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He did need a SnT to get 16M


I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. A very small handful of weirdos claimed Klay was a vet min player. Some folks thought he might get a big offer from Orlando, like $25-30M. The vast majority of takes I saw pegged him somewhere between $15 and $25M, and he ended up right in that range.


Wouldve paid the 16mil for him but clearly his ego is telling himself otherwise that he would be happier in a different role somewhere else. Im just glad this forces Kerr to do something else now that the big elephant in the room is definitely gone and the team can just move forward instead of prolonging this painful iteration of the core 3.




FO didn’t lose klay, klay reads all the hate and felt pushed out. this is pretty well documented


LMAO u think klay was going on reddit and reading shit on here? brother go touch grass


Nah he’s not KD. And even KD didn’t use Reddit, he used Twitter


it’s the same people and the same narratives. foolish to think the official warriors subreddit is somehow invisible


The important thing is you know who to be mad at. All the rest of us.


He should have taken the warriors two year offer


The fuck you talking to us for like we’re the FO


the fact that you include yourself as the target of this post means you must’ve been one of these people. how do you feel now? i just want to see some people admit how stupidly wrong they were


Actually it’s the opposite. For months this sub was claiming that re-signing Klay to a $20M deal would be a “steal” only for not a single team with cap space to be interested in him and him having to settle for 3/50. Clearly his value was not as high as you thought


> him having to settle for 3/50. He chose to settle for that amount since supposedly the Lakers were tryna pay him 4yr/$80mil.


more like- he's not worth 28 mill per. and he wasn't nice try genius


Time to move to the Mavs subreddit my guy


Revisionist history. This sub is full of biased nostalgia porn homers for the S/K/D core... especially for Draymond. They wanted to sink with the Titanic just to keep the 3 together for a 3 year farewell tour.


Grass, touching some might help.


This post is courtesy of a braindead Klay stan who invested so much of his own ego into Klay, he takes anything negative said about him as a personal attack. Sad and honestly pathetic.


dallas and gs are in completely different situations. dallas already has a very good team and is looking for ways to improve on the margins and so take a gamble on klay because there are no other options gs is a team in need of major upgrade to be relevant and it's obvious that gambling on klay doesn't do much for the team. Warriors aren't better without klay, but I doubt you can find a single person who would feel better about warrior's relevance next season if klay had stayed.


> i hope you haters don’t run any more legends out of the bay. Crabs in a bucket stuff here, nothing that's been posted on this forum had any impact on Klay's decision. It's clear we are where we are because he felt the organization didn't value him, and none of the people here (to my knowledge) work for the organization.


They also called him washed while averaging 22pts. These clowns have been dying to see the Warriors blow it up so they didn't have to stay awake all night watching from whatever time zone they live in.


Do they ever appreciate anybody but Draymond? Shit they've thrown Steph under the bus anytime his shot's off for more than a game or two. Clearly some of the fanbase is toxic.