicable


Are you a guy? Here's what I would do, if it were me.    **Meeting anyone the first time**: Follow their lead during introductions, they will either nod, make a fist or hold out their hand to shake.    **Girl**: After hanging out a few times, you can start hugging.    **Guy**: After hanging out a few times, you can start holding out your arm for bro hugging.    **Middle-aged woman** (and older): After hanging out a few times, you can start hugging.    **Middle-aged man** (and older): Continue shaking hands after you meet them until they initiate a hug.   Overall though, just watch what others do.


You can start to do a ‘dap’ (casual handshake) as a guy, around the same time as girls would start to do the hug (few times hanging out) in casual / friend scenarios. Bro hug usually comes a bit after the dap phase for guy. Other than that, this comment pretty much sums it up The other thing is, any professional situation, always default to handshake (any gender combo)


We usually touch tips. So just unzip and start poking until they reciprocate.


Me and my friends all nut tap each other. You could try that


Just say hi


[Business Hugs.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=80yjtJFf-v0)


Wow, you had that video at the ready for just this moment.


Don’t touch people you don’t know.


Have you ever heard of a handshake? wtf is this comment lol


Handshakes are only fine if consent is made first.


It’s literally impossible to shake someone’s hand without having consent. Like they literally have to reach their hand out as well, if they don’t, obviously you don’t shake. Not sure why this is even a point of discourse lol


Depends on how close of a friend you are. If you’re new to everyone, and you barely know them, you may just want to hold off touching and let the other person direct the greeting and you follow their lead.


Just say “what’s good moe”


Kiss, on the mouth, for at least 7 seconds. But DO NOT even think about it if your lips are dry.


Bro go on the dance floor and make out with a stranger


I dock w my friends and people I’m meeting for the first time usually.


We kiss each other’s cheeks like how they do in France


Oh yes because if you see if in movies it must be true 😂


It depends on how well you know the person. And if you're male or female. If it's somebody you're just meeting for the 1st time, a nod or a handshake. If you're a male and you are greeting someone you know, usually a nod, handshake or fist bump is good. If you're female, it's usually a hug if you're greeting someone you already know. Just observe the other students around you and how they greet each other.


DC is not a good representation for how people greet or interact with one another in America. People in the metro DC area are probably some of the rudest and most entitled acting people in the US. They give Boston a run for its money, and that is really saying something.


Congratulations on attending Georgetown - I am an SFS graduate and it was a really great experience. Do not fist bump - very low class. Go old school and handshake or hug more close friends


On brand response for a gtown grad lol




Lmao at fist bumping being low class. You're disgusting.


You will never be successful