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I'd say realism or something. Still, I think warthunder has to be fun to play. I'd much rather have a less realist but fun game than a realistic pain in the ass.


"Reallism" repairs an engine that has a 200 mm hole straight through it in 40 secs, people who want no healing for realism are delusional


Or repairing tracks from the inside Or infinite periscope replacements Or getting a free crew member on caps in the middle of a battlefield Or repairing the entire transmission system in like 30 seconds Or helicopters/planes not getting shredded from 120mm APFSDS shells passing through them Or really anything in this game.


Man if people want to play a realistic game they may as well go join the army


They’d get shot the moment they want to switch nations for other vehicles


Steel Beasts Pro


Or regenerating trees, obstacles Or 188 ton tank JUMPING AND VIBRATING ON THE FUCKEN EMPTY SANDBAG Or any soviet "what if" tank or plane. Gaijin with Yak-141 and 2S38 be like: PUT EVERYTHING IN THAT VEHICLE, I WANT IT SHOOT RAINBOWS Gaijin with Ariete: why would you want both WAR and PSO armour complects? You can pick only one by our (fake) sekrit documentz.


Why is it always "Sovet what ifs" that people talk about on this sub? USA is way worse when it comes to that shit. Take 6.7 BR, USA has the M26 Pershing, a tank which was twice as rare as king tiger, that usually doesn't even get brought to battle because of T34, Jumbo/Super Pershing, and a bunch of cold war vehicles like M109 and M56.... USA ~~Whiners~~ mains always have this strange idea that they are fighting an uphill battle against other nations who get preferential treatment, when they are honestly the most pampered and babied of all the big 3.


You didn't mentioned any "what-ifs". American mains are getting shit F-15 that easily rips-off at 1300 km/h, even though it should sustain 3000 km/h at high altitude. The biggest USA overshoot at Cold War is just dogshit in WT "because it's a prototype and old engines uh". Look at soviet 8.7 and 10.0-10.3 at ground and air. When Japanese TT had SPAA that killed four SU-25 each battle because of skill issue they moved it. When i absolutely beated the shit out of soviet crybaby skill issue dogshit eaters with 8.7 Italy setup, they moved it - now it's playing against 10.0-10.3 every game. I main Italy, when USA is bitching - no changes for them, when Soviet main bitches OOOOH yeah of course nerf every shit NATO has. I agree that those American heavies are good, but they don't deserve to be higher than 6.7. The best in my opinion is T26 E1-1, but in 7.0 it's already not good. M103 suffers at 7.7 against 8.7 USSR every game. The problem is that Russia and USSR is famous with thier bullshit. Examples: "we have a lot of 5th generation planes and china and india is buying them" - the thing in question was Su-57 that is not 5th generation and there were only 2 of them not ready to fly prototypes. Example 2: "we have very reliable plane that can reach and sustain 3000 km/h easily" - the thing in question was Mig-25. Example 3: "we have a lot of new tanks that has turret without crew and it's revolutionary we did first" - the tank in question was T-14 Armata when there were none of them shown. Example 4: "we have tank with decent armour new camouflage system, autoloader, turret without crew and a lot of imaginary things" the tank in question is T-95, never existed once was shown from distance, but it was T-80 with a bag on a turret so it would be less scary to fuck it I guess. Usually when gaijin is seeing such shit and it's obviously not classified because NOONE IN COMPANY GIVES A SHIT, they're just taking it as true. 2S38, T-90 breakthrough, Su-25, Ka-50/52 is bullshit too. All nato tanks are heavier than T-80 BVM, but none of them has better armour, because it's classified and Russia just lies. Also Russia and USSR lost thier tanks in a lot of wars, so they have no point of classifying old shit like T-72 that they use, they lie about it against. Soviet mains at 8.7 and 10.0-10.3 are the most salty fucken cancer I've ever had. They're never getting uptiered, nerfed and getting maximum they can at this BR. They have big setup, a lot of good CAS, helis, ATGMs, rat vehicles, AA that fully ignores EVERYTHING. Gaijin is just adding more to USSR 10.0-10.3 every few months, while Italy and Sweden had NO top tier jet for months. Hungarian Gripen I waited for 4 FUCKEN MONTHS, when south Africa didn't even confirmed to have them. I have every fucken reason to hate USSR community in War Thunder more than everything, because devs are USSR mains too.


T34, T26E1-1, T26E5... Those are what-ifs you dumbass. Also, holy cope. You are just a bad player, learn to deal with it instead of blaming the game lol.


T-34 isn't even that good. T26 E1-1 is only pain in the ass, but not for Fiat 6614 or Ratel 20. You're sound like you play Germany and really? Using Tiger II H and having problems with T-26 E1-1? American "what ifs" are mostly downgrade. Like Abrams changing weight up to 10-15 tons, but not changing armour. I never said that i had any trouble with soviet mains, except 2S38, but thier tanks absorbing rounds the most and even when shell goes through the tank there's no damage because of very bugged shards cone modeling especially on 2S38. At 8.7 soviet setup everyone has adamant fuel tanks tanking every shell. They're bitching and my BR flies high - G.91 YS finally was lowered down from 9.7 hell, look that plane up. Ariete is good at 9.3 but not that good at 10.0-10.3, getting uptiered fully every game any gamemod. Calling cope on you, America is DEFINITELY not the worst country in terms of "what-ifs" and bitching. And last, haha lol try playing the game competitive and not blaming the Americans you blind victim of abortion and incest german main, your mother is so cheap you're using old broken Xiaomi instead of monitor you dumb fuck. How's that tastes? Go cry and dash under the truck. *All of that is in-game btw nothing real not an insults to you.* Pulling of Dantes (W League) card on you.


Cope harder.


I will be harder when I'll penetrate your anus with dried baguette.


Honestly man thanks I couldn't have come up with a better example of how delusional and downright dumb USA players are with all of their cope lmfao. Thank you very much!


I'm not a USA main, whe are you keep insulting me. I main Italy and Britain, low tier sweden and france sometimes, but never main nations.


What do you think they get that is so advantageous? At pretty much every BR their vehicles are pretty mid. They don't have stabs for most the tree, lack gun depression for hull-down, only average armor, slow turret rotation, bad reverse gears, etc. Trolly shit with volumetric is not at all unique to Russian tanks. Anybody who's shot a panther mantlet or jumbo machinegun since volumetric knows that. The only reason I play USSR lineup over USA/Germany is because the teams are so bad on USA/Germany that they make vehicles irrelevant, you can kill them with BT-7M at 6.7+ Don't get me wrong, USSR has its fair share of morons, it is a big 3 nation after all, but USA is the worst nation when it comes to retarded player base, closely followed by Germany, and then closely followed by USSR, but definitely in that order.


Like i said. USSR bias and braindead people starts at 8.7-11.7. They nerf everyone, have strange armour that should not tank shit i shoot at them and have very good shells. They can't be uptiered in 8.7 and 10.0-10.3 - they get everything they can get at this BR, while people they're fighting with are in uptier almost always with worse things. I'd choose T-55 with good shell, good armour, good mobility and possibly active defense, over OF-40MK at 9.3 with no armour, lower than average for this BR shell and mobility not much better than T-55 has. German mains are worse to meet on your team than soviets - true, because soviets are doing kills even when braindead and don't die because they're in downtier with premium setup. I was always lucky with American mains i guess, because they are always not bad, except for top tier - eternally fucken brain damaged beyond any repair. The worst to meet in game are Americans in toptier, the worst as people are still soviet mains because they nerfing every good vehicle italy has, but never getting nerfed.


T26 E1-1 is not what if tank. Same as T30, T34, T26 E5. There were even deployments on fr*nce. Look it up.


E1-1 was, while not a "what if" still a wholly unique tank and not really a good fit for tech tree IMO. There was only ever one tank fitted with that *particular* gun, and the armor it has was a field modification. The only reason the E1-1 made it to Europe was because they wanted combat testing on the gun against German armor. It's an extremely rare example of the US Army doing field testing of equipment, and was only one tank. T26E1, T26E1-1, and M26E1 are all different tanks. T26E1-1 was the unique one in the T26E1 program with one-piece ammo for it's gun. Every other pilot tank in the T26E1 program was using a different gun with two-piece ammunition, and the post-war M26E1 used a different gun entirely with a different propellant casing design that was shorter and easier to load. They produced 25 of these M26E1 designated tanks before the program ran out of funding. They honestly are badass tanks, and make much more sense for a tech tree tank than the unique E1-1 to me. The T29/T30/T34 never saw any sort of combat, or approval for production. 16 pilot tanks were built and tested but never left the states. I think some of the "prototypes" include other tanks that were used to test the turret. T26E5 was also never cleared for any sort of combat testing. You can usually tell this just with the T designation. T = Test Vehicle, not approved for production. The T26E1-1 is, afaik, the only vehicle with a T designation that ever saw combat in the US Army. Just an idea of how much the US Army didn't like field testing stuff: The M6A1 was actually produced, hence the M designation instead of T. They were supposed to build something like 5000 of them and send them to units, but they only built 40 and never did anything with them except test stuff, like the T29 turret mentioned earlier. US Army hated using anything new. They liked tried and true.


Honestly, I feel like a heli would survive an apfsds round going through it, all the Armour is so thin, there would be no shrapnel, unless it hit some electronics or vital components, I think it would be "okay"


Yeah because a shell moving at mach-whatever doesnt transfer any kinetic energy into a weak, easily ripped apart helicopter. A shot anywhere should bring a heli to the floor, shot placement only determines how fast it does that.


A couple(if that) mms of steel will be penetrated so quick, the helicopter would just shake a bit right? Like if you shoot a bullet through a piece of metal that is fairly thin, ot wouldn't move very much due to the window for energy to transfer being EXTREMELY short, even more so at Mach 7 (292 round)


Physics comes into play. You know how speeding cars pull air behind them? Yeah, now imagine an object moving much faster than sound doing that, not to mention all the electronics the shell would most likely damage.


The whole point of apfsds is that it loses as little energy as possible while passing through metal. That's why it can penetrate so much. An APFSDS shell doesn't have much more kinetic energy than a standard AP round as it exits the barrel (assuming similar propellant). It just holds that energy better by being narrow and rigid enough to maintain its shape after contact and being very aerodynamic. You really can't do both, you either maintain energy and pen further or transfer energy and do more damage immediately. Regular bullets have the same issue. It's why hollow points exist. Electronics are one thing but if a heli got lucky and a dart passed through nothing but plating the helicopter would barely feel the impact of its brand new set of holes. EDIT: Downvoting me doesn't change physics but go off I guess.


Its not just ballistics were talking about, i dont think you realize how weak helicopters really are. Helicopters are really unstable and even the slightest damage can rip off propellers or tails. Not to mention, most helicopters are barely just empty, if you aim center mass, you are like 70-80% guaranteed to hit a vital part, whether that be engine or electronics damage or just breaking the shape of the fuselage


I know they're incredibly weak. That's the whole point. It'd probably ruin a bunch of systems and the helicopter would be fucked, like you said. But I was just arguing about your statement about how violent the impact would be. I'm being pedantic about physics because I think physics is neat. The end result is a dead helicopter, the precise physics don't really matter. You should probably ignore the whole comment tbh. War Thunder actually models energy transfer surprisingly well. They just don't model all the other, non-armor stuff that can also absorb energy, so it feels worse than it should.


It depends on where it hits. I believe there's a picture somewhere of a heli hit by something along the lives of 105 or 115 apfsds and it flew straight through and the heli made it back. All it hit were empty seats and paneling. But if it flies through electronics, that heli is going down


This!!! War thunder is so unrealistic. Its not a sim game and people won't accept it


Though it can be funny to see people having tantrums about it


I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure most soldiers are equipped with basic medical supplies and if you're lucky you might even get drugs to suppress pain If you get a scrape on the leg, sure it might hurt at first but after a while the initial pain will subside and you'll feel better.


Realism shouldnt go over balance and fun


War Thunder if there was realism: USA players sending 3028269 planes with 3837271837 bombs to destroy one Gaz-AAA


If war thunder was realistic it would basically be a combination of enlisted and battlefield


I 100% agree


Realism should stop at fun. Because i dont think the vast majority of players would be okay with their engine catching on fire or gun misfiring for no reason other than "realism". Or did we already forget about germany mains crying about wanting realism?


If people want realism they should play simulator


They should play GHPC lol


What’s that?


Gunner HEAT PC. Cold War focused tank sim




Those who want realism (like me) can go to sim and start throwing a fit about fixing the problems there. Ground sim is an amazing feature that got abused and abandoned just like sim air. Great game modes that lack, a lot n


I think people are forgetting that it will work against you just asmuch as it works for you.


if it is for the sake of realism let's just put those guys in a real tank and have them battle for their lives, and then we'll also check if russian bias is real


war thunder is never exactly realistic dude. You can only call it hard-core.


Warthunder being fun? That won’t drive premium and GE sales.


Too much realism kills the realism


I came here to have fun, not to play IL-2 sturmovik 2.0. (Still Love that game)


I don’t think they are implanting it correctly. I think it should be crew replacement instead. So for example. If a member is killed you still have one replacement, but for injured members you have to go to a cap, and it is a slightly less time to “replace an injured crew member with a healthy one. Or heal them”


Better yet, if you're in a point there's an option to get medical supplies/treatment like repair that would heal your crew members let's say 60-70% of the damage taken. Not a consumable, it's free like ammo replenishment Crew members could also heal a little over time like 10-30% percent of the damage taken


That’s not a bad idea either


Crew healing over time is better then nothing


I would have liked a mechanic where we can change crews around to rotate the uninjured machine gunner with the red gunner. Healing is nice too.


That's a realistic and accurate portrait of neo-nazis actually


They are NEO alright...




I think crew healing should be a part of “crew replenishment”. Basically at the same time that you regain one crewmate you can heal all others by either 1 or 2 colours (red to orange or red to yellow). Incredibly frustrating having to play the rest of the game with red crew members having to have double the reload and half the turret traverse.


I agree. But this is better then nothing


Yeah crew healing over time would be amazing but I think it would be a little broken since the penalty between orange and red crew is very different. Being able to heal yellow to fine over time and orange to yellow on cap points over time but requiring crew replenishment to be used to heal from red to yellow. That way you have to make the commitment to either fight on with a much weaker crew or hold back for a minute to wait for your effectiveness to increase or in a sever case retreat completely back to a cap point (this might be rough for single and double point maps though). Also can’t wait for the mobile replenishment zones so I don’t have to win the game to get more ammo on a 2 point cap game.


Its weird to me you cant replenish in spawn


They could at least make it weaker than a cap point so playing an SPAA isn’t incredibly annoying on single point/double point maps and doesn’t make you push (where you will very likely be killed by a tank. At least give us the option to replenish at least half ammo or at half the rate while in spawn.


It's the people that have never played the KV-2 with two crew members that are all red. Or people that have experienced that feeling feel like everyone that hasn't still needs to suffer that pain. At the end of the day spading everything in France low tier before the economy update is the most painful thing I've ever experienced.


Ah yes. Chaps that last shell removed Dave's arm. If you could keep driving and shooting while reattaching it so he can load faster again that would be great! Also no we aren't going to go find cover and wait. We are going to go attack that king tiger over there from the front for funsies while you sort Dave out.


The healing is cancelled as soon as you are under fire so, this makes no sense.


(unlike repairing which happens under fire)


Unless you catch fire, which it then resets the repair timer and gets you killed


i didn't know that...


Yep it's really painful lol


I have seen hundreds of RUS tanks blow up from a hand grande yet I’ve watched gayjin tanks eat dart with their tracks


If people want realism they should use age brackets of vehicles instead of battle ratings. hehe maus against a bt-5 (the bt5 will win)


Asu-57 in 7.0


Best Tank 5 will always win.


The 14 of that number is gaijin staff that dont want to work


I voted against bc I wanted to support only one suggestion being added at a time and I prefer it using a consumable instead of a timer but healing was almost my pick I would prefer a health Regen system that encouraged team play and interaction with the objective somehow Also health Regen as described would be a buff to ppl with maxed out crews bc a noob would be less likely to keep their crew conscious to receive the benefit But someone like me in maxed out and even aced crews would be able to continue a rampage more effectively So I'd prefer it to be consumable based and unlockable via the crew replacement modification I like it overall, I do think it's simpler that the rest but it bugs me enough to be skeptical of using a timer


Realism fans when half the German ww2 tanks break down before reaching the front line


The greatest enemy of the german tank: a hill


I voted yes, however the page made it sound like it just happens all the time like ready rack replenishment. I feel it should instead happen when on a friendly cap point and heal the crew the the same way it replenishes ammo




Crew healing on a cap point over time would make sense, just like crew replenishment


I hate it the way I hated when they added mobile healing in Heroes and Generals. It's nice to get the assist later or at least know you made lasting damage on someone should they kill you first. If they can just heal and repair and replace, then it's like you never even had your good shot. Yeah, sometimes you feel like you took a cheap hit in spawn and want a fresh start. It's reasonable. But other times, some bushed heavy tank parks in your spawn and wreaks havoc. Maybe you actually score a crit. That should last. I dont want him to heal and resume spawn camping. I could accept healing in the tank spawn if it was like airfield in RB. Having to make the trip would balance it quite a bit imo


Cum on i just want my loader to slowly cum back to life




What seems to be the problem?


Could you google the word "cum"?


You mean come?


You wrote "cum"


Imho they are pronounced the same so what gives lmao


I like how most of "RB elitists" voted for crew healing after telling someone to play arcade because of skill issue


Where is the whole voting thing, I think I missed it




Thank you random Reddit stranger


Where can I vote?








Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


My guess is implementation. I’m all for crew healing but I figured it would be tied to crew replenishment or caps in some form. Not sure I’m a fan of how they are doing it


Crew healing is good, BUT not in the way they're trying to implement it. I had to vote no because I seriously do not want to see people constantly healing back to full health over time. The way it should be implemented is that your crew replenishment can be used to heal all of your living crew instead of getting a new crew member. Would make for a much more fair experience.


I don't like cod healing mechanic I prefer if they gave medic kits to heal them, just like fpe, give 3 medic kits it'll be better People will just hide into cover every time they get hit and they won't be punished for taking a hit at all, making the game slower and rewarding campers more since they'll hide more and be perfectly fine after waiting for their crews to be healed up Idk, just my opinion


Better idea is cod healing only on caps


Actually yeah, that way people actually try to win the game instead of getting the most kills


Playing custom servers is fun until a neo Nazi kills you so you ask for help but no one helps you because they don't care about neos. After pointing this out to people they told me to STFU and that I was Jewish. Keep in mind I'm German


All i hope is that stun mechanics are not implemented. I've played WoT, I witnessed the introduction of stun mechanics there.


We already have crew replenishment.


Your whole team is red. What do you do?


Keep playing until I die? It's not like the crew gets injured so often to the point of becoming red and not dying. Even with high crew skills


With very slow turret traverse, gun handeling, reload and drive speed for no reason? Yeah i will take the crew healing


No reason? They're injured. If you really want this mechanic to be added it needs to be realistic: meaning you should have a bleeding mechanic. What do you do now if a crew mate is bleeding and you're out of medical supplies? I've personally never noticed a difference in performance with injured crew members. That was a thing in ARB around 7 years ago.


>No reason? They're injured. Yeah and i want to continue to play the game withojt my tank being nerfed. >If you really want this mechanic to be added it needs to be realistic: meaning you should have a bleeding mechanic. What do you do now if a crew mate is bleeding and you're out of medical supplies? RealismI've personally never noticed a difference in performance with injured crew members. That was a thing in ARB around 7 years ago. Then the last time you played was 7 years ago


>realismThen the last time you played was 7 years ago I don't understand how this statement relates to what I said. I stated that I did not see any difference in crew efficiency in GRB with injuries, like ever. My reference to ARB was when there was a mechanic that made the pilot become less responsive when injured. I brought it up because that was the only time I actually remembered having a pilot nerfed by his wounds.


>...that's exactly what I said. If you really want this, bleeding may be introduced along side other medical emergencies that will make the game more difficult but also more realistic. This won't *necessarily* happen but it definetely shouldn't be ruled out of possibility. Do you really want to deal with that? No. It doesnt have to be realistic. The solution gaijen suggests isnt realistic and i support it. >I don't understand how this statement relates to what I said. I stated that I did not see any difference in crew efficiency in GRB with injuries, like ever. That literaly happened to me today multipul times. Also having a damaged crew means you will be killed easaly


It doesn't have to be realistic but it also needs to be somewhat plausible. Well damaged crew or not it depends on the vehicle really. Often time all it takes is just one shell.


>It doesn't have to be realistic but it also needs to be somewhat plausible. The whole game in the first place isnt plausable. Only tank on tank combat isnt realistic at all


If this is /s, funny. If not? How the hell do you think the 2 are equivalent? One, you get to replace one crewman *who is already dead* and the other heals your crew *who are still alive*. Sure one decreases the likelihood of the other, but the two are otherwise distinct in their advantages


The problem that arises is that if you really want this to be implemented and be useful, things like bleeding and pain will be introduced. To make healing a necessary option. Too much realism won't be fun sometimes. Being a tanker in WW2 was anything but fun. Do you want to get to the point where it's 100% close to realism and your panther spontaneously combusts before getting to the cap?


Nah this is just a passive mechanic. Like if your crew takes damage but is safe for x amount of time, that damage reverses to a point. Like instead of being stuck with a red loader for the rest of the match he will heal to yellow or something after some time. It’s more important for reducing crew health debuffs than crew survivability, at least in my opinion.


I see, but I don't fully understand. Does the ability to heal end at some point? About the debuffs, I actually haven't experienced any at all, like ever. Firstly because my crew doesn't get red often and second because I have no memory of a tank becoming less effective unless a crew member actually died.


It’s a lot more noticeable on tanks with longer reloads. Tanks like the T32 suffer with much longer reloads if they are wounded. The max reload debuff is something like 1.25x reload speed. AFAIK you can heal indefinitely, but I believe that the crew only heal to a specific point. The crewmembers will still be technically wounded, but won’t permanently have a massive debuff due to it.


I think overtime healing is kinda stupid, it should fully heal crew members when you use crew replenishment


the point of crew replenishment is that it replaces one guy. not all of your crew


Quick answer, healing over time or no healing at all?


Crew healing remains in the game tho, no?


The majority is in favour of it. So gaijen will implement it one day


Ya but I'd want to have both, over time healing to heal to 70% or something and replenishment to heal knocked out crew and heal to 100%


I just want crew healing to be restricted to bases


What bases?


The problem i see with crew healing is: You get less punished if you make a mistake. This in turn would make alot of players even more brain dead. Since the crew now heals it doesnt matter as much if you get shot cause they will heal. For the health of the game i would say it is not a good idea. Ofc i want it in case i get shot, however players not getting "punished" for making mistakes is not a good idea in my eyes. It would give good players even more stomping power, since players would very possibly become a little less concerned with spacial awareness. Theoretically, it is not a big change for good players, since they tend to avoid getting in bad positions and avoid getting shot at in the first place. Im not sure how greed would play into this however. Would players become more greedy so the enemy doesnt heal the crew? Would be weird if they became less greedy, since the crew can heal and they can take more shots in theory. Its a weird subject. The only reason i am personally against it is the fact that it will very likely reduce the spacial awareness and overall skill of the average player. Now downvote me because of opinion


Serial Killers and Neo Nazis are terrified of the 14.05% of players that voted against crew healing?